path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/Utilities/ViewInspector.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/Utilities/ViewInspector.cs')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/Utilities/ViewInspector.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/Utilities/ViewInspector.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38f42da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/Utilities/ViewInspector.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+using Xamarin.UITest;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests
+ internal static class ViewInspector
+ {
+ public static void LogPropertiesForView (this IApp app, string query, bool isOnParent = false)
+ {
+#if __ANDROID__
+ LogPropertiesForAndroidView (app, query, isOnParent);
+#if __IOS__
+ LogPropertiesForUIView(app, query, isOnParent);
+ LogPropertiesForCALayer (app, query, isOnParent);
+ }
+ static void LogPropertiesForUIView (this IApp app, string query, bool isOnParent = false) {
+ //Logger.LogLine ("--- UIView Properties ---");
+ var properties = new [] {
+ // just getters with no params, bools
+ "alpha",
+ "autoresizesSubviews",
+ "autoresizingMask",
+ "backgroundColor",
+ "bounds",
+ "center",
+ "clearsContextBeforeDrawing",
+ "clipsToBounds",
+ "contentMode",
+ "contentScaleFactor",
+ "exclusiveTouch",
+ "frame",
+ "gestureRecognizers",
+ "hidden",
+ "layer",
+ "motionEffects",
+ "multipleTouchEnabled",
+ "opaque",
+ "restorationIdentifier",
+ "subviews",
+ "superview",
+ "tag",
+ "tintAdjustmentMode",
+ "tintColor",
+ "transform",
+ "userInteractionEnabled",
+ "window"
+ };
+ if (isOnParent)
+ query = query + " parent * index:0";
+ foreach (var property in properties) {
+ object prop;
+ bool found =
+ MaybeGetProperty<string> (app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ MaybeGetProperty<int> (app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ MaybeGetProperty<float> (app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ MaybeGetProperty<bool> (app, query, property, out prop);
+ if (found)
+ continue;
+ // Logger.LogLine (string.Format ("{0,-30}: {1}", property, prop));
+ }
+ //Logger.LogLine();
+ }
+ static void LogPropertiesForCALayer(this IApp app, string query, bool isOnParent = false)
+ {
+ // Logger.LogLine ("--- UIView.Layer Properties ---");
+ var properties = new[] {
+ "actions",
+ "anchorPoint",
+ "anchorPointZ",
+ "backgroundColor",
+ "backgroundFilters",
+ "borderColor",
+ "borderWidth",
+ "bounds",
+ "compositingFilter",
+ "contents",
+ "contentsCenter",
+ "contentsGravity",
+ "contentsRect",
+ "contentsScale",
+ "cornerRadius",
+ "delegate",
+ "doubleSided",
+ "drawsAsynchronously",
+ "edgeAntialiasingMask",
+ "filters",
+ "frame",
+ "geometryFlipped",
+ "hidden",
+ "magnificationFilter",
+ "mask",
+ "masksToBounds",
+ "minificationFilter",
+ "minificationFilterBias",
+ "name",
+ "needsDisplayOnBoundsChange",
+ "opacity",
+ "opaque",
+ "position",
+ "rasterizationScale",
+ "shadowColor",
+ "shadowOffset",
+ "shadowOpacity",
+ "shadowPath",
+ "shadowRadius",
+ "shouldRasterize",
+ "style",
+ "sublayers",
+ "sublayerTransform",
+ "superlayer",
+ "transform",
+ "visibleRect",
+ "zPosition"
+ };
+ if (isOnParent)
+ query = query + " parent * index:0";
+ foreach (var property in properties)
+ {
+ object prop;
+ bool found =
+ MaybeGetLayerProperty<string>(app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ MaybeGetLayerProperty<int>(app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ MaybeGetLayerProperty<bool>(app, query, property, out prop);
+ if (found)
+ continue;
+ //if (found)
+ // Logger.LogLine(string.Format("{0,-30}: {1}", property, prop));
+ }
+ //Logger.LogLine();
+ }
+ static void LogPropertiesForAndroidView (this IApp app, string query, bool isOnParent = false)
+ {
+ // Logger.LogLine( "--- Android View Properties ---");
+ var properties = new [] {
+ // just getters with no params, bools
+ //"getAccessibilityLiveRegion",
+ //"getAccessibilbityNodeProvider",
+ //"getAlpha",
+ //"getAnimation",
+ //"getApplicationWindowToken",
+ //"getBackground",
+ //"getBaseline",
+ //"getBottom",
+ //"getCameraDistance",
+ //"getClipBounds",
+ //"getContentDescription",
+ //"getContext",
+ //"getDefaultSize",
+ //"getDisplay",
+ //"getDrawableState",
+ //"getDrawingCache",
+ //"getDrawingCacheBackgroundColor",
+ //"getDrawingRect",
+ //"getDrawingTime",
+ //"getFilterTouchesWhenObscurred",
+ //"getFitsSystemWindows",
+ //"getFocusables",
+ //"getHandler",
+ //"getHeight",
+ //"getHitRect",
+ //"getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength",
+ //"getId",
+ //"getImportantForAccessibility",
+ //"getKeepScreenOn",
+ //"getKeyDispatcherState",
+ //"getLabelFor",
+ //"getLayerType",
+ //"getLayoutDirection",
+ //"getLayourParams",
+ //"getLeft",
+ "getMatrix",
+ //"getMeasuredHeight",
+ //"getMeasuredHeightAndState",
+ //"getMeasuredState",
+ //"getMeasuredWidth",
+ //"getMeasuredWidthAndState",
+ //"getMinimumHeight",
+ //"getMinimumWidth",
+ //"getNextFocusDownId",
+ //"getNextFocusForwardId",
+ //"getNextFocusLeftId",
+ //"getNextFocusRightId",
+ //"getNextFocusUpId",
+ //"getOnFocusChangedListener",
+ //"getOverScrollMethod",
+ //"getOverlay",
+ //"getPaddingBottom",
+ //"getPaddingEnd",
+ //"getPaddingLeft",
+ //"getPaddingRight",
+ //"getPaddingStart",
+ //"getPaddingTop",
+ //"getParent",
+ //"getParentForAccessibility",
+ //"getPivotX",
+ //"getPivotY",
+ //"getResources",
+ //"getRight",
+ //"getRootView",
+ //"getRotation",
+ //"getRotationX",
+ //"getRotationY",
+ "getScaleX",
+ "getScaleY",
+ //"getScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade",
+ //"getScrollBarFadeDuration",
+ //"getScrollBarSize",
+ //"getScrollBarStyle",
+ //"getScrollX",
+ //"getScrollY",
+ //"getSolidColor",
+ //"getSystemUiVisibility",
+ //"getTag",
+ //"getTextAlignment",
+ //"getTextDirection",
+ //"getTop",
+ //"getTouchDelegate",
+ //"getTouchables",
+ //"getTranslationX",
+ //"getTranslationY",
+ //"getVerticalFadingEdgeLength",
+ //"getVerticalScrollbarPosition",
+ //"getVerticalScrollbarWidth",
+ //"getViewTreeObserver",
+ //"getVisibility",
+ //"getWidth",
+ //"getWindowId",
+ //"getWindowSystemUiVisbility",
+ //"getWindowToken",
+ //"getWindowVisibility",
+ //"getX",
+ //"getY",
+ //"hasFocus",
+ //"hasFocusable",
+ //"hasOnClickListener",
+ //"hasOverlappingRendering",
+ //"hasTransientState",
+ //"hasWindowFocus",
+ //"isActivated",
+ //"isAttachedToWindow",
+ //"isClickable",
+ //"isDirty",
+ //"isDrawingCacheEnabled",
+ //"isDuplicateParentStateEnabled",
+ //"isEnabled",
+ //"isFocusable",
+ //"isFocusableInTouchWindow",
+ //"isFocused",
+ //"isHapticFeedbackEnabled",
+ //"isHardwareAccelerated",
+ //"isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled",
+ //"isHovered",
+ //"idInEditMode",
+ //"isInLayout",
+ //"isInTouchMode",
+ //"isLaidOut",
+ //"isLayoutDirectionResolved",
+ //"isLayoutRequested",
+ //"isLongClickable",
+ //"isOpaque",
+ //"isPaddingRelative",
+ //"isPressed",
+ //"isSaveEnabled",
+ //"isSaveFromParentEnabled",
+ //"isScrollContainer",
+ //"isScrollBarFadingEnabled",
+ //"isSelected",
+ //"isShown",
+ //"isSoundEffectsEnabled",
+ //"isTextAlignmentResolved",
+ //"isTextDirectionResolved",
+ //"isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled",
+ //"isVerticalScrollBarEnabled"
+ };
+ if (isOnParent)
+ query = query + " parent * index:0";
+ foreach (var property in properties) {
+ object prop;
+ bool found =
+ MaybeGetProperty<string> (app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ //MaybeGetProperty<int> (app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ MaybeGetProperty<float> (app, query, property, out prop) ||
+ MaybeGetProperty<bool> (app, query, property, out prop);
+ if (found)
+ continue;
+ //if (found)
+ // Logger.LogLine (string.Format ("{0,-30}: {1}", property, prop));
+ }
+ //Logger.LogLine();
+ }
+ static bool MaybeGetLayerProperty<T> (IApp app, string query, string property, out object result)
+ {
+ try {
+ result = app.Query (q => q.Raw (query).Invoke ("layer").Invoke (property).Value<T> ()).First ();
+ } catch {
+ result = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static bool MaybeGetProperty<T> (IApp app, string query, string property, out object result)
+ {
+ try {
+ result = app.Query (q => q.Raw (query).Invoke (property).Value<T> ()).First ();
+ } catch {
+ result = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }