path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues.Shared/CarouselViewGallery.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues.Shared/CarouselViewGallery.cs')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues.Shared/CarouselViewGallery.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues.Shared/CarouselViewGallery.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c7d9cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues/Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues.Shared/CarouselViewGallery.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+using System;
+using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Xamarin.UITest;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls
+ [Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
+ [Issue (IssueTracker.Github, 900000, "CarouselView General Tests")]
+ public class CarouselViewGalleryTests
+ {
+ public interface IUIProxy
+ {
+ void Load(IApp app);
+ }
+ public interface IGalleryPage : IUIProxy
+ {
+ string Name { get; }
+ }
+ public class Gallery
+ {
+ static class Id
+ {
+ internal const string SearchBar = nameof(SearchBar);
+ internal const string GoToTestButton = nameof(GoToTestButton);
+ }
+ public static Gallery Launch()
+ {
+ var app = AppSetup.Setup();
+ app.WaitForElement(Id.SearchBar);
+ return new Gallery(app);
+ }
+ IApp _app;
+ Gallery(IApp app)
+ {
+ _app = app;
+ }
+ public TGalleryPage NaviateToGallery<TGalleryPage>() where TGalleryPage : IGalleryPage, new()
+ {
+ var galleryPage = new TGalleryPage();
+ _app.EnterText(Id.SearchBar, galleryPage.Name);
+ _app.Tap(Id.GoToTestButton);
+ galleryPage.Load(_app);
+ return galleryPage;
+ }
+ public void Screenshot(string message) => _app.Screenshot(message);
+ }
+ public class CarouselViewGallery : IGalleryPage
+ {
+ internal const int InitialItems = 4;
+ internal const int InitialItemId = 1;
+ internal const string OnItemSelectedAbbr = "i";
+ internal const string OnPositionSelectedAbbr = "p";
+ internal const int EventQueueDepth = 7;
+ private const double SwipePercentage = 0.50;
+ private const int SwipeSpeed = 2000;
+ static class Id
+ {
+ internal const string Name = "CarouselView Gallery";
+ internal static string ItemId = nameof(ItemId);
+ internal static string EventLog = nameof(EventLog);
+ internal static string SelectedItem = nameof(SelectedItem);
+ internal static string Position = nameof(Position);
+ internal static string SelectedPosition = nameof(SelectedPosition);
+ internal static string Next = nameof(Next);
+ internal static string Previous = nameof(Previous);
+ internal static string First = nameof(First);
+ internal static string Last = nameof(Last);
+ }
+ enum Event
+ {
+ OnItemSelected,
+ OnPositionSelected
+ }
+ IApp _app;
+ List<int> _itemIds;
+ int _currentPosition;
+ int _currentItem;
+ Queue<string> _expectedEvents;
+ int _eventId;
+ public CarouselViewGallery() {
+ _itemIds = Enumerable.Range(0, InitialItems).ToList();
+ _currentPosition = InitialItemId;
+ _currentItem = _itemIds[_currentPosition];
+ _expectedEvents = new Queue<string>();
+ _eventId = 0;
+ }
+ void IUIProxy.Load(IApp app)
+ {
+ _app = app;
+ WaitForValue(Id.ItemId, _currentItem);
+ WaitForValue(Id.Position, _currentPosition);
+ }
+ private void WaitForValue(string marked, object value)
+ {
+ var query = $"* marked:'{marked}' text:'{value}'";
+ _app.WaitForElement(o => o.Raw(query));
+ }
+ private void WaitForPosition(int expectedPosition)
+ {
+ var expectedItem = _itemIds[expectedPosition];
+ // expect no movement
+ if (_currentItem == expectedItem)
+ Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));
+ // wait for for expected item and corresponding event
+ WaitForValue(Id.ItemId, expectedItem);
+ WaitForValue(Id.SelectedItem, expectedItem);
+ _currentItem = expectedItem;
+ // wait for for expected position and corresponding event
+ WaitForValue(Id.Position, expectedPosition);
+ WaitForValue(Id.SelectedPosition, expectedPosition);
+ _currentPosition = expectedPosition;
+ // check expected events
+ var expectedEvents = string.Join(", ", _expectedEvents.ToArray().Reverse());
+ WaitForValue(Id.EventLog, expectedEvents);
+ }
+ private void ExpectMovementEvents(int expectedPosition)
+ {
+ if (expectedPosition == _currentPosition)
+ return;
+ ExpectEvent(Event.OnPositionSelected);
+ ExpectEvent(Event.OnItemSelected);
+ }
+ private void ExpectEvent(Event e)
+ {
+ if (e == Event.OnItemSelected)
+ _expectedEvents.Enqueue($"{OnItemSelectedAbbr}/{_eventId++}");
+ if (e == Event.OnPositionSelected)
+ _expectedEvents.Enqueue($"{OnPositionSelectedAbbr}/{_eventId++}");
+ if (_expectedEvents.Count == EventQueueDepth)
+ _expectedEvents.Dequeue();
+ }
+ private void Tap(string buttonText, int expectedPosition)
+ {
+ // tap
+ _app.Tap(buttonText);
+ // anticipate events
+ ExpectMovementEvents(expectedPosition);
+ // wait
+ WaitForPosition(expectedPosition);
+ }
+ private void Swipe(bool next, int expectedPosition)
+ {
+ // swipe
+ if (next)
+ _app.SwipeRightToLeft(swipePercentage: SwipePercentage/*, swipeSpeed: SwipeSpeed*/);
+ else
+ _app.SwipeLeftToRight(swipePercentage: SwipePercentage/*, swipeSpeed: SwipeSpeed*/);
+ // handle swipe past first
+ if (expectedPosition == -1 && _currentPosition == 0)
+ expectedPosition = 0;
+ // handle swipe past last
+ else if (expectedPosition == Count && _currentPosition == Count -1)
+ expectedPosition = Count -1;
+ // anticipate events
+ ExpectMovementEvents(expectedPosition);
+ // wait
+ WaitForPosition(expectedPosition);
+ }
+ private void Move(int steps, bool swipe)
+ {
+ Action next = swipe ? (Action)SwipeNext : StepNext;
+ Action previous = swipe ? (Action)SwipePrevious : StepPrevious;
+ var action = next;
+ if (steps < 0)
+ {
+ action = previous;
+ steps = -steps;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
+ action();
+ }
+ private void MoveToPosition(int position, bool swipe)
+ {
+ Assert.True(position >= 0 && position < Count);
+ Move(position - _currentPosition, swipe);
+ }
+ private void MoveToItem(int targetPage, bool swipe)
+ {
+ MoveToPosition(_itemIds.IndexOf(targetPage), swipe);
+ }
+ public void MoveToFirst(bool swipe) => MoveToPosition(0, swipe);
+ public void MoveToLast(bool swipe) => MoveToPosition(Count - 1, swipe);
+ public int ItemId => int.Parse(_app.Query(Id.ItemId)[0].Text);
+ public string Name => Id.Name;
+ public int Count => _itemIds.Count;
+ public void First() => Tap(Id.First, 0);
+ public void Last() => Tap(Id.Last, _itemIds.Count - 1);
+ public void StepNext() => Tap(Id.Next, _currentPosition + 1);
+ public void StepPrevious() => Tap(Id.Previous, _currentPosition - 1);
+ public void Step(int steps) => Move(steps, swipe: false);
+ public void StepToPosition(int position) => MoveToPosition(position, swipe: false);
+ public void StepToItem(int item) => MoveToItem(item, swipe: false);
+ public void StepToFirst() => MoveToFirst(swipe: false);
+ public void StepToLast() => MoveToLast(swipe: false);
+ public void SwipeNext() => Swipe(next: true, expectedPosition: _currentPosition + 1);
+ public void SwipePrevious() => Swipe(next: false, expectedPosition: _currentPosition - 1);
+ public void Swipe(int swipes) => Move(swipes, swipe: true);
+ public void SwipeToPosition(int position) => MoveToPosition(position, swipe: true);
+ public void SwipeToItem(int item) => MoveToItem(item, swipe: true);
+ public void SwipeToFirst() => MoveToFirst(swipe: true);
+ public void SwipeToLast() => MoveToLast(swipe: true);
+ }
+ //[Test]
+ public void SwipeStepJump()
+ {
+ var gallery = Gallery.Launch();
+ try {
+ var carousel = gallery.NaviateToGallery<CarouselViewGallery>();
+ // start at something other than 0
+ Assert.AreNotEqual(0, CarouselViewGallery.InitialItemId);
+ Assert.AreEqual(CarouselViewGallery.InitialItemId, carousel.ItemId);
+ // programatic jump to first/last
+ carousel.Last();
+ carousel.First();
+ // programatic step to page
+ carousel.StepToLast();
+ carousel.StepToFirst();
+ // swiping
+ carousel.SwipeToLast();
+ carousel.SwipeNext(); // test swipe past end
+ carousel.SwipeToFirst();
+ carousel.SwipePrevious(); // test swipe past start
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ gallery.Screenshot(e.ToString());
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }