path: root/ICSharpCode.Decompiler/ILAst/ILAstBuilder.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ICSharpCode.Decompiler/ILAst/ILAstBuilder.cs')
1 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ICSharpCode.Decompiler/ILAst/ILAstBuilder.cs b/ICSharpCode.Decompiler/ILAst/ILAstBuilder.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21b2b150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ICSharpCode.Decompiler/ILAst/ILAstBuilder.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
+// software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
+// without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+// publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
+// to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
+// substantial portions of the Software.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Concurrent;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Mono.Cecil;
+using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
+using Cecil = Mono.Cecil;
+namespace ICSharpCode.Decompiler.ILAst
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Converts stack-based bytecode to variable-based bytecode by calculating use-define chains
+ /// </summary>
+ public class ILAstBuilder
+ {
+ /// <summary> Immutable </summary>
+ struct StackSlot
+ {
+ public readonly ByteCode[] Definitions; // Reaching definitions of this stack slot
+ public readonly ILVariable LoadFrom; // Variable used for storage of the value
+ public StackSlot(ByteCode[] definitions, ILVariable loadFrom)
+ {
+ Definitions = definitions;
+ LoadFrom = loadFrom;
+ }
+ public static StackSlot[] ModifyStack(StackSlot[] stack, int popCount, int pushCount, ByteCode pushDefinition)
+ {
+ StackSlot[] newStack = new StackSlot[stack.Length - popCount + pushCount];
+ Array.Copy(stack, newStack, stack.Length - popCount);
+ for (int i = stack.Length - popCount; i < newStack.Length; i++) {
+ newStack[i] = new StackSlot(new [] { pushDefinition }, null);
+ }
+ return newStack;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary> Immutable </summary>
+ struct VariableSlot
+ {
+ public readonly ByteCode[] Definitions; // Reaching deinitions of this variable
+ public readonly bool UnknownDefinition; // Used for initial state and exceptional control flow
+ static readonly VariableSlot UnknownInstance = new VariableSlot(new ByteCode[0], true);
+ public VariableSlot(ByteCode[] definitions, bool unknownDefinition)
+ {
+ Definitions = definitions;
+ UnknownDefinition = unknownDefinition;
+ }
+ public static VariableSlot[] CloneVariableState(VariableSlot[] state)
+ {
+ VariableSlot[] clone = new VariableSlot[state.Length];
+ Array.Copy(state, clone, state.Length);
+ return clone;
+ }
+ public static VariableSlot[] MakeUknownState(int varCount)
+ {
+ VariableSlot[] unknownVariableState = new VariableSlot[varCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < unknownVariableState.Length; i++) {
+ unknownVariableState[i] = UnknownInstance;
+ }
+ return unknownVariableState;
+ }
+ }
+ sealed class ByteCode
+ {
+ public ILLabel Label; // Non-null only if needed
+ public int Offset;
+ public int EndOffset;
+ public ILCode Code;
+ public object Operand;
+ public int? PopCount; // Null means pop all
+ public int PushCount;
+ public string Name { get { return "IL_" + Offset.ToString("X2"); } }
+ public ByteCode Next;
+ public Instruction[] Prefixes; // Non-null only if needed
+ public StackSlot[] StackBefore; // Unique per bytecode; not shared
+ public VariableSlot[] VariablesBefore; // Unique per bytecode; not shared
+ public List<ILVariable> StoreTo; // Store result of instruction to those AST variables
+ public bool IsVariableDefinition {
+ get {
+ return (Code == ILCode.Stloc) || (Code == ILCode.Ldloca && Next != null && Next.Code == ILCode.Initobj);
+ }
+ }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ // Label
+ sb.Append(Name);
+ sb.Append(':');
+ if (Label != null)
+ sb.Append('*');
+ // Name
+ sb.Append(' ');
+ if (Prefixes != null) {
+ foreach (var prefix in Prefixes) {
+ sb.Append(prefix.OpCode.Name);
+ sb.Append(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ sb.Append(Code.GetName());
+ if (Operand != null) {
+ sb.Append(' ');
+ if (Operand is Instruction) {
+ sb.Append("IL_" + ((Instruction)Operand).Offset.ToString("X2"));
+ } else if (Operand is Instruction[]) {
+ foreach(Instruction inst in (Instruction[])Operand) {
+ sb.Append("IL_" + inst.Offset.ToString("X2"));
+ sb.Append(" ");
+ }
+ } else if (Operand is ILLabel) {
+ sb.Append(((ILLabel)Operand).Name);
+ } else if (Operand is ILLabel[]) {
+ foreach(ILLabel label in (ILLabel[])Operand) {
+ sb.Append(label.Name);
+ sb.Append(" ");
+ }
+ } else {
+ sb.Append(Operand.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ if (StackBefore != null) {
+ sb.Append(" StackBefore={");
+ bool first = true;
+ foreach (StackSlot slot in StackBefore) {
+ if (!first) sb.Append(",");
+ bool first2 = true;
+ foreach(ByteCode defs in slot.Definitions) {
+ if (!first2) sb.Append("|");
+ sb.AppendFormat("IL_{0:X2}", defs.Offset);
+ first2 = false;
+ }
+ first = false;
+ }
+ sb.Append("}");
+ }
+ if (StoreTo != null && StoreTo.Count > 0) {
+ sb.Append(" StoreTo={");
+ bool first = true;
+ foreach (ILVariable stackVar in StoreTo) {
+ if (!first) sb.Append(",");
+ sb.Append(stackVar.Name);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ sb.Append("}");
+ }
+ if (VariablesBefore != null) {
+ sb.Append(" VarsBefore={");
+ bool first = true;
+ foreach (VariableSlot varSlot in VariablesBefore) {
+ if (!first) sb.Append(",");
+ if (varSlot.UnknownDefinition) {
+ sb.Append("?");
+ } else {
+ bool first2 = true;
+ foreach (ByteCode storedBy in varSlot.Definitions) {
+ if (!first2) sb.Append("|");
+ sb.AppendFormat("IL_{0:X2}", storedBy.Offset);
+ first2 = false;
+ }
+ }
+ first = false;
+ }
+ sb.Append("}");
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ MethodDefinition methodDef;
+ bool optimize;
+ // Virtual instructions to load exception on stack
+ Dictionary<ExceptionHandler, ByteCode> ldexceptions = new Dictionary<ExceptionHandler, ByteCode>();
+ DecompilerContext context;
+ public List<ILNode> Build(MethodDefinition methodDef, bool optimize, DecompilerContext context)
+ {
+ this.methodDef = methodDef;
+ this.optimize = optimize;
+ this.context = context;
+ if (methodDef.Body.Instructions.Count == 0) return new List<ILNode>();
+ List<ByteCode> body = StackAnalysis(methodDef);
+ List<ILNode> ast = ConvertToAst(body, new HashSet<ExceptionHandler>(methodDef.Body.ExceptionHandlers));
+ return ast;
+ }
+ static int offsetIdx;
+ List<ByteCode> StackAnalysis(MethodDefinition methodDef)
+ {
+ Dictionary<Instruction, ByteCode> instrToByteCode = new Dictionary<Instruction, ByteCode>();
+ // Create temporary structure for the stack analysis
+ List<ByteCode> body = new List<ByteCode>(methodDef.Body.Instructions.Count);
+ List<Instruction> prefixes = null;
+ foreach(Instruction inst in methodDef.Body.Instructions) {
+ if (inst.OpCode.OpCodeType == OpCodeType.Prefix) {
+ if (prefixes == null)
+ prefixes = new List<Instruction>(1);
+ prefixes.Add(inst);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ILCode code = (ILCode)inst.OpCode.Code;
+ object operand = inst.Operand;
+ ILCodeUtil.ExpandMacro(ref code, ref operand, methodDef.Body);
+ ByteCode byteCode = new ByteCode() {
+ Offset = inst.Offset,
+ EndOffset = inst.Next != null ? inst.Next.Offset : methodDef.Body.CodeSize,
+ Code = code,
+ Operand = operand,
+ PopCount = inst.GetPopDelta(methodDef),
+ PushCount = inst.GetPushDelta()
+ };
+ if (prefixes != null) {
+ instrToByteCode[prefixes[0]] = byteCode;
+ byteCode.Offset = prefixes[0].Offset;
+ byteCode.Prefixes = prefixes.ToArray();
+ prefixes = null;
+ } else {
+ instrToByteCode[inst] = byteCode;
+ }
+ body.Add(byteCode);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < body.Count - 1; i++) {
+ body[i].Next = body[i + 1];
+ }
+ Stack<ByteCode> agenda = new Stack<ByteCode>();
+ int varCount = methodDef.Body.Variables.Count;
+ var exceptionHandlerStarts = new HashSet<ByteCode>(methodDef.Body.ExceptionHandlers.Select(eh => instrToByteCode[eh.HandlerStart]));
+ // Add known states
+ if(methodDef.Body.HasExceptionHandlers) {
+ foreach(ExceptionHandler ex in methodDef.Body.ExceptionHandlers) {
+ ByteCode handlerStart = instrToByteCode[ex.HandlerStart];
+ handlerStart.StackBefore = new StackSlot[0];
+ handlerStart.VariablesBefore = VariableSlot.MakeUknownState(varCount);
+ if (ex.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Catch || ex.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Filter) {
+ // Catch and Filter handlers start with the exeption on the stack
+ ByteCode ldexception = new ByteCode() {
+ Code = ILCode.Ldexception,
+ Operand = ex.CatchType,
+ PopCount = 0,
+ PushCount = 1
+ };
+ ldexceptions[ex] = ldexception;
+ handlerStart.StackBefore = new StackSlot[] { new StackSlot(new [] { ldexception }, null) };
+ }
+ agenda.Push(handlerStart);
+ if (ex.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Filter)
+ {
+ ByteCode filterStart = instrToByteCode[ex.FilterStart];
+ ByteCode ldexception = new ByteCode() {
+ Code = ILCode.Ldexception,
+ Operand = ex.CatchType,
+ PopCount = 0,
+ PushCount = 1
+ };
+ // TODO: ldexceptions[ex] = ldexception;
+ filterStart.StackBefore = new StackSlot[] { new StackSlot(new [] { ldexception }, null) };
+ filterStart.VariablesBefore = VariableSlot.MakeUknownState(varCount);
+ agenda.Push(filterStart);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ body[0].StackBefore = new StackSlot[0];
+ body[0].VariablesBefore = VariableSlot.MakeUknownState(varCount);
+ agenda.Push(body[0]);
+ // Process agenda
+ while(agenda.Count > 0) {
+ ByteCode byteCode = agenda.Pop();
+ // Calculate new stack
+ StackSlot[] newStack = StackSlot.ModifyStack(byteCode.StackBefore, byteCode.PopCount ?? byteCode.StackBefore.Length, byteCode.PushCount, byteCode);
+ // Calculate new variable state
+ VariableSlot[] newVariableState = VariableSlot.CloneVariableState(byteCode.VariablesBefore);
+ if (byteCode.IsVariableDefinition) {
+ newVariableState[((VariableReference)byteCode.Operand).Index] = new VariableSlot(new [] { byteCode }, false);
+ }
+ // After the leave, finally block might have touched the variables
+ if (byteCode.Code == ILCode.Leave) {
+ newVariableState = VariableSlot.MakeUknownState(varCount);
+ }
+ // Find all successors
+ List<ByteCode> branchTargets = new List<ByteCode>();
+ if (!byteCode.Code.IsUnconditionalControlFlow()) {
+ if (exceptionHandlerStarts.Contains(byteCode.Next)) {
+ // Do not fall though down to exception handler
+ // It is invalid IL as per ECMA-335 §, but some obfuscators produce it
+ } else {
+ branchTargets.Add(byteCode.Next);
+ }
+ }
+ if (byteCode.Operand is Instruction[]) {
+ foreach(Instruction inst in (Instruction[])byteCode.Operand) {
+ ByteCode target = instrToByteCode[inst];
+ branchTargets.Add(target);
+ // The target of a branch must have label
+ if (target.Label == null) {
+ target.Label = new ILLabel() { Name = target.Name };
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (byteCode.Operand is Instruction) {
+ ByteCode target = instrToByteCode[(Instruction)byteCode.Operand];
+ branchTargets.Add(target);
+ // The target of a branch must have label
+ if (target.Label == null) {
+ target.Label = new ILLabel() { Name = target.Name };
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply the state to successors
+ foreach (ByteCode branchTarget in branchTargets) {
+ if (branchTarget.StackBefore == null && branchTarget.VariablesBefore == null) {
+ if (branchTargets.Count == 1) {
+ branchTarget.StackBefore = newStack;
+ branchTarget.VariablesBefore = newVariableState;
+ } else {
+ // Do not share data for several bytecodes
+ branchTarget.StackBefore = StackSlot.ModifyStack(newStack, 0, 0, null);
+ branchTarget.VariablesBefore = VariableSlot.CloneVariableState(newVariableState);
+ }
+ agenda.Push(branchTarget);
+ } else {
+ if (branchTarget.StackBefore.Length != newStack.Length) {
+ throw new Exception("Inconsistent stack size at " + byteCode.Name);
+ }
+ // Be careful not to change our new data - it might be reused for several branch targets.
+ // In general, be careful that two bytecodes never share data structures.
+ bool modified = false;
+ // Merge stacks - modify the target
+ for (int i = 0; i < newStack.Length; i++) {
+ ByteCode[] oldDefs = branchTarget.StackBefore[i].Definitions;
+ ByteCode[] newDefs = oldDefs.Union(newStack[i].Definitions);
+ if (newDefs.Length > oldDefs.Length) {
+ branchTarget.StackBefore[i] = new StackSlot(newDefs, null);
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge variables - modify the target
+ for (int i = 0; i < newVariableState.Length; i++) {
+ VariableSlot oldSlot = branchTarget.VariablesBefore[i];
+ VariableSlot newSlot = newVariableState[i];
+ if (!oldSlot.UnknownDefinition) {
+ if (newSlot.UnknownDefinition) {
+ branchTarget.VariablesBefore[i] = newSlot;
+ modified = true;
+ } else {
+ ByteCode[] oldDefs = oldSlot.Definitions;
+ ByteCode[] newDefs = oldDefs.Union(newSlot.Definitions);
+ if (newDefs.Length > oldDefs.Length) {
+ branchTarget.VariablesBefore[i] = new VariableSlot(newDefs, false);
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (modified) {
+ agenda.Push(branchTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Occasionally the compilers or obfuscators generate unreachable code (which might be intentionally invalid)
+ // I believe it is safe to just remove it
+ body.RemoveAll(b => b.StackBefore == null);
+ // Generate temporary variables to replace stack
+ foreach(ByteCode byteCode in body) {
+ int argIdx = 0;
+ int popCount = byteCode.PopCount ?? byteCode.StackBefore.Length;
+ for (int i = byteCode.StackBefore.Length - popCount; i < byteCode.StackBefore.Length; i++) {
+ var offset = byteCode.Offset != 0 ? byteCode.Offset : offsetIdx++;
+ ILVariable tmpVar = new ILVariable() { Name = string.Format("arg_{0:X2}_{1}", offset, argIdx), IsGenerated = true };
+ byteCode.StackBefore[i] = new StackSlot(byteCode.StackBefore[i].Definitions, tmpVar);
+ foreach(ByteCode pushedBy in byteCode.StackBefore[i].Definitions) {
+ if (pushedBy.StoreTo == null) {
+ pushedBy.StoreTo = new List<ILVariable>(1);
+ }
+ pushedBy.StoreTo.Add(tmpVar);
+ }
+ argIdx++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Try to use single temporary variable insted of several if possilbe (especially useful for dup)
+ // This has to be done after all temporary variables are assigned so we know about all loads
+ foreach(ByteCode byteCode in body) {
+ if (byteCode.StoreTo != null && byteCode.StoreTo.Count > 1) {
+ var locVars = byteCode.StoreTo;
+ // For each of the variables, find the location where it is loaded - there should be preciesly one
+ var loadedBy = locVars.Select(locVar => body.SelectMany(bc => bc.StackBefore).Single(s => s.LoadFrom == locVar)).ToList();
+ // We now know that all the variables have a single load,
+ // Let's make sure that they have also a single store - us
+ if (loadedBy.All(slot => slot.Definitions.Length == 1 && slot.Definitions[0] == byteCode)) {
+ // Great - we can reduce everything into single variable
+ var offset = byteCode.Offset != 0 ? byteCode.Offset : offsetIdx++;
+ ILVariable tmpVar = new ILVariable() { Name = string.Format("expr_{0:X2}", offset), IsGenerated = true };
+ byteCode.StoreTo = new List<ILVariable>() { tmpVar };
+ foreach(ByteCode bc in body) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < bc.StackBefore.Length; i++) {
+ // Is it one of the variable to be merged?
+ if (locVars.Contains(bc.StackBefore[i].LoadFrom)) {
+ // Replace with the new temp variable
+ bc.StackBefore[i] = new StackSlot(bc.StackBefore[i].Definitions, tmpVar);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Split and convert the normal local variables
+ ConvertLocalVariables(body);
+ // Convert branch targets to labels
+ foreach(ByteCode byteCode in body) {
+ if (byteCode.Operand is Instruction[]) {
+ List<ILLabel> newOperand = new List<ILLabel>();
+ foreach(Instruction target in (Instruction[])byteCode.Operand) {
+ newOperand.Add(instrToByteCode[target].Label);
+ }
+ byteCode.Operand = newOperand.ToArray();
+ } else if (byteCode.Operand is Instruction) {
+ byteCode.Operand = instrToByteCode[(Instruction)byteCode.Operand].Label;
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert parameters to ILVariables
+ ConvertParameters(body);
+ return body;
+ }
+ static bool IsDeterministicLdloca(ByteCode b)
+ {
+ var v = b.Operand;
+ b = b.Next;
+ if (b.Code == ILCode.Initobj) return true;
+ // instance method calls on value types use the variable ref deterministically
+ int stack = 1;
+ while (true) {
+ if (b.PopCount == null) return false;
+ stack -= b.PopCount.GetValueOrDefault();
+ if (stack == 0) break;
+ if (stack < 0) return false;
+ if (b.Code.IsConditionalControlFlow() || b.Code.IsUnconditionalControlFlow()) return false;
+ switch (b.Code) {
+ case ILCode.Ldloc:
+ case ILCode.Ldloca:
+ case ILCode.Stloc:
+ if (b.Operand == v) return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ stack += b.PushCount;
+ b = b.Next;
+ if (b == null) return false;
+ }
+ if (b.Code == ILCode.Ldfld || b.Code == ILCode.Stfld)
+ return true;
+ return (b.Code == ILCode.Call || b.Code == ILCode.Callvirt) && ((MethodReference)b.Operand).HasThis;
+ }
+ sealed class VariableInfo
+ {
+ public ILVariable Variable;
+ public List<ByteCode> Defs;
+ public List<ByteCode> Uses;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// If possible, separates local variables into several independent variables.
+ /// It should undo any compilers merging.
+ /// </summary>
+ void ConvertLocalVariables(List<ByteCode> body)
+ {
+ foreach(VariableDefinition varDef in methodDef.Body.Variables) {
+ // Find all definitions and uses of this variable
+ var defs = body.Where(b => b.Operand == varDef && b.IsVariableDefinition).ToList();
+ var uses = body.Where(b => b.Operand == varDef && !b.IsVariableDefinition).ToList();
+ List<VariableInfo> newVars;
+ // If the variable is pinned, use single variable.
+ // If any of the uses is from unknown definition, use single variable
+ // If any of the uses is ldloca with a nondeterministic usage pattern, use single variable
+ if (!optimize || varDef.IsPinned || uses.Any(b => b.VariablesBefore[varDef.Index].UnknownDefinition || (b.Code == ILCode.Ldloca && !IsDeterministicLdloca(b)))) {
+ newVars = new List<VariableInfo>(1) { new VariableInfo() {
+ Variable = new ILVariable() {
+ Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(varDef.Name) ? "var_" + varDef.Index : varDef.Name,
+ Type = varDef.IsPinned ? ((PinnedType)varDef.VariableType).ElementType : varDef.VariableType,
+ OriginalVariable = varDef
+ },
+ Defs = defs,
+ Uses = uses
+ }};
+ } else {
+ // Create a new variable for each definition
+ newVars = defs.Select(def => new VariableInfo() {
+ Variable = new ILVariable() {
+ Name = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(varDef.Name) ? "var_" + varDef.Index : varDef.Name) + "_" + def.Offset.ToString("X2"),
+ Type = varDef.VariableType,
+ OriginalVariable = varDef
+ },
+ Defs = new List<ByteCode>() { def },
+ Uses = new List<ByteCode>()
+ }).ToList();
+ // VB.NET uses the 'init' to allow use of uninitialized variables.
+ // We do not really care about them too much - if the original variable
+ // was uninitialized at that point it means that no store was called and
+ // thus all our new variables must be uninitialized as well.
+ // So it does not matter which one we load.
+ // TODO: We should add explicit initialization so that C# code compiles.
+ // Remember to handle cases where one path inits the variable, but other does not.
+ // Add loads to the data structure; merge variables if necessary
+ foreach(ByteCode use in uses) {
+ ByteCode[] useDefs = use.VariablesBefore[varDef.Index].Definitions;
+ if (useDefs.Length == 1) {
+ VariableInfo newVar = newVars.Single(v => v.Defs.Contains(useDefs[0]));
+ newVar.Uses.Add(use);
+ } else {
+ List<VariableInfo> mergeVars = newVars.Where(v => v.Defs.Intersect(useDefs).Any()).ToList();
+ VariableInfo mergedVar = new VariableInfo() {
+ Variable = mergeVars[0].Variable,
+ Defs = mergeVars.SelectMany(v => v.Defs).ToList(),
+ Uses = mergeVars.SelectMany(v => v.Uses).ToList()
+ };
+ mergedVar.Uses.Add(use);
+ newVars = newVars.Except(mergeVars).ToList();
+ newVars.Add(mergedVar);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set bytecode operands
+ foreach(VariableInfo newVar in newVars) {
+ foreach(ByteCode def in newVar.Defs) {
+ def.Operand = newVar.Variable;
+ }
+ foreach(ByteCode use in newVar.Uses) {
+ use.Operand = newVar.Variable;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public List<ILVariable> Parameters = new List<ILVariable>();
+ void ConvertParameters(List<ByteCode> body)
+ {
+ ILVariable thisParameter = null;
+ if (methodDef.HasThis) {
+ TypeReference type = methodDef.DeclaringType;
+ thisParameter = new ILVariable();
+ thisParameter.Type = type.IsValueType ? new ByReferenceType(type) : type;
+ thisParameter.Name = "this";
+ thisParameter.OriginalParameter = methodDef.Body.ThisParameter;
+ }
+ foreach (ParameterDefinition p in methodDef.Parameters) {
+ Parameters.Add(new ILVariable { Type = p.ParameterType, Name = p.Name, OriginalParameter = p });
+ }
+ if (Parameters.Count > 0 && (methodDef.IsSetter || methodDef.IsAddOn || methodDef.IsRemoveOn)) {
+ // last parameter must be 'value', so rename it
+ Parameters.Last().Name = "value";
+ }
+ foreach (ByteCode byteCode in body) {
+ ParameterDefinition p;
+ switch (byteCode.Code) {
+ case ILCode.__Ldarg:
+ p = (ParameterDefinition)byteCode.Operand;
+ byteCode.Code = ILCode.Ldloc;
+ byteCode.Operand = p.Index < 0 ? thisParameter : Parameters[p.Index];
+ break;
+ case ILCode.__Starg:
+ p = (ParameterDefinition)byteCode.Operand;
+ byteCode.Code = ILCode.Stloc;
+ byteCode.Operand = p.Index < 0 ? thisParameter : Parameters[p.Index];
+ break;
+ case ILCode.__Ldarga:
+ p = (ParameterDefinition)byteCode.Operand;
+ byteCode.Code = ILCode.Ldloca;
+ byteCode.Operand = p.Index < 0 ? thisParameter : Parameters[p.Index];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (thisParameter != null)
+ Parameters.Add(thisParameter);
+ }
+ List<ILNode> ConvertToAst(List<ByteCode> body, HashSet<ExceptionHandler> ehs)
+ {
+ List<ILNode> ast = new List<ILNode>();
+ while (ehs.Any()) {
+ ILTryCatchBlock tryCatchBlock = new ILTryCatchBlock();
+ // Find the first and widest scope
+ int tryStart = ehs.Min(eh => eh.TryStart.Offset);
+ int tryEnd = ehs.Where(eh => eh.TryStart.Offset == tryStart).Max(eh => eh.TryEnd.Offset);
+ var handlers = ehs.Where(eh => eh.TryStart.Offset == tryStart && eh.TryEnd.Offset == tryEnd).ToList();
+ // Remember that any part of the body migt have been removed due to unreachability
+ // Cut all instructions up to the try block
+ {
+ int tryStartIdx = 0;
+ while (tryStartIdx < body.Count && body[tryStartIdx].Offset < tryStart) tryStartIdx++;
+ ast.AddRange(ConvertToAst(body.CutRange(0, tryStartIdx)));
+ }
+ // Cut the try block
+ {
+ HashSet<ExceptionHandler> nestedEHs = new HashSet<ExceptionHandler>(ehs.Where(eh => (tryStart <= eh.TryStart.Offset && eh.TryEnd.Offset < tryEnd) || (tryStart < eh.TryStart.Offset && eh.TryEnd.Offset <= tryEnd)));
+ ehs.ExceptWith(nestedEHs);
+ int tryEndIdx = 0;
+ while (tryEndIdx < body.Count && body[tryEndIdx].Offset < tryEnd) tryEndIdx++;
+ tryCatchBlock.TryBlock = new ILBlock(ConvertToAst(body.CutRange(0, tryEndIdx), nestedEHs));
+ }
+ // Cut all handlers
+ tryCatchBlock.CatchBlocks = new List<ILTryCatchBlock.CatchBlock>();
+ foreach(ExceptionHandler eh in handlers) {
+ int handlerEndOffset = eh.HandlerEnd == null ? methodDef.Body.CodeSize : eh.HandlerEnd.Offset;
+ int startIdx = 0;
+ while (startIdx < body.Count && body[startIdx].Offset < eh.HandlerStart.Offset) startIdx++;
+ int endIdx = 0;
+ while (endIdx < body.Count && body[endIdx].Offset < handlerEndOffset) endIdx++;
+ HashSet<ExceptionHandler> nestedEHs = new HashSet<ExceptionHandler>(ehs.Where(e => (eh.HandlerStart.Offset <= e.TryStart.Offset && e.TryEnd.Offset < handlerEndOffset) || (eh.HandlerStart.Offset < e.TryStart.Offset && e.TryEnd.Offset <= handlerEndOffset)));
+ ehs.ExceptWith(nestedEHs);
+ List<ILNode> handlerAst = ConvertToAst(body.CutRange(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx), nestedEHs);
+ if (eh.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Catch) {
+ ILTryCatchBlock.CatchBlock catchBlock = new ILTryCatchBlock.CatchBlock() {
+ ExceptionType = eh.CatchType,
+ Body = handlerAst
+ };
+ // Handle the automatically pushed exception on the stack
+ ByteCode ldexception = ldexceptions[eh];
+ if (ldexception.StoreTo == null || ldexception.StoreTo.Count == 0) {
+ // Exception is not used
+ catchBlock.ExceptionVariable = null;
+ } else if (ldexception.StoreTo.Count == 1) {
+ ILExpression first = catchBlock.Body[0] as ILExpression;
+ if (first != null &&
+ first.Code == ILCode.Pop &&
+ first.Arguments[0].Code == ILCode.Ldloc &&
+ first.Arguments[0].Operand == ldexception.StoreTo[0])
+ {
+ // The exception is just poped - optimize it all away;
+ if (context.Settings.AlwaysGenerateExceptionVariableForCatchBlocks)
+ catchBlock.ExceptionVariable = new ILVariable() { Name = "ex_" + eh.HandlerStart.Offset.ToString("X2"), IsGenerated = true };
+ else
+ catchBlock.ExceptionVariable = null;
+ catchBlock.Body.RemoveAt(0);
+ } else {
+ catchBlock.ExceptionVariable = ldexception.StoreTo[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ ILVariable exTemp = new ILVariable() { Name = "ex_" + eh.HandlerStart.Offset.ToString("X2"), IsGenerated = true };
+ catchBlock.ExceptionVariable = exTemp;
+ foreach(ILVariable storeTo in ldexception.StoreTo) {
+ catchBlock.Body.Insert(0, new ILExpression(ILCode.Stloc, storeTo, new ILExpression(ILCode.Ldloc, exTemp)));
+ }
+ }
+ tryCatchBlock.CatchBlocks.Add(catchBlock);
+ } else if (eh.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Finally) {
+ tryCatchBlock.FinallyBlock = new ILBlock(handlerAst);
+ } else if (eh.HandlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Fault) {
+ tryCatchBlock.FaultBlock = new ILBlock(handlerAst);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: ExceptionHandlerType.Filter
+ }
+ }
+ ehs.ExceptWith(handlers);
+ ast.Add(tryCatchBlock);
+ }
+ // Add whatever is left
+ ast.AddRange(ConvertToAst(body));
+ return ast;
+ }
+ List<ILNode> ConvertToAst(List<ByteCode> body)
+ {
+ List<ILNode> ast = new List<ILNode>();
+ // Convert stack-based IL code to ILAst tree
+ foreach(ByteCode byteCode in body) {
+ ILRange ilRange = new ILRange(byteCode.Offset, byteCode.EndOffset);
+ if (byteCode.StackBefore == null) {
+ // Unreachable code
+ continue;
+ }
+ ILExpression expr = new ILExpression(byteCode.Code, byteCode.Operand);
+ expr.ILRanges.Add(ilRange);
+ if (byteCode.Prefixes != null && byteCode.Prefixes.Length > 0) {
+ ILExpressionPrefix[] prefixes = new ILExpressionPrefix[byteCode.Prefixes.Length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.Length; i++) {
+ prefixes[i] = new ILExpressionPrefix((ILCode)byteCode.Prefixes[i].OpCode.Code, byteCode.Prefixes[i].Operand);
+ }
+ expr.Prefixes = prefixes;
+ }
+ // Label for this instruction
+ if (byteCode.Label != null) {
+ ast.Add(byteCode.Label);
+ }
+ // Reference arguments using temporary variables
+ int popCount = byteCode.PopCount ?? byteCode.StackBefore.Length;
+ for (int i = byteCode.StackBefore.Length - popCount; i < byteCode.StackBefore.Length; i++) {
+ StackSlot slot = byteCode.StackBefore[i];
+ expr.Arguments.Add(new ILExpression(ILCode.Ldloc, slot.LoadFrom));
+ }
+ // Store the result to temporary variable(s) if needed
+ if (byteCode.StoreTo == null || byteCode.StoreTo.Count == 0) {
+ ast.Add(expr);
+ } else if (byteCode.StoreTo.Count == 1) {
+ ast.Add(new ILExpression(ILCode.Stloc, byteCode.StoreTo[0], expr));
+ } else {
+ var offset = byteCode.Offset != 0 ? byteCode.Offset : offsetIdx++;
+ ILVariable tmpVar = new ILVariable() { Name = "expr_" + offset.ToString("X2"), IsGenerated = true };
+ ast.Add(new ILExpression(ILCode.Stloc, tmpVar, expr));
+ foreach(ILVariable storeTo in byteCode.StoreTo.AsEnumerable().Reverse()) {
+ ast.Add(new ILExpression(ILCode.Stloc, storeTo, new ILExpression(ILCode.Ldloc, tmpVar)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ast;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class ILAstBuilderExtensionMethods
+ {
+ public static List<T> CutRange<T>(this List<T> list, int start, int count)
+ {
+ List<T> ret = new List<T>(count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ ret.Add(list[start + i]);
+ }
+ list.RemoveRange(start, count);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static T[] Union<T>(this T[] a, T b)
+ {
+ if (a.Length == 0)
+ return new[] { b };
+ if (Array.IndexOf(a, b) >= 0)
+ return a;
+ var res = new T[a.Length + 1];
+ Array.Copy(a, 0, res, 0, a.Length);
+ res[res.Length - 1] = b;
+ return res;
+ }
+ public static T[] Union<T>(this T[] a, T[] b)
+ {
+ if (a == b)
+ return a;
+ if (a.Length == 0)
+ return b;
+ if (b.Length == 0)
+ return a;
+ if (a.Length == 1) {
+ if (b.Length == 1)
+ return a[0].Equals(b[0]) ? a : new[] { a[0], b[0] };
+ return b.Union(a[0]);
+ }
+ if (b.Length == 1)
+ return a.Union(b[0]);
+ return Enumerable.Union(a, b).ToArray();
+ }
+ }