path: root/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/PlatformQueries.cs
diff options
authorRui Marinho <>2017-03-23 11:03:48 +0000
committerGitHub <>2017-03-23 11:03:48 +0000
commit2be80a55a514a050ab5ab07a201d13c111f49f63 (patch)
treea9cc64903a830e4b754ae6eee3fcc2ebb3ba200d /Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/PlatformQueries.cs
parent16fcac8cf52ab960e7354a52864b0a72aefdfc1f (diff)
[UITests]Add Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared (#711)
* [UITests]Add Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared * fix * [UITests]Use shared UITest project on macOS * [UITests] Add correct platform queries * [Controls] Add missing Preserve
Diffstat (limited to 'Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/PlatformQueries.cs')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/PlatformQueries.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/PlatformQueries.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aeaaf556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests.Shared/PlatformQueries.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Xamarin.UITest.Queries;
+namespace Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests
+ internal static class PlatformMethodQueries
+ {
+#if __IOS__ || __MACOS__
+ public static readonly Dictionary<BindableProperty, Tuple<string[], bool>> PropertyPlatformMethodDictionary = new Dictionary<BindableProperty, Tuple<string[], bool>> {
+ { ActivityIndicator.ColorProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "color" }, false) },
+ { ActivityIndicator.IsRunningProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "isAnimating" }, false) },
+ { Button.BorderRadiusProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "cornerRadius" }, false) },
+ { Button.BorderWidthProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "borderWidth" }, false) },
+ { Button.FontProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "titleLabel", "font" }, false) },
+ { Button.TextProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "titleLabel", "text" }, false) },
+ { Button.TextColorProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "titleLabel", "textColor" }, false) },
+ { View.AnchorXProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "transform" }, true) },
+ { View.AnchorYProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "transform" }, true) },
+ { View.BackgroundColorProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "backgroundColor" }, false) },
+ { View.IsEnabledProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "isEnabled" }, false) },
+ { View.OpacityProperty, Tuple.Create (new [] { "alpha" }, true) },
+ { View.RotationProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "transform" }, true) },
+ { View.RotationXProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "transform" }, true) },
+ { View.RotationYProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "transform" }, true) },
+ { View.ScaleProperty, Tuple.Create (new[] { "layer", "transform" }, true) },
+ };
+#elif __ANDROID__ || __WINDOWS__
+ public static readonly Dictionary<BindableProperty, Tuple<string[], bool>> PropertyPlatformMethodDictionary = new Dictionary
+ <BindableProperty, Tuple<string[], bool>>
+ {
+ { ActivityIndicator.ColorProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getProgressDrawable", "getColor" }, false) },
+ { ActivityIndicator.IsRunningProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "isIndeterminate" }, false) },
+ { Button.BorderColorProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getBackground" }, false) },
+ { Button.BorderRadiusProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getBackground" }, false) },
+ { Button.BorderWidthProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getBackground" }, false) },
+ { Button.ImageProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getBackground" }, false) },
+ { Button.FontProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getTypeface", "isBold" }, false) },
+ { Button.TextProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getText" }, false) },
+ { Button.TextColorProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getCurrentTextColor" }, false) },
+ { View.AnchorXProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getPivotX" }, true) },
+ { View.AnchorYProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getPivotY" }, true) },
+ { View.BackgroundColorProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getBackground", "getColor" }, true) },
+ { View.IsEnabledProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "isEnabled" }, false) },
+ { View.OpacityProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getAlpha" }, true) },
+ { View.RotationProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getRotation" }, true) },
+ { View.RotationXProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getRotationX" }, true) },
+ { View.RotationYProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getRotationY" }, true) },
+ { View.ScaleProperty, Tuple.Create(new[] { "getScaleX", "getScaleY" }, true) },
+ };
+ }
+ internal static class PlatformViews
+ {
+#if __IOS__ || __MACOS__
+ public static readonly string ActivityIndicator = "UIActivityIndicatorView";
+ public static readonly string BoxView = "Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_BoxRenderer";
+ public static readonly string Button = "UIButton";
+ public static readonly string DatePicker = "UITextField";
+ public static readonly string Editor = "UITextView";
+ public static readonly string Entry = "UITextField";
+ public static readonly string Frame = "view:'Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_FrameRenderer'";
+ public static readonly string Image = "UIImageView";
+ public static readonly string Label = "UILabel";
+ public static readonly string ListView = "UITableView";
+ public static readonly string OpenGLView = "GLKView";
+ public static readonly string Picker = "UITextField";
+ public static readonly string ProgressBar = "UIProgressView";
+ public static readonly string SearchBar = "UISearchBar";
+ public static readonly string Slider = "UISlider";
+ public static readonly string Stepper = "UIStepper";
+ public static readonly string Switch = "UISwitch";
+ public static readonly string TableView = "UITableView";
+ public static readonly string TimePicker = "UITextField";
+ public static readonly string WebView = "UIWebView";
+#elif __ANDROID__ || __WINDOWS__
+ public static readonly string ActivityIndicator = "android.widget.ProgressBar";
+ public static readonly string BoxView = "";
+ public static readonly string Button = "android.widget.Button";
+ public static readonly string DatePicker = "android.widget.EditText";
+ public static readonly string Editor = "";
+ public static readonly string Entry = "";
+ public static readonly string Frame = "";
+ public static readonly string Image = "android.widget.ImageView";
+ public static readonly string Label = "android.widget.TextView";
+ public static readonly string ListView = "android.widget.ListView";
+ public static readonly string OpenGLView = "android.widget.GLSurfaceView";
+ public static readonly string Picker = "android.widget.EditText";
+ public static readonly string ProgressBar = "android.widget.ProgressBar";
+ public static readonly string SearchBar = "android.widget.SearchView";
+ public static readonly string Slider = "android.widget.SeekBar";
+ public static readonly string Stepper = "button marked:'+'";
+ public static readonly string Switch = "android.widget.Switch";
+ public static readonly string TableView = "android.widget.ListView";
+ public static readonly string TimePicker = "android.widget.EditText";
+ public static readonly string WebView = "android.widget.WebView";
+ }
+ internal static class PlatformQueries
+ {
+#if __IOS__ || __MACOS__
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> Root = q => q.Class("UIWindow");
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> RootPageListView = q => q.Class("Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_ListViewRenderer index:0");
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> GalleryListView = q => q.Class("Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_ListViewRenderer index:1");
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PageWithoutNavigationBar = q => q.Raw("*").Index(7);
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> NavigationBarBackButton = q => q.Class("UINavigationItemButtonView");
+#elif __ANDROID__ || __WINDOWS__
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> Root = q => q.Id("content");
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> RootPageListView = q => q.Raw("ListViewRenderer index:0");
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> GalleryListView = q => q.Raw("ListViewRenderer index:1");
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PageWithoutNavigationBar = q => q.Raw("* id:'content' index:0");
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> NavigationBarBackButton =
+ q => q.Class("").Child("android.widget.ImageButton");
+ // Controls
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> ActivityIndicator = q => q.ClassFull(PlatformViews.ActivityIndicator);
+ public static readonly Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> Button = q => q.ClassFull(PlatformViews.Button);
+#if __ANDROID__
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryWithPlaceholder(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EntryEditText hint:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryCellWithPlaceholder(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EntryCellEditText hint:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EntryEditText text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryCellWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EntryCellEditText text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EditorsWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EditorEditText text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EntryEditText index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> SearchBarWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("SearchView index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> LabelWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextView index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> LabelWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextView text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> LabelWithId(string id)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextView id:'{0}'", id));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PickerEntryWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EditText index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PickerEntryWithPlaceholder(string placeholder)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EditText hint:'{0}'", placeholder));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PickerEntryWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("EditText text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> SwitchWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("Switch index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> StepperWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("button marked:'+' index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryWithPlaceholder(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextField placeholder:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextField text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryCellWithPlaceholder(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("UITextFieldLabel text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryCellWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextField text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EditorsWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextView text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> EntryWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextField index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> SearchBarWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("SearchBar index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> LabelWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("Label index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> LabelWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("Label text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> LabelWithId(string id)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("Label id:'{0}'", id));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PickerEntryWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextField index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PickerEntryWithPlaceholder(string placeholder)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextField placeholder:'{0}'", placeholder));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> PickerEntryWithText(string text)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("TextField text:'{0}'", text));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> SwitchWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("Switch index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ public static Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> StepperWithIndex(int index)
+ {
+ return q => q.Raw(string.Format("Stepper index:{0}", index));
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file