path: root/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal/BrokenNativeControl.cs
diff options
authorJason Smith <>2016-03-22 13:02:25 -0700
committerJason Smith <>2016-03-22 16:13:41 -0700
commit17fdde66d94155fc62a034fa6658995bef6fd6e5 (patch)
treeb5e5073a2a7b15cdbe826faa5c763e270a505729 /Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal/BrokenNativeControl.cs
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal/BrokenNativeControl.cs')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal/BrokenNativeControl.cs b/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal/BrokenNativeControl.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d98aefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal/BrokenNativeControl.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+using Windows.Foundation;
+using Windows.Graphics.Display;
+using Windows.UI;
+using Windows.UI.ViewManagement;
+using Windows.UI.Xaml;
+using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
+using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
+namespace Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal
+ internal class BrokenNativeControl : Panel
+ {
+ public BrokenNativeControl ()
+ {
+ _textBlock = new TextBlock {
+ MinHeight = 0,
+ MaxHeight = double.PositiveInfinity,
+ MinWidth = 0,
+ MaxWidth = double.PositiveInfinity,
+ FontSize = 24,
+ HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
+ };
+ Children.Add (_textBlock);
+ Background =
+ new LinearGradientBrush (
+ new GradientStopCollection { new GradientStop { Color = Colors.Green, Offset = 0.5}, new GradientStop { Color = Colors.Blue, Offset = 1} }, 0);
+ }
+ public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register (
+ "Text", typeof(string), typeof(BrokenNativeControl), new PropertyMetadata (default(string), PropertyChangedCallback));
+ static void PropertyChangedCallback (DependencyObject dependencyObject,
+ DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs dependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
+ {
+ ((BrokenNativeControl)dependencyObject)._textBlock.Text = (string)dependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs.NewValue;
+ }
+ public string Text
+ {
+ get { return (string)GetValue (TextProperty); }
+ set { SetValue (TextProperty, value); }
+ }
+ readonly TextBlock _textBlock;
+ protected override Windows.Foundation.Size ArrangeOverride(Windows.Foundation.Size finalSize)
+ {
+ _textBlock.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, finalSize.Width, finalSize.Height));
+ return finalSize;
+ }
+ protected override Windows.Foundation.Size MeasureOverride (Windows.Foundation.Size availableSize)
+ {
+ _textBlock.Measure (availableSize);
+ // This deliberately does something wrong so we can demo fixing it
+ Rect bounds = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView ().VisibleBounds;
+ double scaleFactor = DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView ().RawPixelsPerViewPixel;
+ var size = new Size (bounds.Width * scaleFactor, bounds.Height * scaleFactor);
+ return new Windows.Foundation.Size (size.Width, _textBlock.DesiredSize.Height);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file