#!/usr/bin/perl # Arguments: # clean Remove interfaces. use strict; $| = 1; my $num_if = 4000; `modprobe 8021q`; print "Memory after loading 8021q module: "; print `free`; print "\n"; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD`; my $d = 5; my $c = 5; if ($ARGV[0] ne "clean") { my $i; print "Adding VLAN interfaces 1 through $num_if\n"; print "Turnning off /sbin/hotplug...\n"; `echo > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug`; my $p = time(); for ($i = 1; $i<=$num_if; $i++) { `/usr/local/bin/vconfig add eth0 $i`; #`ip address flush dev vlan$i`; `ip address add 192.168.$c.$c/24 dev vlan$i`; `ip link set dev vlan$i up`; $d++; if ($d > 250) { print "."; $d = 5; $c++; } } print "\nMemory after creating $i vlan devices: "; print `free`; print "\n"; print "Doing ifconfig -a for $i devices.\n"; `time -p ifconfig -a > /tmp/vlan_test_ifconfig_a_$i.txt`; print "Doing ip addr show for $i devices.\n"; `time -p ip addr show > /tmp/vlan_test_ip_addr_$i.txt`; my $n = time(); my $diff = $n - $p; print "Done adding $num_if VLAN interfaces in $diff seconds.\n"; sleep 2; } print "Removing VLAN interfaces 1 through $num_if\n"; $d = 5; $c = 5; my $p = time(); my $i; for ($i = 1; $i<=$num_if; $i++) { `/usr/local/bin/vconfig rem vlan$i`; } my $n = time(); my $diff = $n - $p; print "Done deleting $num_if VLAN interfaces in $diff seconds.\n"; print "Memory after deleting $i vlan devices: "; print `free`; print "\n"; sleep 2; if ($ARGV[0] ne "clean") { my $tmp = $num_if * 4; print "\nGoing to add and remove 2 interfaces $tmp times.\n"; $p = time(); for ($i = 1; $i<=$tmp; $i++) { `/usr/local/bin/vconfig add eth0 1`; `ifconfig vlan1`; `ifconfig vlan1 up`; `ifconfig vlan1 down`; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig add eth0 2`; `ifconfig vlan2`; `ifconfig vlan2 up`; `ifconfig vlan2 down`; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig rem vlan2`; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig rem vlan1`; if (($i % 125) == 0) { print "."; } } $n = time(); $diff = $n - $p; print "\nDone adding/removing 2 VLAN interfaces $tmp times in $diff seconds.\n"; } print "Re-installing /sbin/hotplug...\n"; `echo /sbin/hotplug > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug`; print "Memory at end of the run: "; print `free`; print "\n";