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+// The strstr implementation in this file is extracted from the Rust standard
+// library's str::find. The algorithm works for arbitrary &[T] haystack and
+// needle but is only exposed by the standard library on UTF-8 strings.
+// ---
+// This is the Two-Way search algorithm, which was introduced in the paper:
+// Crochemore, M., Perrin, D., 1991, Two-way string-matching, Journal of the ACM 38(3):651-675.
+// Here's some background information.
+// A *word* is a string of symbols. The *length* of a word should be a familiar
+// notion, and here we denote it for any word x by |x|. (We also allow for the
+// possibility of the *empty word*, a word of length zero.)
+// If x is any non-empty word, then an integer p with 0 < p <= |x| is said to be
+// a *period* for x iff for all i with 0 <= i <= |x| - p - 1, we have x[i] ==
+// x[i+p]. For example, both 1 and 2 are periods for the string "aa". As another
+// example, the only period of the string "abcd" is 4.
+// We denote by period(x) the *smallest* period of x (provided that x is
+// non-empty). This is always well-defined since every non-empty word x has at
+// least one period, |x|. We sometimes call this *the period* of x.
+// If u, v and x are words such that x = uv, where uv is the concatenation of u
+// and v, then we say that (u, v) is a *factorization* of x.
+// Let (u, v) be a factorization for a word x. Then if w is a non-empty word
+// such that both of the following hold
+// - either w is a suffix of u or u is a suffix of w
+// - either w is a prefix of v or v is a prefix of w
+// then w is said to be a *repetition* for the factorization (u, v).
+// Just to unpack this, there are four possibilities here. Let w = "abc". Then
+// we might have:
+// - w is a suffix of u and w is a prefix of v. ex: ("lolabc", "abcde")
+// - w is a suffix of u and v is a prefix of w. ex: ("lolabc", "ab")
+// - u is a suffix of w and w is a prefix of v. ex: ("bc", "abchi")
+// - u is a suffix of w and v is a prefix of w. ex: ("bc", "a")
+// Note that the word vu is a repetition for any factorization (u,v) of x = uv,
+// so every factorization has at least one repetition.
+// If x is a string and (u, v) is a factorization for x, then a *local period*
+// for (u, v) is an integer r such that there is some word w such that |w| = r
+// and w is a repetition for (u, v).
+// We denote by local_period(u, v) the smallest local period of (u, v). We
+// sometimes call this *the local period* of (u, v). Provided that x = uv is
+// non-empty, this is well-defined (because each non-empty word has at least one
+// factorization, as noted above).
+// It can be proven that the following is an equivalent definition of a local
+// period for a factorization (u, v): any positive integer r such that x[i] ==
+// x[i+r] for all i such that |u| - r <= i <= |u| - 1 and such that both x[i]
+// and x[i+r] are defined. (i.e., i > 0 and i + r < |x|).
+// Using the above reformulation, it is easy to prove that
+// 1 <= local_period(u, v) <= period(uv)
+// A factorization (u, v) of x such that local_period(u,v) = period(x) is called
+// a *critical factorization*.
+// The algorithm hinges on the following theorem, which is stated without proof:
+// **Critical Factorization Theorem** Any word x has at least one critical
+// factorization (u, v) such that |u| < period(x).
+// The purpose of maximal_suffix is to find such a critical factorization.
+// If the period is short, compute another factorization x = u' v' to use for
+// reverse search, chosen instead so that |v'| < period(x).
+use std::cmp;
+use std::usize;
+pub fn find(haystack: &[char], needle: &[char]) -> Option<usize> {
+ assert!(!needle.is_empty());
+ // crit_pos: critical factorization index
+ let (crit_pos_false, period_false) = maximal_suffix(needle, false);
+ let (crit_pos_true, period_true) = maximal_suffix(needle, true);
+ let (crit_pos, mut period) = if crit_pos_false > crit_pos_true {
+ (crit_pos_false, period_false)
+ } else {
+ (crit_pos_true, period_true)
+ };
+ // Byteset is an extension (not part of the two way algorithm); it is a
+ // 64-bit "fingerprint" where each set bit j corresponds to a (byte & 63) ==
+ // j present in the needle.
+ let byteset;
+ // Index into needle before which we have already matched.
+ let mut memory;
+ // A particularly readable explanation of what's going on here can be found
+ // in Crochemore and Rytter's book "Text Algorithms", ch 13. Specifically
+ // see the code for "Algorithm CP" on p. 323.
+ //
+ // What's going on is we have some critical factorization (u, v) of the
+ // needle, and we want to determine whether u is a suffix of &v[..period].
+ // If it is, we use "Algorithm CP1". Otherwise we use "Algorithm CP2", which
+ // is optimized for when the period of the needle is large.
+ let long_period = needle[..crit_pos] != needle[period..period + crit_pos];
+ if long_period {
+ // Long period case -- we have an approximation to the actual period,
+ // and don't use memorization.
+ //
+ // Approximate the period by lower bound max(|u|, |v|) + 1.
+ period = cmp::max(crit_pos, needle.len() - crit_pos) + 1;
+ byteset = byteset_create(needle);
+ // Dummy value to signify that the period is long.
+ memory = usize::MAX;
+ } else {
+ // Short period case -- the period is exact.
+ byteset = byteset_create(&needle[..period]);
+ memory = 0;
+ }
+ // One of the main ideas of Two-Way is that we factorize the needle into two
+ // halves, (u, v), and begin trying to find v in the haystack by scanning
+ // left to right. If v matches, we try to match u by scanning right to left.
+ // How far we can jump when we encounter a mismatch is all based on the fact
+ // that (u, v) is a critical factorization for the needle.
+ let mut position = 0;
+ let needle_last = needle.len() - 1;
+ 'search: loop {
+ // Check that we have room to search in. position + needle_last cannot
+ // overflow if we assume slices are bounded by isize's range.
+ let tail_byte = *haystack.get(position + needle_last)?;
+ // Quickly skip by large portions unrelated to our substring.
+ if !byteset_contains(byteset, tail_byte) {
+ position += needle.len();
+ if !long_period {
+ memory = 0;
+ }
+ continue 'search;
+ }
+ // See if the right part of the needle matches.
+ let start = if long_period {
+ crit_pos
+ } else {
+ cmp::max(crit_pos, memory)
+ };
+ for i in start..needle.len() {
+ if needle[i] != haystack[position + i] {
+ position += i - crit_pos + 1;
+ if !long_period {
+ memory = 0;
+ }
+ continue 'search;
+ }
+ }
+ // See if the left part of the needle matches.
+ let start = if long_period { 0 } else { memory };
+ for i in (start..crit_pos).rev() {
+ if needle[i] != haystack[position + i] {
+ position += period;
+ if !long_period {
+ memory = needle.len() - period;
+ }
+ continue 'search;
+ }
+ }
+ // We have found a match!
+ return Some(position);
+ }
+fn byteset_create(chars: &[char]) -> u64 {
+ chars.iter().fold(0, |a, &ch| (1 << (ch as u8 & 0x3f)) | a)
+fn byteset_contains(byteset: u64, ch: char) -> bool {
+ (byteset >> ((ch as u8 & 0x3f) as usize)) & 1 != 0
+// Compute the maximal suffix of `arr`.
+// The maximal suffix is a possible critical factorization (u, v) of `arr`.
+// Returns (`i`, `p`) where `i` is the starting index of v and `p` is the
+// period of v.
+// `order_greater` determines if lexical order is `<` or `>`. Both
+// orders must be computed -- the ordering with the largest `i` gives
+// a critical factorization.
+// For long period cases, the resulting period is not exact (it is too short).
+fn maximal_suffix(arr: &[char], order_greater: bool) -> (usize, usize) {
+ let mut left = 0; // Corresponds to i in the paper
+ let mut right = 1; // Corresponds to j in the paper
+ let mut offset = 0; // Corresponds to k in the paper, but starting at 0
+ // to match 0-based indexing.
+ let mut period = 1; // Corresponds to p in the paper
+ while let Some(&a) = arr.get(right + offset) {
+ // `left` will be inbounds when `right` is.
+ let b = arr[left + offset];
+ if (a < b && !order_greater) || (a > b && order_greater) {
+ // Suffix is smaller, period is entire prefix so far.
+ right += offset + 1;
+ offset = 0;
+ period = right - left;
+ } else if a == b {
+ // Advance through repetition of the current period.
+ if offset + 1 == period {
+ right += offset + 1;
+ offset = 0;
+ } else {
+ offset += 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Suffix is larger, start over from current location.
+ left = right;
+ right += 1;
+ offset = 0;
+ period = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ (left, period)