path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
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index 0000000..5a61329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
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+//! Provides a macro, `assert_matches!`, which tests whether a value
+//! matches a given pattern, causing a panic if the match fails.
+//! See the macro [`assert_matches!`] documentation for more information.
+//! Also provides a debug-only counterpart, [`debug_assert_matches!`].
+//! See the macro [`debug_assert_matches!`] documentation for more information
+//! about this macro.
+//! [`assert_matches!`]: macro.assert_matches.html
+//! [`debug_assert_matches!`]: macro.debug_assert_matches.html
+#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
+/// Asserts that an expression matches a given pattern.
+/// A guard expression may be supplied to add further restrictions to the
+/// expected value of the expression.
+/// A `match` arm may be supplied to perform additional assertions or to yield
+/// a value from the macro invocation.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// #[macro_use] extern crate assert_matches;
+/// #[derive(Debug)]
+/// enum Foo {
+/// A(i32),
+/// B(&'static str),
+/// }
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let a = Foo::A(1);
+/// // Assert that `a` matches the pattern `Foo::A(_)`.
+/// assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(_));
+/// // Assert that `a` matches the pattern and
+/// // that the contained value meets the condition `i > 0`.
+/// assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(i) if i > 0);
+/// let b = Foo::B("foobar");
+/// // Assert that `b` matches the pattern `Foo::B(_)`.
+/// assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) => {
+/// // Perform additional assertions on the variable binding `s`.
+/// assert!(s.starts_with("foo"));
+/// assert!(s.ends_with("bar"));
+/// });
+/// // Assert that `b` matches the pattern and yield the string `s`.
+/// let s = assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) => s);
+/// // Perform an assertion on the value `s`.
+/// assert_eq!(s, "foobar");
+/// # }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! assert_matches {
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ => (),
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+))
+ }
+ };
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ if $cond:expr ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ if $cond => (),
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+ if $cond))
+ }
+ };
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ => $arm:expr ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ => $arm,
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+))
+ }
+ };
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ if $cond:expr => $arm:expr ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ if $cond => $arm,
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+ if $cond))
+ }
+ };
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ , $($arg:tt)* ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ => (),
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`: {}",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+), format_args!($($arg)*))
+ }
+ };
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ if $cond:expr , $($arg:tt)* ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ if $cond => (),
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`: {}",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+ if $cond), format_args!($($arg)*))
+ }
+ };
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ => $arm:expr , $($arg:tt)* ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ => $arm,
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`: {}",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+), format_args!($($arg)*))
+ }
+ };
+ ( $e:expr , $($pat:pat)|+ if $cond:expr => $arm:expr , $($arg:tt)* ) => {
+ match $e {
+ $($pat)|+ if $cond => $arm,
+ ref e => panic!("assertion failed: `{:?}` does not match `{}`: {}",
+ e, stringify!($($pat)|+ if $cond), format_args!($($arg)*))
+ }
+ };
+/// Asserts that an expression matches a given pattern.
+/// Unlike [`assert_matches!`], `debug_assert_matches!` statements are only enabled
+/// in non-optimized builds by default. An optimized build will omit all
+/// `debug_assert_matches!` statements unless `-C debug-assertions` is passed
+/// to the compiler.
+/// See the macro [`assert_matches!`] documentation for more information.
+/// [`assert_matches!`]: macro.assert_matches.html
+macro_rules! debug_assert_matches {
+ ( $($tt:tt)* ) => { {
+ if _assert_matches_cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ assert_matches!($($tt)*);
+ }
+ } }
+macro_rules! _assert_matches_cfg {
+ ( $($tt:tt)* ) => { cfg!($($tt)*) }
+mod test {
+ use std::panic::{catch_unwind, UnwindSafe};
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ enum Foo {
+ A(i32),
+ B(&'static str),
+ C(&'static str),
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_assert_succeed() {
+ let a = Foo::A(123);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(_));
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(123));
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(i) if i == 123);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(42) | Foo::A(123));
+ let b = Foo::B("foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(_));
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B("foo"));
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) => assert_eq!(s, "foo"));
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) => { assert_eq!(s, "foo"); assert!(true) });
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo" => assert_eq!(s, "foo"));
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo" => { assert_eq!(s, "foo"); assert!(true) });
+ let c = Foo::C("foo");
+ assert_matches!(c, Foo::B(_) | Foo::C(_));
+ assert_matches!(c, Foo::B("foo") | Foo::C("foo"));
+ assert_matches!(c, Foo::B(s) | Foo::C(s) if s == "foo");
+ assert_matches!(c, Foo::B(s) | Foo::C(s) => assert_eq!(s, "foo"));
+ assert_matches!(c, Foo::B(s) | Foo::C(s) => { assert_eq!(s, "foo"); assert!(true) });
+ assert_matches!(c, Foo::B(s) | Foo::C(s) if s == "foo" => assert_eq!(s, "foo"));
+ assert_matches!(c, Foo::B(s) | Foo::C(s) if s == "foo" => { assert_eq!(s, "foo"); assert!(true) });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_assert_panic_0() {
+ let a = Foo::A(123);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(_));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_assert_panic_1() {
+ let b = Foo::B("foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B("bar"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_assert_panic_2() {
+ let b = Foo::B("foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) if s == "bar");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_assert_panic_3() {
+ let b = Foo::B("foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) => assert_eq!(s, "bar"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_assert_panic_4() {
+ let b = Foo::B("foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) if s == "bar" => assert_eq!(s, "foo"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_assert_panic_5() {
+ let b = Foo::B("foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo" => assert_eq!(s, "bar"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_assert_panic_6() {
+ let b = Foo::B("foo");
+ assert_matches!(b, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo" => { assert_eq!(s, "foo"); assert!(false) });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_assert_no_move() {
+ let b = &mut Foo::A(0);
+ assert_matches!(*b, Foo::A(0));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn assert_with_message() {
+ let a = Foo::A(0);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(_), "o noes");
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) if n == 0, "o noes");
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) => assert_eq!(n, 0), "o noes");
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) => { assert_eq!(n, 0); assert!(n < 1) }, "o noes");
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) if n == 0 => assert_eq!(n, 0), "o noes");
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) if n == 0 => { assert_eq!(n, 0); assert!(n < 1) }, "o noes");
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(_), "o noes {:?}", a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) if n == 0, "o noes {:?}", a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) => assert_eq!(n, 0), "o noes {:?}", a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) => { assert_eq!(n, 0); assert!(n < 1) }, "o noes {:?}", a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(_), "o noes {value:?}", value=a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) if n == 0, "o noes {value:?}", value=a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) => assert_eq!(n, 0), "o noes {value:?}", value=a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) => { assert_eq!(n, 0); assert!(n < 1) }, "o noes {value:?}", value=a);
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::A(n) if n == 0 => assert_eq!(n, 0), "o noes {value:?}", value=a);
+ }
+ fn panic_message<F>(f: F) -> String
+ where F: FnOnce() + UnwindSafe {
+ let err = catch_unwind(f)
+ .expect_err("function did not panic");
+ *err.downcast::<String>()
+ .expect("function panicked with non-String value")
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_panic_message() {
+ let a = Foo::A(1);
+ // expr, pat
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(_));
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(_)`"#);
+ // expr, pat if cond
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo");
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(s) if s == "foo"`"#);
+ // expr, pat => arm
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(_) => {});
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(_)`"#);
+ // expr, pat if cond => arm
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo" => {});
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(s) if s == "foo"`"#);
+ // expr, pat, args
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(_), "msg");
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(_)`: msg"#);
+ // expr, pat if cond, args
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo", "msg");
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(s) if s == "foo"`: msg"#);
+ // expr, pat => arm, args
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(_) => {}, "msg");
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(_)`: msg"#);
+ // expr, pat if cond => arm, args
+ assert_eq!(panic_message(|| {
+ assert_matches!(a, Foo::B(s) if s == "foo" => {}, "msg");
+ }), r#"assertion failed: `A(1)` does not match `Foo::B(s) if s == "foo"`: msg"#);
+ }