#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2006 by Eric Gerbier # Bug reports to: gerbier@users.sourceforge.net # $Id: rpmorphan-1.11 | rpmduplicates.pl | Mon Jul 4 12:47:55 2011 +0000 | gerbier $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ############################################################################### # search for packages with several versions installed ############################################################################### use strict; use warnings; use English '-no_match_vars'; use Getopt::Long; # arg analysis use Pod::Usage; # man page use Data::Dumper; # debug # library use File::Basename; my $dirname = dirname($PROGRAM_NAME); # not very usefull, but warning, debug ... require $dirname . '/rpmorphan-lib.pl' or die "problem to load rpmorphan-lib: $ERRNO\n"; my $VERSION = '0.2'; my $opt_help; my $opt_man; my $opt_version; my $opt_verbose; my %opt = ( 'help' => \$opt_help, 'man' => \$opt_man, 'verbose' => \$opt_verbose, 'version' => \$opt_version, ); Getopt::Long::Configure('no_ignore_case'); GetOptions( \%opt, 'help|?', 'man', 'verbose', 'version|V' ) or pod2usage(2); init_debug($opt_verbose); if ($opt_help) { pod2usage(1); } elsif ($opt_man) { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ); } elsif ($opt_version) { print_version($VERSION); exit; } # we cannot use common cache as duplicate package are not clean taken # by the common code ## no critic (RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) my $cmd = 'rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %{BUILDTIME}\n" '; ## use critic my $fh; ## no critic (ProhibitTwoArgOpen,RequireBriefOpen) if ( !open $fh, "$cmd |" ) { die "can not open $cmd : $ERRNO\n"; } ## use critic my %h_ver; # versions my %h_buildtime; # buildtime my $nb = 0; my $SPACE = q{ }; while ( my $line = <$fh> ) { chomp $line; my ( $soft, $version, $build ) = split $SPACE, $line; next if ( $soft eq 'gpg-pubkey' ); if ( exists $h_ver{$soft} ) { # we already have found a package with same name my $old_ver = $h_ver{$soft}; my $old_date = $h_buildtime{$soft}; my $old; if ( $old_date < $build ) { # current package was build after the stored one # keep the latest $h_buildtime{$soft} = $build; # delete the older $old = $old_ver; } else { # current package was build before the stored one # delete the older $old = $version; } $old_date = localtime $old_date; $build = localtime $build; print "duplicate $soft : $old_ver ($old_date) / $version ($build)\n"; print "suggest : rpm -e $soft-$old\n"; $nb++; } else { $h_ver{$soft} = $version; $h_buildtime{$soft} = $build; } } close $fh or warning("can not close $cmd : $ERRNO"); if ( $nb == 0 ) { print "no duplicate found !\n"; } exit $nb; __END__ =head1 NAME rpmduplicates - find program with several version installed =head1 DESCRIPTION sometimes, the upgrade of a system will install new packages, and "forget" to remove the older version. Rpmorphan do not work with this kind of unused packages. Rpmduplicates is the answer. I recommend to run it after each distribution upgrade (for example from fedora core 7 to 8). =head1 SYNOPSIS rpmduplicates.pl [options] options: -help brief help message -man full documentation -V, --version print version -verbose verbose =head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS nothing =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<-man> Print the full manual page and exits. =item B<-version> Print the program release and exit. =item B<-verbose> The program works and print debugging messages. =back =head1 USAGE rpmduplicates.pl =head1 FILES nothing =head1 DIAGNOSTICS it will show the duplicates with their version and build date and suggest to remove the older one example : duplicate kernel-devel : (Sat Mar 29 15:36:41 2008) / (Thu Mar 20 20:43:47 2008) suggest : rpm -e kernel-devel- =head1 EXIT STATUS the number of duplicates packages found =head1 CONFIGURATION nothing =head1 DEPENDENCIES rpmorphan library =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES not known =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS not known =head1 NOTES this program can be used as "normal" user the gpg-pubkey packages are excluded from the result =head1 SEE ALSO =for man \fIrpm\fR\|(1) for rpm call .PP \fIrpmorphan\fR\|(1) .PP \fIrpmusage\fR\|(1) .PP \fIrpmdep\fR\|(1) .PP \fIrpmextra\fR\|(1) =for html rpmorphan(1)
=head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2008 by Eric Gerbier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =head1 AUTHOR Eric Gerbier you can report any bug or suggest to gerbier@users.sourceforge.net =cut