path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6991651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006 by Eric Gerbier
+# Bug reports to:
+# $Id: rpmorphan-1.11 | | Mon Jul 4 12:46:50 2011 +0000 | gerbier $
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# this program search the full dependency of an installed rpm package
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use English '-no_match_vars';
+use Getopt::Long; # arg analysis
+use Pod::Usage; # man page
+use Data::Dumper; # debug
+# library
+use File::Basename;
+my $dirname = dirname($PROGRAM_NAME);
+require $dirname . '/'
+ or die "problem to load rpmorphan-lib: $ERRNO\n";
+# the code should use no "print" calls
+# but instead debug, warning, info calls
+# is to be defined because rpmorphan-lib need it
+sub display_status($) {
+ debug( shift @_ );
+ return;
+# resolv problems with characters in names for graphwiz
+sub norm($) {
+ my $name = shift @_;
+ my $norm_name = $name;
+ $norm_name =~ s/-/_/g;
+ $norm_name =~ s/\./_/g;
+ $norm_name =~ s/\+//g;
+ return $norm_name;
+# search the dependency of $name
+# no prototype because recursive
+sub solve {
+ my $name = shift @_; # package name
+ my $rh_provides = shift @_; # general provide hash
+ my $rh_depends = shift @_; # general dependencies hash
+ my $rh_files = shift @_; # general dependencies hash
+ my $rh_res = shift @_; # result cache
+ my $fh_dot = shift @_; # flag for dot
+ my $level = shift @_; # recurse level
+ $level++;
+ my $state = 0; # state ( 0 for ok)
+ foreach my $dep ( keys %{ $rh_depends->{$name} } ) {
+ my $debug = "(solve $level) $name -> $dep ";
+ # dep may be a package or a file or a virtual
+ my $pac; # searched package
+ # analyse and resolv dependency
+ if ( exists $rh_files->{$dep} ) {
+ debug("$dep is a package");
+ $pac = $dep;
+ }
+ elsif ( $dep =~ m/^rpmlib/ ) {
+ # strange case, but real, for example :
+ # rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)
+ # rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)
+ debug( $debug . ' (skip rpmlib)' );
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ( exists $rh_provides->{$dep} ) {
+ debug("$dep is a file");
+ $pac = $rh_provides->{$dep};
+ $debug .= " -> $pac ";
+ #debug($debug);
+ }
+ else {
+ warning("can not find who provide $dep");
+ $state++;
+ next;
+ }
+ # filter dependency
+ if ( exists $rh_res->{$pac} ) {
+ # already found
+ debug( $debug . ' (already found)' );
+ }
+ elsif ( $pac eq $name ) {
+ # no dependency on self
+ debug( $debug . ' (not on self)' );
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($fh_dot) {
+ print {$fh_dot} norm($name) . ' -> ' . norm($pac) . ";\n";
+ }
+ $rh_res->{$pac} = 1;
+ debug($debug);
+ my $sub_state =
+ solve( $pac, $rh_provides, $rh_depends, $rh_files, $rh_res,
+ $fh_dot, $level );
+ $state += $sub_state;
+ }
+ } # foreach
+ return $state;
+# main
+my $version = '0.5';
+my $opt_help;
+my $opt_man;
+my $opt_version;
+my $opt_use_cache;
+my $opt_clear_cache;
+my $opt_verbose;
+my $opt_dot;
+my %opt = (
+ 'help' => \$opt_help,
+ 'man' => \$opt_man,
+ 'verbose' => \$opt_verbose,
+ 'version' => \$opt_version,
+ 'dot' => \$opt_dot,
+ 'use-cache' => \$opt_use_cache,
+ 'clear-cache' => \$opt_clear_cache,
+GetOptions( \%opt, 'help|?', 'man', 'verbose', 'version|V', 'dot=s',
+ 'use-cache!', 'clear-cache' )
+ or pod2usage(2);
+if ($opt_help) {
+ pod2usage(1);
+elsif ($opt_man) {
+ pod2usage( -verbose => 2 );
+elsif ($opt_version) {
+ print_version($version);
+ exit;
+# test if a target is set
+if ( $#ARGV != 0 ) {
+ pod2usage('need a target : package name');
+my $package = $ARGV[0];
+# hash structures to be filled with rpm query
+my %files;
+my %install_time;
+my %provides;
+my %depends;
+my %virtual;
+my %requires;
+read_rpm_data( \%opt, \%provides, \%install_time, \%files, \%depends, \%virtual,
+ \%requires );
+if ( !exists $install_time{$package} ) {
+ warning("package $package is not installed");
+ exit 1;
+# first we have to change order used %depends
+my %depends_from;
+foreach my $key1 ( keys %depends ) {
+ foreach my $key2 ( keys %{ $depends{$key1} } ) {
+ # ex key2 = afick-gui key1 = afick
+ $depends_from{$key2}{$key1} = 1;
+ }
+# same for provides
+my %is_provided_by;
+foreach my $key1 ( keys %provides ) {
+ foreach my $key2 ( @{ $provides{$key1} } ) {
+ # key2 is provided by $key1 package
+ $is_provided_by{$key2} = $key1;
+ }
+# dot graph ?
+my $fh_dot;
+if ($opt_dot) {
+ # open output file
+ ## no critic (RequireBriefOpen)
+ if ( open $fh_dot, '>', $opt_dot ) {
+ print {$fh_dot} "digraph \"rpmdep\" {\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ warning("can not write to $opt_dot file : $ERRNO\n");
+ $opt_dot = 0;
+ }
+debug('2 : solve');
+my %res;
+my $state =
+ solve( $package, \%is_provided_by, \%depends_from, \%files, \%res, $fh_dot,
+ 0 );
+my $res = join q{,}, sort keys %res;
+if ($res) {
+ info("$package depends upon $res");
+else {
+ info("$package has no dependencies");
+if ($opt_dot) {
+ print {$fh_dot} "}\n";
+ close $fh_dot or die "problem to close dot file :$OS_ERROR\n";
+exit $state;
+=head1 NAME
+rpmdep - display the full dependency of an installed rpm package
+rpmdep search recursively for package dependencies.
+It resolvs all dependencies to package names.
+It can also prepare a file to build a graph of dependencies, with graphviz.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ [options] package
+ -help brief help message
+ -man full documentation
+ -V, --version print version
+ -use-cache use cache file instead rpm query
+ -clear-cache clear cache file
+ -verbose verbose
+ -dot dotfile build a dot file for graphviz
+the package to resolv
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<-help>
+Print a brief help message and exits.
+=item B<-man>
+Print the manual page and exits.
+=item B<-version>
+Print the program release and exit.
+=item B<-verbose>
+The program works and print debugging messages.
+=item B<-dot>
+create a dot file to be used by graphviz
+=item B<-use-cache>
+the rpm query may be long (10 to 30 s). If you will run an rpmorphan tool
+several time, this option will allow to gain a lot of time :
+it save the rpm query on a file cache (first call), then
+use this cache instead quering rpm (others calls).
+=item B<-clear-cache>
+to remove cache file. Can be used with -use-cache to write
+a new cache.
+=head1 USAGE
+ --use-cache -dot bash
+dot -Tps -o
+=head1 FILES
+the program can use the /tmp/rpmorphan.cache file
+the verbose mode allow to see all the recursive work
+others messages are
+=over 8
+=item B<package ... is not installed>
+this is not a name of an installed package
+=item B<... has no dependencies>
+this can comes for some admin tools (ash for example)
+=item B<... depends upon (list)>
+return a list of sorted and comma separated packages
+O if all is ok
+>=1 if a problem
+you should use graphviz to build graph from
+not known
+the program does not work well on program installed
+with several versions
+=head1 NOTES
+this program can be used as "normal" user
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=for man
+\fIrpm\fR\|(1) for rpm call
+=for html
+<a href="rpmorphan.1.html">rpmorphan(1)</a><br />
+<a href="rpmusage.1.html">rpmusage(1)</a><br />
+<a href="rpmduplicates.1.html">rpmduplicates(1)</a><br />
+<a href="rpmextra.1.html">rpmextra(1)</a><br />
+Copyright (C) 2008 by Eric Gerbier
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Eric Gerbier
+you can report any bug or suggest to