path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c79441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# $Id: rpmorphan-1.11 | Makefile | Wed Aug 1 14:09:35 2012 +0200 | Eric Gerbier $
+# recommanded by debian install guide
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+VERSION=$(shell grep Version rpmorphan.lsm | awk '{print $$2}')
+BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
+LOGROT = $(LOGETC)/logrotate.d/
+MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man
+MAN1DIR = $(MANDIR)/man1
+# on some distribution it is $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) (fedora), on others $(PACKAGE) (mandriva)
+# we force it with a define in rpm target to be able to build on any host the same way
+# for keep file
+# locales
+# log
+DOC = Authors Changelog COPYING NEWS Todo $(PACKAGE).lsm $(PACKAGE).spec Makefile Readme rpmorphanrc.sample
+DATA = keep
+CONF = rpmorphan.logrotate
+# others programs
+PROG2=rpmusage rpmdep rpmduplicates rpmextra
+LIB=$(PACKAGE)-lib rpmorphan-curses-lib rpmorphan-tk-lib
+MANPAGES1 := $(addsuffix .1, $(PROGS))
+HTMLPAGES := $(addsuffix .1.html, $(PROGS))
+SCRIPTS := $(addsuffix .pl, $(PROGS) $(LIB) )
+# file with keyword
+KEYWORD_FILES = $(SCRIPTS) Makefile Readme rpmorphanrc.sample
+# translations
+LANGS := en fr_FR
+LOCALES := $(foreach lang,$(LANGS),$(addprefix locale/$(lang)/,$(LOCALE_BASE)))
+# convert pod to other doc format
+%.1 :
+ pod2man $^ > $@
+%.1.html :
+ pod2html --header $^ | sed -f html.sed > $@
+ tidy -m -i -asxhtml -utf8 --doctype strict $@ || echo "tidy"
+# loop to check all perl scripts
+define check_perl_script
+ for fic in $(SCRIPTS);do \
+ perl -cw $$fic || exit; \
+ perlcritic --verbose 10 -3 $$fic || exit; \
+ done;
+# loop to make links on all programs
+define make_links
+ for fic in $(PROGS);do \
+ cd $(BINDIR) && ln -s $$ $$fic; \
+ done;
+# loop to install all locales
+define install_locales
+ for lang in $(LANGS); do \
+ d=$(TARGET_LOCALE)/$$lang; \
+ mkdir --parents $$d; \
+ (cd locale/$$lang && install --mode=644 $(LOCALE_BASE) $$d); \
+ done
+# default
+help :
+ @echo "available target are :"
+ @echo "make all : same as make install"
+ @echo "make help : this help"
+ @echo "make install : install software"
+ @echo "make installdoc : install software documentation"
+ @echo "make uninstall : remove software"
+ @echo "make uninstalldoc : remove software documentation"
+ @echo "### for project packagers only ###########"
+ @echo "make alldist : build all packages"
+ @echo "make check : check perl syntaxe"
+ @echo "make clean : remove temporary files"
+ @echo "make dist : build a tar.gz package"
+ @echo "make html : build html doc from pod"
+ @echo "make man : build man page from pod"
+ @echo "make rpm : build an rpm package"
+all: install
+# install perl scripts
+install : $(DOC) $(MANPAGES1) $(SCRIPTS)
+ mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
+ install -m 755 $(SCRIPTS) $(BINDIR)
+ $(make_links)
+ cd $(BINDIR) && ln -s rpmorphan grpmorphan
+ mkdir -p $(MAN1DIR)
+ install -m 644 ${MANPAGES1} $(MAN1DIR)
+ mkdir -p $(DATADIR)
+ install -m 644 ${DATA} $(DATADIR)
+ mkdir -p $(TARGET_LOCALE)
+ $(install_locales)
+ mkdir -p $(LOGDIR)
+ touch $(LOGDIR)/${LOGFILE}
+ chmod 640 $(LOGDIR)/${LOGFILE}
+ mkdir -p $(LOGROT)
+ install -m 644 ${CONF} $(LOGROT)/rpmorphan
+ install -m 644 rpmorphanrc.sample $(LOGETC)/rpmorphanrc
+# install doc
+installdoc : $(DOC)
+ mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
+ install -m 644 ${DOC} $(DOCDIR)
+uninstall :
+ cd $(BINDIR) && rm $(SCRIPTS) $(PROGS)
+ cd $(MAN1DIR) && rm ${MANPAGES1}
+ rm -rf $(DATADIR)
+ rm -f $(LOGROT)/rpmorphan
+ rm -f $(LOGETC)/rpmorphanrc
+uninstalldoc :
+ rm -rf $(DOCDIR)
+# targets for project packagers
+# build all packages
+alldist : check dist rpm html
+# check perl script syntax
+check : $(SCRIPTS)
+ $(check_perl_script)
+# build man pages
+man : $(MANPAGES1)
+# build tar.gz package
+dist : $(DOC) man $(SCRIPTS) expand
+ mkdir $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ cp -a ${CONF} $(DATA) locale $(DOC) $(MANPAGES1) $(SCRIPTS) $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ tar cvfz $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ ~/bin/ $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+# build rpm package
+rpm : dist
+ rpmbuild -ta --sign --define '_docdir_fmt %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}' $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+# clean temp files
+clean : unexpand
+ rm -f $(MANPAGES1)
+ rm -f $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz.sig
+ rm -f pod2*
+ rm -f *.html
+# build man page in html for web site
+html : $(HTMLPAGES)
+ mv *.html ../web
+# expand svn keywords just for publish
+expand: $(KEYWORD_FILES)
+ git tag -f "$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)"
+ git-svn-keyword-expand $(KEYWORD_FILES)
+# remove svn keywords to keep repository clean
+unexpand: $(KEYWORD_FILES)
+ git-svn-keyword-unexpand $(KEYWORD_FILES)