#include "system.h" #include #include "build/rpmbuild.h" #include "url.h" #include "ftp.h" #include "http.h" static struct urlstring { const char *leadin; urltype ret; } urlstrings[] = { { "file://", URL_IS_PATH }, { "ftp://", URL_IS_FTP }, { "http://", URL_IS_HTTP }, { "-", URL_IS_DASH }, { NULL, URL_IS_UNKNOWN } }; void freeUrlinfo(urlinfo *u) { if (u->ftpControl >= 0) close(u->ftpControl); FREE(u->service); FREE(u->user); FREE(u->password); FREE(u->host); FREE(u->portstr); FREE(u->path); FREE(u); } urlinfo *newUrlinfo(void) { urlinfo *u; if ((u = malloc(sizeof(*u))) == NULL) return NULL; memset(u, 0, sizeof(*u)); u->port = -1; u->ftpControl = -1; return u; } static void findUrlinfo(urlinfo **uret, int mustAsk) { urlinfo *u; urlinfo **empty; static urlinfo **uCache = NULL; static int uCount = 0; int i; if (uret == NULL) return; u = *uret; empty = NULL; for (i = 0; i < uCount; i++) { urlinfo *ou; if ((ou = uCache[i]) == NULL) { if (empty == NULL) empty = &uCache[i]; continue; } if (u->service && ou->service && strcmp(ou->service, u->service)) continue; if (u->host && ou->host && strcmp(ou->host, u->host)) continue; if (u->user && ou->user && strcmp(ou->user, u->user)) continue; if (u->password && ou->password && strcmp(ou->password, u->password)) continue; if (u->portstr && ou->portstr && strcmp(ou->portstr, u->portstr)) continue; break; } if (i == uCount) { if (empty == NULL) { uCount++; if (uCache) uCache = realloc(uCache, sizeof(*uCache) * uCount); else uCache = malloc(sizeof(*uCache)); empty = &uCache[i]; } *empty = u; } else { const char *up = uCache[i]->path; uCache[i]->path = u->path; u->path = up; freeUrlinfo(u); } *uret = u = uCache[i]; if (!strcmp(u->service, "ftp")) { if (mustAsk || (u->user != NULL && u->password == NULL)) { char * prompt; FREE(u->password); prompt = alloca(strlen(u->host) + strlen(u->user) + 40); sprintf(prompt, _("Password for %s@%s: "), u->user, u->host); u->password = strdup(getpass(prompt)); } } return; } int urlSplit(const char * url, urlinfo **uret) { urlinfo *u; char *myurl; char *s, *se, *f, *fe; if (uret == NULL) return -1; if ((u = newUrlinfo()) == NULL) return -1; if ((se = s = myurl = strdup(url)) == NULL) { freeUrlinfo(u); return -1; } do { while (*se && *se != '/') se++; if (*se == '\0') { /* XXX can't find path */ if (myurl) free(myurl); freeUrlinfo(u); return -1; } if ((se != s) && se[-1] == ':' && se[0] == '/' && se[1] == '/') { se[-1] = '\0'; u->service = strdup(s); se += 2; s = se++; continue; } u->path = strdup(se); *se = '\0'; break; } while (1); fe = f = s; while (*fe && *fe != '@') fe++; if (*fe == '@') { s = fe + 1; *fe = '\0'; while (fe > f && *fe != ':') fe--; if (*fe == ':') { *fe++ = '\0'; u->password = strdup(fe); } u->user = strdup(f); } fe = f = s; while (*fe && *fe != ':') fe++; if (*fe == ':') { *fe++ = '\0'; u->portstr = strdup(fe); if (u->portstr != NULL && u->portstr[0] != '\0') { char *end; u->port = strtol(u->portstr, &end, 0); if (*end) { rpmMessage(RPMMESS_ERROR, _("url port must be a number\n")); if (myurl) free(myurl); freeUrlinfo(u); return -1; } } } u->host = strdup(f); if (u->port < 0 && u->service != NULL) { struct servent *se; if ((se = getservbyname(u->service, "tcp")) != NULL) u->port = ntohs(se->s_port); else if (!strcasecmp(u->service, "ftp")) u->port = IPPORT_FTP; else if (!strcasecmp(u->service, "http")) u->port = IPPORT_HTTP; } if (myurl) free(myurl); if (uret) { *uret = u; findUrlinfo(uret, 0); } return 0; } static int urlConnect(const char * url, urlinfo ** uret) { urlinfo *u; if (urlSplit(url, &u) < 0) return -1; if (!strcmp(u->service, "ftp") && u->ftpControl < 0) { char *proxy; char *proxyport; rpmMessage(RPMMESS_DEBUG, _("logging into %s as %s, pw %s\n"), u->host, u->user ? u->user : "ftp", u->password ? u->password : "(username)"); /* XXX FIXME: this doesn't work with urlinfo caching */ if ((proxy = rpmGetVar(RPMVAR_FTPPROXY)) != NULL) { char *nu = malloc(strlen(u->user) + strlen(u->host) + sizeof("@")); strcpy(nu, u->user); strcat(nu, "@"); strcat(nu, u->host); free((void *)u->user); u->user = nu; free((void *)u->host); u->host = strdup(proxy); } /* XXX FIXME: this doesn't work with urlinfo caching */ if ((proxyport = rpmGetVar(RPMVAR_FTPPORT)) != NULL) { int port; char *end; port = strtol(proxyport, &end, 0); if (*end) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: ftpport must be a number\n")); return -1; } u->port = port; } u->ftpControl = ftpOpen(u); if (u->ftpControl < 0) return u->ftpControl; } if (uret != NULL) *uret = u; return 0; } urltype urlIsURL(const char * url) { struct urlstring *us; for (us = urlstrings; us->leadin != NULL; us++) { if (strncmp(url, us->leadin, strlen(us->leadin))) continue; return us->ret; } return URL_IS_UNKNOWN; } #ifdef NOTYET int urlAbort(FD_t fd) { if (fd != NULL && fd->fd_url) { urlinfo *u = (urlinfo *)fd->fd_url; if (u->ftpControl >= 0) ftpAbort(fd); } } #endif int ufdClose(FD_t fd) { if (fd != NULL && fd->fd_url) { urlinfo *u = (urlinfo *)fd->fd_url; if (u->ftpControl >= 0) ftpAbort(fd); } return fdClose(fd); } FD_t ufdOpen(const char *url, int flags, mode_t mode) { FD_t fd = NULL; urlinfo *u; switch (urlIsURL(url)) { case URL_IS_FTP: if (urlConnect(url, &u) < 0) break; if ((fd = fdNew()) == NULL) break; fd->fd_url = u; if (ftpGetFileDesc(fd) < 0) break; break; case URL_IS_HTTP: if (urlSplit(url, &u)) break; if ((fd = fdNew()) == NULL) break; if (httpProxySetup(url,&u)) break; fd->fd_url = u; fd->fd_fd = httpOpen(u); break; case URL_IS_PATH: if (urlSplit(url, &u)) break; fd = fdOpen(u->path, flags, mode); break; case URL_IS_DASH: fd = fdDup(STDIN_FILENO); break; case URL_IS_UNKNOWN: default: fd = fdOpen(url, flags, mode); break; } if (fd == NULL || fdFileno(fd) < 0) { ufdClose(fd); return NULL; } return fd; } int urlGetFile(const char * url, const char * dest) { int rc; FD_t sfd = NULL; FD_t tfd = NULL; sfd = ufdOpen(url, O_RDONLY, 0); if (sfd == NULL || fdFileno(sfd) < 0) { rpmMessage(RPMMESS_DEBUG, _("failed to open %s\n"), url); ufdClose(sfd); return FTPERR_UNKNOWN; } if (sfd->fd_url != NULL && dest == NULL) { const char *fileName = ((urlinfo *)sfd->fd_url)->path; if ((dest = strrchr(fileName, '/')) != NULL) dest++; else dest = fileName; } tfd = fdOpen(dest, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, 0600); if (fdFileno(tfd) < 0) { rpmMessage(RPMMESS_DEBUG, _("failed to create %s\n"), dest); fdClose(tfd); ufdClose(sfd); return FTPERR_UNKNOWN; } switch (urlIsURL(url)) { case URL_IS_FTP: if ((rc = ftpGetFile(sfd, tfd))) { unlink(dest); ufdClose(sfd); } /* XXX fdClose(sfd) done by copyData */ break; case URL_IS_HTTP: case URL_IS_PATH: case URL_IS_DASH: if ((rc = httpGetFile(sfd, tfd))) { unlink(dest); ufdClose(sfd); } /* XXX fdClose(sfd) done by copyData */ break; case URL_IS_UNKNOWN: default: rc = FTPERR_UNKNOWN; break; } fdClose(tfd); return rc; }