#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "install.h" #include "lib/rpmerr.h" #include "lib/messages.h" #include "lib/signature.h" #include "query.h" #include "verify.h" #include "checksig.h" #include "rpmlib.h" #include "build/build.h" #define _(String) gettext(String) #define GETOPT_QUERYFORMAT 1000 #define GETOPT_WHATREQUIRES 1001 #define GETOPT_WHATPROVIDES 1002 #define GETOPT_REBUILD 1003 #define GETOPT_RECOMPILE 1004 #define GETOPT_ADDSIGN 1005 #define GETOPT_RESIGN 1006 #define GETOPT_BUILDROOT 1007 #define GETOPT_PROVIDES 1008 #define GETOPT_QUERYBYNUMBER 1009 #define GETOPT_DBPATH 1010 #define GETOPT_PREFIX 1011 char * version = VERSION; enum modes { MODE_QUERY, MODE_INSTALL, MODE_UNINSTALL, MODE_VERIFY, MODE_BUILD, MODE_REBUILD, MODE_CHECKSIG, MODE_RESIGN, MODE_RECOMPILE, MODE_QUERYTAGS, MODE_INITDB, MODE_UNKNOWN }; static void argerror(char * desc); static void argerror(char * desc) { fprintf(stderr, "rpm: %s\n", desc); exit(1); } void printHelp(void); void printVersion(void); void printBanner(void); void printUsage(void); int build(char *arg, int buildAmount, char *passPhrase, char *buildRootOverride); void printVersion(void) { printf(_("RPM version %s\n"), version); } void printBanner(void) { puts(_("Copyright (C) 1995 - Red Hat Software")); puts(_("This may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU " "Public License")); } void printUsage(void) { printVersion(); printBanner(); puts(""); puts(_("usage: rpm {--help}")); puts(_(" rpm {--version}")); puts(_(" rpm {--initdb} [--dbpath ]")); puts(_(" rpm {--install -i} [-v] [--hash -h] [--percent] [--force] [--test]")); puts(_(" [--replacepkgs] [--replacefiles] [--root ]")); puts(_(" [--excludedocs] [--includedocs] [--noscripts]")); puts(_(" [--rcfile ] [--ignorearch] [--dbpath ]")); puts(_(" [--prefix ] [--ignoreos] file1.rpm ...")); puts(_(" fileN.rpm")); puts(_(" rpm {--upgrade -U} [-v] [--hash -h] [--percent] [--force] [--test]")); puts(_(" [--oldpackage] [--root ] [--noscripts]")); puts(_(" [--excludedocs] [--includedocs] [--rcfile ]")); puts(_(" [--ignorearch] [--dbpath ] [--prefix ] ")); puts(_(" [--ignoreos] file1.rpm ... fileN.rpm")); puts(_(" rpm {--query -q} [-afFpP] [-i] [-l] [-s] [-d] [-c] [-v] [-R]")); puts(_(" [--scripts] [--root ] [--rcfile ]")); puts(_(" [--whatprovides] [--whatrequires] [--requires]")); puts(_(" [--provides] [--dump] [--dbpath ] [targets]")); puts(_(" rpm {--verify -V -y} [-afFpP] [--root ] [--rcfile ]")); puts(_(" [--dbpath ] [targets]")); puts(_(" rpm {--erase -e] [--root ] [--noscripts] [--rcfile ]")); puts(_(" [--dbpath ] package1 ... packageN")); puts(_(" rpm {-b}[plciba] [-v] [--short-circuit] [--clean] [--rcfile ]")); puts(_(" [--sign] [--test] [--time-check ] specfile")); puts(_(" rpm {--rebuild} [--rcfile ] [-v] source1.rpm ... sourceN.rpm")); puts(_(" rpm {--recompile} [--rcfile ] [-v] source1.rpm ... sourceN.rpm")); puts(_(" rpm {--resign} [--rcfile ] package1 package2 ... packageN")); puts(_(" rpm {--addsign} [--rcfile ] package1 package2 ... packageN")); puts(_(" rpm {--checksig -K} [--nopgp] [--rcfile ] package1 ... packageN")); puts(_(" rpm {--querytags}")); } void printHelp(void) { printVersion(); printBanner(); puts(_("")); puts(_("usage:")); puts(_(" --help - print this message")); puts(_(" --version - print the version of rpm being used")); puts(_(" all modes support the following arguments")); puts(_(" --rcfile - use instead of /etc/rpmrc and $HOME/.rpmrc")); puts(_(" -v - be a little more verbose")); puts(_(" -vv - be incredible verbose (for debugging)")); puts(_(" -q - query mode")); puts(_(" --root - use as the top level directory")); puts(_(" --dbpath - use as the directory for the database")); puts(_(" --queryformat - use s as the header format (implies -i)")); puts(_(" Package specification options:")); puts(_(" -a - query all packages")); puts(_(" -f + - query package owning ")); puts(_(" -F - like -f, but read file names from stdin")); puts(_(" -p + - query (uninstalled) package ")); puts(_(" -P - like -p, but read package names from stdin")); puts(_(" --whatprovides - query packages which provide capability")); puts(_(" --whatrequires - query packages which require capability")); puts(_(" Information selection options:")); puts(_(" -i - display package information")); puts(_(" -l - display package file list")); puts(_(" -s - show file states (implies -l)")); puts(_(" -d - list only documentation files (implies -l)")); puts(_(" -c - list only configuration files (implies -l)")); puts(_(" --dump - show all verifiable information for each file")); puts(_(" (must be used with -l, -c, or -d)")); puts(_(" --provides - list capabilbities package provides")); puts(_(" --requires")); puts(_(" -R - list package dependencies")); puts(_(" --scripts - print the various [un]install scripts")); puts(_("")); puts(_(" -V")); puts(_(" -y")); puts(_(" --verify - verify a package installation")); puts(_(" same package specification options as -q")); puts(_(" --dbpath - use as the directory for the database")); puts(_(" --root - use as the top level directory")); puts(_("")); puts(_(" --install ")); puts(_(" -i - install package")); puts(_(" -h")); puts(_(" --prefix - relocate the package to , if relocateable")); puts(_(" --dbpath - use as the directory for the database")); puts(_(" --hash - print hash marks as package installs (good with -v)")); puts(_(" --percent - print percentages as package installs")); puts(_(" --replacepkgs - reinstall if the package is already present")); puts(_(" --replacefiles - install even if the package replaces installed files")); puts(_(" --force - short hand for --replacepkgs --replacefiles")); puts(_(" --test - don't install, but tell if it would work or not")); puts(_(" --noscripts - don't execute any installation scripts")); puts(_(" --excludedocs - do not install documentation")); puts(_(" --includedocs - install documentation")); puts(_(" --ignorearch - don't verify package architecure")); puts(_(" --ignoreos - don't verify package operating system")); puts(_(" --root - use as the top level directory")); puts(_("")); puts(_(" --upgrade ")); puts(_(" -U - upgrade package (same options as --install, plus)")); puts(_(" --oldpackage - upgrade to an old version of the package (--force")); puts(_(" on upgrades does this automatically)")); puts(_("")); puts(_(" --erase ")); puts(_(" -e - uninstall (erase) package")); puts(_(" --dbpath - use as the directory for the database")); puts(_(" --noscripts - don't execute any installation scripts")); puts(_(" --root - use as the top level directory")); puts(_("")); puts(_(" -b - build package, where is one of:")); puts(_(" p - prep (unpack sources and apply patches)")); puts(_(" l - list check (do some cursory checks on %files)")); puts(_(" c - compile (prep and compile)")); puts(_(" i - install (prep, compile, install)")); puts(_(" b - binary package (prep, compile, install, package)")); puts(_(" a - bin/src package (prep, compile, install, package)")); puts(_(" --short-circuit - skip straight to specified stage (only for c,i)")); puts(_(" --clean - remove build tree when done")); puts(_(" --sign - generate PGP signature")); puts(_(" --buildroot - use s as the build root")); puts(_(" --test - do not execute any stages")); puts(_(" --time-check - set the time check to S seconds (0 disables it)")); puts(_("")); puts(_(" --rebuild ")); puts(_(" - install source package, build binary package,")); puts(_(" and remove spec file, sources, patches, and icons.")); puts(_(" --recompile ")); puts(_(" - like --rebuild, but don't package")); puts(_(" --resign + - sign a package (discard current signature)")); puts(_(" --addsign + - add a signature to a package")); puts(_(" -K")); puts(_(" --checksig + - verify package signature")); puts(_(" --nopgp - skip any PGP signatures (MD5 only)")); puts(_(" --querytags - list the tags that can be used in a query format")); puts(_(" --initdb - make sure a valid database exists")); } int build(char *arg, int buildAmount, char *passPhrase, char *buildRootOverride) { FILE *f; Spec s; char * specfile; int res = 0; if (arg[0] == '/') { specfile = arg; } else { /* XXX this is broken if PWD is near 1024 */ specfile = alloca(1024); getcwd(specfile, 1024); strcat(specfile, "/"); strcat(specfile, arg); } if (!(f = fopen(specfile, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, _("unable to open: %s\n"), specfile); return 1; } s = parseSpec(f, specfile, buildRootOverride); fclose(f); if (s) { if (verifySpec(s)) { /* For now, warn and try to continue */ res = 1; fprintf(stderr, "\n%cSpec file check failed!!\n", 7); fprintf(stderr, "Tell rpm-list@redhat.com if this is incorrect.\n\n"); sleep(1); } if (doBuild(s, buildAmount, passPhrase)) { fprintf(stderr, _("Build failed.\n")); res = 1; } freeSpec(s); } else { /* Spec parse failed -- could be Exclude: Exclusive: */ res = 1; if (errCode() == RPMERR_BADARCH) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s doesn't build on this architecture\n"), arg); } else { fprintf(stderr, _("Build failed.\n")); } } return res; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int long_index; enum modes bigMode = MODE_UNKNOWN; enum querysources querySource = QUERY_PACKAGE; enum verifysources verifySource = VERIFY_PACKAGE; int arg; int queryFor = 0, test = 0, version = 0, help = 0, force = 0; int quiet = 0, replaceFiles = 0, replacePackages = 0, showPercents = 0; int showHash = 0, installFlags = 0, uninstallFlags = 0, interfaceFlags = 0; int buildAmount = 0, oldPackage = 0, clean = 0, signIt = 0; int shortCircuit = 0, badOption = 0, queryTags = 0, excldocs = 0; int incldocs = 0, queryScripts = 0, noScripts = 0, noDeps = 0; int noPgp = 0, dump = 0, initdb = 0, ignoreArch = 0, showrc = 0; int gotDbpath = 0, building = 0, ignoreOs = 0; int addSign = NEW_SIGNATURE; char * rcfile = NULL, * queryFormat = NULL, * prefix = NULL; char buildChar = ' '; char * rootdir = "/"; char * specFile; char *passPhrase = ""; char *buildRootOverride = NULL; char *arch = NULL; char *os = NULL; char * smallArgv[2] = { NULL, NULL }; char ** currarg; int ec = 0; struct option optionsTable[] = { { "addsign", 0, 0, GETOPT_ADDSIGN }, { "all", 0, 0, 'a' }, { "build", 1, 0, 'b' }, { "buildarch", 1, 0, 0 }, { "buildos", 1, 0, 0 }, { "buildroot", 1, 0, GETOPT_BUILDROOT }, { "checksig", 0, 0, 'K' }, { "clean", 0, &clean, 0 }, { "configfiles", 0, 0, 'c' }, { "dbpath", 1, 0, GETOPT_DBPATH }, { "docfiles", 0, 0, 'd' }, { "dump", 0, &dump, 0 }, { "erase", 0, 0, 'e' }, { "excludedocs", 0, &excldocs, 0}, { "file", 0, 0, 'f' }, { "force", 0, &force, 0 }, { "group", 0, 0, 'g' }, { "hash", 0, &showHash, 'h' }, { "help", 0, &help, 0 }, { "ignorearch", 0, &ignoreArch, 0 }, { "ignoreos", 0, &ignoreOs, 0 }, { "info", 0, 0, 'i' }, { "includedocs", 0, &incldocs, 0}, { "initdb", 0, &initdb, 0 }, { "install", 0, 0, 'i' }, { "list", 0, 0, 'l' }, { "nodeps", 0, &noDeps, 0 }, { "nopgp", 0, &noPgp, 0 }, { "noscripts", 0, &noScripts, 0 }, { "oldpackage", 0, &oldPackage, 0 }, { "package", 0, 0, 'p' }, { "percent", 0, &showPercents, 0 }, { "prefix", 1, 0, GETOPT_PREFIX }, { "provides", 0, 0, GETOPT_PROVIDES }, { "query", 0, 0, 'q' }, { "querybynumber", 0, 0, GETOPT_QUERYBYNUMBER }, { "queryformat", 1, 0, GETOPT_QUERYFORMAT }, { "querytags", 0, &queryTags, 0 }, { "quiet", 0, &quiet, 0 }, { "rcfile", 1, 0, 0 }, { "recompile", 0, 0, GETOPT_RECOMPILE }, { "rebuild", 0, 0, GETOPT_REBUILD }, { "replacefiles", 0, &replaceFiles, 0 }, { "replacepkgs", 0, &replacePackages, 0 }, { "resign", 0, 0, GETOPT_RESIGN }, { "requires", 0, 0, 'R' }, { "root", 1, 0, 'r' }, { "scripts", 0, &queryScripts, 0 }, { "short-circuit", 0, &shortCircuit, 0 }, { "showrc", 0, 0, 0 }, { "sign", 0, &signIt, 0 }, { "state", 0, 0, 's' }, { "stdin-files", 0, 0, 'F' }, { "stdin-group", 0, 0, 'G' }, { "stdin-packages", 0, 0, 'P' }, { "stdin-query", 0, 0, 'Q' }, { "test", 0, &test, 0 }, { "upgrade", 0, 0, 'U' }, { "uninstall", 0, 0, 'u' }, { "verbose", 0, 0, 'v' }, { "verify", 0, 0, 'V' }, { "version", 0, &version, 0 }, { "whatrequires", 0, 0, GETOPT_WHATREQUIRES }, { "whatprovides", 0, 0, GETOPT_WHATPROVIDES }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } } ; struct option * options = optionsTable; /* set up the correct locale via the LANG environment variable */ setlocale(LC_ALL, "" ); bindtextdomain(NLSPACKAGE, "/usr/lib/locale"); textdomain(NLSPACKAGE); /* Make a first pass through the arguments, looking for --rcfile */ /* as well as --arch and --os. We need to handle that before */ /* dealing with the rest of the arguments. */ currarg = argv; while (*currarg) { if (!strcmp(*currarg, "--rcfile")) { rcfile = *(currarg + 1); } else if (!strcmp(*currarg, "--buildarch")) { arch = *(currarg + 1); } else if (!strcmp(*currarg, "--buildos")) { os = *(currarg + 1); } else if (!strcmp(*currarg, "--showrc")) { showrc = 1; building = 1; } else if (!strncmp(*currarg, "-b", 2) || !strcmp(*currarg, "--build") || !strcmp(*currarg, "--rebuild") || !strcmp(*currarg, "--recompile")) { building = 1; } currarg++; } /* reading this early makes it easy to override */ if (rpmReadConfigFiles(rcfile, arch, os, building)) exit(1); if (showrc) { rpmShowRC(stdout); exit(0); } while (1) { long_index = 0; arg = getopt_long(argc, argv, "RQqVyUYhpvKPfFilseagGDducr:b:", options, &long_index); if (arg == -1) break; switch (arg) { case '?': badOption = 1; break; case 'K': if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_CHECKSIG) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_CHECKSIG; break; case 'Q': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_SPACKAGE) argerror(_("only one type of query may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_SPACKAGE; /* fallthrough */ case 'q': if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_QUERY) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_QUERY; break; case 'Y': if (verifySource != VERIFY_PACKAGE && verifySource != VERIFY_SPACKAGE) argerror(_("only one type of verify may be performed at a " "time")); verifySource = VERIFY_SPACKAGE; /* fallthrough */ case 'V': case 'y': if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_VERIFY) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_VERIFY; break; case 'u': if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_UNINSTALL) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_UNINSTALL; message(MESS_ERROR, _("-u and --uninstall are depricated and no" " longer work.\n")); message(MESS_ERROR, _("Use -e or --erase instead.\n")); exit(1); case 'e': if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_UNINSTALL) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_UNINSTALL; break; case 'b': if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_BUILD) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_BUILD; if (strlen(optarg) > 1) argerror(_("--build (-b) requires one of a,b,i,c,p,l as " "its sole argument")); buildChar = optarg[0]; switch (buildChar) { case 'a': case 'b': case 'i': case 'c': case 'p': case 'l': break; default: argerror(_("--build (-b) requires one of a,b,i,c,p,l as " "its sole argument")); } break; case 'v': increaseVerbosity(); break; case 'i': if (!long_index) { if (bigMode == MODE_QUERY) queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_INFO; else if (bigMode == MODE_INSTALL) /* ignore it */ ; else if (bigMode == MODE_UNKNOWN) bigMode = MODE_INSTALL; } else if (!strcmp(options[long_index].name, "info")) queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_INFO; else bigMode = MODE_INSTALL; break; case 'U': if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_INSTALL) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_INSTALL; installFlags |= INSTALL_UPGRADE; break; case 's': queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_LIST | QUERY_FOR_STATE; break; case 'R': queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_REQUIRES; break; case 'l': queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_LIST; break; case 'd': queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_DOCS | QUERY_FOR_LIST; break; case 'c': queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_CONFIG | QUERY_FOR_LIST; break; case 'P': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_SRPM) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_SRPM; verifySource = VERIFY_SRPM; break; case 'p': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_RPM) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_RPM; verifySource = VERIFY_RPM; break; case 'G': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_SGROUP) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_SGROUP; verifySource = VERIFY_SGROUP; break; case 'g': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_GROUP) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); argerror("one type of query/verify may be performed at a time"); querySource = QUERY_GROUP; verifySource = VERIFY_GRP; break; case 'F': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_SPATH) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_SPATH; verifySource = VERIFY_SPATH; break; case 'f': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_PATH) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_PATH; verifySource = VERIFY_PATH; break; case 'a': if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_ALL) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_ALL; verifySource = VERIFY_EVERY; break; case 'h': showHash = 1; break; case 'r': if (optarg[0] != '/') argerror(_("arguments to --root (-r) must begin with a /")); rootdir = optarg; break; case GETOPT_PREFIX: if (optarg[0] != '/') argerror(_("arguments to --prefix must begin with a /")); prefix = optarg; break; case GETOPT_QUERYFORMAT: if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_QUERY) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_QUERY; queryFormat = optarg; queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_INFO; break; case GETOPT_WHATREQUIRES: if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_WHATREQUIRES) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_WHATREQUIRES; break; case GETOPT_WHATPROVIDES: if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_WHATPROVIDES) argerror(_("one type of query/verify may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_WHATPROVIDES; break; case GETOPT_REBUILD: if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_REBUILD) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_REBUILD; break; case GETOPT_RECOMPILE: if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_RECOMPILE) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_RECOMPILE; break; case GETOPT_BUILDROOT: if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_BUILD && bigMode != MODE_REBUILD) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); buildRootOverride = optarg; break; case GETOPT_RESIGN: if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_RESIGN) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_RESIGN; addSign = NEW_SIGNATURE; signIt = 1; break; case GETOPT_ADDSIGN: if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && bigMode != MODE_RESIGN) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); bigMode = MODE_RESIGN; addSign = ADD_SIGNATURE; signIt = 1; break; case GETOPT_PROVIDES: queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_PROVIDES; break; case GETOPT_DBPATH: if (optarg[0] != '/') argerror(_("arguments to --dbpath must begin with a /")); setVar(RPMVAR_DBPATH, optarg); gotDbpath = 1; break; case GETOPT_QUERYBYNUMBER: if (querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE && querySource != QUERY_RPM) argerror(_("one type of query may be performed at a " "time")); querySource = QUERY_DBOFFSET; verifySource = VERIFY_RPM; break; default: if (options[long_index].flag) { *options[long_index].flag = 1; } } } if (quiet) setVerbosity(MESS_QUIET); if (version) printVersion(); if (help) printHelp(); if (badOption) exit(1); if (queryScripts) { queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_SCRIPTS; } if (initdb) if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); else bigMode = MODE_INITDB; if (queryTags) if (bigMode != MODE_UNKNOWN) argerror(_("only one major mode may be specified")); else bigMode = MODE_QUERYTAGS; if (buildRootOverride && bigMode != MODE_BUILD && bigMode != MODE_REBUILD) { argerror("--buildroot may only be used during package builds"); } if (bigMode != MODE_QUERY && bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && bigMode != MODE_UNINSTALL && bigMode != MODE_VERIFY && bigMode != MODE_INITDB && gotDbpath) argerror(_("--dbpath given for operation that does not use a " "database")); if (bigMode != MODE_QUERY && queryFor) argerror(_("unexpected query specifiers")); if (bigMode != MODE_QUERY && bigMode != MODE_VERIFY && querySource != QUERY_PACKAGE) argerror(_("unexpected query source")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && force) argerror(_("only installation and upgrading may be forced")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && prefix) argerror(_("--prefix may only be used when installing new packages")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && showHash) argerror(_("--hash (-h) may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && showPercents) argerror(_("--percent may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && replaceFiles) argerror(_("--replacefiles may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && replacePackages) argerror(_("--replacepkgs may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && excldocs) argerror(_("--excludedocs may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && incldocs) argerror(_("--includedocs may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (excldocs && incldocs) argerror(_("only one of --excludedocs and --includedocs may be " "specified")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && ignoreArch) argerror(_("--ignorearch may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && ignoreOs) argerror(_("--ignoreos may only be specified during package " "installation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && bigMode != MODE_UNINSTALL && noScripts) argerror(_("--noscripts may only be specified during package " "installation and uninstallation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && bigMode != MODE_UNINSTALL && noDeps) argerror(_("--nodeps may only be specified during package " "installation, uninstallation, and verification")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && bigMode != MODE_UNINSTALL && test) argerror(_("--test may only be specified during package installation " "and uninstallation")); if (bigMode != MODE_INSTALL && bigMode != MODE_UNINSTALL && bigMode != MODE_QUERY && bigMode != MODE_VERIFY && rootdir[1]) argerror(_("--root (-r) may only be specified during " "installation, uninstallation, and querying")); if (bigMode != MODE_BUILD && clean) argerror(_("--clean may only be used during package building")); if (bigMode != MODE_BUILD && shortCircuit) argerror(_("--short-circuit may only be used during package building")); if (shortCircuit && (buildChar != 'c') && (buildChar != 'i')) { argerror(_("--short-circuit may only be used with -bc or -bi")); } if (oldPackage && !(installFlags & INSTALL_UPGRADE)) argerror(_("--oldpackage may only be used during upgrades")); if (bigMode != MODE_QUERY && dump) argerror(_("--dump may only be used during queryies")); if (bigMode == MODE_QUERY && dump && !(queryFor & QUERY_FOR_LIST)) argerror(_("--dump of queries must be used with -l, -c, or -d")); if (oldPackage || (force && (installFlags & INSTALL_UPGRADE))) installFlags |= INSTALL_UPGRADETOOLD; if (signIt) { if (bigMode == MODE_REBUILD || bigMode == MODE_BUILD || bigMode == MODE_RESIGN) { if (optind != argc) { switch (sigLookupType()) { case SIGTAG_PGP: if (!(passPhrase = getPassPhrase("Enter pass phrase: "))) { fprintf(stderr, _("Pass phrase check failed\n")); exit(1); } else { fprintf(stderr, _("Pass phrase is good.\n")); passPhrase = strdup(passPhrase); } break; case 0: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid signature spec in rc file\n"); exit(1); } } } else { argerror(_("--sign may only be used during package building")); } } else { /* Override any rpmrc setting */ setVar(RPMVAR_SIGTYPE, "none"); } switch (bigMode) { case MODE_UNKNOWN: if (!version && !help) printUsage(); break; case MODE_QUERYTAGS: if (argc != 2) argerror(_("unexpected arguments to --querytags ")); queryPrintTags(); break; case MODE_INITDB: rpmdbInit(rootdir, 0644); break; case MODE_CHECKSIG: if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no packages given for signature check")); exit(doCheckSig(1-noPgp, argv + optind)); case MODE_RESIGN: if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no packages given for signing")); exit(doReSign(addSign, passPhrase, argv + optind)); case MODE_REBUILD: case MODE_RECOMPILE: if (getVerbosity() == MESS_NORMAL) setVerbosity(MESS_VERBOSE); if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no packages files given for rebuild")); buildAmount = RPMBUILD_PREP | RPMBUILD_BUILD | RPMBUILD_INSTALL | RPMBUILD_SWEEP | RPMBUILD_RMSOURCE; if (bigMode == MODE_REBUILD) { buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_BINARY; } while (optind < argc) { if (doSourceInstall("/", argv[optind++], &specFile)) exit(1); if (build(specFile, buildAmount, passPhrase, buildRootOverride)) { exit(1); } } break; case MODE_BUILD: if (getVerbosity() == MESS_NORMAL) setVerbosity(MESS_VERBOSE); switch (buildChar) { /* these fallthroughs are intentional */ case 'a': buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_SOURCE; case 'b': buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_BINARY; case 'i': buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_INSTALL; if ((buildChar == 'i') && shortCircuit) break; case 'c': buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_BUILD; if ((buildChar == 'c') && shortCircuit) break; case 'p': buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_PREP; break; case 'l': buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_LIST; break; } if (clean) buildAmount |= RPMBUILD_SWEEP; if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no spec files given for build")); while (optind < argc) if (build(argv[optind++], buildAmount, passPhrase, buildRootOverride)) { exit(1); } break; case MODE_UNINSTALL: if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no packages given for uninstall")); if (noScripts) uninstallFlags |= UNINSTALL_NOSCRIPTS; if (test) uninstallFlags |= UNINSTALL_TEST; if (noDeps) interfaceFlags |= RPMUNINSTALL_NODEPS; doUninstall(rootdir, argv + optind, uninstallFlags, interfaceFlags); break; case MODE_INSTALL: if (force) installFlags |= (INSTALL_REPLACEPKG | INSTALL_REPLACEFILES); if (replaceFiles) installFlags |= INSTALL_REPLACEFILES; if (replacePackages) installFlags |= INSTALL_REPLACEPKG; if (test) installFlags |= INSTALL_TEST; if (noScripts) installFlags |= INSTALL_NOSCRIPTS; if (ignoreArch) installFlags |= INSTALL_NOARCH; if (ignoreOs) installFlags |= INSTALL_NOOS; if (showPercents) interfaceFlags |= RPMINSTALL_PERCENT; if (showHash) interfaceFlags |= RPMINSTALL_HASH; if (noDeps) interfaceFlags |= RPMINSTALL_NODEPS; if (!incldocs) { if (excldocs) installFlags |= INSTALL_NODOCS; else if (getBooleanVar(RPMVAR_EXCLUDEDOCS)) installFlags |= INSTALL_NODOCS; } if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no packages given for install")); ec += doInstall(rootdir, argv + optind, prefix, installFlags, interfaceFlags); break; case MODE_QUERY: if (dump) queryFor |= QUERY_FOR_DUMPFILES; if (querySource == QUERY_ALL) { if (optind != argc) argerror(_("extra arguments given for query of all packages")); ec = doQuery(rootdir, QUERY_ALL, queryFor, NULL, queryFormat); } else if (querySource == QUERY_SPATH || querySource == QUERY_SPACKAGE || querySource == QUERY_SRPM) { char buffer[255]; int i; while (fgets(buffer, 255, stdin)) { i = strlen(buffer) - 1; if (buffer[i] == '\n') buffer[i] = 0; if (strlen(buffer)) ec += doQuery(rootdir, querySource, queryFor, buffer, queryFormat); } } else { if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no arguments given for query")); while (optind < argc) ec = doQuery(rootdir, querySource, queryFor, argv[optind++], queryFormat); } break; case MODE_VERIFY: if (verifySource == VERIFY_EVERY) { doVerify(rootdir, VERIFY_EVERY, NULL); } else if (verifySource == VERIFY_SPATH || verifySource == VERIFY_SPACKAGE || verifySource == VERIFY_SRPM) { char buffer[255]; int i; smallArgv[0] = buffer; while (fgets(buffer, 255, stdin)) { i = strlen(buffer) - 1; if (buffer[i] == '\n') buffer[i] = 0; if (strlen(buffer)) doVerify(rootdir, verifySource, smallArgv); } } else { if (optind == argc) argerror(_("no arguments given for verify")); doVerify(rootdir, verifySource, argv + optind); } break; } return ec; }