/** * \file lib/stringbuf.c */ #include "system.h" #include "stringbuf.h" #include "debug.h" #define BUF_CHUNK 1024 struct StringBufRec { /*@owned@*/ char *buf; /*@dependent@*/ char *tail; /* Points to first "free" char */ int allocated; int free; }; /** * Locale insensitive isspace(3). */ /*@unused@*/ static inline int xisspace(int c) /*@*/ { return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f' || c == '\v'); } /** * Wrapper to free(3), hides const compilation noise, permit NULL, return NULL. * @param p memory to free * @return NULL always */ /*@unused@*/ static inline /*@null@*/ void * _free(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ const void * p) /*@modifies *p @*/ { if (p != NULL) free((void *)p); return NULL; } StringBuf newStringBuf(void) { StringBuf sb = xmalloc(sizeof(*sb)); sb->free = sb->allocated = BUF_CHUNK; sb->buf = xcalloc(sb->allocated, sizeof(*sb->buf)); sb->buf[0] = '\0'; sb->tail = sb->buf; return sb; } StringBuf freeStringBuf(StringBuf sb) { if (sb) { sb->buf = _free(sb->buf); sb = _free(sb); } return sb; } void truncStringBuf(StringBuf sb) { sb->buf[0] = '\0'; sb->tail = sb->buf; sb->free = sb->allocated; } void stripTrailingBlanksStringBuf(StringBuf sb) { while (sb->free != sb->allocated) { if (! xisspace(*(sb->tail - 1))) break; sb->free++; sb->tail--; } sb->tail[0] = '\0'; } char * getStringBuf(StringBuf sb) { return sb->buf; } void appendStringBufAux(StringBuf sb, const char *s, int nl) { int l; l = strlen(s); /* If free == l there is no room for NULL terminator! */ while ((l + nl + 1) > sb->free) { sb->allocated += BUF_CHUNK; sb->free += BUF_CHUNK; sb->buf = xrealloc(sb->buf, sb->allocated); sb->tail = sb->buf + (sb->allocated - sb->free); } /*@-mayaliasunique@*/ /* FIX: shrug */ strcpy(sb->tail, s); /*@=mayaliasunique@*/ sb->tail += l; sb->free -= l; if (nl) { sb->tail[0] = '\n'; sb->tail[1] = '\0'; sb->tail++; sb->free--; } }