/* RPM - Copyright (C) 1995 Red Hat Software * * spec.c - routines for parsing a spec file */ /***************************** TODO: . strip blank lines, leading/trailing spaces in %preamble . %doc globbing . should be able to drop the -n in non-%package parts ******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "header.h" #include "spec.h" #include "specP.h" #include "rpmerr.h" #include "messages.h" #include "rpmlib.h" #include "stringbuf.h" #include "misc.h" #include "reqprov.h" #define LINE_BUF_SIZE 1024 #define FREE(x) { if (x) free(x); } static struct PackageRec *new_packagerec(void); static int read_line(FILE *f, char *line); static int match_arch(char *s); static int match_os(char *s); static void free_packagerec(struct PackageRec *p); static void generateNamesAndDocScript(Spec s); static void reset_spec(void); static int find_preamble_line(char *line, char **s); static int check_part(char *line, char **s); static int lookup_package(Spec s, struct PackageRec **pr, char *name, int flags); static void dumpPackage(struct PackageRec *p, FILE *f); static void parseForDocFiles(struct PackageRec *package, char *line); static int parseProvides(struct PackageRec *p, char *line); static int parseRequiresConflicts(struct PackageRec *p, char *line, int flag); static void free_reqprov(struct ReqProv *p); static int noSourcePatch(Spec s, char *line, int_32 tag); static void addListEntry(Header h, int_32 tag, char *line); /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Source and patch structure creation/deletion/lookup */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ static int addSource(Spec spec, char *line) { struct sources *p; char *s, *s1, c; char *file; unsigned long int x; p = malloc(sizeof(struct sources)); p->next = spec->sources; spec->sources = p; if (! strncasecmp(line, "source", 6)) { spec->numSources++; p->ispatch = 0; s = line + 6; } else if (! strncasecmp(line, "patch", 5)) { spec->numPatches++; p->ispatch = 1; s = line + 5; } else { error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Not a source/patch line: %s\n", line); return(RPMERR_BADSPEC); } s += strspn(s, " \t\n"); p->num = 0; if (*s != ':') { x = strspn(s, "0123456789"); if (! x) { error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Bad source/patch line: %s\n", line); return(RPMERR_BADSPEC); } c = s[x]; s[x] = '\0'; s1 = NULL; p->num = strtoul(s, &s1, 10); if ((*s1) || (s1 == s) || (p->num == ULONG_MAX)) { s[x] = c; error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Bad source/patch number: %s\n", s); return(RPMERR_BADSPEC); } s[x] = c; s += x; /* skip spaces */ s += strspn(s, " \t\n"); } if (*s != ':') { error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Bad source/patch line: %s\n", line); return(RPMERR_BADSPEC); } /* skip to actual source */ s++; s += strspn(s, " \t\n"); file = strtok(s, " \t\n"); if (! file) { error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Bad source/patch line: %s\n", line); return(RPMERR_BADSPEC); } p->fullSource = strdup(file); p->source = strrchr(p->fullSource, '/'); if (p->source) { p->source++; } else { p->source = p->fullSource; } if (p->ispatch) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "Patch(%d) = %s\n", p->num, p->fullSource); } else { message(MESS_DEBUG, "Source(%d) = %s\n", p->num, p->fullSource); } return 0; } static void freeSources(Spec s) { struct sources *p1, *p2; p1 = s->sources; while (p1) { p2 = p1; p1 = p1->next; free(p2->fullSource); free(p2); } } char *getSource(Spec s, int ispatch, int num) { struct sources *p = s->sources; while (p) { if ((ispatch == p->ispatch) && (num == p->num)) { break; } else { p = p->next; } } if (p) { return(p->source); } else { return(NULL); } } char *getFullSource(Spec s, int ispatch, int num) { struct sources *p = s->sources; while (p) { if ((ispatch == p->ispatch) && (num == p->num)) { break; } else { p = p->next; } } if (p) { return(p->fullSource); } else { return(NULL); } } int noSourcePatch(Spec s, char *line, int_32 tag) { int_32 array[1024]; /* XXX - max 1024 sources or patches */ int_32 num; int count; char *t, *te; if (((tag == RPMTAG_NOSOURCE) && s->numNoSource) || ((tag == RPMTAG_NOPATCH) && s->numNoPatch)) { error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Only one nosource/nopatch line allowed\n"); return(RPMERR_BADSPEC); } count = 0; while ((t = strtok(line, ", \t"))) { num = strtoul(t, &te, 10); if ((*te) || (te == t) || (num == ULONG_MAX)) { error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Bad source/patch number: %s\n", t); return(RPMERR_BADSPEC); } array[count++] = num; message(MESS_DEBUG, "Skipping source/patch number: %d\n", num); line = NULL; } if (count) { if (tag == RPMTAG_NOSOURCE) { s->numNoSource = count; s->noSource = malloc(sizeof(int_32) * count); memcpy(s->noSource, array, sizeof(int_32) * count); } else { s->numNoPatch = count; s->noPatch = malloc(sizeof(int_32) * count); memcpy(s->noPatch, array, sizeof(int_32) * count); } } return 0; } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Provide/Require handling */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ static void free_reqprov(struct ReqProv *p) { struct ReqProv *s; while (p) { s = p; p = p->next; FREE(s->name); FREE(s->version); free(s); } } static struct ReqComp { char *token; int flags; } ReqComparisons[] = { { "<=", REQUIRE_LESS | REQUIRE_EQUAL}, { "<=S", REQUIRE_LESS | REQUIRE_EQUAL | REQUIRE_SERIAL}, { "=<", REQUIRE_LESS | REQUIRE_EQUAL}, { "==", REQUIRE_GREATER | REQUIRE_EQUAL}, { ">=S", REQUIRE_GREATER | REQUIRE_EQUAL | REQUIRE_SERIAL}, { "=>", REQUIRE_GREATER | REQUIRE_EQUAL}, { "=>S", REQUIRE_GREATER | REQUIRE_EQUAL | REQUIRE_SERIAL}, { ">", REQUIRE_GREATER}, { ">S", REQUIRE_GREATER | REQUIRE_SERIAL}, { NULL, 0 }, }; static int parseRequiresConflicts(struct PackageRec *p, char *line, int flag) { char *req = NULL; char *version = NULL; int flags; struct ReqComp *rc; while (req || (req = strtok(line, " ,\t\n"))) { flags = (flag == RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS) ? REQUIRE_CONFLICTS : REQUIRE_ANY; if ((version = strtok(NULL, " ,\t\n"))) { rc = ReqComparisons; while (rc->token && strcmp(version, rc->token)) { rc++; } if (rc->token) { /* read a version */ flags = rc->flags; version = strtok(NULL, " ,\t\n"); } } if ((flags & REQUIRE_SENSEMASK) && !version) { error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Version required in require/conflict"); return RPMERR_BADSPEC; } addReqProv(p, flags, req, version); req = NULL; if (! flags) { /* No version -- we just read a name */ req = version; } line = NULL; } return 0; } static int parseProvides(struct PackageRec *p, char *line) { char *prov; int flags = REQUIRE_PROVIDES; while ((prov = strtok(line, " ,\t\n"))) { addReqProv(p, flags, prov, NULL); line = NULL; } return 0; } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Spec and package structure creation/deletion/lookup */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ static struct PackageRec *new_packagerec(void) { struct PackageRec *p = malloc(sizeof(struct PackageRec)); p->subname = NULL; p->newname = NULL; p->icon = NULL; p->header = newHeader(); p->filelist = newStringBuf(); p->files = -1; /* -1 means no %files, thus no package */ p->fileFile = NULL; p->doc = newStringBuf(); p->reqprov = NULL; p->numReq = 0; p->numProv = 0; p->numConflict = 0; p->next = NULL; return p; } void free_packagerec(struct PackageRec *p) { freeHeader(p->header); freeStringBuf(p->filelist); freeStringBuf(p->doc); FREE(p->subname); FREE(p->newname); FREE(p->icon); FREE(p->fileFile); free_reqprov(p->reqprov); if (p->next) { free_packagerec(p->next); } free(p); } void freeSpec(Spec s) { FREE(s->name); FREE(s->specfile); FREE(s->noSource); FREE(s->noPatch); FREE(s->buildroot); freeSources(s); freeStringBuf(s->prep); freeStringBuf(s->build); freeStringBuf(s->install); freeStringBuf(s->doc); freeStringBuf(s->clean); free_packagerec(s->packages); free(s); } #define LP_CREATE 1 #define LP_FAIL_EXISTS (1 << 1) #define LP_SUBNAME (1 << 2) #define LP_NEWNAME (1 << 3) int lookup_package(Spec s, struct PackageRec **pr, char *name, int flags) { struct PackageRec *package; struct PackageRec **ppp; package = s->packages; while (package) { if (flags & LP_SUBNAME) { if (! package->subname) { package = package->next; continue; } if (! strcmp(package->subname, name)) { break; } } else if (flags & LP_NEWNAME) { if (! package->newname) { package = package->next; continue; } if (! strcmp(package->newname, name)) { break; } } else { /* Base package */ if ((! package->newname) && (! package->subname)) { break; } } package = package->next; } if (package && (flags & LP_FAIL_EXISTS)) { return 0; } if (package) { *pr = package; return 1; } /* At this point the package does not exist */ if (! (flags & LP_CREATE)) { return 0; } /* Create it */ package = new_packagerec(); if (name) { if (flags & LP_SUBNAME) { package->subname = strdup(name); } else if (flags & LP_NEWNAME) { package->newname = strdup(name); } } /* Link it in to the spec */ ppp = &(s->packages); while (*ppp) { ppp = &((*ppp)->next); } *ppp = package; *pr = package; return 1; } static void generateNamesAndDocScript(Spec s) { struct PackageRec *package; char buf[1024]; char fullname[1024]; char *name, *version, *release, *packageVersion, *packageRelease, *docs; getEntry(s->packages->header, RPMTAG_VERSION, NULL, (void *) &version, NULL); getEntry(s->packages->header, RPMTAG_RELEASE, NULL, (void *) &release, NULL); package = s->packages; while (package) { if (package->subname) { sprintf(buf, "%s-%s", s->name, package->subname); name = buf; } else if (package->newname) { name = package->newname; } else { /* Must be the main package */ name = s->name; } addEntry(package->header, RPMTAG_NAME, STRING_TYPE, name, 1); /* Handle subpackage version/release overrides */ if (!getEntry(package->header, RPMTAG_VERSION, NULL, (void *) &packageVersion, NULL)) { packageVersion = version; } if (!getEntry(package->header, RPMTAG_RELEASE, NULL, (void *) &packageRelease, NULL)) { packageRelease = release; } /* Generate the doc script */ appendStringBuf(s->doc, "DOCDIR=$RPM_ROOT_DIR/$RPM_DOC_DIR/"); sprintf(fullname, "%s-%s-%s", name, packageVersion, packageRelease); appendLineStringBuf(s->doc, fullname); docs = getStringBuf(package->doc); if (*docs) { appendLineStringBuf(s->doc, "rm -rf $DOCDIR"); appendLineStringBuf(s->doc, docs); } package = package->next; } } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Line reading */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ static int match_arch(char *s) { char *tok, *arch; int sense, match; arch = getArchName(); match = 0; tok = strtok(s, " \n\t"); sense = (! strcmp(tok, "%ifarch")) ? 1 : 0; while ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \n\t"))) { if (! strcmp(tok, arch)) { match |= 1; } } return (sense == match); } static int match_os(char *s) { char *tok, *os; int sense, match; os = getOsName(); match = 0; tok = strtok(s, " \n\t"); sense = (! strcmp(tok, "%ifos")) ? 1 : 0; while ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \n\t"))) { if (! strcmp(tok, os)) { match |= 1; } } return (sense == match); } static struct read_level_entry { int reading; /* 1 if we are reading at this level */ struct read_level_entry *next; } *read_level = NULL; static int read_line(FILE *f, char *line) { static struct read_level_entry *rl; int gotline; char *r; do { gotline = 0; if (! fgets(line, LINE_BUF_SIZE, f)) { /* the end */ if (read_level->next) { error(RPMERR_UNMATCHEDIF, "Unclosed %%if"); return RPMERR_UNMATCHEDIF; } else { return 0; } } if ((! strncmp("%ifarch", line, 7)) || (! strncmp("%ifnarch", line, 8))) { rl = malloc(sizeof(struct read_level_entry)); rl->next = read_level; rl->reading = read_level->reading && match_arch(line); read_level = rl; } else if ((! strncmp("%ifos", line, 5)) || (! strncmp("%ifnos", line, 6))) { rl = malloc(sizeof(struct read_level_entry)); rl->next = read_level; rl->reading = read_level->reading && match_os(line); read_level = rl; } else if (! strncmp("%else", line, 5)) { if (! read_level->next) { /* Got an else with no %if ! */ error(RPMERR_UNMATCHEDIF, "Got a %%else with no if"); return RPMERR_UNMATCHEDIF; } read_level->reading = read_level->next->reading && ! read_level->reading; } else if (! strncmp("%endif", line, 6)) { if (! read_level->next) { error(RPMERR_UNMATCHEDIF, "Got a %%endif with no if"); return RPMERR_UNMATCHEDIF; } rl = read_level; read_level = rl->next; free(rl); } else { gotline = 1; } } while (! (gotline && read_level->reading)); r = line + (strlen(line)) - 1; while (isspace(*r)) { *(r--) = '\0'; } return 1; } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Line parsing */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ struct preamble_line { int tag; int len; char *token; } preamble_spec[] = { {RPMTAG_NAME, 0, "name"}, {RPMTAG_VERSION, 0, "version"}, {RPMTAG_RELEASE, 0, "release"}, {RPMTAG_SERIAL, 0, "serial"}, {RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION, 0, "description"}, {RPMTAG_SUMMARY, 0, "summary"}, {RPMTAG_COPYRIGHT, 0, "copyright"}, {RPMTAG_DISTRIBUTION, 0, "distribution"}, {RPMTAG_VENDOR, 0, "vendor"}, {RPMTAG_GROUP, 0, "group"}, {RPMTAG_PACKAGER, 0, "packager"}, {RPMTAG_URL, 0, "url"}, {RPMTAG_ROOT, 0, "root"}, {RPMTAG_SOURCE, 0, "source"}, {RPMTAG_PATCH, 0, "patch"}, {RPMTAG_NOSOURCE, 0, "nosource"}, {RPMTAG_NOPATCH, 0, "nopatch"}, {RPMTAG_EXCLUDEARCH, 0, "excludearch"}, {RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEARCH, 0, "exclusivearch"}, {RPMTAG_EXCLUDEOS, 0, "excludeos"}, {RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEOS, 0, "exclusiveos"}, {RPMTAG_EXCLUDE, 0, "exclude"}, {RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVE, 0, "exclusive"}, {RPMTAG_ICON, 0, "icon"}, {RPMTAG_PROVIDES, 0, "provides"}, {RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS, 0, "requires"}, {RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS, 0, "conflicts"}, {RPMTAG_DEFAULTPREFIX, 0, "prefix"}, {RPMTAG_BUILDROOT, 0, "buildroot"}, {RPMTAG_AUTOREQPROV, 0, "autoreqprov"}, {0, 0, 0} }; static int find_preamble_line(char *line, char **s) { struct preamble_line *p = preamble_spec; while (p->token && strncasecmp(line, p->token, p->len)) { p++; } if (!p->token) return 0; *s = line + p->len; /* Unless this is a source or a patch, a ':' better be next */ if (p->tag != RPMTAG_SOURCE && p->tag != RPMTAG_PATCH) { *s += strspn(*s, " \t"); if (**s != ':') { return 0; } } *s += strspn(*s, ": \t"); return p->tag; } /* None of these can be 0 !! */ #define PREAMBLE_PART 1 #define PREP_PART 2 #define BUILD_PART 3 #define INSTALL_PART 4 #define CLEAN_PART 5 #define PREIN_PART 6 #define POSTIN_PART 7 #define PREUN_PART 8 #define POSTUN_PART 9 #define FILES_PART 10 #define CHANGELOG_PART 11 #define DESCRIPTION_PART 12 static struct part_rec { int part; int len; char *s; } part_list[] = { {PREAMBLE_PART, 0, "%package"}, {PREP_PART, 0, "%prep"}, {BUILD_PART, 0, "%build"}, {INSTALL_PART, 0, "%install"}, {CLEAN_PART, 0, "%clean"}, {PREUN_PART, 0, "%preun"}, {POSTUN_PART, 0, "%postun"}, {PREIN_PART, 0, "%pre"}, {POSTIN_PART, 0, "%post"}, {FILES_PART, 0, "%files"}, {CHANGELOG_PART, 0, "%changelog"}, {DESCRIPTION_PART, 0, "%description"}, {0, 0, 0} }; static int check_part(char *line, char **s) { struct part_rec *p = part_list; while (p->s && strncasecmp(line, p->s, p->len)) { p++; } if (!p) return 0; *s = line + p->len; *s += strspn(*s, " \t"); if (**s == '\0') { *s = NULL; } return p->part; } #if 0 static char *chop_line(char *s) { char *p, *e; p = s; p += strspn(s, " \t"); if (*p == '\0') { return NULL; } e = s + strlen(s) - 1; while (index(" \t", *e)) { e--; } return p; } #endif static void addListEntry(Header h, int_32 tag, char *line) { int argc; char **argv; char **argvs; char *s; argvs = argv = malloc(strlen(line) * sizeof(char *)); argc = 0; while ((s = strtok(line, " \t"))) { *argv = s; argc++; argv++; line = NULL; } if (argc) { addEntry(h, tag, STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, argvs, argc); } free(argvs); } static void parseForDocFiles(struct PackageRec *package, char *line) { if (strncmp(line, "%doc", 4)) { return; } line += 4; if ((*line != ' ') && (*line != '\t')) { return; } line += strspn(line, " \t\n"); if ((! *line) || (*line == '/')) { return; } appendLineStringBuf(package->doc, "mkdir -p $DOCDIR"); appendStringBuf(package->doc, "cp -ar "); appendStringBuf(package->doc, line); appendLineStringBuf(package->doc, " $DOCDIR"); } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Main specfile parsing routine */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ Spec parseSpec(FILE *f, char *specfile, char *buildRootOverride) { char buf[LINE_BUF_SIZE]; /* read buffer */ char buf2[LINE_BUF_SIZE]; char fileFile[LINE_BUF_SIZE]; char *line; /* "parsed" read buffer */ int x, serial, tag, cur_part, t1; int lookupopts; StringBuf sb; char *s = NULL; char *s1, *s2; int gotBuildroot = 0; int gotRoot = 0; struct PackageRec *cur_package = NULL; Spec spec = (struct SpecRec *) malloc(sizeof(struct SpecRec)); spec->name = NULL; spec->specfile = strdup(specfile); spec->numSources = 0; spec->numPatches = 0; spec->sources = NULL; spec->prep = newStringBuf(); spec->build = newStringBuf(); spec->install = newStringBuf(); spec->doc = newStringBuf(); spec->clean = newStringBuf(); spec->packages = NULL; spec->noSource = NULL; spec->noPatch = NULL; spec->numNoSource = 0; spec->numNoPatch = 0; spec->buildroot = NULL; spec->autoReqProv = 1; sb = newStringBuf(); reset_spec(); /* Reset the parser */ cur_part = PREAMBLE_PART; while ((x = read_line(f, buf)) > 0) { line = buf; s = NULL; if ((tag = check_part(line, &s))) { message(MESS_DEBUG, "Switching to part: %d\n", tag); t1 = 0; switch (cur_part) { case PREIN_PART: t1 = RPMTAG_PREIN; break; case POSTIN_PART: t1 = RPMTAG_POSTIN; break; case PREUN_PART: t1 = RPMTAG_PREUN; break; case POSTUN_PART: t1 = RPMTAG_POSTUN; break; case DESCRIPTION_PART: /* %description is a little special. We need to */ /* strip off trailing blank lines. */ t1 = RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION; stripTrailingBlanksStringBuf(sb); break; case CHANGELOG_PART: /* %changelog is a little special. It goes in the */ /* "main" package no matter where it appears, and it */ /* ends up in all the packages. */ addEntry(spec->packages->header, RPMTAG_CHANGELOG, STRING_TYPE, getStringBuf(sb), 1); break; } if (t1) { addEntry(cur_package->header, t1, STRING_TYPE, getStringBuf(sb), 1); } cur_part = tag; truncStringBuf(sb); /* Now switch the current package to s */ if (s) { switch (tag) { case PREP_PART: case BUILD_PART: case INSTALL_PART: case CLEAN_PART: case CHANGELOG_PART: error(RPMERR_BADARG, "Tag takes no arguments: %s", s); return NULL; } } /* Rip through s for -f in %files */ fileFile[0] = '\0'; s1 = NULL; if (s && ((s1 = strstr(s, " -f ")) || (!strncmp(s, "-f ", 3)))) { if (s1) { s1[0] = ' '; s1++; } else { s1 = s; } s1[0] = ' '; s1[1] = ' '; s1[2] = ' '; s1 += 3; while (isspace(*s1)) { s1++; } s2 = fileFile; while (*s1 && !isspace(*s1)) { *s2 = *s1; *s1 = ' '; s1++; s2++; } *s2 = '\0'; while (isspace(*s)) { s++; } if (! *s) { s = NULL; } } message(MESS_DEBUG, "fileFile = %s\n", fileFile); /* Handle -n in part tags */ lookupopts = 0; if (s) { if (!strncmp(s, "-n", 2)) { s += 2; s += strspn(s, ": \t"); if (*s == '\0') { error(RPMERR_BADARG, "-n takes argument"); return NULL; } lookupopts = LP_NEWNAME; } else { lookupopts = LP_SUBNAME; } /* Handle trailing whitespace */ s1 = s + strlen(s) - 1; while (*s1 == ' ' || *s1 == '\n' || *s1 == '\t') { s1--; } s1++; *s1 = '\0'; } switch (tag) { case PREP_PART: case BUILD_PART: case INSTALL_PART: case CLEAN_PART: case CHANGELOG_PART: /* Do not switch parts for these */ break; case PREAMBLE_PART: lookupopts |= LP_CREATE | LP_FAIL_EXISTS; /* Fall through */ default: /* XXX - should be able to drop the -n in non-%package parts */ if (! lookup_package(spec, &cur_package, s, lookupopts)) { error(RPMERR_INTERNAL, "Package lookup failed: %s", s); return NULL; } message(MESS_DEBUG, "Switched to package: %s\n", s); } if (cur_part == FILES_PART) { /* set files to 0 (current -1 means no %files, no package */ cur_package->files = 0; if (fileFile[0]) { cur_package->fileFile = strdup(fileFile); } } continue; } /* Check for implicit "base" package. */ /* That means that the specfile does not start with %package */ if (! cur_package) { lookupopts = 0; if (cur_part == PREAMBLE_PART) { lookupopts = LP_CREATE | LP_FAIL_EXISTS; } if (! lookup_package(spec, &cur_package, NULL, lookupopts)) { error(RPMERR_INTERNAL, "Base package lookup failed!"); return NULL; } message(MESS_DEBUG, "Switched to BASE package\n"); } switch (cur_part) { case PREAMBLE_PART: if ((tag = find_preamble_line(line, &s))) { switch (tag) { case RPMTAG_EXCLUDE: case RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVE: message(MESS_WARNING, "Exclude/Exclusive are depricated.\n" "Use ExcludeArch/ExclusiveArch instead.\n"); sprintf(buf2, "%s %s", (tag == RPMTAG_EXCLUDE) ? "%ifarch" : "%ifnarch", s); if (match_arch(buf2)) { error(RPMERR_BADARCH, "Arch mismatch!"); return NULL; } addListEntry(cur_package->header, (tag == RPMTAG_EXCLUDE) ? RPMTAG_EXCLUDEARCH : RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEARCH, s); break; case RPMTAG_EXCLUDEARCH: case RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEARCH: sprintf(buf2, "%s %s", (tag == RPMTAG_EXCLUDEARCH) ? "%ifarch" : "%ifnarch", s); if (match_arch(buf2)) { error(RPMERR_BADARCH, "Arch mismatch!"); return NULL; } addListEntry(cur_package->header, tag, s); break; case RPMTAG_EXCLUDEOS: case RPMTAG_EXCLUSIVEOS: sprintf(buf2, "%s %s", (tag == RPMTAG_EXCLUDEOS) ? "%ifos" : "%ifnos", s); if (match_os(buf2)) { error(RPMERR_BADOS, "OS mismatch!"); return NULL; } addListEntry(cur_package->header, tag, s); break; case RPMTAG_NAME: s1 = s; while (*s1 && *s1 != ' ' && *s1 != '\t') s1++; *s1 = '\0'; if (!spec->name) { spec->name = strdup(s); } /* The NAME entries must be generated after */ /* the whole spec file is parsed. */ break; case RPMTAG_VERSION: case RPMTAG_RELEASE: s1 = s; while (*s1 && *s1 != ' ' && *s1 != '\t') s1++; *s1 = '\0'; case RPMTAG_SUMMARY: case RPMTAG_DISTRIBUTION: case RPMTAG_VENDOR: case RPMTAG_COPYRIGHT: case RPMTAG_PACKAGER: case RPMTAG_GROUP: case RPMTAG_URL: addEntry(cur_package->header, tag, STRING_TYPE, s, 1); break; case RPMTAG_BUILDROOT: gotBuildroot = 1; spec->buildroot = strdup(s); break; case RPMTAG_DEFAULTPREFIX: addEntry(cur_package->header, tag, STRING_TYPE, s, 1); break; case RPMTAG_SERIAL: serial = atoi(s); addEntry(cur_package->header, tag, INT32_TYPE, &serial, 1); break; case RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION: /* Special case -- need to handle backslash */ truncStringBuf(sb); while (1) { s1 = s + strlen(s) - 1; if (*s1 != '\\') { break; } *s1 = '\0'; appendLineStringBuf(sb, s); read_line(f, buf); s = buf; } appendStringBuf(sb, s); addEntry(cur_package->header, RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION, STRING_TYPE, getStringBuf(sb), 1); break; case RPMTAG_ROOT: /* special case */ gotRoot = 1; message(MESS_DEBUG, "Got root: %s\n", s); message(MESS_WARNING, "The Root: tag is depricated. Use Buildroot: instead\n"); setVar(RPMVAR_ROOT, s); break; case RPMTAG_ICON: cur_package->icon = strdup(s); break; case RPMTAG_NOPATCH: case RPMTAG_NOSOURCE: if (noSourcePatch(spec, s, tag)) { return NULL; } break; case RPMTAG_SOURCE: case RPMTAG_PATCH: if (addSource(spec, line)) { return NULL; } break; case RPMTAG_PROVIDES: if (parseProvides(cur_package, s)) { return NULL; } break; case RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS: case RPMTAG_CONFLICTFLAGS: if (parseRequiresConflicts(cur_package, s, tag)) { return NULL; } break; case RPMTAG_AUTOREQPROV: s1 = strtok(s, " \t\n"); if (!s1) { spec->autoReqProv = 0; } else if (s1[0] == 'n' || s1[0] == 'N') { spec->autoReqProv = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(s1, "false")) { spec->autoReqProv = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(s1, "off")) { spec->autoReqProv = 0; } else if (!strcmp(s1, "0")) { spec->autoReqProv = 0; } break; default: /* message(MESS_DEBUG, "Skipping: %s\n", line); */ /* This shouldn't happen? */ error(RPMERR_INTERNAL, "Bogus token"); return NULL; } } else { /* Not a recognized preamble part */ s1 = line; while (*s1 && (*s1 == ' ' || *s1 == '\t')) s1++; /* Handle blanks lines and comments */ if (*s1 && (*s1 != '#')) { /*message(MESS_WARNING, "Unknown Field: %s\n", line);*/ error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Unknown Field: %s\n", line); return NULL; } } break; case PREP_PART: appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, line); break; case BUILD_PART: appendLineStringBuf(spec->build, line); break; case INSTALL_PART: appendLineStringBuf(spec->install, line); break; case CLEAN_PART: appendLineStringBuf(spec->clean, line); break; case DESCRIPTION_PART: case CHANGELOG_PART: case PREIN_PART: case POSTIN_PART: case PREUN_PART: case POSTUN_PART: appendLineStringBuf(sb, line); break; case FILES_PART: s1 = line; while (*s1 && (*s1 == ' ' || *s1 == '\t')) s1++; /* Handle blanks lines and comments */ if (*s1 && (*s1 != '#')) { cur_package->files++; appendLineStringBuf(cur_package->filelist, line); parseForDocFiles(cur_package, line); } break; default: error(RPMERR_INTERNAL, "Bad part"); return NULL; } /* switch */ } if (x < 0) { return NULL; } if (gotRoot && gotBuildroot) { freeSpec(spec); error(RPMERR_BADSPEC, "Spec file can not have both Root: and Buildroot:"); return NULL; } if (spec->buildroot) { /* This package can do build roots */ if (buildRootOverride) { setVar(RPMVAR_ROOT, buildRootOverride); setVar(RPMVAR_BUILDROOT, buildRootOverride); } else { if ((s = getVar(RPMVAR_BUILDROOT))) { /* Take build prefix from rpmrc */ setVar(RPMVAR_ROOT, s); } else { /* Use default */ setVar(RPMVAR_ROOT, spec->buildroot); setVar(RPMVAR_BUILDROOT, spec->buildroot); } } } else { /* Package can not do build prefixes */ if (buildRootOverride) { freeSpec(spec); error(RPMERR_BADARG, "Package can not do build prefixes"); return NULL; } } generateNamesAndDocScript(spec); return spec; } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Resets the parser */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ static void reset_spec() { static done = 0; struct read_level_entry *rl; struct preamble_line *p = preamble_spec; struct part_rec *p1 = part_list; setVar(RPMVAR_ROOT, NULL); while (read_level) { rl = read_level; read_level = read_level->next; free(rl); } read_level = malloc(sizeof(struct read_level_entry)); read_level->next = NULL; read_level->reading = 1; if (! done) { /* Put one time only things in here */ while (p->tag) { p->len = strlen(p->token); p++; } while (p1->part) { p1->len = strlen(p1->s); p1++; } done = 1; } } /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Spec struct dumping (for debugging) */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ void dumpSpec(Spec s, FILE *f) { struct PackageRec *p; fprintf(f, "########################################################\n"); fprintf(f, "SPEC NAME = (%s)\n", s->name); fprintf(f, "PREP =v\n"); fprintf(f, "%s", getStringBuf(s->prep)); fprintf(f, "PREP =^\n"); fprintf(f, "BUILD =v\n"); fprintf(f, "%s", getStringBuf(s->build)); fprintf(f, "BUILD =^\n"); fprintf(f, "INSTALL =v\n"); fprintf(f, "%s", getStringBuf(s->install)); fprintf(f, "INSTALL =^\n"); fprintf(f, "CLEAN =v\n"); fprintf(f, "%s", getStringBuf(s->clean)); fprintf(f, "CLEAN =^\n"); p = s->packages; while (p) { dumpPackage(p, f); p = p->next; } } static void dumpPackage(struct PackageRec *p, FILE *f) { fprintf(f, "_________________________________________________________\n"); fprintf(f, "SUBNAME = (%s)\n", p->subname); fprintf(f, "NEWNAME = (%s)\n", p->newname); fprintf(f, "FILES = %d\n", p->files); fprintf(f, "FILES =v\n"); fprintf(f, "%s", getStringBuf(p->filelist)); fprintf(f, "FILES =^\n"); fprintf(f, "HEADER =v\n"); dumpHeader(p->header, f, 1); fprintf(f, "HEADER =^\n"); }