/** \ingroup rpmbuild * \file build/parsePrep.c * Parse %prep section from spec file. */ #include "system.h" #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" /* These have to be global to make up for stupid compilers */ static int leaveDirs, skipDefaultAction; static int createDir, quietly; static const char * dirName = NULL; static struct poptOption optionsTable[] = { { NULL, 'a', POPT_ARG_STRING, NULL, 'a', NULL, NULL}, { NULL, 'b', POPT_ARG_STRING, NULL, 'b', NULL, NULL}, { NULL, 'c', 0, &createDir, 0, NULL, NULL}, { NULL, 'D', 0, &leaveDirs, 0, NULL, NULL}, { NULL, 'n', POPT_ARG_STRING, &dirName, 0, NULL, NULL}, { NULL, 'T', 0, &skipDefaultAction, 0, NULL, NULL}, { NULL, 'q', 0, &quietly, 0, NULL, NULL}, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} }; /** * Check that file owner and group are known. * @param urlfn file url * @return RPMRC_OK on success */ static rpmRC checkOwners(const char * urlfn) { struct stat sb; if (lstat(urlfn, &sb)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Bad source: %s: %s\n"), urlfn, strerror(errno)); return RPMRC_FAIL; } if (!getUname(sb.st_uid) || !getGname(sb.st_gid)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Bad owner/group: %s\n"), urlfn); return RPMRC_FAIL; } return RPMRC_OK; } /** * Expand %patchN macro into %prep scriptlet. * @param spec build info * @param c patch index * @param strip patch level (i.e. patch -p argument) * @param db saved file suffix (i.e. patch --suffix argument) * @param reverse include -R? * @param fuzz fuzz factor, fuzz<0 means no fuzz set * @param removeEmpties include -E? * @return expanded %patch macro (NULL on error) */ static char *doPatch(rpmSpec spec, int c, int strip, const char *db, int reverse, int removeEmpties, int fuzz) { char *fn; char *buf = NULL; char *arg_backup = NULL; char *arg_fuzz = NULL; char *args = NULL; struct Source *sp; char *patcher; rpmCompressedMagic compressed = COMPRESSED_NOT; for (sp = spec->sources; sp != NULL; sp = sp->next) { if ((sp->flags & RPMBUILD_ISPATCH) && (sp->num == c)) { break; } } if (sp == NULL) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("No patch number %d\n"), c); return NULL; } fn = rpmGetPath("%{_sourcedir}/", sp->source, NULL); /* XXX On non-build parse's, file cannot be stat'd or read */ if (!spec->force && (rpmFileIsCompressed(fn, &compressed) || checkOwners(fn))) { fn = _free(fn); return NULL; } if (db) { rasprintf(&arg_backup, #if HAVE_OLDPATCH_21 == 0 "-b " #endif "--suffix %s", db); } else arg_backup = xstrdup(""); if (fuzz >= 0) { rasprintf(&arg_fuzz, " --fuzz=%d", fuzz); } else arg_fuzz = xstrdup(""); rasprintf(&args, "%s%s%s%s", arg_backup, arg_fuzz, reverse ? " -R" : "", removeEmpties ? " -E" : ""); free(arg_fuzz); free(arg_backup); patcher = rpmGetPath("%{__patch}", NULL); if (compressed) { char *zipper = rpmGetPath( (compressed == COMPRESSED_BZIP2 ? "%{__bzip2}" : "%{__gzip}"), NULL); rasprintf(&buf, "echo \"Patch #%d (%s):\"\n" "%s -d < '%s' | %s -p%d %s -s\n" "STATUS=$?\n" "if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then\n" " exit $STATUS\n" "fi", c, (const char *) basename(fn), zipper, patcher, fn, strip, args); zipper = _free(zipper); } else { rasprintf(&buf, "echo \"Patch #%d (%s):\"\n" "%s -p%d %s -s < '%s'", c, (const char *) basename(fn), patcher, strip, args, fn); } patcher = _free(patcher); fn = _free(fn); return buf; } /** * Expand %setup macro into %prep scriptlet. * @param spec build info * @param c source index * @param quietly should -vv be omitted from tar? * @return expanded %setup macro (NULL on error) */ static char *doUntar(rpmSpec spec, int c, int quietly) { char *fn; char *buf = NULL; char *tar, *taropts; struct Source *sp; rpmCompressedMagic compressed = COMPRESSED_NOT; for (sp = spec->sources; sp != NULL; sp = sp->next) { if ((sp->flags & RPMBUILD_ISSOURCE) && (sp->num == c)) { break; } } if (sp == NULL) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("No source number %d\n"), c); return NULL; } fn = rpmGetPath("%{_sourcedir}/", sp->source, NULL); /* FIX: shrug */ taropts = ((rpmIsVerbose() && !quietly) ? "-xvvf" : "-xf"); #ifdef AUTOFETCH_NOT /* XXX don't expect this code to be enabled */ /* XXX * XXX If nosource file doesn't exist, try to fetch from url. * XXX TODO: add a "--fetch" enabler. */ if (sp->flags & RPMTAG_NOSOURCE && autofetchnosource) { struct stat st; int rc; if (lstat(fn, &st) != 0 && errno == ENOENT && urlIsUrl(sp->fullSource) != URL_IS_UNKNOWN) { if ((rc = urlGetFile(sp->fullSource, fn)) != 0) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Couldn't download nosource %s: %s\n"), sp->fullSource, ftpStrerror(rc)); return NULL; } } } #endif /* XXX On non-build parse's, file cannot be stat'd or read */ if (!spec->force && (rpmFileIsCompressed(fn, &compressed) || checkOwners(fn))) { fn = _free(fn); return NULL; } tar = rpmGetPath("%{__tar}", NULL); if (compressed != COMPRESSED_NOT) { char *zipper, *t = NULL; int needtar = 1; switch (compressed) { case COMPRESSED_NOT: /* XXX can't happen */ case COMPRESSED_OTHER: t = "%{__gzip} -dc"; break; case COMPRESSED_BZIP2: t = "%{__bzip2} -dc"; break; case COMPRESSED_ZIP: if (rpmIsVerbose() && !quietly) t = "%{__unzip}"; else t = "%{__unzip} -qq"; needtar = 0; break; case COMPRESSED_LZMA: t = "%{__lzma} -dc"; break; } zipper = rpmGetPath(t, NULL); if (needtar) { rasprintf(&buf, "%s '%s' | %s %s - \n" "STATUS=$?\n" "if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then\n" " exit $STATUS\n" "fi", zipper, fn, tar, taropts); } else { rasprintf(&buf, "%s '%s'\n" "STATUS=$?\n" "if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then\n" " exit $STATUS\n" "fi", zipper, fn); } zipper = _free(zipper); } else { rasprintf(&buf, "%s %s %s", tar, taropts, fn); } fn = _free(fn); tar = _free(tar); return buf; } /** * Parse %setup macro. * @todo FIXME: Option -q broken when not immediately after %setup. * @param spec build info * @param line current line from spec file * @return RPMRC_OK on success */ static int doSetupMacro(rpmSpec spec, const char *line) { char *buf = NULL; StringBuf before; StringBuf after; poptContext optCon; int argc; const char ** argv; int arg; const char * optArg; int rc; int num; leaveDirs = skipDefaultAction = 0; createDir = quietly = 0; dirName = NULL; if ((rc = poptParseArgvString(line, &argc, &argv))) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Error parsing %%setup: %s\n"), poptStrerror(rc)); return RPMRC_FAIL; } before = newStringBuf(); after = newStringBuf(); optCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, argv, optionsTable, 0); while ((arg = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) > 0) { optArg = poptGetOptArg(optCon); /* We only parse -a and -b here */ if (parseNum(optArg, &num)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Bad arg to %%setup: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, (optArg ? optArg : "???")); before = freeStringBuf(before); after = freeStringBuf(after); optCon = poptFreeContext(optCon); argv = _free(argv); return RPMRC_FAIL; } { char *chptr = doUntar(spec, num, quietly); if (chptr == NULL) return RPMRC_FAIL; appendLineStringBuf((arg == 'a' ? after : before), chptr); free(chptr); } } if (arg < -1) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: Bad %%setup option %s: %s\n"), spec->lineNum, poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(arg)); before = freeStringBuf(before); after = freeStringBuf(after); optCon = poptFreeContext(optCon); argv = _free(argv); return RPMRC_FAIL; } if (dirName) { spec->buildSubdir = xstrdup(dirName); } else { const char *name, *version; (void) headerNVR(spec->packages->header, &name, &version, NULL); rasprintf(&spec->buildSubdir, "%s-%s", name, version); } addMacro(spec->macros, "buildsubdir", NULL, spec->buildSubdir, RMIL_SPEC); optCon = poptFreeContext(optCon); argv = _free(argv); /* cd to the build dir */ { char * buildDir = rpmGenPath(spec->rootDir, "%{_builddir}", ""); rasprintf(&buf, "cd '%s'", buildDir); appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, buf); free(buf); free(buildDir); } /* delete any old sources */ if (!leaveDirs) { rasprintf(&buf, "rm -rf '%s'", spec->buildSubdir); appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, buf); free(buf); } /* if necessary, create and cd into the proper dir */ if (createDir) { rasprintf(&buf, RPM_MKDIR_P " %s\ncd '%s'", spec->buildSubdir, spec->buildSubdir); appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, buf); free(buf); } /* do the default action */ if (!createDir && !skipDefaultAction) { char *chptr = doUntar(spec, 0, quietly); if (!chptr) return RPMRC_FAIL; appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, chptr); free(chptr); } appendStringBuf(spec->prep, getStringBuf(before)); before = freeStringBuf(before); if (!createDir) { rasprintf(&buf, "cd '%s'", spec->buildSubdir); appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, buf); free(buf); } if (createDir && !skipDefaultAction) { char *chptr = doUntar(spec, 0, quietly); if (chptr == NULL) return RPMRC_FAIL; appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, chptr); free(chptr); } appendStringBuf(spec->prep, getStringBuf(after)); after = freeStringBuf(after); /* XXX FIXME: owner & group fixes were conditioned on !geteuid() */ /* Fix the owner, group, and permissions of the setup build tree */ { static const char * const fixmacs[] = { "%{_fixowner}", "%{_fixgroup}", "%{_fixperms}", NULL }; const char * const * fm; for (fm = fixmacs; *fm; fm++) { char * fix = rpmExpand(*fm, " .", NULL); if (fix && *fix != '%') appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, fix); fix = _free(fix); } } return RPMRC_OK; } /** * Parse %patch line. * This supports too many crazy syntaxes: * - %patch is equal to %patch0 * - %patchN is equal to %patch -P * - -P -P... can be used to apply several patch on a single line * - Any trailing arguments are treated as patch numbers * - Any combination of the above, except unless at least one -P is specified, * %patch is treated as %patch -P0 so that "%patch 1" is actually * equal to "%patch -P0 -P1". * * @param spec build info * @param line current line from spec file * @return RPMRC_OK on success */ static rpmRC doPatchMacro(rpmSpec spec, const char *line) { char *opt_b; char *buf = NULL; int opt_P, opt_p, opt_R, opt_E, opt_F; int argc, c; const char **argv = NULL; ARGV_t patch, patchnums = NULL; rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL; /* assume failure */ struct poptOption const patchOpts[] = { { NULL, 'P', POPT_ARG_INT, &opt_P, 'P', NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 'p', POPT_ARG_INT, &opt_p, 'p', NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 'R', POPT_ARG_NONE, &opt_R, 'R', NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 'E', POPT_ARG_NONE, &opt_E, 'E', NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 'b', POPT_ARG_STRING, &opt_b, 'b', NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 'z', POPT_ARG_STRING, &opt_b, 'z', NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 'F', POPT_ARG_INT, &opt_F, 'F', NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } }; poptContext optCon; opt_P = opt_p = opt_R = opt_E = 0; opt_F = -1; /* fuzz<0 indicates no explicit -F x was set */ opt_b = NULL; /* Convert %patchN to %patch -PN to simplify further processing */ if (! strchr(" \t\n", line[6])) { rasprintf(&buf, "%%patch -P %s", line + 6); } else { buf = xstrdup(line); } poptParseArgvString(buf, &argc, &argv); free(buf); /* * Grab all -P numbers for later processing. Stored as strings * at this point so we only have to worry about conversion in one place. */ optCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, argv, patchOpts, 0); while ((c = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) > 0) { switch (c) { case 'P': { char *arg = poptGetOptArg(optCon); if (arg) { argvAdd(&patchnums, arg); free(arg); } break; } default: break; } } if (c < -1) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s: %s: %s\n"), poptStrerror(c), poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), line); goto exit; } /* %patch without -P is treated as %patch0, urgh */ if (!opt_P) { argvAdd(&patchnums, "0"); } /* Any trailing arguments are treated as patch numbers */ argvAppend(&patchnums, (ARGV_const_t) poptGetArgs(optCon)); /* Convert to number, generate patch command and append to %prep script */ for (patch = patchnums; *patch; patch++) { int pnum; char *s; if (parseNum(*patch, &pnum)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Invalid patch number %s: %s\n"), *patch, line); goto exit; } s = doPatch(spec, pnum, opt_p, opt_b, opt_R, opt_E, opt_F); if (s == NULL) { goto exit; } appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, s); free(s); } rc = RPMRC_OK; exit: argvFree(patchnums); free(argv); poptFreeContext(optCon); return rc; } int parsePrep(rpmSpec spec) { int nextPart, res, rc; StringBuf sb; char **lines; ARGV_t saveLines = NULL; if (spec->prep != NULL) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("line %d: second %%prep\n"), spec->lineNum); return RPMRC_FAIL; } spec->prep = newStringBuf(); /* There are no options to %prep */ if ((rc = readLine(spec, STRIP_NOTHING)) > 0) { return PART_NONE; } if (rc) return rc; sb = newStringBuf(); while (! (nextPart = isPart(spec->line))) { /* Need to expand the macros inline. That way we */ /* can give good line number information on error. */ appendStringBuf(sb, spec->line); if ((rc = readLine(spec, STRIP_NOTHING)) > 0) { nextPart = PART_NONE; break; } if (rc) return rc; } argvSplit(&saveLines, getStringBuf(sb), "\n"); for (lines = saveLines; *lines; lines++) { res = 0; if (! strncmp(*lines, "%setup", sizeof("%setup")-1)) { res = doSetupMacro(spec, *lines); } else if (! strncmp(*lines, "%patch", sizeof("%patch")-1)) { res = doPatchMacro(spec, *lines); } else { appendLineStringBuf(spec->prep, *lines); } if (res && !spec->force) { argvFree(saveLines); sb = freeStringBuf(sb); return res; } } argvFree(saveLines); sb = freeStringBuf(sb); return nextPart; }