path: root/test/
diff options
authorAnas Nashif <>2012-11-06 11:50:47 -0800
committerAnas Nashif <>2012-11-06 11:50:47 -0800
commit8aaaef93cd5a5ef6d77c8c0094079cb3c7c2d5eb (patch)
tree88a08d897d4908e9729762041e6d5c9c10bf7fd1 /test/
Imported Upstream version 0.13.5upstream/0.13.5
Diffstat (limited to 'test/')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1fd5221d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+/* Id:,v 1.37 2006/02/25 12:41:41 helly Exp */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include ""
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "dfa.h"
+extern YYSTYPE yylval;
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+#define BSIZE 8192
+#define YYCTYPE char
+#define YYCURSOR cursor
+#define YYLIMIT lim
+#define YYMARKER ptr
+#define YYFILL(n) {cursor = fill(cursor);}
+#define RETURN(i) {cur = cursor; return i;}
+namespace re2c
+Scanner::Scanner(std::istream& i, std::ostream& o)
+ : in(i)
+ , out(o)
+ , bot(NULL), tok(NULL), ptr(NULL), cur(NULL), pos(NULL), lim(NULL)
+ , top(NULL), eof(NULL), tchar(0), tline(0), cline(1), iscfg(0)
+ ;
+char *Scanner::fill(char *cursor)
+ if(!eof)
+ {
+ uint cnt = tok - bot;
+ if(cnt)
+ {
+ memcpy(bot, tok, lim - tok);
+ tok = bot;
+ ptr -= cnt;
+ cursor -= cnt;
+ pos -= cnt;
+ lim -= cnt;
+ }
+ if((top - lim) < BSIZE)
+ {
+ char *buf = new char[(lim - bot) + BSIZE];
+ memcpy(buf, tok, lim - tok);
+ tok = buf;
+ ptr = &buf[ptr - bot];
+ cursor = &buf[cursor - bot];
+ pos = &buf[pos - bot];
+ lim = &buf[lim - bot];
+ top = &lim[BSIZE];
+ delete [] bot;
+ bot = buf;
+ }
+, BSIZE);
+ if ((cnt = in.gcount()) != BSIZE )
+ {
+ eof = &lim[cnt]; *eof++ = '\0';
+ }
+ lim += cnt;
+ }
+ return cursor;
+zero = "\000";
+any = [\000-\377];
+dot = any \ [\n];
+esc = dot \ [\\];
+istring = "[" "^" ((esc \ [\]]) | "\\" dot)* "]" ;
+cstring = "[" ((esc \ [\]]) | "\\" dot)* "]" ;
+dstring = "\"" ((esc \ ["] ) | "\\" dot)* "\"";
+sstring = "'" ((esc \ ['] ) | "\\" dot)* "'" ;
+letter = [a-zA-Z];
+digit = [0-9];
+number = "0" | ("-"? [1-9] digit*);
+name = letter (letter|digit)*;
+cname = ":" letter (letter|digit|"_")*;
+space = [ \t];
+eol = ("\r\n" | "\n");
+config = "re2c" cname+;
+value = [^\r\n; \t]* | dstring | sstring;
+int Scanner::echo()
+ char *cursor = cur;
+ bool ignore_eoc = false;
+ if (eof && cursor == eof) // Catch EOF
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tok = cursor;
+ "/*!re2c" {
+ out.write((const char*)(tok), (const char*)(&cursor[-7]) - (const char*)(tok));
+ tok = cursor;
+ RETURN(1);
+ }
+ "/*!max:re2c" {
+ out << "#define YYMAXFILL " << maxFill << std::endl;
+ tok = pos = cursor;
+ ignore_eoc = true;
+ goto echo;
+ }
+ "*" "/" {
+ if (ignore_eoc) {
+ ignore_eoc = false;
+ } else {
+ out.write((const char*)(tok), (const char*)(cursor) - (const char*)(tok));
+ }
+ tok = pos = cursor;
+ goto echo;
+ }
+ "\n" {
+ out.write((const char*)(tok), (const char*)(cursor) - (const char*)(tok));
+ tok = pos = cursor; cline++;
+ goto echo;
+ }
+ zero {
+ out.write((const char*)(tok), (const char*)(cursor) - (const char*)(tok) - 1); // -1 so we don't write out the \0
+ if(cursor == eof) {
+ RETURN(0);
+ }
+ }
+ any {
+ goto echo;
+ }
+int Scanner::scan()
+ char *cursor = cur;
+ uint depth;
+ tchar = cursor - pos;
+ tline = cline;
+ tok = cursor;
+ if (iscfg == 1)
+ {
+ goto config;
+ }
+ else if (iscfg == 2)
+ {
+ goto value;
+ }
+ "{" { depth = 1;
+ goto code;
+ }
+ "/*" { depth = 1;
+ goto comment; }
+ "*/" { tok = cursor;
+ RETURN(0); }
+ dstring { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.regexp = strToRE(token());
+ return STRING; }
+ sstring { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.regexp = strToCaseInsensitiveRE(token());
+ return STRING; }
+ "\"" { fatal("unterminated string constant (missing \")"); }
+ "'" { fatal("unterminated string constant (missing ')"); }
+ istring { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.regexp = invToRE(token());
+ return RANGE; }
+ cstring { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.regexp = ranToRE(token());
+ return RANGE; }
+ "[" { fatal("unterminated range (missing ])"); }
+ [()|=;/\\] { RETURN(*tok); }
+ [*+?] { yylval.op = *tok;
+ "{0,}" { yylval.op = '*';
+ "{" [0-9]+ "}" { yylval.extop.minsize = atoi((char *)tok+1);
+ yylval.extop.maxsize = atoi((char *)tok+1);
+ "{" [0-9]+ "," [0-9]+ "}" { yylval.extop.minsize = atoi((char *)tok+1);
+ yylval.extop.maxsize = MAX(yylval.extop.minsize,atoi(strchr((char *)tok, ',')+1));
+ "{" [0-9]+ ",}" { yylval.extop.minsize = atoi((char *)tok+1);
+ yylval.extop.maxsize = -1;
+ "{" [0-9]* "," { fatal("illegal closure form, use '{n}', '{n,}', '{n,m}' where n and m are numbers"); }
+ config { cur = cursor;
+ tok+= 5; /* skip "re2c:" */
+ iscfg = 1;
+ yylval.str = new Str(token());
+ return CONFIG;
+ }
+ name { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.symbol = Symbol::find(token());
+ return ID; }
+ "." { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.regexp = mkDot();
+ return RANGE;
+ }
+ space+ { goto scan; }
+ eol { if(cursor == eof) RETURN(0);
+ pos = cursor; cline++;
+ goto scan;
+ }
+ any { std::ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "unexpected character: ";
+ prtChOrHex(msg, *tok);
+ fatal(msg.str().c_str());
+ goto scan;
+ }
+ "}" { if(--depth == 0){
+ cur = cursor;
+ yylval.token = new Token(token(), tline);
+ return CODE;
+ }
+ goto code; }
+ "{" { ++depth;
+ goto code; }
+ "\n" { if(cursor == eof) fatal("missing '}'");
+ pos = cursor; cline++;
+ goto code;
+ }
+ dstring | sstring | any { goto code; }
+ "*/" { if(--depth == 0)
+ goto scan;
+ else
+ goto comment; }
+ "/*" { ++depth;
+ fatal("ambiguous /* found");
+ goto comment; }
+ "\n" { if(cursor == eof) RETURN(0);
+ tok = pos = cursor; cline++;
+ goto comment;
+ }
+ any { if(cursor == eof) RETURN(0);
+ goto comment; }
+ space+ { goto config; }
+ "=" space* { iscfg = 2;
+ cur = cursor;
+ RETURN('=');
+ }
+ any { fatal("missing '='"); }
+ number { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.number = atoi(token().to_string().c_str());
+ iscfg = 0;
+ return NUMBER;
+ }
+ value { cur = cursor;
+ yylval.str = new Str(token());
+ iscfg = 0;
+ return VALUE;
+ }
+void Scanner::fatal(uint ofs, const char *msg) const
+ out.flush();
+ std::cerr << "re2c: error: "
+ << "line " << tline << ", column " << (tchar + ofs + 1) << ": "
+ << msg << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+} // end namespace re2c