from .setup_helpers.env import (IS_64BIT, IS_DARWIN, IS_WINDOWS, DEBUG, REL_WITH_DEB_INFO, USE_MKLDNN, check_env_flag, check_negative_env_flag) import os import sys import distutils import distutils.sysconfig from subprocess import check_call, check_output from distutils.version import LooseVersion from .setup_helpers.cuda import USE_CUDA, CUDA_HOME from .setup_helpers.dist_check import USE_DISTRIBUTED, USE_GLOO_IBVERBS from .setup_helpers.nccl import USE_SYSTEM_NCCL, NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR, NCCL_ROOT_DIR, NCCL_SYSTEM_LIB, USE_NCCL from .setup_helpers.rocm import USE_ROCM from .setup_helpers.nnpack import USE_NNPACK from .setup_helpers.qnnpack import USE_QNNPACK from .setup_helpers.cudnn import CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR, CUDNN_LIBRARY, USE_CUDNN from pprint import pprint from glob import glob import multiprocessing import shutil def which(thefile): path = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath).split(os.pathsep) for dir in path: fname = os.path.join(dir, thefile) fnames = [fname] if IS_WINDOWS: exts = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep) fnames += [fname + ext for ext in exts] for name in fnames: if (os.path.exists(name) and os.access(name, os.F_OK | os.X_OK) and not os.path.isdir(name)): return name return None def cmake_version(cmd): for line in check_output([cmd, '--version']).decode('utf-8').split('\n'): if 'version' in line: return LooseVersion(line.strip().split(' ')[2]) raise Exception('no version found') def get_cmake_command(): cmake_command = 'cmake' if IS_WINDOWS: return cmake_command cmake3 = which('cmake3') if cmake3 is not None: cmake = which('cmake') if cmake is not None: bare_version = cmake_version(cmake) if bare_version < LooseVersion("3.5.0") and cmake_version(cmake3) > bare_version: cmake_command = 'cmake3' return cmake_command def cmake_defines(lst, **kwargs): for key in sorted(kwargs.keys()): value = kwargs[key] if value is not None: lst.append('-D{}={}'.format(key, value)) # Ninja # Use ninja if it is on the PATH. Previous version of PyTorch required the # ninja python package, but we no longer use it, so we do not have to import it USE_NINJA = not check_negative_env_flag('USE_NINJA') and (which('ninja') is not None) base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) install_dir = base_dir + "/torch" build_type = "Release" if DEBUG: build_type = "Debug" elif REL_WITH_DEB_INFO: build_type = "RelWithDebInfo" def overlay_windows_vcvars(env): from distutils._msvccompiler import _get_vc_env vc_arch = 'x64' if IS_64BIT else 'x86' vc_env = _get_vc_env(vc_arch) for k, v in env.items(): lk = k.lower() if lk not in vc_env: vc_env[lk] = v return vc_env def mkdir_p(dir): try: os.makedirs(dir) except OSError: pass def create_build_env(): # XXX - our cmake file sometimes looks at the system environment # and not cmake flags! # you should NEVER add something to this list. It is bad practice to # have cmake read the environment my_env = os.environ.copy() if USE_CUDNN: my_env['CUDNN_LIBRARY'] = escape_path(CUDNN_LIBRARY) my_env['CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR'] = escape_path(CUDNN_INCLUDE_DIR) if USE_CUDA: my_env['CUDA_BIN_PATH'] = escape_path(CUDA_HOME) if IS_WINDOWS: my_env = overlay_windows_vcvars(my_env) # When using Ninja under Windows, the gcc toolchain will be chosen as default. # But it should be set to MSVC as the user's first choice. if USE_NINJA: cc = my_env.get('CC', 'cl') cxx = my_env.get('CXX', 'cl') my_env['CC'] = cc my_env['CXX'] = cxx return my_env def run_cmake(version, cmake_python_library, build_python, build_test, build_dir, my_env): cmake_args = [ get_cmake_command() ] if USE_NINJA: cmake_args.append('-GNinja') elif IS_WINDOWS: if IS_64BIT: cmake_args.append('-GVisual Studio 15 2017 Win64') else: cmake_args.append('-GVisual Studio 15 2017') try: import numpy as np NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR = np.get_include() USE_NUMPY = True except ImportError: USE_NUMPY = False NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR = None cflags = os.getenv('CFLAGS', "") + " " + os.getenv('CPPFLAGS', "") ldflags = os.getenv('LDFLAGS', "") if IS_WINDOWS: cmake_defines(cmake_args, MSVC_Z7_OVERRIDE=os.getenv('MSVC_Z7_OVERRIDE', "ON")) cflags += " /EHa" mkdir_p(install_dir) mkdir_p(build_dir) cmake_defines( cmake_args, PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=escape_path(sys.executable), PYTHON_LIBRARY=escape_path(cmake_python_library), PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=escape_path(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()), BUILDING_WITH_TORCH_LIBS=os.getenv("BUILDING_WITH_TORCH_LIBS", "ON"), TORCH_BUILD_VERSION=version, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=build_type, BUILD_TORCH=os.getenv("BUILD_TORCH", "ON"), BUILD_PYTHON=build_python, BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=os.getenv("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS", "ON"), BUILD_BINARY=check_env_flag('BUILD_BINARY'), BUILD_TEST=build_test, INSTALL_TEST=build_test, BUILD_CAFFE2_OPS=not check_negative_env_flag('BUILD_CAFFE2_OPS'), ONNX_NAMESPACE=os.getenv("ONNX_NAMESPACE", "onnx_torch"), ONNX_ML=os.getenv("ONNX_ML", False), USE_CUDA=USE_CUDA, USE_DISTRIBUTED=USE_DISTRIBUTED, USE_FBGEMM=not (check_env_flag('NO_FBGEMM') or check_negative_env_flag('USE_FBGEMM')), USE_NUMPY=USE_NUMPY, NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR=escape_path(NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR), USE_SYSTEM_NCCL=USE_SYSTEM_NCCL, NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR=NCCL_INCLUDE_DIR, NCCL_ROOT_DIR=NCCL_ROOT_DIR, NCCL_SYSTEM_LIB=NCCL_SYSTEM_LIB, CAFFE2_STATIC_LINK_CUDA=check_env_flag('USE_CUDA_STATIC_LINK'), USE_ROCM=USE_ROCM, USE_NNPACK=USE_NNPACK, USE_LEVELDB=check_env_flag('USE_LEVELDB'), USE_LMDB=check_env_flag('USE_LMDB'), USE_OPENCV=check_env_flag('USE_OPENCV'), USE_QNNPACK=USE_QNNPACK, USE_TENSORRT=check_env_flag('USE_TENSORRT'), USE_FFMPEG=check_env_flag('USE_FFMPEG'), USE_SYSTEM_EIGEN_INSTALL="OFF", USE_MKLDNN=USE_MKLDNN, USE_NCCL=USE_NCCL, NCCL_EXTERNAL=USE_NCCL, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install_dir, CMAKE_C_FLAGS=cflags, CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=cflags, CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=ldflags, CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=ldflags, THD_SO_VERSION="1", CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=os.getenv('CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH') or distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(), BLAS=os.getenv('BLAS'), CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE=escape_path(os.getenv('CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE')), USE_REDIS=os.getenv('USE_REDIS'), USE_GLOG=os.getenv('USE_GLOG'), USE_GFLAGS=os.getenv('USE_GFLAGS'), WERROR=os.getenv('WERROR')) if USE_GLOO_IBVERBS: cmake_defines(cmake_args, USE_IBVERBS="1", USE_GLOO_IBVERBS="1") if USE_MKLDNN: cmake_defines(cmake_args, MKLDNN_ENABLE_CONCURRENT_EXEC="ON") expected_wrapper = '/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec' if IS_DARWIN and os.path.exists(expected_wrapper): cmake_defines(cmake_args, CMAKE_C_COMPILER="{}/gcc".format(expected_wrapper), CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="{}/g++".format(expected_wrapper)) for env_var_name in my_env: if env_var_name.startswith('gh'): # github env vars use utf-8, on windows, non-ascii code may # cause problem, so encode first try: my_env[env_var_name] = str(my_env[env_var_name].encode("utf-8")) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: shex = ':'.join('{:02x}'.format(ord(c)) for c in my_env[env_var_name]) sys.stderr.write('Invalid ENV[{}] = {}\n'.format(env_var_name, shex)) # According to the CMake manual, we should pass the arguments first, # and put the directory as the last element. Otherwise, these flags # may not be passed correctly. # Reference: # 1. # 2. cmake_args.append(base_dir) pprint(cmake_args) check_call(cmake_args, cwd=build_dir, env=my_env) def build_caffe2(version, cmake_python_library, build_python, rerun_cmake, build_dir): my_env = create_build_env() build_test = not check_negative_env_flag('BUILD_TEST') max_jobs = os.getenv('MAX_JOBS', None) cmake_cache_file = 'build/CMakeCache.txt' if rerun_cmake and os.path.isfile(cmake_cache_file): os.remove(cmake_cache_file) if not os.path.exists(cmake_cache_file) or (USE_NINJA and not os.path.exists('build/')): run_cmake(version, cmake_python_library, build_python, build_test, build_dir, my_env) if IS_WINDOWS: build_cmd = ['cmake', '--build', '.', '--target', 'install', '--config', build_type, '--'] if USE_NINJA: # sccache will fail if all cores are used for compiling j = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) if max_jobs is not None: j = min(int(max_jobs), j) build_cmd += ['-j', str(j)] check_call(build_cmd, cwd=build_dir, env=my_env) else: j = max_jobs or str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) build_cmd += ['/maxcpucount:{}'.format(j)] check_call(build_cmd, cwd=build_dir, env=my_env) else: if USE_NINJA: ninja_cmd = ['ninja', 'install'] if max_jobs is not None: ninja_cmd += ['-j', max_jobs] check_call(ninja_cmd, cwd=build_dir, env=my_env) else: max_jobs = max_jobs or str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) check_call(['make', '-j', str(max_jobs), 'install'], cwd=build_dir, env=my_env) # in cmake, .cu compilation involves generating certain intermediates # such as .cu.o and .cu.depend, and these intermediates finally get compiled # into the final .so. # Ninja updates's timestamp after all dependent files have been built, # and re-kicks cmake on incremental builds if any of the dependent files # have a timestamp newer than's timestamp. # There is a cmake bug with the Ninja backend, where the .cu.depend files # are still compiling by the time the timestamp is updated, # so the .cu.depend file's newer timestamp is screwing with ninja's incremental # build detector. # This line works around that bug by manually updating the timestamp # after the entire build is finished. if os.path.exists('build/'): os.utime('build/', None) if build_python: for proto_file in glob('build/caffe2/proto/*.py'): if os.path.sep != '/': proto_file = proto_file.replace(os.path.sep, '/') if proto_file != 'build/caffe2/proto/': shutil.copyfile(proto_file, "caffe2/proto/" + os.path.basename(proto_file)) def escape_path(path): if os.path.sep != '/' and path is not None: return path.replace(os.path.sep, '/') return path