# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation # # You can set these variables from the command line. SPHINXOPTS = SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build SPHINXPROJ = PyTorch SOURCEDIR = source BUILDDIR = build # Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help". help: @$(SPHINXBUILD) -M help "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O) docset: html doc2dash --name $(SPHINXPROJ) --icon $(SOURCEDIR)/_static/img/pytorch-logo-flame.png --enable-js --online-redirect-url http://pytorch.org/docs/ --force $(BUILDDIR)/html/ # Manually fix because Zeal doesn't deal well with `icon.png`-only at 2x resolution. cp $(SPHINXPROJ).docset/icon.png $(SPHINXPROJ).docset/icon@2x.png convert $(SPHINXPROJ).docset/icon@2x.png -resize 16x16 $(SPHINXPROJ).docset/icon.png .PHONY: help Makefile docset # Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new # "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS). %: Makefile @$(SPHINXBUILD) -M $@ "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O)