## @package net_printer # Module caffe2.python.net_printer from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from caffe2.proto.caffe2_pb2 import OperatorDef, NetDef from caffe2.python.checkpoint import Job from caffe2.python.core import Net, ExecutionStep, Plan from caffe2.python.task import Task, TaskGroup, WorkspaceType, TaskOutput from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import copy from future.utils import viewkeys from itertools import chain from six import binary_type, text_type class Visitor(object): @classmethod def register(cls, Type): if not(hasattr(cls, 'visitors')): cls.visitors = {} else: assert Type not in cls.visitors, \ '{} already registered!'.format(Type) def _register(func): cls.visitors[Type] = func return func return _register def __call__(self, obj, *args, **kwargs): if obj is None: return Type = type(obj) if Type not in self.__class__.visitors: raise TypeError('%s: unsupported object type: %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, Type)) func = self.__class__.visitors[Type] return func(self, obj, *args, **kwargs) class Analyzer(Visitor): PREFIXES_TO_IGNORE = {'distributed_ctx_init'} def __init__(self): self.workspaces = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) self.workspace_ctx = [] @property def workspace(self): return self.workspace_ctx[-1] @contextmanager def set_workspace(self, node=None, ws=None, do_copy=False): if ws is not None: ws = ws elif node is not None: ws = self.workspaces[str(node)] else: ws = self.workspace if do_copy: ws = copy(ws) self.workspace_ctx.append(ws) yield ws del self.workspace_ctx[-1] def define_blob(self, blob): self.workspace[blob] += 1 def need_blob(self, blob): if any(blob.startswith(p) for p in Analyzer.PREFIXES_TO_IGNORE): return assert blob in self.workspace, 'Blob undefined: %s' % blob @Analyzer.register(OperatorDef) def analyze_op(analyzer, op): for x in op.input: analyzer.need_blob(x) for x in op.output: analyzer.define_blob(x) @Analyzer.register(Net) def analyze_net(analyzer, net): for x in net.Proto().op: analyzer(x) @Analyzer.register(ExecutionStep) def analyze_step(analyzer, step): proto = step.Proto() with analyzer.set_workspace(do_copy=proto.create_workspace): if proto.report_net: with analyzer.set_workspace(do_copy=True): analyzer(step.get_net(proto.report_net)) all_new_blobs = set() substeps = step.Substeps() + [step.get_net(n) for n in proto.network] for substep in substeps: with analyzer.set_workspace( do_copy=proto.concurrent_substeps) as ws_in: analyzer(substep) if proto.should_stop_blob: analyzer.need_blob(proto.should_stop_blob) if proto.concurrent_substeps: new_blobs = set(viewkeys(ws_in)) - set(viewkeys(analyzer.workspace)) assert len(all_new_blobs & new_blobs) == 0, ( 'Error: Blobs created by multiple parallel steps: %s' % ( ', '.join(all_new_blobs & new_blobs))) all_new_blobs |= new_blobs for x in all_new_blobs: analyzer.define_blob(x) @Analyzer.register(Task) def analyze_task(analyzer, task): # check that our plan protobuf is not too large (limit of 64Mb) step = task.get_step() plan = Plan(task.node) plan.AddStep(step) proto_len = len(plan.Proto().SerializeToString()) assert proto_len < 2 ** 26, ( 'Due to a protobuf limitation, serialized tasks must be smaller ' 'than 64Mb, but this task has {} bytes.' % proto_len) is_private = task.workspace_type() != WorkspaceType.GLOBAL with analyzer.set_workspace(do_copy=is_private): analyzer(step) @Analyzer.register(TaskGroup) def analyze_task_group(analyzer, tg): for task in tg.tasks_by_node().tasks(): with analyzer.set_workspace(node=task.node): analyzer(task) @Analyzer.register(Job) def analyze_job(analyzer, job): analyzer(job.init_group) analyzer(job.epoch_group) def analyze(obj): """ Given a Job, visits all the execution steps making sure that: - no undefined blobs will be found during excution - no blob with same name is defined in concurrent steps """ Analyzer()(obj) class Text(object): def __init__(self): self._indent = 0 self._lines_in_context = [0] self.lines = [] @contextmanager def context(self, text): if text is not None: self.add('with %s:' % text) self._indent += 4 self._lines_in_context.append(0) yield if text is not None: if self._lines_in_context[-1] == 0: self.add('pass') self._indent -= 4 del self._lines_in_context[-1] def add(self, text): self._lines_in_context[-1] += 1 self.lines.append((' ' * self._indent) + text) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(self.lines) class Printer(Visitor, Text): def __init__(self, factor_prefixes=False, c2_syntax=True): super(Visitor, self).__init__() super(Text, self).__init__() self.factor_prefixes = factor_prefixes self.c2_syntax = c2_syntax self.c2_net_name = None def _sanitize_str(s): if isinstance(s, text_type): sanitized = s elif isinstance(s, binary_type): sanitized = s.decode('ascii', errors='ignore') else: sanitized = str(s) if len(sanitized) < 64: return "'%s'" % sanitized else: return "'%s'" % sanitized[:64] + '...<+len=%d>' % (len(sanitized) - 64) def _arg_val(arg): if arg.HasField('f'): return str(arg.f) if arg.HasField('i'): return str(arg.i) if arg.HasField('s'): return _sanitize_str(arg.s) if arg.floats: return str(list(arg.floats)) if arg.ints: return str(list(arg.ints)) if arg.strings: return str([_sanitize_str(s) for s in arg.strings]) return '[]' def commonprefix(m): "Given a list of strings, returns the longest common prefix" if not m: return '' s1 = min(m) s2 = max(m) for i, c in enumerate(s1): if c != s2[i]: return s1[:i] return s1 def format_value(val): if isinstance(val, list): return '[%s]' % ', '.join("'%s'" % str(v) for v in val) else: return str(val) def factor_prefix(vals, do_it): vals = [format_value(v) for v in vals] prefix = commonprefix(vals) if len(vals) > 1 and do_it else '' joined = ', '.join(v[len(prefix):] for v in vals) return '%s[%s]' % (prefix, joined) if prefix else joined def call(op, inputs=None, outputs=None, factor_prefixes=False): if not inputs: inputs = '' else: inputs_v = [a for a in inputs if not isinstance(a, tuple)] inputs_kv = [a for a in inputs if isinstance(a, tuple)] inputs = ', '.join( x for x in chain( [factor_prefix(inputs_v, factor_prefixes)], ('%s=%s' % kv for kv in inputs_kv), ) if x ) call = '%s(%s)' % (op, inputs) return call if not outputs else '%s = %s' % ( factor_prefix(outputs, factor_prefixes), call) def format_device_option(dev_opt): if not dev_opt or not ( dev_opt.device_type or dev_opt.device_id or dev_opt.node_name): return None return call( 'DeviceOption', [dev_opt.device_type, dev_opt.device_id, "'%s'" % dev_opt.node_name]) @Printer.register(OperatorDef) def print_op(text, op): args = [(a.name, _arg_val(a)) for a in op.arg] dev_opt_txt = format_device_option(op.device_option) if dev_opt_txt: args.append(('device_option', dev_opt_txt)) if text.c2_net_name: text.add(call( text.c2_net_name + '.' + op.type, [list(op.input), list(op.output)] + args)) else: text.add(call( op.type, list(op.input) + args, op.output, factor_prefixes=text.factor_prefixes)) for arg in op.arg: if arg.HasField('n'): with text.context('arg: %s' % arg.name): text(arg.n) @Printer.register(NetDef) def print_net_def(text, net_def): if text.c2_syntax: text.add(call('core.Net', ["'%s'" % net_def.name], [net_def.name])) text.c2_net_name = net_def.name else: text.add('# net: %s' % net_def.name) for op in net_def.op: text(op) if text.c2_syntax: text.c2_net_name = None @Printer.register(Net) def print_net(text, net): text(net.Proto()) def _get_step_context(step): proto = step.Proto() if proto.should_stop_blob: return call('loop'), False if proto.num_iter and proto.num_iter != 1: return call('loop', [proto.num_iter]), False if proto.num_concurrent_instances > 1: return ( call('parallel', [('num_instances', proto.num_concurrent_instances)]), len(step.Substeps()) > 1) concurrent = proto.concurrent_substeps and len(step.Substeps()) > 1 if concurrent: return call('parallel'), True if proto.report_net: return call('run_once'), False return None, False @Printer.register(ExecutionStep) def print_step(text, step): proto = step.Proto() step_ctx, do_substep = _get_step_context(step) with text.context(step_ctx): if proto.report_net: with text.context(call('report_net', [proto.report_interval])): text(step.get_net(proto.report_net)) substeps = step.Substeps() + [step.get_net(n) for n in proto.network] for substep in substeps: sub_proto = ( substep.Proto() if isinstance(substep, ExecutionStep) else None) if sub_proto is not None and sub_proto.run_every_ms: substep_ctx = call( 'reporter', [str(substep), ('interval_ms', sub_proto.run_every_ms)]) elif do_substep: title = ( 'workspace' if sub_proto is not None and sub_proto.create_workspace else 'step') substep_ctx = call(title, [str(substep)]) else: substep_ctx = None with text.context(substep_ctx): text(substep) if proto.should_stop_blob: text.add(call('yield stop_if', [proto.should_stop_blob])) def _print_task_output(x): assert isinstance(x, TaskOutput) return 'Output[' + ', '.join(str(x) for x in x.names) + ']' @Printer.register(Task) def print_task(text, task): outs = ', '.join(_print_task_output(o) for o in task.outputs()) context = [('node', task.node), ('name', task.name), ('outputs', outs)] with text.context(call('Task', context)): text(task.get_step()) @Printer.register(TaskGroup) def print_task_group(text, tg, header=None): with text.context(header or call('TaskGroup')): for task in tg.tasks_by_node().tasks(): text(task) @Printer.register(Job) def print_job(text, job): text(job.init_group, 'Job.current().init_group') text(job.epoch_group, 'Job.current().epoch_group') with text.context('Job.current().stop_conditions'): for out in job.stop_conditions: text.add(_print_task_output(out)) text(job.download_group, 'Job.current().download_group') text(job.exit_group, 'Job.current().exit_group') def to_string(obj, **kwargs): """ Given a Net, ExecutionStep, Task, TaskGroup or Job, produces a string with detailed description of the execution steps. """ printer = Printer(**kwargs) printer(obj) return str(printer) def debug_net(net): """ Given a Net, produce another net that logs info about the operator call before each operator execution. Use for debugging purposes. """ assert isinstance(net, Net) debug_net = Net(str(net)) assert isinstance(net, Net) for op in net.Proto().op: text = Text() print_op(op, text) debug_net.LogInfo(str(text)) debug_net.Proto().op.extend([op]) return debug_net