AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-24fix rocm test (#19663)HEADmasterElias Ellison1-12/+24
2019-04-23Enforce consistent dict iteration order for trace inputs. (#19528)efaust5-35/+42
2019-04-23Enable assignment for QTensor in pytorch frontend (#19530)Jerry Zhang5-5/+36
2019-04-23Dont introduce aliasing in CSE or Constant Pooling (#19576)eellison11-74/+198
2019-04-23Remove QTensor alias (#19635)Jerry Zhang5-27/+30
2019-04-23Commit explicit libtorch_python sources (#19607)Dmytro Dzhulgakov1-28/+100
2019-04-23builtin ivalues sort (#19572)Elias Ellison2-0/+68
2019-04-23Guard {set,rebase}_history on grad_fn check (#19623)James Reed2-9/+10
2019-04-23optimize BatchMatmulOp (#18612)Xiaomeng Yang6-406/+533
2019-04-23fix lint (#19632)Jerry Zhang1-0/+1
2019-04-23Add base support to torch.logspace, default base=10 (#19542)Phúc Lê7-17/+31
2019-04-23disable flake8 E302 (two blank lines) (#19634)Michael Suo1-1/+1
2019-04-23fix nn.Sequential docTongzhou Wang1-5/+0
2019-04-23caffe2 | Windows compat fixesOleg Bogdanov2-40/+48
2019-04-23Remove fixed TODO (#19590)Sebastian Messmer1-2/+0
2019-04-23correct comments in group_norm_op (#19621)Huamin Li2-4/+4
2019-04-23Simplify argument test cases (#19593)Sebastian Messmer1-97/+10
2019-04-23Add test cases for optional of list (#19592)Sebastian Messmer1-1/+26
2019-04-23Port adaptive_max_pool3d() to ATen (#19547)Stefan Krah13-747/+889
2019-04-23add torch.tensor requires grad (#19445)Elias Ellison8-268/+435
2019-04-23Surface the Glow traces to C2 (#19087)Yinghai Lu2-5/+48
2019-04-23Fix lack of state init for adagrad and add share_memory flag (#17679)Kaiyu Shi2-7/+115
2019-04-23Allow extracting element-wise loss in softmax (#19579)Priya Goyal2-2/+4
2019-04-23dispatch max_pools with no indices, expose max_pools to torch namespace (#19449)Wanchao Liang5-110/+74
2019-04-23Adds `fakeQuantizePerTensorAffineOp` to pytorch (#19387)Jerry Zhang2-0/+231
2019-04-23-fno-math-errno -fno-trapping-math (#19552)James Reed1-0/+2
2019-04-23Only require python print on certain namespaces (#19383)Bram Wasti1-1/+10
2019-04-23Use `fbgemm` for quantize/dequantize ops (#19500)Zafar Takhirov1-12/+51
2019-04-23Specify to use Float16UniformFill if necessary in sparse lookup layer (#18499)Jiyan Yang1-2/+7
2019-04-23Fix the Division by Zero Bug of CosineAnnealingLR (#19180)Chandler Zuo2-3/+13
2019-04-23Fix the documentation for BCEWithLogitsLoss (#17218, #16804) (#19212)Vadim Velicodnii1-6/+19
2019-04-23fix the docstring of `RandomSampler` (#19113)crcrpar1-6/+8
2019-04-23Avoid (future) cusparse name collision (#19591)mruberry1-2/+2
2019-04-23Add docs and test guaranteeing indices from torch.nonzero ordered C-style (#1...jhultman2-30/+55
2019-04-23Remove unnecessary printing from testsTongzhou Wang2-9/+18
2019-04-23Fix lr_scheduler's last_epoch value at the time of initialization (BC BREAKIN...Bado Lee2-6/+11
2019-04-23Removes variable which is assigned but not used (#19194)SebFar1-1/+0
2019-04-23add torch.cuda.synchronize(device=None) (#19573)SsnL3-16/+39
2019-04-23Port adaptive_max_pool2d() to ATen (#19409)Stefan Krah13-699/+847
2019-04-23Fix math formatting of PairwiseDistance and CosineSimilarity docs and fix mat...zhiqiang2-10/+14
2019-04-22Revert D15039713: [pytorch][PR] add torch.tensor requires gradMichael Suo7-432/+266
2019-04-22Bugfix for fusion device check (#19594)James Reed1-1/+1
2019-04-22add torch.tensor requires grad (#19445)Elias Ellison7-266/+432
2019-04-22Add onnx support for _unique2 operatorVitaly Fedyunin1-0/+7
2019-04-22Automatic update of fbcode/onnx to 0e8d2bc5e51455c70ef790b9f65aa632ed9bc8a7 (...Lu Fang2-0/+2
2019-04-22Don't create FusionGroups for known-CPU producer values (#19342)James Reed4-21/+35
2019-04-22Explicitly define supported types (#19516)Sebastian Messmer4-14/+107
2019-04-22IRParser: optionally create name->value map of the parsed IR. (#19551)Mikhail Zolotukhin3-7/+43
2019-04-22Profiling : Adding Profile Op to provide storage for profiling lambdasNikolay Korovaiko5-23/+40
2019-04-22Step 5: remove _unique_dim in favor of unique_dim (#18654)Xiang Gao4-28/+1