+ +

Cheetah.Template module


Provides the core API for Cheetah.


See the docstring in the Template class and the Users’ Guide for more information

+class Cheetah.Template.CompileCacheItem

Bases: object

+ +
+exception Cheetah.Template.Error

Bases: exceptions.Exception

+ +
+exception Cheetah.Template.PreprocessError

Bases: Cheetah.Template.Error

+ +

alias of Template

+ +
+class Cheetah.Template.Template(source=None, namespaces=None, searchList=None, file=None, filter='RawOrEncodedUnicode', filtersLib=<module 'Cheetah.Filters' from '/home/phd/current/projects/cheetah3/cheetah3/Cheetah/Filters.pyc'>, errorCatcher=None, compilerSettings=Unspecified, _globalSetVars=None, _preBuiltSearchList=None)

Bases: Cheetah.Servlet.Servlet


This class provides a) methods used by templates at runtime and b) +methods for compiling Cheetah source code into template classes.


This documentation assumes you already know Python and the basics of object +oriented programming. If you don’t know Python, see the sections of the +Cheetah Users’ Guide for non-programmers. It also assumes you have read +about Cheetah’s syntax in the Users’ Guide.


The following explains how to use Cheetah from within Python programs or via +the interpreter. If you statically compile your templates on the command +line using the ‘cheetah’ script, this is not relevant to you. Statically +compiled Cheetah template modules/classes (e.g. myTemplate.py: +MyTemplateClasss) are just like any other Python module or class. Also note, +most Python web frameworks (Webware, Aquarium, mod_python, Turbogears, +CherryPy, Quixote, etc.) provide plugins that handle Cheetah compilation for +you.


There are several possible usage patterns:

1) tclass = Template.compile(src)
+   t1 = tclass() # or tclass(namespaces=[namespace,...])
+   t2 = tclass() # or tclass(namespaces=[namespace2,...])
+   outputStr = str(t1) # or outputStr = t1.aMethodYouDefined()
+   Template.compile provides a rich and very flexible API via its
+   optional arguments so there are many possible variations of this
+   pattern.  One example is:
+     tclass = Template.compile('hello $name from $caller', baseclass=dict)
+     print(tclass(name='world', caller='me'))
+   See the Template.compile() docstring for more details.
+2) tmplInstance = Template(src)
+      # or Template(src, namespaces=[namespace,...])
+   outputStr = str(tmplInstance) # or outputStr = tmplInstance.aMethodYouDefined(...args...)

Notes on the usage patterns:

usage pattern 1)
+   This is the most flexible, but it is slightly more verbose unless you
+   write a wrapper function to hide the plumbing.  Under the hood, all
+   other usage patterns are based on this approach.  Templates compiled
+   this way can #extend (subclass) any Python baseclass: old-style or
+   new-style (based on object or a builtin type).
+usage pattern 2)
+   This was Cheetah's original usage pattern.  It returns an instance,
+   but you can still access the generated class via
+   tmplInstance.__class__.  If you want to use several different
+   namespace 'searchLists' with a single template source definition,
+   you're better off with Template.compile (1).
+   Limitations (use pattern 1 instead)::
+    - Templates compiled this way can only #extend subclasses of the
+      new-style 'object' baseclass.  Cheetah.Template is a subclass of
+      'object'.  You also can not #extend dict, list, or other builtin
+      types.
+    - If your template baseclass' __init__ constructor expects args there
+      is currently no way to pass them in.

If you need to subclass a dynamically compiled Cheetah class, do something like this:

from Cheetah.Template import Template
+T1 = Template.compile('$meth1 #def meth1: this is meth1 in T1')
+T2 = Template.compile('#implements meth1\nthis is meth1 redefined in T2', baseclass=T1)
+print(T1, T1())
+print(T2, T2())

Note about class and instance attribute names:

Attributes used by Cheetah have a special prefix to avoid confusion with
+the attributes of the templates themselves or those of template
+Class attributes which are used in class methods look like this::
+    klass._CHEETAH_useCompilationCache (_CHEETAH_xxx)
+Instance attributes look like this::
+    klass._CHEETAH__globalSetVars (_CHEETAH__xxx with 2 underscores)
+exception NonNumericInputError

Bases: exceptions.ValueError

+ +
+Reserved_SearchList = set(['respond', '_CHEETAH_preprocessors', '__module__', '__format__', '_CHEETAH_defaultMainMethodNameForTemplates', '_CHEETAH_keepRefToGeneratedCode', 'serverSidePath', 'searchList', '__str__', '__getattribute__', '_getTemplateAPIClassForIncludeDirectiveCompilation', 'transaction', '_CHEETAH_defaultModuleNameForTemplates', '_CHEETAH_cacheCompilationResults', 'application', 'sleep', 'getCacheRegions', 'shutdown', 'hasVar', '__dict__', '__sizeof__', '__weakref__', '_createCacheRegion', '_CHEETAH_generatedModuleCode', 'runAsMainProgram', 'getCacheRegion', '__setattr__', '__reduce_ex__', '__new__', '__delattr__', '_normalizePreprocessorSettings', '_CHEETAH_compilerInstance', 'errorCatcher', '_CHEETAH_requiredCheetahClassMethods', '__class__', '_CHEETAH_useCompilationCache', '_updateSettingsWithPreprocessTokens', '_CHEETAH_cacheStoreIdPrefix', 'session', '_CHEETAH_defaultMainMethodName', '_normalizePreprocessorArg', 'getVar', '_compile', '_CHEETAH_cacheDirForModuleFiles', '__doc__', '_handleCheetahInclude', '_CHEETAH_compileLock', '_CHEETAH_defaultClassNameForTemplates', '_CHEETAH_requiredCheetahMethods', '_CHEETAH_compilerSettings', 'generatedClassCode', 'i18n', '_addCheetahPlumbingCodeToClass', '_CHEETAH_defaultBaseclassForTemplates', '_CHEETAH_defaultPreprocessorClass', '__hash__', 'webInput', '__subclasshook__', '_CHEETAH_requiredCheetahClassAttributes', '_CHEETAH_compileCache', '_CHEETAH_cacheStoreClass', '__reduce__', 'subclass', '_CHEETAH_cacheRegionClass', '_CHEETAH_cacheStore', '_initCheetahInstance', 'generatedModuleCode', '_CHEETAH_cacheModuleFilesForTracebacks', '_getCacheStore', '_getCacheStoreIdPrefix', 'refreshCache', '_getCompilerClass', 'request', 'getFileContents', 'compile', '_CHEETAH_compilerClass', '_preprocessSource', '_CHEETAH_defaultModuleGlobalsForTemplates', '__repr__', '__init__', 'NonNumericInputError', '_getCompilerSettings', 'varExists'])
+ +
+classmethod compile(klass, source=None, file=None, returnAClass=True, compilerSettings=Unspecified, compilerClass=Unspecified, moduleName=None, className=Unspecified, mainMethodName=Unspecified, baseclass=Unspecified, moduleGlobals=Unspecified, cacheCompilationResults=Unspecified, useCache=Unspecified, preprocessors=Unspecified, cacheModuleFilesForTracebacks=Unspecified, cacheDirForModuleFiles=Unspecified, commandlineopts=None, keepRefToGeneratedCode=Unspecified)

The core API for compiling Cheetah source code into template classes.


This class method compiles Cheetah source code and returns a python +class. You then create template instances using that class. All +Cheetah’s other compilation API’s use this method under the hood.


Internally, this method a) parses the Cheetah source code and generates +Python code defining a module with a single class in it, b) dynamically +creates a module object with a unique name, c) execs the generated code +in that module’s namespace then inserts the module into sys.modules, and +d) returns a reference to the generated class. If you want to get the +generated python source code instead, pass the argument +returnAClass=False.


It caches generated code and classes. See the descriptions of the +arguments’cacheCompilationResults’ and ‘useCache’ for details. This +doesn’t mean that templates will automatically recompile themselves when +the source file changes. Rather, if you call Template.compile(src) or +Template.compile(file=path) repeatedly it will attempt to return a +cached class definition instead of recompiling.


Hooks are provided template source preprocessing. See the notes on the +‘preprocessors’ arg.


If you are an advanced user and need to customize the way Cheetah parses +source code or outputs Python code, you should check out the +compilerSettings argument.



You must provide either a 'source' or 'file' arg, but not both::
+  - source (string or None)
+  - file (string path, file-like object, or None)
+The rest of the arguments are strictly optional. All but the first
+have defaults in attributes of the Template class which can be
+overridden in subclasses of this class.  Working with most of these is
+an advanced topic.
+  - returnAClass=True
+    If false, return the generated module code rather than a class.
+  - compilerSettings (a dict)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_compilerSettings=None
+    a dictionary of settings to override those defined in
+    DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS. These can also be overridden in your
+    template source code with the #compiler or #compiler-settings
+    directives.
+  - compilerClass (a class)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_compilerClass=Cheetah.Compiler.Compiler
+    a subclass of Cheetah.Compiler.Compiler. Mucking with this is a
+    very advanced topic.
+  - moduleName (a string)
+    Default:
+        Template._CHEETAH_defaultModuleNameForTemplates
+        ='DynamicallyCompiledCheetahTemplate'
+    What to name the generated Python module.  If the provided value is
+    None and a file arg was given, the moduleName is created from the
+    file path.  In all cases if the moduleName provided is already in
+    sys.modules it is passed through a filter that generates a unique
+    variant of the name.
+  - className (a string)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_defaultClassNameForTemplates=None
+    What to name the generated Python class.  If the provided value is
+    None, the moduleName is use as the class name.
+  - mainMethodName (a string)
+    Default:
+        Template._CHEETAH_defaultMainMethodNameForTemplates
+        =None (and thus DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS['mainMethodName'])
+    What to name the main output generating method in the compiled
+    template class.
+  - baseclass (a string or a class)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_defaultBaseclassForTemplates=None
+    Specifies the baseclass for the template without manually
+    including an #extends directive in the source. The #extends
+    directive trumps this arg.
+    If the provided value is a string you must make sure that a class
+    reference by that name is available to your template, either by
+    using an #import directive or by providing it in the arg
+    'moduleGlobals'.
+    If the provided value is a class, Cheetah will handle all the
+    details for you.
+  - moduleGlobals (a dict)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_defaultModuleGlobalsForTemplates=None
+    A dict of vars that will be added to the global namespace of the
+    module the generated code is executed in, prior to the execution
+    of that code.  This should be Python values, not code strings!
+  - cacheCompilationResults (True/False)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_cacheCompilationResults=True
+    Tells Cheetah to cache the generated code and classes so that they
+    can be reused if Template.compile() is called multiple times with
+    the same source and options.
+  - useCache (True/False)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_useCompilationCache=True
+    Should the compilation cache be used?  If True and a previous
+    compilation created a cached template class with the same source
+    code, compiler settings and other options, the cached template
+    class will be returned.
+  - cacheModuleFilesForTracebacks (True/False)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_cacheModuleFilesForTracebacks=False
+    In earlier versions of Cheetah tracebacks from exceptions that
+    were raised inside dynamically compiled Cheetah templates were
+    opaque because Python didn't have access to a python source file
+    to use in the traceback:
+      File "xxxx.py", line 192, in getTextiledContent
+        content = str(template(searchList=searchList))
+      File "cheetah_yyyy.py", line 202, in __str__
+      File "cheetah_yyyy.py", line 187, in respond
+      File "cheetah_yyyy.py", line 139, in writeBody
+     ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
+    It is now possible to keep those files in a cache dir and allow
+    Python to include the actual source lines in tracebacks and makes
+    them much easier to understand:
+     File "xxxx.py", line 192, in getTextiledContent
+       content = str(template(searchList=searchList))
+     File "/tmp/CheetahCacheDir/cheetah_yyyy.py", line 202, in __str__
+       def __str__(self): return self.respond()
+     File "/tmp/CheetahCacheDir/cheetah_yyyy.py", line 187, in respond
+       self.writeBody(trans=trans)
+     File "/tmp/CheetahCacheDir/cheetah_yyyy.py", line 139, in writeBody
+       __v = 0/0 # $(0/0)
+    ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
+  - cacheDirForModuleFiles (a string representing a dir path)
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_cacheDirForModuleFiles=None
+    See notes on cacheModuleFilesForTracebacks.
+  - preprocessors
+    Default: Template._CHEETAH_preprocessors=None
+    These are used to transform the source code prior to compilation.
+    They provide a way to use Cheetah as a code generator for Cheetah
+    code. In other words, you use one Cheetah template to output the
+    source code for another Cheetah template.
+    The major expected use cases are:
+      a) 'compile-time caching' aka 'partial template binding',
+         wherein an intermediate Cheetah template is used to output
+         the source for the final Cheetah template. The intermediate
+         template is a mix of a modified Cheetah syntax (the
+         'preprocess syntax') and standard Cheetah syntax.  The
+         preprocessor syntax is executed at compile time and outputs
+         Cheetah code which is then compiled in turn. This approach
+         allows one to completely soft-code all the elements in the
+         template which are subject to change yet have it compile to
+         extremely efficient Python code with everything but the
+         elements that must be variable at runtime (per browser
+         request, etc.) compiled as static strings.  Examples of this
+         usage pattern will be added to the Cheetah Users' Guide.
+         The'preprocess syntax' is just Cheetah's standard one with
+         alternatives for the $ and # tokens:
+          e.g. '@' and '%' for code like this
+           @aPreprocessVar $aRuntimeVar
+           %if aCompileTimeCondition then yyy else zzz
+           %% preprocessor comment
+           #if aRunTimeCondition then aaa else bbb
+           ## normal comment
+           $aRuntimeVar
+      b) adding #import and #extends directives dynamically based on
+         the source
+    If preprocessors are provided, Cheetah pipes the source code
+    through each one in the order provided.  Each preprocessor should
+    accept the args (source, file) and should return a tuple (source,
+    file).
+    The argument value should be a list, but a single non-list value
+    is acceptable and will automatically be converted into a list.
+    Each item in the list will be passed through
+    Template._normalizePreprocessor().  The items should either match
+    one of the following forms:
+      - an object with a .preprocess(source, file) method
+      - a callable with the following signature:
+          source, file = f(source, file)
+      or one of the forms below:
+      - a single string denoting the 2 'tokens' for the preprocess
+        syntax.  The tokens should be in the order (placeholderToken,
+        directiveToken) and should separated with a space:
+           e.g. '@ %'
+           klass = Template.compile(src, preprocessors='@ %')
+           # or
+           klass = Template.compile(src, preprocessors=['@ %'])
+      - a dict with the following keys or an object with the
+        following attributes (all are optional, but nothing will
+        happen if you don't provide at least one):
+         - tokens: same as the single string described above. You can
+           also provide a tuple of 2 strings.
+         - searchList: the searchList used for preprocess $placeholders
+         - compilerSettings: used in the compilation of the intermediate
+           template
+         - templateAPIClass: an optional subclass of `Template`
+         - outputTransformer: a simple hook for passing in a callable
+           which can do further transformations of the preprocessor
+           output, or do something else like debug logging. The
+           default is str().
+         + any keyword arguments to Template.compile which you want to
+           provide for the compilation of the intermediate template.
+         klass = Template.compile(src,
+                preprocessors=[ dict(tokens='@ %', searchList=[...]) ] )
+ +

Return a reference to the current errorCatcher

+ +

Return the class code the compiler generated, or None if no +compilation took place.

+ +

Return the module code the compiler generated, or None if no +compilation took place.

+ +
+getCacheRegion(regionID, cacheInfo=None, create=True)
+ +

Returns a dictionary of the ‘cache regions’ initialized in a +template.


Each #cache directive block or $*cachedPlaceholder is a separate ‘cache +region’.

+ +

A hook for getting the contents of a file. The default +implementation just uses the Python open() function to load local files. +This method could be reimplemented to allow reading of remote files via +various protocols, as PHP allows with its ‘URL fopen wrapper’

+ +
+getVar(varName, default=Unspecified, autoCall=True)

Get a variable from the searchList. If the variable can’t be found +in the searchList, it returns the default value if one was given, or +raises NameMapper.NotFound.

+ +
+hasVar(varName, autoCall=True)

Test if a variable name exists in the searchList.

+ +
+i18n(message, plural=None, n=None, id=None, domain=None, source=None, target=None, comment=None)

This is just a stub at this time.

plural = the plural form of the message
+n = a sized argument to distinguish between single and plural forms
+id = msgid in the translation catalog
+domain = translation domain
+source = source lang
+target = a specific target lang
+comment = a comment to the translation team

See the following for some ideas +http://www.zope.org/DevHome/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ComponentArchitecture/ZPTInternationalizationSupport


Other notes:

- There is no need to replicate the i18n:name attribute from plone / PTL,
+  as cheetah placeholders serve the same purpose
+ +
+refreshCache(cacheRegionId=None, cacheItemId=None)

Refresh a cache region or a specific cache item within a region.

+ +

Allows the Template to function as a standalone command-line program +for static page generation.


Type ‘python yourtemplate.py –help to see what it’s capabable of.

+ +

Return a reference to the searchlist

+ +

Break reference cycles before discarding a servlet.

+ +
+classmethod subclass(klass, *args, **kws)

Takes the same args as the .compile() classmethod and returns a +template that is a subclass of the template this method is called from.


T1 = Template.compile(‘foo - $meth1 - barn#def meth1: this is T1.meth1’) +T2 = T1.subclass(‘#implements meth1n this is T2.meth1’)

+ +
+varExists(varName, autoCall=True)

Test if a variable name exists in the searchList.

+ +
+webInput(names, namesMulti=(), default='', src='f', defaultInt=0, defaultFloat=0.0, badInt=0, badFloat=0.0, debug=False)

Method for importing web transaction variables in bulk.


This works for GET/POST fields both in Webware servlets and in CGI +scripts, and for cookies and session variables in Webware servlets. If +you try to read a cookie or session variable in a CGI script, you’ll get +a RuntimeError. ‘In a CGI script’ here means ‘not running as a Webware +servlet’. If the CGI environment is not properly set up, Cheetah will +act like there’s no input.


The public method provided is:

def webInput(self, names, namesMulti=(), default='', src='f',
+  defaultInt=0, defaultFloat=0.00, badInt=0, badFloat=0.00, debug=False):

This method places the specified GET/POST fields, cookies or session +variables into a dictionary, which is both returned and put at the +beginning of the searchList. It handles:

* single vs multiple values
+* conversion to integer or float for specified names
+* default values/exceptions for missing or bad values
+* printing a snapshot of all values retrieved for debugging

All the ‘default*’ and ‘bad*’ arguments have ‘use or raise’ behavior, +meaning that if they’re a subclass of Exception, they’re raised. If +they’re anything else, that value is substituted for the missing/bad +value.


The simplest usage is:

#silent $webInput(['choice'])
+dic = self.webInput(['choice'])

Both these examples retrieves the GET/POST field ‘choice’ and print it. +If you leave off the’#silent’, all the values would be printed too. But +a better way to preview the values is:

#silent $webInput(['name'], $debug=1)

because this pretty-prints all the values inside HTML <PRE> tags.


** KLUDGE: ‘debug’ is supposed to insert into the template output, but it +wasn’t working so I changed it to a’print’ statement. So the debugging +output will appear wherever standard output is pointed, whether at the +terminal, in a Webware log file, or whatever. ***


Since we didn’t specify any coversions, the value is a string. It’s a +‘single’ value because we specified it in ‘names’ rather than +‘namesMulti’. Single values work like this:

* If one value is found, take it.
+* If several values are found, choose one arbitrarily and ignore the rest.
+* If no values are found, use or raise the appropriate 'default*' value.

Multi values work like this:

* If one value is found, put it in a list.
+* If several values are found, leave them in a list.
+* If no values are found, use the empty list ([]).  The 'default*'
+  arguments are *not* consulted in this case.

Example: assume ‘days’ came from a set of checkboxes or a multiple combo +box on a form, and the user chose’Monday’, ‘Tuesday’ and ‘Thursday’:

#silent $webInput([], ['days'])
+The days you chose are: #slurp
+#for $day in $days
+$day #slurp
+#end for
+dic = self.webInput([], ['days'])
+write('The days you chose are: ')
+for day in dic['days']:
+    write(day + ' ')

Both these examples print: ‘The days you chose are: Monday Tuesday Thursday’.


By default, missing strings are replaced by ‘’ and missing/bad numbers +by zero. (A’bad number’ means the converter raised an exception for +it, usually because of non-numeric characters in the value.) This +mimics Perl/PHP behavior, and simplifies coding for many applications +where missing/bad values should be blank/zero. In those relatively +few cases where you must distinguish between empty-string/zero on the +one hand and missing/bad on the other, change the appropriate +‘default*’ and ‘bad*’ arguments to something like:

* None
+* another constant value
+* $NonNumericInputError/self.NonNumericInputError
+* $ValueError/ValueError

(NonNumericInputError is defined in this class and is useful for +distinguishing between bad input vs a TypeError/ValueError thrown for +some other rason.)


Here’s an example using multiple values to schedule newspaper +deliveries. ‘checkboxes’ comes from a form with checkboxes for all the +days of the week. The days the user previously chose are preselected. +The user checks/unchecks boxes as desired and presses Submit. The value +of ‘checkboxes’ is a list of checkboxes that were checked when Submit +was pressed. Our task now is to turn on the days the user checked, turn +off the days he unchecked, and leave on or off the days he didn’t +change.

dic = self.webInput([], ['dayCheckboxes'])
+wantedDays = dic['dayCheckboxes'] # The days the user checked.
+for day, on in self.getAllValues():
+    if   not on and day in wantedDays:
+        self.TurnOn(day)
+        # ... Set a flag or insert a database record ...
+    elif on and day not in wantedDays:
+        self.TurnOff(day)
+        # ... Unset a flag or delete a database record ...

‘source’ allows you to look up the variables from a number of different +sources:

'f'   fields (CGI GET/POST parameters)
+'c'   cookies
+'s'   session variables
+'v'   'values', meaning fields or cookies

In many forms, you’re dealing only with strings, which is why the +‘default’ argument is third and the numeric arguments are banished to +the end. But sometimes you want automatic number conversion, so that +you can do numeric comparisions in your templates without having to +write a bunch of conversion/exception handling code. Example:

#silent $webInput(['name', 'height:int'])
+$name is $height cm tall.
+#if $height >= 300
+Wow, you're tall!
+Pshaw, you're short.
+#end if
+dic = self.webInput(['name', 'height:int'])
+name = dic[name]
+height = dic[height]
+write('%s is %s cm tall.' % (name, height))
+if height > 300:
+    write('Wow, you're tall!')
+    write('Pshaw, you're short.')

To convert a value to a number, suffix ‘:int’ or ‘:float’ to the name. +The method will search first for a ‘height:int’ variable and then for a +‘height’ variable. (It will be called ‘height’ in the final +dictionary.) If a numeric conversion fails, use or raise ‘badInt’ or +‘badFloat’. Missing values work the same way as for strings, except the +default is ‘defaultInt’ or ‘defaultFloat’ instead of ‘default’.


If a name represents an uploaded file, the entire file will be read into +memory. For more sophistocated file-upload handling, leave that name +out of the list and do your own handling, or wait for +Cheetah.Utils.UploadFileMixin.


This only in a subclass that also inherits from Webware’s Servlet or +HTTPServlet. Otherwise you’ll get an AttributeError on ‘self.request’.


EXCEPTIONS: ValueError if ‘source’ is not one of the stated characters. +TypeError if a conversion suffix is not ‘:int’ or ‘:float’.


FUTURE EXPANSION: a future version of this method may allow source +cascading; e.g., ‘vs’ would look first in ‘values’ and then in session +variables.



Author: Mike Orr <iron@mso.oz.net>
+License: This software is released for unlimited distribution under the
+         terms of the MIT license.  See the LICENSE file.
+Version: 1.186
+Start Date: 2002/03/17
+Last Revision Date: 2008/03/10 04:48:11
+ +
+ +
+class Cheetah.Template.TemplatePreprocessor(settings)

Bases: object


This is used with the preprocessors argument to Template.compile().


See the docstring for Template.compile


** Preprocessors are an advanced topic **

+preprocess(source, file)

Create an intermediate template and return the source code +it outputs

+ +
+ +
+ +
+Cheetah.Template.createMethod(func, cls)
+ +
+Cheetah.Template.genParserErrorFromPythonException(source, file, generatedPyCode, exception)
+ +
+ +
+ +
+Cheetah.Template.updateLinecache(filename, src)
+ +
+ + +