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+<h1>Visual Editors<a class="headerlink" href="#visual-editors" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>This chapter is about maintaining Cheetah templates with visual
+editors, and the tradeoffs between making it friendly to both text
+editors and visual editors.</p>
+<p>Cheetah’s main developers do not use visual editors. Tavis uses
+{emacs}; Mike uses {vim}. So our first priority is to make
+templates easy to maintain in text editors. In particular, we don’t
+want to add features like Zope Page Template’s
+The syntax is so verbose it makes for a whole lotta typing just to
+insert a simple placeholder, for the benefit of editors we never
+use. However, as users identify features which would help their
+visual editing without making it harder to maintain templates in a
+text editor, we’re all for it.</p>
+<p>As it said in the introduction, Cheetah purposely does not use
+HTML/XML tags for $placeholders or #directives. That way, when you
+preview the template in an editor that interprets HTML tags, you’ll
+still see the placeholder and directive source definitions, which
+provides some “mock text” even if it’s not the size the final
+values will be, and allows you to use your imagination to translate
+how the directive output will look visually in the final.</p>
+<p>If your editor has syntax highlighting, turn it on. That makes a
+big difference in terms of making the template easier to edit.
+Since no “Cheetah mode” has been invented yet, set your
+highlighting to Perl mode, and at least the directives/placeholders
+will show up in different colors, although the editor won’t
+reliably guess where the directive/placeholder ends and normal text
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+ &#169; Copyright 2017, Oleg Broytman; 2009-2012, R. Tyler Croy; 2001-2008, The Cheetah Development Team..
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