""" This paver file is intented to help with the release process as much as possible. It relies on virtualenv to generate 'bootstrap' environments as independent from the user system as possible (e.g. to make sure the sphinx doc is built against the built numpy, not an installed one). Building a fancy dmg from scratch ================================= Clone the numpy-macosx-installer git repo from on github into the source tree (numpy-macosx-installer should be in the same directory as setup.py). Then, do as follows:: git clone git://github.com/cournape/macosx-numpy-installer # remove build dir, and everything generated by previous paver calls # (included generated installers). Use with care ! paver nuke paver bootstrap && source bootstrap/bin/activate # Installing numpy is necessary to build the correct documentation (because # of autodoc) python setupegg.py install paver dmg Building a simple (no-superpack) windows installer from wine ============================================================ It assumes that blas/lapack are in c:\local\lib inside drive_c. Build python 2.5 and python 2.6 installers. paver bdist_wininst_simple You will have to configure your wine python locations (WINE_PYS). The superpack requires all the atlas libraries for every arch to be installed (see SITECFG), and can then be built as follows:: paver bdist_superpack Building changelog + notes ========================== Assumes you have git and the binaries/tarballs in installers/:: paver write_release paver write_note This automatically put the checksum into NOTES.txt, and write the Changelog which can be uploaded to sourceforge. TODO ==== - the script is messy, lots of global variables - make it more easily customizable (through command line args) - missing targets: install & test, sdist test, debian packaging - fix bdist_mpkg: we build the same source twice -> how to make sure we use the same underlying python for egg install in venv and for bdist_mpkg """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function # What need to be installed to build everything on mac os x: # - wine: python 2.6 and 2.5 + makensis + cpuid plugin + mingw, all in the PATH # - paver + virtualenv # - full texlive import os import sys import shutil import subprocess import re try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 import paver from paver.easy import \ options, Bunch, task, call_task, sh, needs, cmdopts, dry sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: setup_py = __import__("setup") FULLVERSION = setup_py.VERSION # This is duplicated from setup.py if os.path.exists('.git'): GIT_REVISION = setup_py.git_version() elif os.path.exists('numpy/version.py'): # must be a source distribution, use existing version file from numpy.version import git_revision as GIT_REVISION else: GIT_REVISION = "Unknown" if not setup_py.ISRELEASED: FULLVERSION += '.dev-' + GIT_REVISION[:7] finally: sys.path.pop(0) #----------------------------------- # Things to be changed for a release #----------------------------------- # Source of the release notes RELEASE_NOTES = 'doc/release/2.0.0-notes.rst' # Start/end of the log (from git) LOG_START = 'v1.6.0' LOG_END = 'master' #------------------------------------------------------- # Hardcoded build/install dirs, virtualenv options, etc. #------------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT_PYTHON = "2.6" # Where to put the final installers, as put on sourceforge SUPERPACK_BUILD = 'build-superpack' SUPERPACK_BINDIR = os.path.join(SUPERPACK_BUILD, 'binaries') options(bootstrap=Bunch(bootstrap_dir="bootstrap"), virtualenv=Bunch(packages_to_install=["sphinx==1.1.3", "numpydoc"], no_site_packages=False), sphinx=Bunch(builddir="build", sourcedir="source", docroot='doc'), superpack=Bunch(builddir="build-superpack"), installers=Bunch(releasedir="release", installersdir=os.path.join("release", "installers")), doc=Bunch(doc_root="doc", sdir=os.path.join("doc", "source"), bdir=os.path.join("doc", "build"), bdir_latex=os.path.join("doc", "build", "latex"), destdir_pdf=os.path.join("build_doc", "pdf") ), html=Bunch(builddir=os.path.join("build", "html")), dmg=Bunch(python_version=DEFAULT_PYTHON), bdist_wininst_simple=Bunch(python_version=DEFAULT_PYTHON), ) MPKG_PYTHON = { "2.5": ["/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/bin/python"], "2.6": ["/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/python"], "2.7": ["/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python"], "3.1": ["/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.1/bin/python3"], "3.2": ["/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.2/bin/python3"], "3.3": ["/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/bin/python3"], } SSE3_CFG = {'ATLAS': r'C:\local\lib\atlas\sse3'} SSE2_CFG = {'ATLAS': r'C:\local\lib\atlas\sse2'} NOSSE_CFG = {'BLAS': r'C:\local\lib\atlas\nosse', 'LAPACK': r'C:\local\lib\atlas\nosse'} SITECFG = {"sse2" : SSE2_CFG, "sse3" : SSE3_CFG, "nosse" : NOSSE_CFG} if sys.platform =="darwin": WINDOWS_PYTHON = { "3.3": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python33/python.exe"], "3.2": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python32/python.exe"], "3.1": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python31/python.exe"], "2.7": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe"], "2.6": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python26/python.exe"], "2.5": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python25/python.exe"] } WINDOWS_ENV = os.environ WINDOWS_ENV["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = "/usr/X11/lib:/usr/lib" MAKENSIS = ["wine", "makensis"] elif sys.platform == "win32": WINDOWS_PYTHON = { "3.3": ["C:\Python33\python.exe"], "3.2": ["C:\Python32\python.exe"], "3.1": ["C:\Python31\python.exe"], "2.7": ["C:\Python27\python.exe"], "2.6": ["C:\Python26\python.exe"], "2.5": ["C:\Python25\python.exe"], } # XXX: find out which env variable is necessary to avoid the pb with python # 2.6 and random module when importing tempfile WINDOWS_ENV = os.environ MAKENSIS = ["makensis"] else: WINDOWS_PYTHON = { "3.3": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python33/python.exe"], "3.2": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python32/python.exe"], "3.1": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python31/python.exe"], "2.7": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe"], "2.6": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python26/python.exe"], "2.5": ["wine", os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python25/python.exe"] } WINDOWS_ENV = os.environ MAKENSIS = ["wine", "makensis"] #------------------- # Windows installers #------------------- def superpack_name(pyver, numver): """Return the filename of the superpack installer.""" return 'numpy-%s-win32-superpack-python%s.exe' % (numver, pyver) def internal_wininst_name(arch): """Return the name of the wininst as it will be inside the superpack (i.e. with the arch encoded.""" ext = '.exe' return "numpy-%s-%s%s" % (FULLVERSION, arch, ext) def wininst_name(pyver): """Return the name of the installer built by wininst command.""" ext = '.exe' return "numpy-%s.win32-py%s%s" % (FULLVERSION, pyver, ext) def prepare_nsis_script(pyver, numver): if not os.path.exists(SUPERPACK_BUILD): os.makedirs(SUPERPACK_BUILD) tpl = os.path.join('tools/win32build/nsis_scripts', 'numpy-superinstaller.nsi.in') source = open(tpl, 'r') target = open(os.path.join(SUPERPACK_BUILD, 'numpy-superinstaller.nsi'), 'w') installer_name = superpack_name(pyver, numver) cnt = "".join(source.readlines()) cnt = cnt.replace('@NUMPY_INSTALLER_NAME@', installer_name) for arch in ['nosse', 'sse2', 'sse3']: cnt = cnt.replace('@%s_BINARY@' % arch.upper(), internal_wininst_name(arch)) target.write(cnt) def bdist_wininst_arch(pyver, arch): """Arch specific wininst build.""" if os.path.exists("build"): shutil.rmtree("build") _bdist_wininst(pyver, SITECFG[arch]) @task @cmdopts([("python-version=", "p", "python version")]) def bdist_superpack(options): """Build all arch specific wininst installers.""" pyver = options.python_version def copy_bdist(arch): # Copy the wininst in dist into the release directory if int(pyver[0]) >= 3: source = os.path.join('build', 'py3k', 'dist', wininst_name(pyver)) else: source = os.path.join('dist', wininst_name(pyver)) target = os.path.join(SUPERPACK_BINDIR, internal_wininst_name(arch)) if os.path.exists(target): os.remove(target) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) try: os.rename(source, target) except OSError: # When git is installed on OS X but not under Wine, the name of the # .exe has "-Unknown" in it instead of the correct git revision. # Try to fix this here: revidx = source.index(".dev-") + 5 gitrev = source[revidx:revidx+7] os.rename(source.replace(gitrev, "Unknown"), target) bdist_wininst_arch(pyver, 'nosse') copy_bdist("nosse") bdist_wininst_arch(pyver, 'sse2') copy_bdist("sse2") bdist_wininst_arch(pyver, 'sse3') copy_bdist("sse3") idirs = options.installers.installersdir pyver = options.python_version prepare_nsis_script(pyver, FULLVERSION) subprocess.check_call(MAKENSIS + ['numpy-superinstaller.nsi'], cwd=SUPERPACK_BUILD) # Copy the superpack into installers dir if not os.path.exists(idirs): os.makedirs(idirs) source = os.path.join(SUPERPACK_BUILD, superpack_name(pyver, FULLVERSION)) target = os.path.join(idirs, superpack_name(pyver, FULLVERSION)) shutil.copy(source, target) @task @cmdopts([("python-version=", "p", "python version")]) def bdist_wininst_nosse(options): """Build the nosse wininst installer.""" bdist_wininst_arch(options.python_version, 'nosse') @task @cmdopts([("python-version=", "p", "python version")]) def bdist_wininst_sse2(options): """Build the sse2 wininst installer.""" bdist_wininst_arch(options.python_version, 'sse2') @task @cmdopts([("python-version=", "p", "python version")]) def bdist_wininst_sse3(options): """Build the sse3 wininst installer.""" bdist_wininst_arch(options.python_version, 'sse3') @task @cmdopts([("python-version=", "p", "python version")]) def bdist_wininst_simple(): """Simple wininst-based installer.""" pyver = options.bdist_wininst_simple.python_version _bdist_wininst(pyver) def _bdist_wininst(pyver, cfg_env=None): cmd = WINDOWS_PYTHON[pyver] + ['setup.py', 'build', '-c', 'mingw32', 'bdist_wininst'] if cfg_env: for k, v in WINDOWS_ENV.items(): cfg_env[k] = v else: cfg_env = WINDOWS_ENV subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=cfg_env) #---------------- # Bootstrap stuff #---------------- @task def bootstrap(options): """create virtualenv in ./bootstrap""" try: import virtualenv except ImportError as e: raise RuntimeError("virtualenv is needed for bootstrap") bdir = options.bootstrap_dir if not os.path.exists(bdir): os.makedirs(bdir) bscript = "boostrap.py" options.virtualenv.script_name = os.path.join(options.bootstrap_dir, bscript) options.virtualenv.no_site_packages = False options.bootstrap.no_site_packages = False call_task('paver.virtual.bootstrap') sh('cd %s; %s %s' % (bdir, sys.executable, bscript)) @task def clean(): """Remove build, dist, egg-info garbage.""" d = ['build', 'dist', 'numpy.egg-info'] for i in d: if os.path.exists(i): shutil.rmtree(i) bdir = os.path.join('doc', options.sphinx.builddir) if os.path.exists(bdir): shutil.rmtree(bdir) @task def clean_bootstrap(): bdir = os.path.join(options.bootstrap.bootstrap_dir) if os.path.exists(bdir): shutil.rmtree(bdir) @task @needs('clean', 'clean_bootstrap') def nuke(options): """Remove everything: build dir, installers, bootstrap dirs, etc...""" for d in [options.superpack.builddir, options.installers.releasedir]: if os.path.exists(d): shutil.rmtree(d) #--------------------- # Documentation tasks #--------------------- @task def html(options): """Build numpy documentation and put it into build/docs""" # Don't use paver html target because of numpy bootstrapping problems bdir = os.path.join("doc", options.sphinx.builddir, "html") if os.path.exists(bdir): shutil.rmtree(bdir) subprocess.check_call(["make", "html"], cwd="doc") html_destdir = options.html.builddir if os.path.exists(html_destdir): shutil.rmtree(html_destdir) shutil.copytree(bdir, html_destdir) @task def latex(): """Build numpy documentation in latex format.""" subprocess.check_call(["make", "latex"], cwd="doc") @task @needs('latex') def pdf(): sdir = options.doc.sdir bdir = options.doc.bdir bdir_latex = options.doc.bdir_latex destdir_pdf = options.doc.destdir_pdf def build_pdf(): subprocess.check_call(["make", "all-pdf"], cwd=str(bdir_latex)) dry("Build pdf doc", build_pdf) if os.path.exists(destdir_pdf): shutil.rmtree(destdir_pdf) os.makedirs(destdir_pdf) user = os.path.join(bdir_latex, "numpy-user.pdf") shutil.copy(user, os.path.join(destdir_pdf, "userguide.pdf")) ref = os.path.join(bdir_latex, "numpy-ref.pdf") shutil.copy(ref, os.path.join(destdir_pdf, "reference.pdf")) #------------------ # Mac OS X targets #------------------ def dmg_name(fullversion, pyver, osxver=None): """Return name for dmg installer. Notes ----- Python 2.7 has two binaries, one for 10.3 (ppc, i386) and one for 10.6 (i386, x86_64). All other Python versions at python.org at the moment have binaries for 10.3 only. The "macosx%s" part of the dmg name should correspond to the python.org naming scheme. """ # assume that for the py2.7/osx10.6 build the deployment target is set # (should be done in the release script). if not osxver: osxver = os.environ.get('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', '10.3') return "numpy-%s-py%s-python.org-macosx%s.dmg" % (fullversion, pyver, osxver) def macosx_version(): if not sys.platform == 'darwin': raise ValueError("Not darwin ??") st = subprocess.Popen(["sw_vers"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out = st.stdout.readlines() ver = re.compile("ProductVersion:\s+([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)") for i in out: m = ver.match(i) if m: return m.groups() def mpkg_name(pyver): maj, min = macosx_version()[:2] # Note that bdist_mpkg breaks this if building a dev version with a git # commit string attached. make_fullplatcomponents() in # bdist_mpkg/cmd_bdist_mpkg.py replaces '-' with '_', comment this out if # needed. return "numpy-%s-py%s-macosx%s.%s.mpkg" % (FULLVERSION, pyver, maj, min) def _build_mpkg(pyver): # account for differences between Python 2.7.1 versions from python.org if os.environ.get('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', None) == "10.6": ldflags = "-undefined dynamic_lookup -bundle -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -Wl,-search_paths_first" else: ldflags = "-undefined dynamic_lookup -bundle -arch i386 -arch ppc -Wl,-search_paths_first" ldflags += " -L%s" % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "build") if pyver == "2.5": sh("CC=gcc-4.0 LDFLAGS='%s' %s setupegg.py bdist_mpkg" % (ldflags, " ".join(MPKG_PYTHON[pyver]))) else: sh("LDFLAGS='%s' %s setupegg.py bdist_mpkg" % (ldflags, " ".join(MPKG_PYTHON[pyver]))) @task def simple_dmg(): pyver = "2.6" src_dir = "dmg-source" # Clean the source dir if os.path.exists(src_dir): shutil.rmtree(src_dir) os.makedirs(src_dir) # Build the mpkg clean() _build_mpkg(pyver) # Build the dmg shutil.copytree(os.path.join("dist", mpkg_name(pyver)), os.path.join(src_dir, mpkg_name(pyver))) _create_dmg(pyver, src_dir, "NumPy Universal %s" % FULLVERSION) @task def bdist_mpkg(options): call_task("clean") try: pyver = options.bdist_mpkg.python_version except AttributeError: pyver = options.python_version _build_mpkg(pyver) def _create_dmg(pyver, src_dir, volname=None): # Build the dmg image_name = dmg_name(FULLVERSION, pyver) if os.path.exists(image_name): os.remove(image_name) cmd = ["hdiutil", "create", image_name, "-srcdir", src_dir] if volname: cmd.extend(["-volname", "'%s'" % volname]) sh(" ".join(cmd)) @task @cmdopts([("python-version=", "p", "python version")]) def dmg(options): try: pyver = options.dmg.python_version except: pyver = DEFAULT_PYTHON idirs = options.installers.installersdir # Check if docs exist. If not, say so and quit. ref = os.path.join(options.doc.destdir_pdf, "reference.pdf") user = os.path.join(options.doc.destdir_pdf, "userguide.pdf") if (not os.path.exists(ref)) or (not os.path.exists(user)): import warnings warnings.warn("Docs need to be built first! Can't find them.") # Build the mpkg package call_task("clean") _build_mpkg(pyver) macosx_installer_dir = "tools/numpy-macosx-installer" dmg = os.path.join(macosx_installer_dir, dmg_name(FULLVERSION, pyver)) if os.path.exists(dmg): os.remove(dmg) # Clean the image source content = os.path.join(macosx_installer_dir, 'content') if os.path.exists(content): shutil.rmtree(content) os.makedirs(content) # Copy mpkg into image source mpkg_source = os.path.join("dist", mpkg_name(pyver)) mpkg_target = os.path.join(content, "numpy-%s-py%s.mpkg" % (FULLVERSION, pyver)) shutil.copytree(mpkg_source, mpkg_target) # Copy docs into image source pdf_docs = os.path.join(content, "Documentation") if os.path.exists(pdf_docs): shutil.rmtree(pdf_docs) os.makedirs(pdf_docs) shutil.copy(user, os.path.join(pdf_docs, "userguide.pdf")) shutil.copy(ref, os.path.join(pdf_docs, "reference.pdf")) # Build the dmg cmd = ["./new-create-dmg", "--pkgname", os.path.basename(mpkg_target), "--volname", "numpy", os.path.basename(dmg), "./content"] st = subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=macosx_installer_dir) source = dmg target = os.path.join(idirs, os.path.basename(dmg)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) shutil.copy(source, target) #-------------------------- # Source distribution stuff #-------------------------- def tarball_name(type='gztar'): root = 'numpy-%s' % FULLVERSION if type == 'gztar': return root + '.tar.gz' elif type == 'zip': return root + '.zip' raise ValueError("Unknown type %s" % type) @task def sdist(options): # To be sure to bypass paver when building sdist... paver + numpy.distutils # do not play well together. sh('python setup.py sdist --formats=gztar,zip') # Copy the superpack into installers dir idirs = options.installers.installersdir if not os.path.exists(idirs): os.makedirs(idirs) for t in ['gztar', 'zip']: source = os.path.join('dist', tarball_name(t)) target = os.path.join(idirs, tarball_name(t)) shutil.copy(source, target) def compute_md5(idirs): released = paver.path.path(idirs).listdir() checksums = [] for f in released: m = md5(open(f, 'r').read()) checksums.append('%s %s' % (m.hexdigest(), f)) return checksums def write_release_task(options, filename='NOTES.txt'): idirs = options.installers.installersdir source = paver.path.path(RELEASE_NOTES) target = paver.path.path(filename) if target.exists(): target.remove() source.copy(target) ftarget = open(str(target), 'a') ftarget.writelines(""" Checksums ========= """) ftarget.writelines(['%s\n' % c for c in compute_md5(idirs)]) def write_log_task(options, filename='Changelog'): st = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'log', '%s..%s' % (LOG_START, LOG_END)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out = st.communicate()[0] a = open(filename, 'w') a.writelines(out) a.close() @task def write_release(options): write_release_task(options) @task def write_log(options): write_log_task(options) @task def write_release_and_log(options): rdir = options.installers.releasedir write_release_task(options, os.path.join(rdir, 'NOTES.txt')) write_log_task(options, os.path.join(rdir, 'Changelog'))