#include #include #include #include #include "f2c.h" extern void s_wsfe(cilist *f) {;} extern void e_wsfe(void) {;} extern void do_fio(integer *c, char *s, ftnlen l) {;} /* You'll want this if you redo the *_lite.c files with the -C option * to f2c for checking array subscripts. (It's not suggested you do that * for production use, of course.) */ extern int s_rnge(char *var, int index, char *routine, int lineno) { fprintf(stderr, "array index out-of-bounds for %s[%d] in routine %s:%d\n", var, index, routine, lineno); fflush(stderr); abort(); } #ifdef KR_headers extern double sqrt(); double f__cabs(real, imag) double real, imag; #else #undef abs double f__cabs(double real, double imag) #endif { double temp; if(real < 0) real = -real; if(imag < 0) imag = -imag; if(imag > real){ temp = real; real = imag; imag = temp; } if((imag+real) == real) return((double)real); temp = imag/real; temp = real*sqrt(1.0 + temp*temp); /*overflow!!*/ return(temp); } VOID #ifdef KR_headers d_cnjg(r, z) doublecomplex *r, *z; #else d_cnjg(doublecomplex *r, doublecomplex *z) #endif { r->r = z->r; r->i = - z->i; } #ifdef KR_headers double d_imag(z) doublecomplex *z; #else double d_imag(doublecomplex *z) #endif { return(z->i); } #define log10e 0.43429448190325182765 #ifdef KR_headers double log(); double d_lg10(x) doublereal *x; #else #undef abs double d_lg10(doublereal *x) #endif { return( log10e * log(*x) ); } #ifdef KR_headers double d_sign(a,b) doublereal *a, *b; #else double d_sign(doublereal *a, doublereal *b) #endif { double x; x = (*a >= 0 ? *a : - *a); return( *b >= 0 ? x : -x); } #ifdef KR_headers double floor(); integer i_dnnt(x) doublereal *x; #else #undef abs integer i_dnnt(doublereal *x) #endif { return( (*x)>=0 ? floor(*x + .5) : -floor(.5 - *x) ); } #ifdef KR_headers double pow(); double pow_dd(ap, bp) doublereal *ap, *bp; #else #undef abs double pow_dd(doublereal *ap, doublereal *bp) #endif { return(pow(*ap, *bp) ); } #ifdef KR_headers double pow_di(ap, bp) doublereal *ap; integer *bp; #else double pow_di(doublereal *ap, integer *bp) #endif { double pow, x; integer n; unsigned long u; pow = 1; x = *ap; n = *bp; if(n != 0) { if(n < 0) { n = -n; x = 1/x; } for(u = n; ; ) { if(u & 01) pow *= x; if(u >>= 1) x *= x; else break; } } return(pow); } /* Unless compiled with -DNO_OVERWRITE, this variant of s_cat allows the * target of a concatenation to appear on its right-hand side (contrary * to the Fortran 77 Standard, but in accordance with Fortran 90). */ #define NO_OVERWRITE #ifndef NO_OVERWRITE #undef abs #ifdef KR_headers extern char *F77_aloc(); extern void free(); extern void exit_(); #else extern char *F77_aloc(ftnlen, char*); #endif #endif /* NO_OVERWRITE */ VOID #ifdef KR_headers s_cat(lp, rpp, rnp, np, ll) char *lp, *rpp[]; ftnlen rnp[], *np, ll; #else s_cat(char *lp, char *rpp[], ftnlen rnp[], ftnlen *np, ftnlen ll) #endif { ftnlen i, nc; char *rp; ftnlen n = *np; #ifndef NO_OVERWRITE ftnlen L, m; char *lp0, *lp1; lp0 = 0; lp1 = lp; L = ll; i = 0; while(i < n) { rp = rpp[i]; m = rnp[i++]; if (rp >= lp1 || rp + m <= lp) { if ((L -= m) <= 0) { n = i; break; } lp1 += m; continue; } lp0 = lp; lp = lp1 = F77_aloc(L = ll, "s_cat"); break; } lp1 = lp; #endif /* NO_OVERWRITE */ for(i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) { nc = ll; if(rnp[i] < nc) nc = rnp[i]; ll -= nc; rp = rpp[i]; while(--nc >= 0) *lp++ = *rp++; } while(--ll >= 0) *lp++ = ' '; #ifndef NO_OVERWRITE if (lp0) { memmove(lp0, lp1, L); free(lp1); } #endif } /* compare two strings */ #ifdef KR_headers integer s_cmp(a0, b0, la, lb) char *a0, *b0; ftnlen la, lb; #else integer s_cmp(char *a0, char *b0, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb) #endif { register unsigned char *a, *aend, *b, *bend; a = (unsigned char *)a0; b = (unsigned char *)b0; aend = a + la; bend = b + lb; if(la <= lb) { while(a < aend) if(*a != *b) return( *a - *b ); else { ++a; ++b; } while(b < bend) if(*b != ' ') return( ' ' - *b ); else ++b; } else { while(b < bend) if(*a == *b) { ++a; ++b; } else return( *a - *b ); while(a < aend) if(*a != ' ') return(*a - ' '); else ++a; } return(0); } /* Unless compiled with -DNO_OVERWRITE, this variant of s_copy allows the * target of an assignment to appear on its right-hand side (contrary * to the Fortran 77 Standard, but in accordance with Fortran 90), * as in a(2:5) = a(4:7) . */ /* assign strings: a = b */ #ifdef KR_headers VOID s_copy(a, b, la, lb) register char *a, *b; ftnlen la, lb; #else void s_copy(register char *a, register char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb) #endif { register char *aend, *bend; aend = a + la; if(la <= lb) #ifndef NO_OVERWRITE if (a <= b || a >= b + la) #endif while(a < aend) *a++ = *b++; #ifndef NO_OVERWRITE else for(b += la; a < aend; ) *--aend = *--b; #endif else { bend = b + lb; #ifndef NO_OVERWRITE if (a <= b || a >= bend) #endif while(b < bend) *a++ = *b++; #ifndef NO_OVERWRITE else { a += lb; while(b < bend) *--a = *--bend; a += lb; } #endif while(a < aend) *a++ = ' '; } } #ifdef KR_headers double f__cabs(); double z_abs(z) doublecomplex *z; #else double f__cabs(double, double); double z_abs(doublecomplex *z) #endif { return( f__cabs( z->r, z->i ) ); } #ifdef KR_headers extern void sig_die(); VOID z_div(c, a, b) doublecomplex *a, *b, *c; #else extern void sig_die(char*, int); void z_div(doublecomplex *c, doublecomplex *a, doublecomplex *b) #endif { double ratio, den; double abr, abi; if( (abr = b->r) < 0.) abr = - abr; if( (abi = b->i) < 0.) abi = - abi; if( abr <= abi ) { /*Let IEEE Infinties handle this ;( */ /*if(abi == 0) sig_die("complex division by zero", 1);*/ ratio = b->r / b->i ; den = b->i * (1 + ratio*ratio); c->r = (a->r*ratio + a->i) / den; c->i = (a->i*ratio - a->r) / den; } else { ratio = b->i / b->r ; den = b->r * (1 + ratio*ratio); c->r = (a->r + a->i*ratio) / den; c->i = (a->i - a->r*ratio) / den; } } #ifdef KR_headers double sqrt(), f__cabs(); VOID z_sqrt(r, z) doublecomplex *r, *z; #else #undef abs extern double f__cabs(double, double); void z_sqrt(doublecomplex *r, doublecomplex *z) #endif { double mag; if( (mag = f__cabs(z->r, z->i)) == 0.) r->r = r->i = 0.; else if(z->r > 0) { r->r = sqrt(0.5 * (mag + z->r) ); r->i = z->i / r->r / 2; } else { r->i = sqrt(0.5 * (mag - z->r) ); if(z->i < 0) r->i = - r->i; r->r = z->i / r->i / 2; } } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef KR_headers integer pow_ii(ap, bp) integer *ap, *bp; #else integer pow_ii(integer *ap, integer *bp) #endif { integer pow, x, n; unsigned long u; x = *ap; n = *bp; if (n <= 0) { if (n == 0 || x == 1) return 1; if (x != -1) return x == 0 ? 1/x : 0; n = -n; } u = n; for(pow = 1; ; ) { if(u & 01) pow *= x; if(u >>= 1) x *= x; else break; } return(pow); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef KR_headers extern void f_exit(); VOID s_stop(s, n) char *s; ftnlen n; #else #undef abs #undef min #undef max #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void f_exit(void); int s_stop(char *s, ftnlen n) #endif { int i; if(n > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "STOP "); for(i = 0; i