/* * This file implements assignment from an ndarray to another ndarray. * * Written by Mark Wiebe (mwwiebe@gmail.com) * Copyright (c) 2011 by Enthought, Inc. * * See LICENSE.txt for the license. */ #define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN #include #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_API_VERSION #define _MULTIARRAYMODULE #include #include "npy_config.h" #include "npy_pycompat.h" #include "convert_datatype.h" #include "methods.h" #include "shape.h" #include "lowlevel_strided_loops.h" #include "array_assign.h" /* * Check that array data is both uint-aligned and true-aligned for all array * elements, as required by the copy/casting code in lowlevel_strided_loops.c */ NPY_NO_EXPORT int copycast_isaligned(int ndim, npy_intp *shape, PyArray_Descr *dtype, char *data, npy_intp *strides) { int aligned; int big_aln, small_aln; int uint_aln = npy_uint_alignment(dtype->elsize); int true_aln = dtype->alignment; /* uint alignment can be 0, meaning not uint alignable */ if (uint_aln == 0) { return 0; } /* * As an optimization, it is unnecessary to check the alignment to the * smaller of (uint_aln, true_aln) if the data is aligned to the bigger of * the two and the big is a multiple of the small aln. We check the bigger * one first and only check the smaller if necessary. */ if (true_aln >= uint_aln) { big_aln = true_aln; small_aln = uint_aln; } else { big_aln = uint_aln; small_aln = true_aln; } aligned = raw_array_is_aligned(ndim, shape, data, strides, big_aln); if (aligned && big_aln % small_aln != 0) { aligned = raw_array_is_aligned(ndim, shape, data, strides, small_aln); } return aligned; } /* * Assigns the array from 'src' to 'dst'. The strides must already have * been broadcast. * * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ NPY_NO_EXPORT int raw_array_assign_array(int ndim, npy_intp *shape, PyArray_Descr *dst_dtype, char *dst_data, npy_intp *dst_strides, PyArray_Descr *src_dtype, char *src_data, npy_intp *src_strides) { int idim; npy_intp shape_it[NPY_MAXDIMS]; npy_intp dst_strides_it[NPY_MAXDIMS]; npy_intp src_strides_it[NPY_MAXDIMS]; npy_intp coord[NPY_MAXDIMS]; PyArray_StridedUnaryOp *stransfer = NULL; NpyAuxData *transferdata = NULL; int aligned, needs_api = 0; npy_intp src_itemsize = src_dtype->elsize; NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DEF; aligned = copycast_isaligned(ndim, shape, dst_dtype, dst_data, dst_strides) && copycast_isaligned(ndim, shape, src_dtype, src_data, src_strides); /* Use raw iteration with no heap allocation */ if (PyArray_PrepareTwoRawArrayIter( ndim, shape, dst_data, dst_strides, src_data, src_strides, &ndim, shape_it, &dst_data, dst_strides_it, &src_data, src_strides_it) < 0) { return -1; } /* * Overlap check for the 1D case. Higher dimensional arrays and * opposite strides cause a temporary copy before getting here. */ if (ndim == 1 && src_data < dst_data && src_data + shape_it[0] * src_strides_it[0] > dst_data) { src_data += (shape_it[0] - 1) * src_strides_it[0]; dst_data += (shape_it[0] - 1) * dst_strides_it[0]; src_strides_it[0] = -src_strides_it[0]; dst_strides_it[0] = -dst_strides_it[0]; } /* Get the function to do the casting */ if (PyArray_GetDTypeTransferFunction(aligned, src_strides_it[0], dst_strides_it[0], src_dtype, dst_dtype, 0, &stransfer, &transferdata, &needs_api) != NPY_SUCCEED) { return -1; } if (!needs_api) { NPY_BEGIN_THREADS; } NPY_RAW_ITER_START(idim, ndim, coord, shape_it) { /* Process the innermost dimension */ stransfer(dst_data, dst_strides_it[0], src_data, src_strides_it[0], shape_it[0], src_itemsize, transferdata); } NPY_RAW_ITER_TWO_NEXT(idim, ndim, coord, shape_it, dst_data, dst_strides_it, src_data, src_strides_it); NPY_END_THREADS; NPY_AUXDATA_FREE(transferdata); return (needs_api && PyErr_Occurred()) ? -1 : 0; } /* * Assigns the array from 'src' to 'dst, wherever the 'wheremask' * value is True. The strides must already have been broadcast. * * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ NPY_NO_EXPORT int raw_array_wheremasked_assign_array(int ndim, npy_intp *shape, PyArray_Descr *dst_dtype, char *dst_data, npy_intp *dst_strides, PyArray_Descr *src_dtype, char *src_data, npy_intp *src_strides, PyArray_Descr *wheremask_dtype, char *wheremask_data, npy_intp *wheremask_strides) { int idim; npy_intp shape_it[NPY_MAXDIMS]; npy_intp dst_strides_it[NPY_MAXDIMS]; npy_intp src_strides_it[NPY_MAXDIMS]; npy_intp wheremask_strides_it[NPY_MAXDIMS]; npy_intp coord[NPY_MAXDIMS]; PyArray_MaskedStridedUnaryOp *stransfer = NULL; NpyAuxData *transferdata = NULL; int aligned, needs_api = 0; npy_intp src_itemsize = src_dtype->elsize; NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_DEF; aligned = copycast_isaligned(ndim, shape, dst_dtype, dst_data, dst_strides) && copycast_isaligned(ndim, shape, src_dtype, src_data, src_strides); /* Use raw iteration with no heap allocation */ if (PyArray_PrepareThreeRawArrayIter( ndim, shape, dst_data, dst_strides, src_data, src_strides, wheremask_data, wheremask_strides, &ndim, shape_it, &dst_data, dst_strides_it, &src_data, src_strides_it, &wheremask_data, wheremask_strides_it) < 0) { return -1; } /* * Overlap check for the 1D case. Higher dimensional arrays cause * a temporary copy before getting here. */ if (ndim == 1 && src_data < dst_data && src_data + shape_it[0] * src_strides_it[0] > dst_data) { src_data += (shape_it[0] - 1) * src_strides_it[0]; dst_data += (shape_it[0] - 1) * dst_strides_it[0]; wheremask_data += (shape_it[0] - 1) * wheremask_strides_it[0]; src_strides_it[0] = -src_strides_it[0]; dst_strides_it[0] = -dst_strides_it[0]; wheremask_strides_it[0] = -wheremask_strides_it[0]; } /* Get the function to do the casting */ if (PyArray_GetMaskedDTypeTransferFunction(aligned, src_strides_it[0], dst_strides_it[0], wheremask_strides_it[0], src_dtype, dst_dtype, wheremask_dtype, 0, &stransfer, &transferdata, &needs_api) != NPY_SUCCEED) { return -1; } if (!needs_api) { NPY_BEGIN_THREADS; } NPY_RAW_ITER_START(idim, ndim, coord, shape_it) { /* Process the innermost dimension */ stransfer(dst_data, dst_strides_it[0], src_data, src_strides_it[0], (npy_bool *)wheremask_data, wheremask_strides_it[0], shape_it[0], src_itemsize, transferdata); } NPY_RAW_ITER_THREE_NEXT(idim, ndim, coord, shape_it, dst_data, dst_strides_it, src_data, src_strides_it, wheremask_data, wheremask_strides_it); NPY_END_THREADS; NPY_AUXDATA_FREE(transferdata); return (needs_api && PyErr_Occurred()) ? -1 : 0; } /* * An array assignment function for copying arrays, broadcasting 'src' into * 'dst'. This function makes a temporary copy of 'src' if 'src' and * 'dst' overlap, to be able to handle views of the same data with * different strides. * * dst: The destination array. * src: The source array. * wheremask: If non-NULL, a boolean mask specifying where to copy. * casting: An exception is raised if the copy violates this * casting rule. * * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ NPY_NO_EXPORT int PyArray_AssignArray(PyArrayObject *dst, PyArrayObject *src, PyArrayObject *wheremask, NPY_CASTING casting) { int copied_src = 0; npy_intp src_strides[NPY_MAXDIMS]; /* Use array_assign_scalar if 'src' NDIM is 0 */ if (PyArray_NDIM(src) == 0) { return PyArray_AssignRawScalar( dst, PyArray_DESCR(src), PyArray_DATA(src), wheremask, casting); } /* * Performance fix for expressions like "a[1000:6000] += x". In this * case, first an in-place add is done, followed by an assignment, * equivalently expressed like this: * * tmp = a[1000:6000] # Calls array_subscript in mapping.c * np.add(tmp, x, tmp) * a[1000:6000] = tmp # Calls array_assign_subscript in mapping.c * * In the assignment the underlying data type, shape, strides, and * data pointers are identical, but src != dst because they are separately * generated slices. By detecting this and skipping the redundant * copy of values to themselves, we potentially give a big speed boost. * * Note that we don't call EquivTypes, because usually the exact same * dtype object will appear, and we don't want to slow things down * with a complicated comparison. The comparisons are ordered to * try and reject this with as little work as possible. */ if (PyArray_DATA(src) == PyArray_DATA(dst) && PyArray_DESCR(src) == PyArray_DESCR(dst) && PyArray_NDIM(src) == PyArray_NDIM(dst) && PyArray_CompareLists(PyArray_DIMS(src), PyArray_DIMS(dst), PyArray_NDIM(src)) && PyArray_CompareLists(PyArray_STRIDES(src), PyArray_STRIDES(dst), PyArray_NDIM(src))) { /*printf("Redundant copy operation detected\n");*/ return 0; } if (PyArray_FailUnlessWriteable(dst, "assignment destination") < 0) { goto fail; } /* Check the casting rule */ if (!PyArray_CanCastTypeTo(PyArray_DESCR(src), PyArray_DESCR(dst), casting)) { PyObject *errmsg; errmsg = PyUString_FromString("Cannot cast scalar from "); PyUString_ConcatAndDel(&errmsg, PyObject_Repr((PyObject *)PyArray_DESCR(src))); PyUString_ConcatAndDel(&errmsg, PyUString_FromString(" to ")); PyUString_ConcatAndDel(&errmsg, PyObject_Repr((PyObject *)PyArray_DESCR(dst))); PyUString_ConcatAndDel(&errmsg, PyUString_FromFormat(" according to the rule %s", npy_casting_to_string(casting))); PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_TypeError, errmsg); Py_DECREF(errmsg); goto fail; } /* * When ndim is 1 and the strides point in the same direction, * the lower-level inner loop handles copying * of overlapping data. For bigger ndim and opposite-strided 1D * data, we make a temporary copy of 'src' if 'src' and 'dst' overlap.' */ if (((PyArray_NDIM(dst) == 1 && PyArray_NDIM(src) >= 1 && PyArray_STRIDES(dst)[0] * PyArray_STRIDES(src)[PyArray_NDIM(src) - 1] < 0) || PyArray_NDIM(dst) > 1 || PyArray_HASFIELDS(dst)) && arrays_overlap(src, dst)) { PyArrayObject *tmp; /* * Allocate a temporary copy array. */ tmp = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_NewLikeArray(dst, NPY_KEEPORDER, NULL, 0); if (tmp == NULL) { goto fail; } if (PyArray_AssignArray(tmp, src, NULL, NPY_UNSAFE_CASTING) < 0) { Py_DECREF(tmp); goto fail; } src = tmp; copied_src = 1; } /* Broadcast 'src' to 'dst' for raw iteration */ if (PyArray_NDIM(src) > PyArray_NDIM(dst)) { int ndim_tmp = PyArray_NDIM(src); npy_intp *src_shape_tmp = PyArray_DIMS(src); npy_intp *src_strides_tmp = PyArray_STRIDES(src); /* * As a special case for backwards compatibility, strip * away unit dimensions from the left of 'src' */ while (ndim_tmp > PyArray_NDIM(dst) && src_shape_tmp[0] == 1) { --ndim_tmp; ++src_shape_tmp; ++src_strides_tmp; } if (broadcast_strides(PyArray_NDIM(dst), PyArray_DIMS(dst), ndim_tmp, src_shape_tmp, src_strides_tmp, "input array", src_strides) < 0) { goto fail; } } else { if (broadcast_strides(PyArray_NDIM(dst), PyArray_DIMS(dst), PyArray_NDIM(src), PyArray_DIMS(src), PyArray_STRIDES(src), "input array", src_strides) < 0) { goto fail; } } /* optimization: scalar boolean mask */ if (wheremask != NULL && PyArray_NDIM(wheremask) == 0 && PyArray_DESCR(wheremask)->type_num == NPY_BOOL) { npy_bool value = *(npy_bool *)PyArray_DATA(wheremask); if (value) { /* where=True is the same as no where at all */ wheremask = NULL; } else { /* where=False copies nothing */ return 0; } } if (wheremask == NULL) { /* A straightforward value assignment */ /* Do the assignment with raw array iteration */ if (raw_array_assign_array(PyArray_NDIM(dst), PyArray_DIMS(dst), PyArray_DESCR(dst), PyArray_DATA(dst), PyArray_STRIDES(dst), PyArray_DESCR(src), PyArray_DATA(src), src_strides) < 0) { goto fail; } } else { npy_intp wheremask_strides[NPY_MAXDIMS]; /* Broadcast the wheremask to 'dst' for raw iteration */ if (broadcast_strides(PyArray_NDIM(dst), PyArray_DIMS(dst), PyArray_NDIM(wheremask), PyArray_DIMS(wheremask), PyArray_STRIDES(wheremask), "where mask", wheremask_strides) < 0) { goto fail; } /* A straightforward where-masked assignment */ /* Do the masked assignment with raw array iteration */ if (raw_array_wheremasked_assign_array( PyArray_NDIM(dst), PyArray_DIMS(dst), PyArray_DESCR(dst), PyArray_DATA(dst), PyArray_STRIDES(dst), PyArray_DESCR(src), PyArray_DATA(src), src_strides, PyArray_DESCR(wheremask), PyArray_DATA(wheremask), wheremask_strides) < 0) { goto fail; } } if (copied_src) { Py_DECREF(src); } return 0; fail: if (copied_src) { Py_DECREF(src); } return -1; }