.. _routines: ******** Routines ******** In this chapter routine docstrings are presented, grouped by functionality. Many docstrings contain example code, which demonstrates basic usage of the routine. The examples assume that NumPy is imported with:: >>> import numpy as np A convenient way to execute examples is the ``%doctest_mode`` mode of IPython, which allows for pasting of multi-line examples and preserves indentation. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 routines.array-creation routines.array-manipulation routines.bitwise routines.char routines.ctypeslib routines.datetime routines.dtype routines.dual routines.emath routines.err routines.fft routines.financial routines.functional routines.help routines.indexing routines.io routines.linalg routines.logic routines.ma routines.math routines.matlib routines.other routines.padding routines.polynomials random/index routines.set routines.sort routines.statistics routines.testing routines.window