# As config was originally based on an example by Olivier Grisel. Thanks! # https://github.com/ogrisel/python-appveyor-demo/blob/master/appveyor.yml clone_depth: 50 # No reason for us to restrict the number concurrent jobs max_jobs: 100 cache: - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\pip\Cache' environment: global: MINGW_32: C:\mingw-w64\i686-6.3.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1\mingw32\bin MINGW_64: C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev1\mingw64\bin OPENBLAS_32: https://3f23b170c54c2533c070-1c8a9b3114517dc5fe17b7c3f8c63a43.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/openblas-5f998ef_gcc7_1_0_win32.zip OPENBLAS_64: https://3f23b170c54c2533c070-1c8a9b3114517dc5fe17b7c3f8c63a43.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/openblas-5f998ef_gcc7_1_0_win64.zip APPVEYOR_SAVE_CACHE_ON_ERROR: true APPVEYOR_SKIP_FINALIZE_ON_EXIT: true TEST_TIMEOUT: 1000 NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS: 4 matrix: - PYTHON: C:\Python36 PYTHON_VERSION: 3.6 PYTHON_ARCH: 32 TEST_MODE: fast - PYTHON: C:\Python37 PYTHON_VERSION: 3.7 PYTHON_ARCH: 32 TEST_MODE: fast - PYTHON: C:\Python27-x64 PYTHON_VERSION: 2.7 PYTHON_ARCH: 64 TEST_MODE: fast - PYTHON: C:\Python36-x64 PYTHON_VERSION: 3.6 PYTHON_ARCH: 64 TEST_MODE: full INSTALL_PICKLE5: 1 - PYTHON: C:\Python37-x64 PYTHON_VERSION: 3.7 PYTHON_ARCH: 64 TEST_MODE: full INSTALL_PICKLE5: 1 init: - "ECHO %PYTHON% %PYTHON_VERSION% %PYTHON_ARCH%" - "ECHO \"%APPVEYOR_SCHEDULED_BUILD%\"" # If there is a newer build queued for the same PR, cancel this one. # The AppVeyor 'rollout builds' option is supposed to serve the same # purpose but it is problematic because it tends to cancel builds pushed # directly to master instead of just PR builds (or the converse). # credits: JuliaLang developers. - ps: if ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -and $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER -ne ((Invoke-RestMethod ` https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/$env:APPVEYOR_ACCOUNT_NAME/$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG/history?recordsNumber=50).builds | ` Where-Object pullRequestId -eq $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)[0].buildNumber) { ` raise "There are newer queued builds for this pull request, skipping build." } install: # Prepend newly installed Python to the PATH of this build (this cannot be # done from inside the powershell script as it would require to restart # the parent CMD process). - SET PATH=%PYTHON%;%PYTHON%\Scripts;%PATH% - if [%PYTHON_ARCH%]==[32] SET PATH=%MINGW_32%;%PATH% & SET OPENBLAS=%OPENBLAS_32% - if [%PYTHON_ARCH%]==[64] SET PATH=%MINGW_64%;%PATH% & SET OPENBLAS=%OPENBLAS_64% # Check that we have the expected version and architecture for Python - python --version - >- %CMD_IN_ENV% python -c "import sys,platform,struct; print(sys.platform, platform.machine(), struct.calcsize('P') * 8, )" # Install "openblas.a" to PYTHON\lib # Library provided by Matthew Brett at https://github.com/matthew-brett/build-openblas - ps: | $clnt = new-object System.Net.WebClient $file = "$(New-TemporaryFile).zip" $tmpdir = New-TemporaryFile | %{ rm $_; mkdir $_ } $destination = "$env:PYTHON\lib\openblas.a" echo $file echo $tmpdir echo $env:OPENBLAS $clnt.DownloadFile($env:OPENBLAS, $file) Get-FileHash $file | Format-List Expand-Archive $file $tmpdir rm $tmpdir\$env:PYTHON_ARCH\lib\*.dll.a $lib = ls $tmpdir\$env:PYTHON_ARCH\lib\*.a | ForEach { ls $_ } | Select-Object -first 1 echo $lib cp $lib $destination ls $destination # Upgrade to the latest pip. - 'python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel' - if [%INSTALL_PICKLE5%]==[1] echo pickle5 >> tools/ci/appveyor/requirements.txt # Install the numpy test dependencies. - 'pip install -U --timeout 5 --retries 2 -r tools/ci/appveyor/requirements.txt' build_script: # Here, we add MinGW to the path to be able to link an OpenBLAS.dll # We then use the import library from the DLL to compile with MSVC - ps: | pip wheel -v -v -v --wheel-dir=dist . # For each wheel that pip has placed in the "dist" directory # First, upload the wheel to the "artifacts" tab and then # install the wheel. If we have only built numpy (as is the case here), # then there will be one wheel to install. # This method is more representative of what will be distributed, # because it actually tests what the built wheels will be rather than # what 'setup.py install' will do and at it uploads the wheels so that # they can be inspected. ls dist -r | Foreach-Object { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.FullName pip install $_.FullName } test_script: python runtests.py -v -n -m %TEST_MODE% -- --junitxml=%cd%\junit-results.xml after_build: # Remove old or huge cache files to hopefully not exceed the 1GB cache limit. # # If the cache limit is reached, the cache will not be updated (of not even # created in the first run). So this is a trade of between keeping the cache # current and having a cache at all. # NB: This is done only `on_success` since the cache in uploaded only on # success anyway. - C:\cygwin\bin\find "%LOCALAPPDATA%\pip" -type f -mtime +360 -delete - C:\cygwin\bin\find "%LOCALAPPDATA%\pip" -type f -size +10M -delete - C:\cygwin\bin\find "%LOCALAPPDATA%\pip" -empty -delete # Show size of cache - C:\cygwin\bin\du -hs "%LOCALAPPDATA%\pip\Cache" on_finish: # We can get a nice display of test results in the "test" tab with py.test # For now, this does nothing. - ps: | If (Test-Path .\junit-results.xml) { (new-object net.webclient).UploadFile( "https://ci.appveyor.com/api/testresults/junit/$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\junit-results.xml) ) } $LastExitCode = 0