PYTHON BINDINGS FOR ECORE REQUIREMENTS ============ * Evas >= 1.7.0 * Ecore >= 1.7.0 * Python-Evas >= 1.7.0 * Cython >= 0.15.1 (not required with release tarballs) * Python >= 2.7 (tested version, may work with older or newer) BUILDING AND INSTALLING ======================= This package uses automake, so execute: Build:: ./configure --prefix=/usr make all Install:: make install If you wish to install at alternative locations, then make sure to configure your PYTHONPATH to be able to access this location! If you have Cython dependencies that are installed in alternative locations and want Cython to find them, please specify CYTHONFLAGS variable to ./configure. The discovery of dependencies is done with pkg-config, thus all your packages must be properly accessible with such tool. Ensure your PKG_CONFIG_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR (cross-compiles) are configured! When cross-compiling, if your target's Python headers differ from your host's headers, specify PYTHON_INCLUDES variable containing the directory of the correct version of Python.h!