/* Linear_Expression class implementation (non-inline functions). Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara Copyright (C) 2010-2011 BUGSENG srl (http://bugseng.com) This file is part of the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL). The PPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The PPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. For the most up-to-date information see the Parma Polyhedra Library site: http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/ . */ #include #include "Linear_Expression.defs.hh" #include "Constraint.defs.hh" #include "Generator.defs.hh" #include "Grid_Generator.defs.hh" #include "Congruence.defs.hh" #include #include namespace PPL = Parma_Polyhedra_Library; PPL::Linear_Expression::Linear_Expression(const Constraint& c) : Linear_Row(c.space_dimension() + 1, Linear_Row::Flags()) { Linear_Expression& e = *this; for (dimension_type i = size(); i-- > 0; ) e[i] = c[i]; } PPL::Linear_Expression::Linear_Expression(const Generator& g) : Linear_Row(g.space_dimension() + 1, Linear_Row::Flags()) { Linear_Expression& e = *this; // Do not copy the divisor of `g'. for (dimension_type i = size(); --i > 0; ) e[i] = g[i]; } PPL::Linear_Expression::Linear_Expression(const Grid_Generator& g) : Linear_Row(g.space_dimension() + 1, Linear_Row::Flags()) { Linear_Expression& e = *this; // Do not copy the divisor of `g'. for (dimension_type i = size(); --i > 0; ) e[i] = g[i]; } const PPL::Linear_Expression* PPL::Linear_Expression::zero_p = 0; void PPL::Linear_Expression::initialize() { PPL_ASSERT(zero_p == 0); zero_p = new Linear_Expression(Coefficient_zero()); } void PPL::Linear_Expression::finalize() { PPL_ASSERT(zero_p != 0); delete zero_p; zero_p = 0; } PPL::Linear_Expression::Linear_Expression(const Congruence& cg) : Linear_Row(cg.space_dimension() + 1, Linear_Row::Flags()) { Linear_Expression& e = *this; for (dimension_type i = size(); i-- > 0; ) e[i] = cg[i]; } PPL::Linear_Expression::Linear_Expression(const Variable v) : Linear_Row(v.space_dimension() <= max_space_dimension() ? v.space_dimension() + 1 : (throw std::length_error("PPL::Linear_Expression::" "Linear_Expression(v):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed " "space dimension."), v.space_dimension() + 1) , Linear_Row::Flags()) { ++((*this)[v.space_dimension()]); } PPL::Linear_Expression::Linear_Expression(const Variable v, const Variable w) : Linear_Row() { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); const dimension_type w_space_dim = w.space_dimension(); const dimension_type space_dim = std::max(v_space_dim, w_space_dim); if (space_dim > max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("PPL::Linear_Expression::" "Linear_Expression(v, w):\n" "v or w exceed the maximum allowed " "space dimension."); construct(space_dim+1, Linear_Row::Flags()); if (v_space_dim != w_space_dim) { ++((*this)[v_space_dim]); --((*this)[w_space_dim]); } } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator+(const Linear_Expression& e1, const Linear_Expression& e2) { dimension_type e1_size = e1.size(); dimension_type e2_size = e2.size(); dimension_type min_size; dimension_type max_size; const Linear_Expression* p_e_max; if (e1_size > e2_size) { min_size = e2_size; max_size = e1_size; p_e_max = &e1; } else { min_size = e1_size; max_size = e2_size; p_e_max = &e2; } Linear_Expression r(max_size, false); dimension_type i = max_size; while (i > min_size) { --i; r[i] = (*p_e_max)[i]; } while (i > 0) { --i; r[i] = e1[i] + e2[i]; } return r; } /*! \relates Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator+(const Variable v, const Linear_Expression& e) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); if (v_space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression " "PPL::operator+(v, e):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed " "space dimension."); const dimension_type space_dim = std::max(v_space_dim, e.space_dimension()); Linear_Expression r(e, space_dim+1); ++r[v_space_dim]; return r; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator+(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n, const Linear_Expression& e) { Linear_Expression r(e); r[0] += n; return r; } /*! \relates Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator+(const Variable v, const Variable w) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); const dimension_type w_space_dim = w.space_dimension(); const dimension_type space_dim = std::max(v_space_dim, w_space_dim); if (space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression " "PPL::operator+(v, w):\n" "v or w exceed the maximum allowed " "space dimension."); Linear_Expression r(space_dim+1, true); ++r[v_space_dim]; ++r[w_space_dim]; return r; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator-(const Linear_Expression& e) { Linear_Expression r(e); for (dimension_type i = e.size(); i-- > 0; ) neg_assign(r[i]); return r; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator-(const Linear_Expression& e1, const Linear_Expression& e2) { dimension_type e1_size = e1.size(); dimension_type e2_size = e2.size(); if (e1_size > e2_size) { Linear_Expression r(e1_size, false); dimension_type i = e1_size; while (i > e2_size) { --i; r[i] = e1[i]; } while (i > 0) { --i; r[i] = e1[i] - e2[i]; } return r; } else { Linear_Expression r(e2_size, false); dimension_type i = e2_size; while (i > e1_size) { --i; r[i] = -e2[i]; } while (i > 0) { --i; r[i] = e1[i] - e2[i]; } return r; } } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator-(const Variable v, const Linear_Expression& e) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); if (v_space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression " "PPL::operator-(v, e):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed " "space dimension."); const dimension_type e_space_dim = e.space_dimension(); const dimension_type space_dim = std::max(v_space_dim, e_space_dim); Linear_Expression r(e, space_dim+1); for (dimension_type i = e.size(); i-- > 0; ) neg_assign(r[i]); ++r[v_space_dim]; return r; } /*! \relates Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator-(const Linear_Expression& e, const Variable v) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); if (v_space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression " "PPL::operator-(e, v):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed " "space dimension."); const dimension_type space_dim = std::max(v_space_dim, e.space_dimension()); Linear_Expression r(e, space_dim+1); --r[v_space_dim]; return r; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator-(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n, const Linear_Expression& e) { Linear_Expression r(e); for (dimension_type i = e.size(); i-- > 0; ) neg_assign(r[i]); r[0] += n; return r; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression PPL::operator*(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n, const Linear_Expression& e) { Linear_Expression r(e); for (dimension_type i = e.size(); i-- > 0; ) r[i] *= n; return r; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression& PPL::operator+=(Linear_Expression& e1, const Linear_Expression& e2) { dimension_type e1_size = e1.size(); dimension_type e2_size = e2.size(); if (e1_size >= e2_size) for (dimension_type i = e2_size; i-- > 0; ) e1[i] += e2[i]; else { Linear_Expression new_e(e2); for (dimension_type i = e1_size; i-- > 0; ) new_e[i] += e1[i]; e1.swap(new_e); } return e1; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression& PPL::operator+=(Linear_Expression& e, const Variable v) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); if (v_space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression& " "PPL::operator+=(e, v):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed space dimension."); const dimension_type e_size = e.size(); if (e_size <= v_space_dim) { Linear_Expression new_e(e, v_space_dim+1); e.swap(new_e); } ++e[v_space_dim]; return e; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression& PPL::operator-=(Linear_Expression& e1, const Linear_Expression& e2) { dimension_type e1_size = e1.size(); dimension_type e2_size = e2.size(); if (e1_size >= e2_size) for (dimension_type i = e2_size; i-- > 0; ) e1[i] -= e2[i]; else { Linear_Expression new_e(e1, e2_size); for (dimension_type i = e2_size; i-- > 0; ) new_e[i] -= e2[i]; e1.swap(new_e); } return e1; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression& PPL::operator-=(Linear_Expression& e, const Variable v) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); if (v_space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression& " "PPL::operator-=(e, v):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed space dimension."); const dimension_type e_size = e.size(); if (e_size <= v_space_dim) { Linear_Expression new_e(e, v_space_dim+1); e.swap(new_e); } --e[v_space_dim]; return e; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression& PPL::operator*=(Linear_Expression& e, Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) { dimension_type e_size = e.size(); for (dimension_type i = e_size; i-- > 0; ) e[i] *= n; return e; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression& PPL::add_mul_assign(Linear_Expression& e, Coefficient_traits::const_reference n, const Variable v) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); if (v_space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression& " "PPL::add_mul_assign(e, n, v):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed space dimension."); const dimension_type e_size = e.size(); if (e_size <= v_space_dim) { Linear_Expression new_e(e, v_space_dim+1); e.swap(new_e); } e[v_space_dim] += n; return e; } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ PPL::Linear_Expression& PPL::sub_mul_assign(Linear_Expression& e, Coefficient_traits::const_reference n, const Variable v) { const dimension_type v_space_dim = v.space_dimension(); if (v_space_dim > Linear_Expression::max_space_dimension()) throw std::length_error("Linear_Expression& " "PPL::sub_mul_assign(e, n, v):\n" "v exceeds the maximum allowed space dimension."); const dimension_type e_size = e.size(); if (e_size <= v_space_dim) { Linear_Expression new_e(e, v_space_dim+1); e.swap(new_e); } e[v_space_dim] -= n; return e; } bool PPL::Linear_Expression::OK() const { return Linear_Row::OK(); } /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression */ std::ostream& PPL::IO_Operators::operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Linear_Expression& e) { const dimension_type num_variables = e.space_dimension(); PPL_DIRTY_TEMP_COEFFICIENT(ev); bool first = true; for (dimension_type v = 0; v < num_variables; ++v) { ev = e[v+1]; if (ev != 0) { if (!first) { if (ev > 0) s << " + "; else { s << " - "; neg_assign(ev); } } else first = false; if (ev == -1) s << "-"; else if (ev != 1) s << ev << "*"; s << PPL::Variable(v); } } // Inhomogeneous term. PPL_DIRTY_TEMP_COEFFICIENT(it); it = e[0]; if (it != 0) { if (!first) { if (it > 0) s << " + "; else { s << " - "; neg_assign(it); } } else first = false; s << it; } if (first) // The null linear expression. s << Coefficient_zero(); return s; } PPL_OUTPUT_DEFINITIONS(Linear_Expression)