use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; BEGIN { plan tests => 9 }; BEGIN { $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND} ||= "JSON::backportPP"; } use JSON -support_by_pp; eval q| require Math::BigInt |; SKIP: { skip "Can't load Math::BigInt.", 9 if ($@); my $v = Math::BigInt->VERSION; $v =~ s/_.+$// if $v; my $fix = !$v ? '+' : $v < 1.6 ? '+' : ''; my $json = JSON->new; $json->allow_nonref->allow_bignum(1); $json->convert_blessed->allow_blessed; my $num = $json->decode(q|100000000000000000000000000000000000000|); ok($num->isa('Math::BigInt')); is("$num", $fix . '100000000000000000000000000000000000000'); is($json->encode($num), $fix . '100000000000000000000000000000000000000'); SKIP: { skip "requires $JSON::BackendModule 2.91_03 or newer", 2 if $JSON::BackendModulePP and eval $JSON::BackendModulePP->VERSION < 2.91_03; $num = $json->decode(q|10|); ok(!(ref $num and $num->isa('Math::BigInt')), 'small integer is not a BigInt'); ok(!(ref $num and $num->isa('Math::BigFloat')), 'small integer is not a BigFloat'); } $num = $json->decode(q|2.0000000000000000001|); ok($num->isa('Math::BigFloat')); is("$num", '2.0000000000000000001'); is($json->encode($num), '2.0000000000000000001'); SKIP: { skip "requires $JSON::BackendModule 2.90 or newer", 1 if $JSON::BackendModulePP and eval $JSON::BackendModulePP->VERSION < 2.90; is($json->encode([Math::BigInt->new("0")]), "[${fix}0]", "zero bigint is 0 (the number), not '0' (the string)" ); } }