# copied over from JSON::XS and modified to use JSON use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; BEGIN { plan tests => 9 }; BEGIN { $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND} ||= "JSON::backportPP"; } use utf8; use JSON; my $pilcrow_utf8 = (ord "^" == 0x5E) ? "\xc2\xb6" # 8859-1 : (ord "^" == 0x5F) ? "\x80\x65" # CP 1024 : "\x78\x64"; # assume CP 037 is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->utf8 (1)->encode ("¶"), "\"$pilcrow_utf8\""); is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->encode ("¶"), "\"¶\""); is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->ascii (1)->utf8 (1)->encode (chr 0x8000), '"\u8000"'); is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->ascii (1)->utf8 (1)->pretty (1)->encode (chr 0x10402), "\"\\ud801\\udc02\"\n"); eval { JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->utf8 (1)->decode ('"¶"') }; ok $@ =~ /malformed UTF-8/; is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"¶"'), "¶"); is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\u00b6"'), "¶"); is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\ud801\udc02' . "\x{10204}\""), "\x{10402}\x{10204}"); my $controls = (ord "^" == 0x5E) ? "\012\\\015\011\014\010" : (ord "^" == 0x5F) ? "\025\\\015\005\014\026" # CP 1024 : "\045\\\015\005\014\026"; # assume CP 037 is (JSON->new->allow_nonref (1)->decode ('"\"\n\\\\\r\t\f\b"'), "\"$controls");