Installation on Windows need to be done manually, by editing Makefile.PL.
1. Specify your curl include directory on the line "my @include = qw()".
2. Specify the following parameters on the line below, where
is your curl directory like this:
my ($cflags,$ldflags,$lflags) = ('-I"\\include"', '-L"\\lib"','-lcurl -lcurldll');
can be for example: "E:\\Perldev\\downloader\\curl-7.18.2-devel-mingw32" (without quotes);
3. Save Makefile.PL.
4. Execute "perl Makefile.PL";
5. Execute "nmake" ( you may need nmake from Mircosoft, which can be downloaded from;en-us;Q132084 );
6. Execute "nmake install".