/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /**************************************************************************************** Portions of this file are derived from the following 3GPP standard: 3GPP TS 26.073 ANSI-C code for the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec Available from http://www.3gpp.org (C) 2004, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC) Permission to distribute, modify and use this file under the standard license terms listed above has been obtained from the copyright holder. ****************************************************************************************/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: bgnscd.cpp Functions: Bgn_scd_reset Bgn_scd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MODULE DESCRIPTION Background noise source characteristic detector (SCD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "bgnscd.h" #include "typedef.h" #include "basic_op.h" #include "cnst.h" #include "gmed_n.h" #include "sqrt_l.h" #include "oscl_mem.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MACROS ; Define module specific macros here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DEFINES ; Include all pre-processor statements here. Include conditional ; compile variables also. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOCAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ; Function Prototype declaration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ; Variable declaration - defined here and used outside this module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION NAME: Bgn_scd_reset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUT AND OUTPUT DEFINITIONS Inputs: state = points to memory of type Bgn_scdState. Outputs: The memory of type Bgn_scdState pointed to by state is set to all zeros. Returns: Returns 0 if memory was successfully initialized, otherwise returns -1. Global Variables Used: None. Local Variables Needed: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Resets state memory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCES bgnscd.c, UMTS GSM AMR speech codec, R99 - Version 3.2.0, March 2, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSEUDO-CODE Word16 Bgn_scd_reset (Bgn_scdState *state) { if (state == (Bgn_scdState *) NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Bgn_scd_reset: invalid parameter\n"); return -1; } // Static vectors to zero Set_zero (state->frameEnergyHist, L_ENERGYHIST); // Initialize hangover handling state->bgHangover = 0; return 0; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTION [optional] [State any special notes, constraints or cautions for users of this function] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ Word16 Bgn_scd_reset(Bgn_scdState *state) { if (state == (Bgn_scdState *) NULL) { /* fprintf(stderr, "Bgn_scd_reset: invalid parameter\n"); */ return(-1); } /* Static vectors to zero */ oscl_memset(state->frameEnergyHist, 0, L_ENERGYHIST*sizeof(Word16)); /* Initialize hangover handling */ state->bgHangover = 0; return(0); } /****************************************************************************/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION NAME: Bgn_scd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUT AND OUTPUT DEFINITIONS Inputs: st = pointer to state variables of type Bgn_scdState ltpGainHist[] = LTP gain history (Word16) speech[] = synthesis speech frame (Word16) voicedHangover = pointer to # of frames after last voiced frame (Word16) pOverflow = pointer to overflow indicator (Flag) Outputs: st = function updates the state variables of type Bgn_scdState pointed to by st. voicedHangover = function updates the # of frames after last voiced frame pointed to by voicedHangover. pOverflow = 1 if the basic math function L_add() results in saturation. else pOverflow is zero. Returns: inbgNoise = flag if background noise is present (Word16) Global Variables Used: None. Local Variables Needed: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Characterize synthesis speech and detect background noise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCES bgnscd.c, UMTS GSM AMR speech codec, R99 - Version 3.2.0, March 2, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSEUDO-CODE Word16 Bgn_scd (Bgn_scdState *st, // i : State variables for bgn SCD Word16 ltpGainHist[], // i : LTP gain history Word16 speech[], // o : synthesis speech frame Word16 *voicedHangover // o : # of frames after last voiced frame ) { Word16 i; Word16 prevVoiced, inbgNoise; Word16 temp; Word16 ltpLimit, frameEnergyMin; Word16 currEnergy, noiseFloor, maxEnergy, maxEnergyLastPart; Word32 s; // Update the inBackgroundNoise flag (valid for use in next frame if BFI) // it now works as a energy detector floating on top // not as good as a VAD. currEnergy = 0; s = (Word32) 0; for (i = 0; i < L_FRAME; i++) { s = L_mac (s, speech[i], speech[i]); } s = L_shl(s, 2); currEnergy = extract_h (s); frameEnergyMin = 32767; for (i = 0; i < L_ENERGYHIST; i++) { if (sub(st->frameEnergyHist[i], frameEnergyMin) < 0) frameEnergyMin = st->frameEnergyHist[i]; } noiseFloor = shl (frameEnergyMin, 4); // Frame Energy Margin of 16 maxEnergy = st->frameEnergyHist[0]; for (i = 1; i < L_ENERGYHIST-4; i++) { if ( sub (maxEnergy, st->frameEnergyHist[i]) < 0) { maxEnergy = st->frameEnergyHist[i]; } } maxEnergyLastPart = st->frameEnergyHist[2*L_ENERGYHIST/3]; for (i = 2*L_ENERGYHIST/3+1; i < L_ENERGYHIST; i++) { if ( sub (maxEnergyLastPart, st->frameEnergyHist[i] ) < 0) { maxEnergyLastPart = st->frameEnergyHist[i]; } } inbgNoise = 0; // false // Do not consider silence as noise // Do not consider continuous high volume as noise // Or if the current noise level is very low // Mark as noise if under current noise limit // OR if the maximum energy is below the upper limit if ( (sub(maxEnergy, LOWERNOISELIMIT) > 0) && (sub(currEnergy, FRAMEENERGYLIMIT) < 0) && (sub(currEnergy, LOWERNOISELIMIT) > 0) && ( (sub(currEnergy, noiseFloor) < 0) || (sub(maxEnergyLastPart, UPPERNOISELIMIT) < 0))) { if (sub(add(st->bgHangover, 1), 30) > 0) { st->bgHangover = 30; } else { st->bgHangover = add(st->bgHangover, 1); } } else { st->bgHangover = 0; } // make final decision about frame state , act somewhat cautiosly if (sub(st->bgHangover,1) > 0) inbgNoise = 1; // true for (i = 0; i < L_ENERGYHIST-1; i++) { st->frameEnergyHist[i] = st->frameEnergyHist[i+1]; } st->frameEnergyHist[L_ENERGYHIST-1] = currEnergy; // prepare for voicing decision; tighten the threshold after some time in noise ltpLimit = 13926; // 0.85 Q14 if (sub(st->bgHangover, 8) > 0) { ltpLimit = 15565; // 0.95 Q14 } if (sub(st->bgHangover, 15) > 0) { ltpLimit = 16383; // 1.00 Q14 } // weak sort of voicing indication. prevVoiced = 0; // false if (sub(gmed_n(<pGainHist[4], 5), ltpLimit) > 0) { prevVoiced = 1; // true } if (sub(st->bgHangover, 20) > 0) { if (sub(gmed_n(ltpGainHist, 9), ltpLimit) > 0) { prevVoiced = 1; // true } else { prevVoiced = 0; // false } } if (prevVoiced) { *voicedHangover = 0; } else { temp = add(*voicedHangover, 1); if (sub(temp, 10) > 0) { *voicedHangover = 10; } else { *voicedHangover = temp; } } return inbgNoise; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTION [optional] [State any special notes, constraints or cautions for users of this function] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ Word16 Bgn_scd(Bgn_scdState *st, /* i : State variables for bgn SCD */ Word16 ltpGainHist[], /* i : LTP gain history */ Word16 speech[], /* o : synthesis speech frame */ Word16 *voicedHangover,/* o : # of frames after last voiced frame */ Flag *pOverflow ) { Word16 i; Word16 prevVoiced, inbgNoise; Word16 temp; Word16 ltpLimit, frameEnergyMin; Word16 currEnergy, noiseFloor, maxEnergy, maxEnergyLastPart; Word32 s, L_temp; /* Update the inBackgroundNoise flag (valid for use in next frame if BFI) */ /* it now works as a energy detector floating on top */ /* not as good as a VAD. */ s = (Word32) 0; for (i = L_FRAME - 1; i >= 0; i--) { L_temp = ((Word32) speech[i]) * speech[i]; if (L_temp != (Word32) 0x40000000L) { L_temp = L_temp << 1; } else { L_temp = MAX_32; } s = L_add(s, L_temp, pOverflow); } /* s is a sum of squares, so don't need to check for neg overflow */ if (s > (Word32)0x1fffffffL) { currEnergy = MAX_16; } else { currEnergy = (Word16)(s >> 14); } frameEnergyMin = 32767; for (i = L_ENERGYHIST - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (st->frameEnergyHist[i] < frameEnergyMin) { frameEnergyMin = st->frameEnergyHist[i]; } } /* Frame Energy Margin of 16 */ L_temp = (Word32)frameEnergyMin << 4; if (L_temp != (Word32)((Word16) L_temp)) { if (L_temp > 0) { noiseFloor = MAX_16; } else { noiseFloor = MIN_16; } } else { noiseFloor = (Word16)(L_temp); } maxEnergy = st->frameEnergyHist[0]; for (i = L_ENERGYHIST - 5; i >= 1; i--) { if (maxEnergy < st->frameEnergyHist[i]) { maxEnergy = st->frameEnergyHist[i]; } } maxEnergyLastPart = st->frameEnergyHist[2*L_ENERGYHIST/3]; for (i = 2 * L_ENERGYHIST / 3 + 1; i < L_ENERGYHIST; i++) { if (maxEnergyLastPart < st->frameEnergyHist[i]) { maxEnergyLastPart = st->frameEnergyHist[i]; } } /* Do not consider silence as noise */ /* Do not consider continuous high volume as noise */ /* Or if the current noise level is very low */ /* Mark as noise if under current noise limit */ /* OR if the maximum energy is below the upper limit */ if ((maxEnergy > LOWERNOISELIMIT) && (currEnergy < FRAMEENERGYLIMIT) && (currEnergy > LOWERNOISELIMIT) && ((currEnergy < noiseFloor) || (maxEnergyLastPart < UPPERNOISELIMIT))) { if ((st->bgHangover + 1) > 30) { st->bgHangover = 30; } else { st->bgHangover += 1; } } else { st->bgHangover = 0; } /* make final decision about frame state , act somewhat cautiosly */ if (st->bgHangover > 1) { inbgNoise = TRUE; } else { inbgNoise = FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < L_ENERGYHIST - 1; i++) { st->frameEnergyHist[i] = st->frameEnergyHist[i+1]; } st->frameEnergyHist[L_ENERGYHIST-1] = currEnergy; /* prepare for voicing decision; tighten the threshold after some time in noise */ if (st->bgHangover > 15) { ltpLimit = 16383; /* 1.00 Q14 */ } else if (st->bgHangover > 8) { ltpLimit = 15565; /* 0.95 Q14 */ } else { ltpLimit = 13926; /* 0.85 Q14 */ } /* weak sort of voicing indication. */ prevVoiced = FALSE; if (gmed_n(<pGainHist[4], 5) > ltpLimit) { prevVoiced = TRUE; } if (st->bgHangover > 20) { if (gmed_n(ltpGainHist, 9) > ltpLimit) { prevVoiced = TRUE; } else { prevVoiced = FALSE; } } if (prevVoiced) { *voicedHangover = 0; } else { temp = *voicedHangover + 1; if (temp > 10) { *voicedHangover = 10; } else { *voicedHangover = temp; } } return(inbgNoise); }