Coverage of ReLAPACK ==================== This file lists all LAPACK compute routines that are covered by recursive algorithms in ReLAPACK, it also lists all of LAPACK's blocked algorithms which are not (yet) part of ReLAPACK. **Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](* - [List of covered LAPACK routines](#list-of-covered-lapack-routines) - [`xlauum`](#xlauum) - [`xsygst`](#xsygst) - [`xtrtri`](#xtrtri) - [`xpotrf`](#xpotrf) - [`xpbtrf`](#xpbtrf) - [`xsytrf`](#xsytrf) - [`xgetrf`](#xgetrf) - [`xgbtrf`](#xgbtrf) - [`xtrsyl`](#xtrsyl) - [`xtgsyl`](#xtgsyl) - [Covered BLAS extension](#covered-blas-extension) - [`xgemmt`](#xgemmt) - [Not covered yet](#not-covered-yet) - [`xpstrf`](#xpstrf) - [Not covered: extra FLOPs](#not-covered-extra-flops) - [QR decomposition (and related)](#qr-decomposition-and-related) - [Symmetric reduction to tridiagonal](#symmetric-reduction-to-tridiagonal) - [Symmetric reduction to bidiagonal](#symmetric-reduction-to-bidiagonal) - [Reduction to upper Hessenberg](#reduction-to-upper-hessenberg) List of covered LAPACK routines ------------------------------- ### `xlauum` Multiplication of a triangular matrix with its (complex conjugate) transpose, resulting in a symmetric (Hermitian) matrix. Routines: `slauum`, `dlauum`, `clauum`, `zlauum` Operations: * A = L^T L * A = U U^T ### `xsygst` Simultaneous two-sided multiplication of a symmetric matrix with a triangular matrix and its transpose Routines: `ssygst`, `dsygst`, `chegst`, `zhegst` Operations: * A = inv(L) A inv(L^T) * A = inv(U^T) A inv(U) * A = L^T A L * A = U A U^T ### `xtrtri` Inversion of a triangular matrix Routines: `strtri`, `dtrtri`, `ctrtri`, `ztrtri` Operations: * L = inv(L) * U = inv(U) ### `xpotrf` Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric (Hermitian) positive definite matrix Routines: `spotrf`, `dpotrf`, `cpotrf`, `zpotrf` Operations: * L L^T = A * U^T U = A ### `xpbtrf` Cholesky decomposition of a banded symmetric (Hermitian) positive definite matrix Routines: `spbtrf`, `dpbtrf`, `cpbtrf`, `zpbtrf` Operations: * L L^T = A * U^T U = A ### `xsytrf` LDL decomposition of a symmetric (or Hermitian) matrix Routines: * `ssytrf`, `dsytrf`, `csytrf`, `chetrf`, `zsytrf`, `zhetrf`, * `ssytrf_rook`, `dsytrf_rook`, `csytrf_rook`, `chetrf_rook`, `zsytrf_rook`, `zhetrf_rook` Operations: * L D L^T = A * U^T D U = A ### `xgetrf` LU decomposition of a general matrix with pivoting Routines: `sgetrf`, `dgetrf`, `cgetrf`, `zgetrf` Operation: P L U = A ### `xgbtrf` LU decomposition of a general banded matrix with pivoting Routines: `sgbtrf`, `dgbtrf`, `cgbtrf`, `zgbtrf` Operation: L U = A ### `xtrsyl` Solution of the quasi-triangular Sylvester equation Routines: `strsyl`, `dtrsyl`, `ctrsyl`, `ztrsyl` Operations: * A X + B Y = C -> X * A^T X + B Y = C -> X * A X + B^T Y = C -> X * A^T X + B^T Y = C -> X * A X - B Y = C -> X * A^T X - B Y = C -> X * A X - B^T Y = C -> X * A^T X - B^T Y = C -> X ### `xtgsyl` Solution of the generalized Sylvester equations Routines: `stgsyl`, `dtgsyl`, `ctgsyl`, `ztgsyl` Operations: * A R - L B = C, D R - L E = F -> L, R * A^T R + D^T L = C, R B^T - L E^T = -F -> L, R Covered BLAS extension ---------------------- ### `xgemmt` Matrix-matrix product updating only a triangular part of the result Routines: `sgemmt`, `dgemmt`, `cgemmt`, `zgemmt` Operations: * C = alpha A B + beta C * C = alpha A B^T + beta C * C = alpha A^T B + beta C * C = alpha A^T B^T + beta C Not covered yet --------------- The following operation is implemented as a blocked algorithm in LAPACK but currently not yet covered in ReLAPACK as a recursive algorithm ### `xpstrf` Cholesky decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix with complete pivoting. Routines: `spstrf`, `dpstrf`, `cpstrf`, `zpstrf` Operations: * P L L^T P^T = A * P U^T U P^T = A Not covered: extra FLOPs ------------------------ The following routines are not covered because recursive variants would require considerably more FLOPs or operate on banded matrices. ### QR decomposition (and related) Routines: * `sgeqrf`, `dgeqrf`, `cgeqrf`, `zgeqrf` * `sgerqf`, `dgerqf`, `cgerqf`, `zgerqf` * `sgeqlf`, `dgeqlf`, `cgeqlf`, `zgeqlf` * `sgelqf`, `dgelqf`, `cgelqf`, `zgelqf` * `stzrzf`, `dtzrzf`, `ctzrzf`, `ztzrzf` Operations: Q R = A, R Q = A, Q L = A, L Q = A, R Z = A Routines for multiplication with Q: * `sormqr`, `dormqr`, `cunmqr`, `zunmqr` * `sormrq`, `dormrq`, `cunmrq`, `zunmrq` * `sormql`, `dormql`, `cunmql`, `zunmql` * `sormlq`, `dormlq`, `cunmlq`, `zunmlq` * `sormrz`, `dormrz`, `cunmrz`, `zunmrz` Operations: C = Q C, C = C Q, C = Q^T C, C = C Q^T Routines for construction of Q: * `sorgqr`, `dorgqr`, `cungqr`, `zungqr` * `sorgrq`, `dorgrq`, `cungrq`, `zungrq` * `sorgql`, `dorgql`, `cungql`, `zungql` * `sorglq`, `dorglq`, `cunglq`, `zunglq` ### Symmetric reduction to tridiagonal Routines: `ssytrd`, `dsytrd`, `csytrd`, `zsytrd` Operation: Q T Q^T = A ### Symmetric reduction to bidiagonal Routines: `ssybrd`, `dsybrd`, `csybrd`, `zsybrd` Operation: Q T P^T = A ### Reduction to upper Hessenberg Routines: `sgehrd`, `dgehrd`, `cgehrd`, `zgehrd` Operation: Q H Q^T = A