tag namev0.10.29 (32a6b0f358f20ed9fc61f9e1d60a7f2f71de85d9)
tag date2014-06-09 10:45:13 -0700
tagged byTimothy J Fontaine <>
tagged objectcommit ce82d6b847...
2014.06.05, Version 0.10.29 (Stable)
* openssl: to 1.0.1h (CVE-2014-0224) * npm: upgrade to 1.4.10 * utf8: Prevent Node from sending invalid UTF-8 (Felix Geisendörfer) - *NOTE* this introduces a breaking change, previously you could construct invalid UTF-8 and invoke an error in a client that was expecting valid UTF-8, now unmatched surrogate pairs are replaced with the unknown UTF-8 character. To restore the old functionality simply have NODE_INVALID_UTF8 environment variable set. * child_process: do not set args before throwing (Greg Sabia Tucker) * child_process: spawn() does not throw TypeError (Greg Sabia Tucker) * constants: export O_NONBLOCK (Fedor Indutny) * crypto: improve memory usage (Alexis Campailla) * fs: close file if fstat() fails in readFile() (cjihrig) * lib: name EventEmitter prototype methods (Ben Noordhuis) * tls: fix performance issue (Alexis Campailla) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin) Comment: GPGTools - iEYEABECAAYFAlOV8qkACgkQfTP/nQJGQG0IFwCeIbhNgdlFq15c+py51gDjREyd XI0An2TL3y2g2Jh9L0+QeI/hU/gq/Gvx =M6Kq -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----