Background ========== - Priority scale: High, Medium and Low - Complexity scale: C1, C2, C4 and C8. The complexity scale is exponential, with complexity 1 being the lowest complexity. Complexity is a function of both task 'complexity' and task 'scope'. Core ==== - Card Emulation Mode Priority: Low Complexity: C8 Dependencies: Core:NDEF building library Owner: Samuel Ortiz In card emulation mode, the NFC adapter is in passive mode, and gets activated by an initiator mode device. Then the initiator sends command that the target is supposed to interpret and respond to. Most of the commands are tag specific. For a proper card emulation mode support, the NFC adapter must enter the polling loop and not only initiate the RF field, but then wait for intiator to activate it. Once activated, the NFC socket should enter the accept state, and dispatch the various commands to the right plugins (one per protocol, a.k.a. tags). - Packaging Priority: Medium Complexity: C2 Owner: Samuel Ortiz Packaging for both RPM packages based distributions should be done in order to push neard into the mainstream Linux distributions. - OBEX over LLCP Priority: Medium Complexity: C4 Owner: Samuel Ortiz - Split NDEF code Priority: Low Complexity: C4 Owner: NDEF code (Handover related in particular) should be splitted into parsing and acting part. This would make code easier to follow and would also allow to run unit tests on parsing part. Reader mode =========== Writer mode =========== - MIFARE writer mode support Priority: Low Complexity: C2 Owner: Dorota Moskal p2p mode ======== - SNEP and LLCP validation tests Priority: Medium Complexity: C4 Owner: Ravi kumar Veeramally Implement SNEP validation test cases as an optional neard plugin, and LLCP ones as a set of tools/ binaries. - Microsoft handover Priority: Low Complexity: C4 Owner: Samuel Ortiz Microsoft handover implementation does not follow the NFC Forum specs. It is specified here: In order to support this handover implementation, a specific plugin should be implemented as there is no overlap between it and the NFC Forum handover. - PHDC service Priority: Medium Complexity: C4 Owner: Olivier Guiter PHDC (Personal Health Device Communication) is a protocol on top of LLCP for exchanging ISO/IEEE 11073 PDUs. It has its own LLCP service name and as such could be implemented as a p2p plugin. The PHDC plugin would define its own D-Bus interface for the PHDC Manager role.