# # Tokens other than instructions and registers # % TOKEN_PREFIX, 0, P_* a16 a32 a64 asp lock o16 o32 o64 osp rep repe repne repnz repz times % TOKEN_SPECIAL, 0, S_* abs byte dword far long near nosplit oword qword rel short strict to tword word yword % TOKEN_FLOAT, 0, 0 __infinity__ __nan__ __qnan__ __snan__ % TOKEN_FLOATIZE, 0, FLOAT_{__float*__} __float8__ __float16__ __float32__ __float64__ __float80m__ __float80e__ __float128l__ __float128h__ % TOKEN_STRFUNC, 0, STRFUNC_{__*__} __utf16__ __utf32__ % TOKEN_*, 0, 0 seg wrt