# -*-perl-*- $description = "Test the interaction of the -lfoo feature and vpath"; $details = ""; open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile"); # The Contents of the MAKEFILE ... print MAKEFILE "vpath %.a a1\n"; print MAKEFILE "vpath %.so b1\n"; print MAKEFILE "vpath % a2 b2\n"; print MAKEFILE "vpath % b3\n"; print MAKEFILE "all: -l1 -l2 -l3; \@echo \$^\n"; # END of Contents of MAKEFILE close(MAKEFILE); mkdir("a1", 0777); mkdir("b1", 0777); mkdir("a2", 0777); mkdir("b2", 0777); mkdir("b3", 0777); @files_to_touch = ("a1${pathsep}lib1.a", "b1${pathsep}lib1.so", "a2${pathsep}lib2.a", "b2${pathsep}lib2.so", "lib3.a", "b3${pathsep}lib3.so"); &touch(@files_to_touch); &run_make_with_options($makefile,"",&get_logfile); # Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile $answer = "a1${pathsep}lib1.a a2${pathsep}lib2.a lib3.a\n"; if (&compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1))) { unlink @files_to_touch; rmdir("a1"); rmdir("b1"); rmdir("a2"); rmdir("b2"); rmdir("b3"); } 1;