path: root/arg.c
diff options
authorPatrick McCarty <>2013-02-08 13:26:27 -0800
committerPatrick McCarty <>2013-02-08 13:26:27 -0800
commit9bb81f8a90ecc8b70c955bff72ec59dd3d9e5ae7 (patch)
tree881eebfa461e4f8aa6b6f44b96ac0decd3bc887a /arg.c
Imported Upstream version 4.87upstream/4.87
Diffstat (limited to 'arg.c')
1 files changed, 2497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arg.c b/arg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59d4acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2497 @@
+ * arg.c - common argument processing support functions for lsof
+ */
+ * Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana
+ * 47907. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Written by Victor A. Abell
+ *
+ * This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
+ * and Telegraph Company or the Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
+ * any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
+ * to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. Neither the authors nor Purdue University are responsible for any
+ * consequences of the use of this software.
+ *
+ * 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
+ * explicit claim or by omission. Credit to the authors and Purdue
+ * University must appear in documentation and sources.
+ *
+ * 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
+ */
+#ifndef lint
+static char copyright[] =
+"@(#) Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation.\nAll rights reserved.\n";
+static char *rcsid = "$Id: arg.c,v 1.51 2012/04/10 16:30:06 abe Exp $";
+#include "lsof.h"
+ * Local definitions
+ */
+#define CMDRXINCR 32 /* CmdRx[] allocation increment */
+ * Local static variables
+ */
+static int NCmdRxA = 0; /* space allocated to CmdRx[] */
+ * Local function prototypes
+ */
+_PROTOTYPE(static int ckfd_range,(char *first, char *dash, char *last, int *lo, int *hi));
+_PROTOTYPE(static int enter_fd_lst,(char *nm, int lo, int hi, int excl));
+_PROTOTYPE(static int enter_nwad,(struct nwad *n, int sp, int ep, char *s, struct hostent *he));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct hostent *lkup_hostnm,(char *hn, struct nwad *n));
+_PROTOTYPE(static char *isIPv4addr,(char *hn, unsigned char *a, int al));
+ * ckfd_range() - check fd range
+ */
+static int
+ckfd_range(first, dash, last, lo, hi)
+ char *first; /* starting character */
+ char *dash; /* '-' location */
+ char *last; /* '\0' location */
+ int *lo; /* returned low value */
+ int *hi; /* returned high value */
+ char *cp;
+ * See if the range character pointers make sense.
+ */
+ if (first >= dash || dash >= last) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal FD range for -d: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(first, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Assemble and check the high and low values.
+ */
+ for (cp = first, *lo = 0; *cp && cp < dash; cp++) {
+ if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*cp)) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: non-digit in -d FD range: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(first, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ *lo = (*lo * 10) + (int)(*cp - '0');
+ }
+ for (cp = dash+1, *hi = 0; *cp && cp < last; cp++) {
+ if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*cp))
+ goto FD_range_nondigit;
+ *hi = (*hi * 10) + (int)(*cp - '0');
+ }
+ if (*lo >= *hi) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -d FD range's low >= its high: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(first, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ return(0);
+ * ck_file_arg() - check file arguments
+ */
+ck_file_arg(i, ac, av, fv, rs, sbp)
+ int i; /* first file argument index */
+ int ac; /* argument count */
+ char *av[]; /* argument vector */
+ int fv; /* Ffilesys value (real or temporary) */
+ int rs; /* Readlink() status if argument count == 1:
+ * 0 = undone; 1 = done */
+ struct stat *sbp; /* if non-NULL, pointer to stat(2) buffer
+ * when argument count == 1 */
+ char *ap, *fnm, *fsnm, *path;
+ short err = 0;
+ int fsm, ftype, j, k;
+ struct mounts *mp;
+ static struct mounts **mmp = (struct mounts **)NULL;
+ int mx, nm;
+ static int nma = 0;
+ struct stat sb;
+ struct sfile *sfp;
+ short ss = 0;
+#if defined(CKFA_EXPDEV)
+ dev_t dev, rdev;
+#endif /* defined(CKFA_EXPDEV) */
+#if defined(HASPROCFS)
+ unsigned char ad, an;
+ int pfsnl = -1;
+ pid_t pid;
+ struct procfsid *pfi;
+#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
+ * Loop through arguments.
+ */
+ for (; i < ac; i++) {
+ if (rs && (ac == 1) && (i == 0))
+ path = av[i];
+ else {
+ if (!(path = Readlink(av[i]))) {
+ ErrStat = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Remove terminating `/' characters from paths longer than one.
+ */
+ j = k = strlen(path);
+ while ((k > 1) && (path[k-1] == '/')) {
+ k--;
+ }
+ if (k < j) {
+ if (path != av[i])
+ path[k] = '\0';
+ else {
+ if (!(ap = (char *)malloc((MALLOC_S)(k + 1)))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for copy of %s\n",
+ Pn, path);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ (void) strncpy(ap, path, k);
+ ap[k] = '\0';
+ path = ap;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check for file system argument.
+ */
+ for (ftype = 1, mp = readmnt(), nm = 0;
+ (fv != 1) && mp;
+ mp = mp->next)
+ {
+ fsm = 0;
+ if (strcmp(mp->dir, path) == 0)
+ fsm++;
+ else if (fv == 2 || (mp->fs_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK) {
+ if (mp->fsnmres && strcmp(mp->fsnmres, path) == 0)
+ fsm++;
+ }
+ if (!fsm)
+ continue;
+ ftype = 0;
+ /*
+ * Skip duplicates.
+ */
+ for (mx = 0; mx < nm; mx++) {
+ if (strcmp(mp->dir, mmp[mx]->dir) == 0
+ && mp->dev == mmp[mx]->dev
+ && mp->rdev == mmp[mx]->rdev
+ && mp->inode == mmp[mx]->inode)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (mx < nm)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Allocate space for and save another mount point match and
+ * the type of match -- directory name (mounted) or file system
+ * name (mounted-on).
+ */
+ if (nm >= nma) {
+ nma += 5;
+ l = (MALLOC_S)(nma * sizeof(struct mounts *));
+ if (mmp)
+ mmp = (struct mounts **)realloc((MALLOC_P *)mmp, l);
+ else
+ mmp = (struct mounts **)malloc(l);
+ if (!mmp) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for mount pointers\n", Pn);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ mmp[nm++] = mp;
+ }
+ if (fv == 2 && nm == 0) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: not a file system: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(av[i], stderr, 1);
+ ErrStat = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Loop through the file system matches. If there were none, make one
+ * pass through the loop, using simply the path name.
+ */
+ mx = 0;
+ do {
+ /*
+ * Allocate an sfile structure and fill in the type and link.
+ */
+ if (!(sfp = (struct sfile *)malloc(sizeof(struct sfile)))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for files\n", Pn);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ sfp->next = Sfile;
+ Sfile = sfp;
+ sfp->f = 0;
+ if ((sfp->type = ftype)) {
+ /*
+ * For a non-file system path, use the path as the file name
+ * and set a NULL file system name.
+ */
+ fnm = path;
+ fsnm = (char *)NULL;
+ /*
+ * Stat the path to obtain its characteristics.
+ */
+ if (sbp && (ac == 1))
+ sb = *sbp;
+ else {
+ if (statsafely(fnm, &sb) != 0) {
+ int en = errno;
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: status error on ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(fnm, stderr, 0);
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", strerror(en));
+ Sfile = sfp->next;
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)sfp);
+ ErrStat = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+#if defined(HASSPECDEVD)
+ (void) HASSPECDEVD(fnm, &sb);
+#endif /* defined(HASSPECDEVD) */
+ }
+ sfp->i = (INODETYPE)sb.st_ino;
+ sfp->mode = sb.st_mode & S_IFMT;
+#if defined(CKFA_EXPDEV)
+ /*
+ * Expand device numbers before saving, so that they match the
+ * already-expanded local mount info table device numbers.
+ * (This is an EP/IX 2.1.1 and above artifact.)
+ */
+ sfp->dev = expdev(sb.st_dev);
+ sfp->rdev = expdev(sb.st_rdev);
+#else /* !defined(CKFA_EXPDEV) */
+ sfp->dev = sb.st_dev;
+ sfp->rdev = sb.st_rdev;
+#endif /* defined(CKFA_EXPDEV) */
+#if defined(CKFA_MPXCHAN)
+ /*
+ * Save a (possible) multiplexed channel number. (This is an
+ * AIX artifact.)
+ */
+ sfp->ch = getchan(path);
+#endif /* defined(CKFA_MPXCHAN) */
+ } else {
+#if defined(SAVE_MP_IN_SFILE)
+ sfp->mp = mp = mmp[mx++];
+#else /* !defined(SAVE_MP_IN_SFILE) */
+ mp = mmp[mx++];
+#endif /* defined(SAVE_MP_IN_SFILE) */
+ ss++;
+#if defined(HASPROCFS)
+ /*
+ * If this is a /proc file system, set the search flag and
+ * abandon the sfile entry.
+ */
+ if (mp == Mtprocfs) {
+ Sfile = sfp->next;
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)sfp);
+ Procsrch = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
+ /*
+ * Derive file name and file system name for a mount point.
+ *
+ * Save the device numbers, inode number, and modes.
+ */
+ fnm = mp->dir;
+ fsnm = mp->fsname;
+ sfp->dev = mp->dev;
+ sfp->rdev = mp->rdev;
+ sfp->i = mp->inode;
+ sfp->mode = mp->mode & S_IFMT;
+ }
+ ss = 1; /* indicate a "safe" stat() */
+ /*
+ * Store the file name and file system name pointers in the sfile
+ * structure, allocating space as necessary.
+ */
+ if (!fnm || fnm == path) {
+ sfp->name = fnm;
+#if defined(HASPROCFS)
+ an = 0;
+#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
+ } else {
+ if (!(sfp->name = mkstrcpy(fnm, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for file name: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(fnm, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+#if defined(HASPROCFS)
+ an = 1;
+#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
+ }
+ if (!fsnm || fsnm == path) {
+ sfp->devnm = fsnm;
+#if defined(HASPROCFS)
+ ad = 0;
+#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
+ } else {
+ if (!(sfp->devnm = mkstrcpy(fsnm, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for file system name: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(fsnm, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+#if defined(HASPROCFS)
+ ad = 1;
+#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
+ }
+ if (!(sfp->aname = mkstrcpy(av[i], (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for argument file name: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(av[i], stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+#if defined(HASPROCFS)
+ /*
+ * See if this is an individual member of a proc file system.
+ */
+ if (!Mtprocfs || Procsrch)
+ continue;
+# if defined(HASFSTYPE) && HASFSTYPE==1
+ if (strcmp(sb.st_fstype, HASPROCFS) != 0)
+ continue;
+# endif /* defined(HASFSTYPE) && HASFSTYPE==1 */
+ if (pfsnl == -1)
+ pfsnl = strlen(Mtprocfs->dir);
+ if (!pfsnl)
+ continue;
+ if (strncmp(Mtprocfs->dir, path, pfsnl) != 0)
+ continue;
+ if (path[pfsnl] != '/')
+# if defined(HASPINODEN)
+ pid = 0;
+# else /* !defined(HASPINODEN) */
+ continue;
+# endif /* defined(HASPINODEN) */
+ else {
+ for (j = pfsnl+1; path[j]; j++) {
+ if (!isdigit((unsigned char)path[j]))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (path[j] || (j - pfsnl - 1) < 1
+ || (sfp->mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG)
+# if defined(HASPINODEN)
+ pid = 0;
+# else /* !defined(HASPINODEN) */
+ continue;
+# endif /* defined(HASPINODEN) */
+ else
+ pid = atoi(&path[pfsnl+1]);
+ }
+ if (!(pfi = (struct procfsid *)malloc((MALLOC_S)
+ sizeof(struct procfsid))))
+ {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for %s ID: ",
+ Pn, Mtprocfs->dir);
+ safestrprt(path, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ pfi->pid = pid;
+ pfi->f = 0;
+ pfi->nm = sfp->aname;
+ pfi->next = Procfsid;
+ Procfsid = pfi;
+# if defined(HASPINODEN)
+ pfi->inode = (INODETYPE)sfp->i;
+# endif /* defined(HASPINODEN) */
+ /*
+ * Abandon the Sfile entry, lest it be used in is_file_named().
+ */
+ Sfile = sfp->next;
+ if (ad)
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)sfp->devnm);
+ if (an)
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)sfp->name);
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)sfp);
+#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
+ } while (mx < nm);
+ }
+ if (!ss)
+ err = 1;
+ return((int)err);
+#if defined(HASDCACHE)
+ * ctrl_dcache() - enter device cache control
+ */
+ char *c; /* control string */
+ int rc = 0;
+ if (!c) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no device cache option control string\n", Pn);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Decode argument function character.
+ */
+ switch (*c) {
+ case '?':
+ if (*(c+1) != '\0') {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: nothing should follow -D?\n", Pn);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ DChelp = 1;
+ return(0);
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ if (Setuidroot
+#if !defined(WILLDROPGID)
+ || Myuid
+#endif /* !defined(WILLDROPGID) */
+ )
+ rc = 1;
+ else
+ DCstate = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ if (Setuidroot && *(c+1))
+ rc = 1;
+ else
+ DCstate = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ case 'U':
+ if (Setuidroot
+#if !defined(WILLDROPGID)
+ || Myuid
+#endif /* !defined(WILLDROPGID) */
+ )
+ rc = 1;
+ else
+ DCstate = 3;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ case 'I':
+ if (*(c+1) == '\0') {
+ DCstate = 0;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /* fall through */
+ default:
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown -D option: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(c, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (rc) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -D option restricted to root: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(c, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Skip to optional path name and save it.
+ */
+ for (c++; *c && (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t'); c++)
+ ;
+ if (strlen(c)) {
+ if (!(DCpathArg = mkstrcpy(c, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for -D path: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(c, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return(0);
+#endif /* defined(HASDCACHE) */
+ * enter_cmd_rx() - enter command regular expression
+ */
+ char *x; /* regular expression */
+ int bmod = 0;
+ int bxmod = 0;
+ int i, re;
+ int imod = 0;
+ int xmod = 0;
+ char reb[256], *xb, *xe, *xm;
+ MALLOC_S xl;
+ char *xp = (char *)NULL;
+ * Make sure the supplied string starts a regular expression.
+ */
+ if (!*x || (*x != '/')) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: regexp doesn't begin with '/': ", Pn);
+ if (x)
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Skip to the end ('/') of the regular expression.
+ */
+ xb = x + 1;
+ for (xe = xb; *xe; xe++) {
+ if (*xe == '/')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*xe != '/') {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: regexp doesn't end with '/': ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Decode any regular expression modifiers.
+ */
+ for (i = 0, xm = xe + 1; *xm; xm++) {
+ switch(*xm) {
+ case 'b': /* This is a basic expression. */
+ if (++bmod > 1) {
+ if (bmod == 2) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: b regexp modifier already used: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ }
+ i = 1;
+ } else if (xmod) {
+ if (++bxmod == 1) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: b and x regexp modifiers conflict: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ }
+ i = 1;
+ } else
+ co &= ~REG_EXTENDED;
+ break;
+ case 'i': /* Ignore case. */
+ if (++imod > 1) {
+ if (imod == 2) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: i regexp modifier already used: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ }
+ i = 1;
+ } else
+ co |= REG_ICASE;
+ break;
+ case 'x': /* This is an extended expression. */
+ if (++xmod > 1) {
+ if (xmod == 2) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: x regexp modifier already used: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ }
+ i = 1;
+ } else if (bmod) {
+ if (++bxmod == 1) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: b and x regexp modifiers conflict: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ }
+ i = 1;
+ } else
+ break;
+ default:
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid regexp modifier: %c\n",
+ Pn, (int)*xm);
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i)
+ return(1);
+ * Allocate space to hold expression and copy it there.
+ */
+ xl = (MALLOC_S)(xe - xb);
+ if (!(xp = (char *)malloc(xl + 1))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no regexp space for: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ (void) strncpy(xp, xb, xl);
+ xp[(int)xl] = '\0';
+ * Assign a new CmdRx[] slot for this expression.
+ */
+ if (NCmdRxA >= NCmdRxU) {
+ /*
+ * More CmdRx[] space must be assigned.
+ */
+ xl = (MALLOC_S)(NCmdRxA * sizeof(lsof_rx_t));
+ if (CmdRx)
+ CmdRx = (lsof_rx_t *)realloc((MALLOC_P *)CmdRx, xl);
+ else
+ CmdRx = (lsof_rx_t *)malloc(xl);
+ if (!CmdRx) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for regexp: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ i = NCmdRxU;
+ CmdRx[i].exp = xp;
+ * Compile the expression.
+ */
+ if ((re = regcomp(&CmdRx[i].cx, xp, co))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: regexp error: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(x, stderr, 0);
+ (void) regerror(re, &CmdRx[i].cx, &reb[0], sizeof(reb));
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", reb);
+ if (xp) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)xp);
+ xp = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Complete the CmdRx[] table entry.
+ */
+ CmdRx[i].mc = 0;
+ CmdRx[i].exp = xp;
+ NCmdRxU++;
+ return(0);
+#if defined(HASEOPT)
+ * enter_efsys() -- enter path of file system whose kernel blocks are to be
+ * eliminated
+ */
+enter_efsys(e, rdlnk)
+ char *e; /* file system path */
+ int rdlnk; /* avoid readlink(2) if non-zero */
+ char *ec; /* pointer to copy of path */
+ efsys_list_t *ep; /* file system path list pointer */
+ int i; /* temporary index */
+ char *path; /* Readlink() of file system path */
+ if (!e || (*e != '/')) {
+ if (!Fwarn)
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: -e not followed by a file system path: \"%s\"\n",
+ Pn, e);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (!(ec = mkstrcpy(e, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for -e string: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(e, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ if (rdlnk)
+ path = ec;
+ else {
+ if (!(path = Readlink(ec)))
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Remove terminating `/' characters from paths longer than one.
+ */
+ for (i = (int)strlen(path); (i > 1) && (path[i - 1] == '/'); i--) {
+ path[i - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ * Enter file system path on list, avoiding duplicates.
+ */
+ for (ep = Efsysl; ep; ep = ep->next) {
+ if (!strcmp(ep->path, path))
+ return(0);
+ }
+ if (!(ep = (efsys_list_t *)malloc((MALLOC_S)(sizeof(efsys_list_t))))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for \"-e %s\" entry\n",
+ Pn, e);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ ep->path = path;
+ ep->pathl = i;
+ ep->rdlnk = rdlnk;
+ ep->mp = (struct mounts *)NULL;
+ ep->next = Efsysl;
+ Efsysl = ep;
+ return(0);
+#endif /* defined(HASEOPT) */
+ * enter_fd() - enter file descriptor list for searching
+ */
+ char *f; /* file descriptor list pointer */
+ char c, *cp1, *cp2, *dash;
+ int err, excl, hi, lo;
+ char *fc;
+ * Check for non-empty list and make a copy.
+ */
+ if (!f || (strlen(f) + 1) < 2) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no file descriptor specified\n", Pn);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (!(fc = mkstrcpy(f, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for fd string: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(f, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ * Isolate each file descriptor in the comma-separated list, then enter it
+ * in the file descriptor string list. If a descriptor has the form:
+ *
+ * [0-9]+-[0-9]+
+ *
+ * treat it as an ascending range of file descriptor numbers.
+ *
+ * Accept a leading '^' as an excusion on match.
+ */
+ for (cp1 = fc, err = 0; *cp1;) {
+ if (*cp1 == '^') {
+ excl = 1;
+ cp1++;
+ } else
+ excl = 0;
+ for (cp2 = cp1, dash = (char *)NULL; *cp2 && *cp2 != ','; cp2++) {
+ if (*cp2 == '-')
+ dash = cp2;
+ }
+ if ((c = *cp2) != '\0')
+ *cp2 = '\0';
+ if (cp2 > cp1) {
+ if (dash) {
+ if (ckfd_range(cp1, dash, cp2, &lo, &hi))
+ err = 1;
+ else {
+ if (enter_fd_lst((char *)NULL, lo, hi, excl))
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (enter_fd_lst(cp1, 0, 0, excl))
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == '\0')
+ break;
+ cp1 = cp2 + 1;
+ }
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)fc);
+ return(err);
+ * enter_fd_lst() - make an entry in the FD list, Fdl
+ */
+static int
+enter_fd_lst(nm, lo, hi, excl)
+ char *nm; /* FD name (none if NULL) */
+ int lo; /* FD low boundary (if nm NULL) */
+ int hi; /* FD high boundary (if nm NULL) */
+ int excl; /* exclusion on match */
+ char buf[256], *cp;
+ int n;
+ struct fd_lst *f, *ft;
+ * Don't allow a mixture of exclusions and inclusions.
+ */
+ if (FdlTy >= 0) {
+ if (FdlTy != excl) {
+ if (!Fwarn) {
+ /*
+ * If warnings are enabled, report a mixture.
+ */
+ if (nm) {
+ (void) snpf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s%s",
+ excl ? "^" : "", nm);
+ } else {
+ if (lo != hi) {
+ (void) snpf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s%d-%d",
+ excl ? "^" : "", lo, hi);
+ } else {
+ (void) snpf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%s%d",
+ excl ? "^" : "", lo);
+ }
+ }
+ buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: %s in an %s -d list: %s\n", Pn,
+ excl ? "exclude" : "include",
+ FdlTy ? "exclude" : "include",
+ buf);
+ }
+ return(1);
+ }
+ }
+ * Allocate an fd_lst entry.
+ */
+ if (!(f = (struct fd_lst *)malloc((MALLOC_S)sizeof(struct fd_lst)))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for FD list entry\n", Pn);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ if (nm) {
+ /*
+ * Process an FD name. First see if it contains only digits; if it
+ * does, convert them to an integer and set the low and high
+ * boundaries to the result.
+ *
+ * If the name has a non-digit, store it as a string, and set the
+ * boundaries to impossible values (i.e., low > high).
+ */
+ for (cp = nm, n = 0; *cp; cp++) {
+ if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*cp))
+ break;
+ n = (n * 10) + (int)(*cp - '0');
+ }
+ if (*cp) {
+ if (!(f->nm = mkstrcpy(nm, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for copy of: %s\n", Pn, nm);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ lo = 1;
+ hi = 0;
+ } else {
+ f->nm = (char *)NULL;
+ lo = hi = n;
+ }
+ } else
+ f->nm = (char *)NULL;
+ * Skip duplicates.
+ */
+ for (ft = Fdl; ft; ft = ft->next) {
+ if (f->nm) {
+ if (!ft->nm || strcmp(f->nm, ft->nm))
+ continue;
+ } else if ((lo != ft->lo) || (hi != ft->hi))
+ continue;
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)f);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ * Complete the fd_lst entry and link it to the head of the chain.
+ */
+ f->hi = hi;
+ f->lo = lo;
+ f->next = Fdl;
+ Fdl = f;
+ FdlTy = excl;
+ return(0);
+ * enter_dir() - enter the files of a directory for searching
+ */
+#define EDDEFFNL 128 /* default file name length */
+enter_dir(d, descend)
+ char *d; /* directory path name pointer */
+ int descend; /* subdirectory descend flag:
+ * 0 = don't descend
+ * 1 = descend */
+ char *av[2];
+ dev_t ddev;
+ DIR *dfp;
+ char *dn = (char *)NULL;
+ MALLOC_S dnl, dnamlen;
+ struct DIRTYPE *dp;
+ int en, sl;
+ int fct = 0;
+ char *fp = (char *)NULL;
+ MALLOC_S fpl = (MALLOC_S)0;
+ MALLOC_S fpli = (MALLOC_S)0;
+ struct stat sb;
+ * Check the directory path; reduce symbolic links; stat(2) it; make sure it's
+ * really a directory.
+ */
+ if (!d || !*d || *d == '+' || *d == '-') {
+ if (!Fwarn)
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: +d not followed by a directory path\n", Pn);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (!(dn = Readlink(d)))
+ return(1);
+ if (statsafely(dn, &sb)) {
+ if (!Fwarn) {
+ en = errno;
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: can't stat(", Pn);
+ safestrprt(dn, stderr, 0);
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "): %s\n", strerror(en));
+ }
+ if (dn && dn != d) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
+ dn = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
+ if (!Fwarn) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: not a directory: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(dn, stderr, 1);
+ }
+ if (dn && dn != d) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
+ dn = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ return(1);
+ }
+#if defined(HASSPECDEVD)
+ (void) HASSPECDEVD(dn, &sb);
+#endif /* defined(HASSPECDEVD) */
+ ddev = sb.st_dev;
+ * Stack the directory and record it in Sfile for searching.
+ */
+ Dstkn = Dstkx = 0;
+ Dstk = (char **)NULL;
+ (void) stkdir(dn);
+ av[0] = (dn == d) ? mkstrcpy(dn, (MALLOC_S *)NULL) : dn;
+ av[1] = (char *)NULL;
+ dn = (char *)NULL;
+ if (!ck_file_arg(0, 1, av, 1, 1, &sb)) {
+ av[0] = (char *)NULL;
+ fct++;
+ }
+ * Unstack the next directory and examine it.
+ */
+ while (--Dstkx >= 0) {
+ if (!(dn = Dstk[Dstkx]))
+ continue;
+ Dstk[Dstkx] = (char *)NULL;
+ /*
+ * Open the directory path and prepare its name for use with the
+ * files in the directory.
+ */
+ if (!(dfp = OpenDir(dn))) {
+ if (!Fwarn) {
+ if ((en = errno) != ENOENT) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: WARNING: can't opendir(", Pn);
+ safestrprt(dn, stderr, 0);
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "): %s\n", strerror(en));
+ }
+ }
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
+ dn = (char *)NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ dnl = strlen(dn);
+ sl = ((dnl > 0) && (*(dn + dnl - 1) == '/')) ? 0 : 1;
+ /*
+ * Define space for possible addition to the directory path.
+ */
+ fpli = (MALLOC_S)(dnl + sl + EDDEFFNL + 1);
+ if ((int)fpli > (int)fpl) {
+ fpl = fpli;
+ if (!fp)
+ fp = (char *)malloc(fpl);
+ else
+ fp = (char *)realloc(fp, fpl);
+ if (!fp) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for path to entries in directory: %s\n",
+ Pn, dn);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ (void) snpf(fp, (size_t)fpl, "%s%s", dn, sl ? "/" : "");
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
+ dn = (char *)NULL;
+ /*
+ * Read the contents of the directory.
+ */
+ for (dp = ReadDir(dfp); dp; dp = ReadDir(dfp)) {
+ /*
+ * Skip: entries with no inode number;
+ * entries with a zero length name;
+ * ".";
+ * and "..".
+ */
+ if (!dp->d_ino)
+ continue;
+#if defined(HASDNAMLEN)
+ dnamlen = (MALLOC_S)dp->d_namlen;
+#else /* !defined(HASDNAMLEN) */
+ dnamlen = (MALLOC_S)strlen(dp->d_name);
+#endif /* defined(HASDNAMLEN) */
+ if (!dnamlen)
+ continue;
+ if (dnamlen <= 2 && dp->d_name[0] == '.') {
+ if (dnamlen == 1)
+ continue;
+ if (dp->d_name[1] == '.')
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Form the entry's path name.
+ */
+ fpli = (MALLOC_S)(dnamlen - (fpl - dnl - sl - 1));
+ if ((int)fpli > 0) {
+ fpl += fpli;
+ if (!(fp = (char *)realloc(fp, fpl))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(dn, stderr, 0);
+ putc('/', stderr);
+ safestrprtn(dp->d_name, dnamlen, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ (void) strncpy(fp + dnl + sl, dp->d_name, dnamlen);
+ fp[dnl + sl + dnamlen] = '\0';
+ /*
+ * Lstatsafely() the entry; complain if that fails.
+ *
+ * Stack entries that represent subdirectories.
+ */
+ if (lstatsafely(fp, &sb)) {
+ if ((en = errno) != ENOENT) {
+ if (!Fwarn) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: WARNING: can't lstat(", Pn);
+ safestrprt(fp, stderr, 0);
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "): %s\n", strerror(en));
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+#if defined(HASSPECDEVD)
+ (void) HASSPECDEVD(fp, &sb);
+#endif /* defined(HASSPECDEVD) */
+ if (!(Fxover & XO_FILESYS)) {
+ /*
+ * Unless "-x" or "-x f" was specified, don't cross over file
+ * system mount points.
+ */
+ if (sb.st_dev != ddev)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) {
+ /*
+ * If this is a symbolic link and "-x_ or "-x l" was specified,
+ * Statsafely() the entry and process it.
+ *
+ * Otherwise skip symbolic links.
+ */
+ if (Fxover & XO_SYMLINK) {
+ if (statsafely(fp, &sb)) {
+ if ((en = errno) != ENOENT) {
+ if (!Fwarn) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: WARNING: can't stat(", Pn);
+ safestrprt(fp, stderr, 0);
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ ") symbolc link: %s\n", strerror(en));
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (av[0]) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)av[0]);
+ av[0] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ av[0] = mkstrcpy(fp, (MALLOC_S *)NULL);
+ if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR && descend)
+ /*
+ * Stack a subdirectory according to the descend argument.
+ */
+ stkdir(av[0]);
+ /*
+ * Use ck_file_arg() to record the entry for searching. Force it
+ * to consider the entry a file, not a file system.
+ */
+ if (!ck_file_arg(0, 1, av, 1, 1, &sb)) {
+ av[0] = (char *)NULL;
+ fct++;
+ }
+ }
+ (void) CloseDir(dfp);
+ if (dn && dn != d) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
+ dn = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ * Free malloc()'d space.
+ */
+ if (dn && dn != d) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
+ dn = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (av[0] && av[0] != fp) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)av[0]);
+ av[0] = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (fp) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)fp);
+ fp = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (Dstk) {
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)Dstk);
+ Dstk = (char **)NULL;
+ }
+ if (!fct) {
+ /*
+ * Warn if no files were recorded for searching.
+ */
+ if (!Fwarn) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: WARNING: no files found in directory: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(d, stderr, 1);
+ }
+ return(1);
+ }
+ return(0);
+ * enter_id() - enter PGID or PID for searching
+ */
+enter_id(ty, p)
+ enum IDType ty; /* type: PGID or PID */
+ char *p; /* process group ID string pointer */
+ char *cp;
+ int err, i, id, j, mx, n, ni, nx, x;
+ struct int_lst *s;
+ if (!p) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no process%s ID specified\n",
+ Pn, (ty == PGID) ? " group" : "");
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Set up variables for the type of ID.
+ */
+ switch (ty) {
+ case PGID:
+ mx = Mxpgid;
+ n = Npgid;
+ ni = Npgidi;
+ nx = Npgidx;
+ s = Spgid;
+ break;
+ case PID:
+ mx = Mxpid;
+ n = Npid;
+ ni = Npidi;
+ nx = Npidx;
+ s = Spid;
+ break;
+ default:
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: enter_id \"", Pn);
+ safestrprt(p, stderr, 0);
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "\", invalid type: %d\n", ty);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ * Convert and store the ID.
+ */
+ for (cp = p, err = 0; *cp;) {
+ /*
+ * Assemble ID.
+ */
+ for (i = id = x = 0; *cp && *cp != ','; cp++) {
+ if (!i) {
+ i = 1;
+ if (*cp == '^') {
+ x = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(__STDC__)
+ if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*cp))
+#else /* !defined(__STDC__) */
+ if (!isascii(*cp) || ! isdigit((unsigned char)*cp))
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal process%s ID: ",
+ Pn, (ty == PGID) ? " group" : "");
+ safestrprt(p, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ id = (id * 10) + *cp - '0';
+ }
+ if (*cp)
+ cp++;
+ /*
+ * Avoid entering duplicates and conflicts.
+ */
+ for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (id == s[i].i) {
+ if (x == s[i].x) {
+ j = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: P%sID %d has been included and excluded.\n",
+ Pn,
+ (ty == PGID) ? "G" : "",
+ id);
+ err = j = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (j)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Allocate table table space.
+ */
+ if (n >= mx) {
+ mx += IDINCR;
+ if (!s)
+ s = (struct int_lst *)malloc(
+ (MALLOC_S)(sizeof(struct int_lst) * mx));
+ else
+ s = (struct int_lst *)realloc((MALLOC_P *)s,
+ (MALLOC_S)(sizeof(struct int_lst) * mx));
+ if (!s) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for %d process%s IDs",
+ Pn, mx, (ty == PGID) ? " group" : "");
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ s[n].f = 0;
+ s[n].i = id;
+ s[n++].x = x;
+ if (x)
+ nx++;
+ else
+ ni++;
+ }
+ * Save variables for the type of ID.
+ */
+ if (ty == PGID) {
+ Mxpgid = mx;
+ Npgid = n;
+ Npgidi = ni;
+ Npgidx = nx;
+ Spgid = s;
+ } else {
+ Mxpid = mx;
+ Npid = Npuns = n;
+ Npidi = ni;
+ Npidx = nx;
+ Spid = s;
+ }
+ return(err);
+ * enter_network_address() - enter Internet address for searching
+ */
+ char *na; /* Internet address string pointer */
+ int ae, i, pr;
+ int ep = -1;
+ int ft = 0;
+ struct hostent *he = (struct hostent *)NULL;
+ char *hn = (char *)NULL;
+ struct nwad n;
+ char *p, *wa;
+ int pt = 0;
+ int pu = 0;
+ struct servent *se, *se1;
+ char *sn = (char *)NULL;
+ int sp = -1;
+ MALLOC_S snl = 0;
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ char *cp;
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ if (!na) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no network address specified\n", Pn);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ zeromem((char *)&n, sizeof(n));
+ wa = na;
+ * Process an IP version type specification, IPv4 or IPv6, optionally followed
+ * by a '@' and a host name or Internet address, or a ':' and a service name or
+ * port number.
+ */
+ if ((*wa == '4') || (*wa == '6')) {
+ if (*wa == '4')
+ ft = 4;
+ else if (*wa == '6') {
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ ft = 6;
+#else /* !defined(HASIPv6) */
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: IPv6 not supported: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ }
+ wa++;
+ if (!*wa) {
+ /*
+ * If nothing follows 4 or 6, then all network files of the
+ * specified IP version are selected. Sequential -i, -i4, and
+ * -i6 specifications interact logically -- e.g., -i[46] followed
+ * by -i[64] is the same as -i.
+ */
+ if (!Fnet) {
+ Fnet = 1;
+ FnetTy = ft;
+ } else {
+ if (FnetTy) {
+ if (FnetTy != ft)
+ FnetTy = 0;
+ } else
+ FnetTy = ft;
+ }
+ return(0);
+ }
+ } else if (Fnet)
+ ft = FnetTy;
+ * If an IP version has been specified, use it to set the address family.
+ */
+ switch (ft) {
+ case 4:
+ = AF_INET;
+ break;
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ case 6:
+ = AF_INET6;
+ break;
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ }
+ * Process protocol name, optionally followed by a '@' and a host name or
+ * Internet address, or a ':' and a service name or port number.
+ */
+ if (*wa && *wa != '@' && *wa != ':') {
+ for (p = wa; *wa && *wa != '@' && *wa != ':'; wa++)
+ ;
+ if ((l = wa - p)) {
+ if (!(n.proto = mkstrcat(p, l, (char *)NULL, -1, (char *)NULL,
+ -1, (MALLOC_S *)NULL)))
+ {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for protocol name from: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ if (n.proto)
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)n.proto);
+ if (hn)
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)hn);
+ if (sn)
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)sn);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * The protocol name should be "tcp", "udp" or "udplite".
+ */
+ if ((strcasecmp(n.proto, "tcp") != 0)
+ && (strcasecmp(n.proto, "udp") != 0)
+ && (strcasecmp(n.proto, "udplite") != 0))
+ {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: unknown protocol name (%s) in: -i ", Pn, n.proto);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Convert protocol name to lower case.
+ */
+ for (p = n.proto; *p; p++) {
+ if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z')
+ *p = *p - 'A' + 'a';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Process an IPv4 address (, IPv6 address ([1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]),
+ * or host name, preceded by a '@' and optionally followed by a colon
+ * and a service name or port number.
+ */
+ if (*wa == '@') {
+ wa++;
+ if (!*wa || *wa == ':') {
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: unacceptable Internet address in: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ if ((p = isIPv4addr(wa, n.a, sizeof(n.a)))) {
+ /*
+ * Process IPv4 address.
+ */
+ if (ft == 6) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: IPv4 addresses are prohibited: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ wa = p;
+ = AF_INET;
+ } else if (*wa == '[') {
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ /*
+ * Make sure IPv6 addresses are permitted. If they are, assemble
+ * one.
+ */
+ if (ft == 4) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: IPv6 addresses are prohibited: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ if (!(cp = strrchr(++wa, ']')))
+ goto unacc_address;
+ *cp = '\0';
+ i = inet_pton(AF_INET6, wa, (void *)&n.a);
+ *cp = ']';
+ if (i != 1)
+ goto unacc_address;
+ for (ae = i = 0; i < MAX_AF_ADDR; i++) {
+ if ((ae |= n.a[i]))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!ae)
+ goto unacc_address;
+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((struct in6_addr *)&n.a[0])) {
+ if (ft == 6) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: IPv4 addresses are prohibited: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ n.a[i] = n.a[i+12];
+ }
+ = AF_INET;
+ } else
+ = AF_INET6;
+ wa = cp + 1;
+#else /* !defined(HASIPv6) */
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: unsupported IPv6 address in: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Assemble host name.
+ */
+ for (p = wa; *p && *p != ':'; p++)
+ ;
+ if ((l = p - wa)) {
+ if (!(hn = mkstrcat(wa, l, (char *)NULL, -1, (char *)NULL,
+ -1, (MALLOC_S *)NULL)))
+ {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for host name: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ /*
+ * If no IP version has been specified, look up an IPv6 host
+ * name first. If that fails, look up an IPv4 host name.
+ *
+ * If the IPv6 version has been specified, look up the host
+ * name only under its IP version specification.
+ */
+ if (!ft)
+ = AF_INET6;
+ if (!(he = lkup_hostnm(hn, &n)) && !ft) {
+ = AF_INET;
+ he = lkup_hostnm(hn, &n);
+ }
+#else /* !defined(HASIPv6) */
+ if (!ft)
+ = AF_INET;
+ he = lkup_hostnm(hn, &n);
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ if (!he) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown host name (%s) in: -i ",
+ Pn, hn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ }
+ wa = p;
+ }
+ }
+ * If there is no port number, enter the address.
+ */
+ if (!*wa)
+ goto nwad_enter;
+ * Process a service name or port number list, preceded by a colon.
+ *
+ * Entries of the list are separated with commas; elements of a numeric range
+ * are specified with a separating minus sign (`-'); all service names must
+ * belong to the same protocol; embedded spaces are not allowed. An embedded
+ * minus sign in a name is taken to be part of the name, the starting entry
+ * of a range can't be a service name.
+ */
+ if (*wa != ':' || *(wa + 1) == '\0') {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: unacceptable port specification in: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ for (++wa; wa && *wa; wa++) {
+ for (ep = pr = sp = 0; *wa; wa++) {
+ if (*wa < '0' || *wa > '9') {
+ /*
+ * Convert service name to port number, using already-specified
+ * protocol name. A '-' is taken to be part of the name; hence
+ * the starting entry of a range can't be a service name.
+ */
+ for (p = wa; *wa && *wa != ','; wa++)
+ ;
+ if (!(l = wa - p)) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: invalid service name: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ if (sn) {
+ if (l > snl) {
+ sn = (char *)realloc((MALLOC_P *)sn, l + 1);
+ snl = l;
+ }
+ } else {
+ sn = (char *)malloc(l + 1);
+ snl = l;
+ }
+ if (!sn) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for service name: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ (void) strncpy(sn, p, l);
+ *(sn + l) = '\0';
+ if (n.proto) {
+ /*
+ * If the protocol has been specified, look up the port
+ * number for the service name for the specified protocol.
+ */
+ if (!(se = getservbyname(sn, n.proto))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: unknown service %s for %s in: -i ",
+ Pn, sn, n.proto);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ pt = (int)ntohs(se->s_port);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * If no protocol has been specified, look up the port
+ * numbers for the service name for both TCP and UDP.
+ */
+ if((se = getservbyname(sn, "tcp")))
+ pt = (int)ntohs(se->s_port);
+ if ((se1 = getservbyname(sn, "udp")))
+ pu = (int)ntohs(se1->s_port);
+ if (!se && !se1) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: unknown service %s in: -i ", Pn, sn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ if (se && se1 && pt != pu) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: TCP=%d and UDP=%d %s ports conflict;\n",
+ Pn, pt, pu, sn);
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ " specify \"tcp:%s\" or \"udp:%s\": -i ",
+ sn, sn);
+ safestrprt(na, stderr, 1);
+ goto nwad_exit;
+ }
+ if (!se && se1)
+ pt = pu;
+ }
+ if (pr)
+ ep = pt;
+ else {
+ sp = pt;
+ if (*wa == '-')
+ pr++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Assemble port number.
+ */
+ for (; *wa && *wa != ','; wa++) {
+ if (*wa == '-') {
+ if (pr)
+ goto unacc_port;
+ pr++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*wa < '0' || *wa > '9')
+ goto unacc_port;
+ if (pr)
+ ep = (ep * 10) + *wa - '0';
+ else
+ sp = (sp * 10) + *wa - '0';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!*wa || *wa == ',')
+ break;
+ if (pr)
+ continue;
+ goto unacc_port;
+ }
+ if (!pr)
+ ep = sp;
+ if (ep < sp)
+ goto unacc_port;
+ /*
+ * Enter completed port or port range specification.
+ */
+ for (i = 1; i;) {
+ if (enter_nwad(&n, sp, ep, na, he))
+ goto nwad_exit;
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ /*
+ * If IPv6 is enabled, a host name was specified, and the
+ * associated * address is for the AF_INET6 address family,
+ * try to get and address for the AF_INET family, too, unless
+ * IPv4 is prohibited.
+ */
+ if (hn && ( == AF_INET6) && (ft != 6)) {
+ = AF_INET;
+ if ((he = lkup_hostnm(hn, &n)))
+ continue;
+ }
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ if (!*wa)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sn)
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)sn);
+ return(0);
+ * enter_nwad() - enter nwad structure
+ */
+static int
+enter_nwad(n, sp, ep, s, he)
+ struct nwad *n; /* pointer to partially completed
+ * nwad (less port) */
+ int sp; /* starting port number */
+ int ep; /* ending port number */
+ char *s; /* string that states the address */
+ struct hostent *he; /* pointer to hostent struct from which
+ * network address came */
+ int ac;
+ unsigned char *ap;
+ static int na = 0;
+ struct nwad nc;
+ struct nwad *np;
+ * Allocate space for the argument specification.
+ */
+ if (strlen(s)) {
+ if (!(n->arg = mkstrcpy(s, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for Internet argument: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(s, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ } else
+ n->arg = (char *)NULL;
+ * Loop through all hostent addresses.
+ */
+ for (ac = 1, nc = *n;;) {
+ /*
+ * Test address specification -- it must contain at least one of:
+ * protocol, Internet address or port. If correct, link into search
+ * list.
+ */
+ if (!nc.proto
+ && !nc.a[0] && !nc.a[1] && !nc.a[2] && !nc.a[3]
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ && ( != AF_INET6
+ || (!nc.a[4] && !nc.a[5] && !nc.a[6] && !nc.a[7]
+ && !nc.a[8] && !nc.a[9] && !nc.a[10] && !nc.a[11]
+ && !nc.a[12] && !nc.a[13] && !nc.a[14] && !nc.a[15]))
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ && sp == -1) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: incomplete Internet address specification: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(s, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Limit the network address chain length to MAXNWAD for reasons of
+ * search efficiency.
+ */
+ if (na >= MAXNWAD) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: network address limit (%d) exceeded: -i ",
+ safestrprt(s, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Allocate space for the address specification.
+ */
+ if ((np = (struct nwad *)malloc(sizeof(struct nwad))) == NULL) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no space for network address from: -i ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(s, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Construct and link the address specification.
+ */
+ *np = nc;
+ np->sport = sp;
+ np->eport = ep;
+ np->f = 0;
+ np->next = Nwad;
+ Nwad = np;
+ na++;
+ /*
+ * If the network address came from gethostbyname(), advance to
+ * the next address; otherwise quit.
+ */
+ if (!he)
+ break;
+ if (!(ap = (unsigned char *)he->h_addr_list[ac++]))
+ break;
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;
+ (i < (he->h_length - 1)) && (i < (MAX_AF_ADDR - 1));
+ i++)
+ {
+ nc.a[i] = *ap++;
+ }
+ nc.a[i] = *ap;
+ }
+#else /* !defined(HASIPv6) */
+ nc.a[0] = *ap++;
+ nc.a[1] = *ap++;
+ nc.a[2] = *ap++;
+ nc.a[3] = *ap;
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ }
+ return(0);
+#if defined(HASTCPUDPSTATE)
+ * enter_state_spec() -- enter TCP and UDP state specifications
+ */
+ char *ss; /* state specification string */
+ char *cp, *ne, *ns, *pr;
+ int err, d, f, i, tx, x;
+ size_t len;
+ static char *ssc = (char *)NULL;
+ char *ty;
+ * Check the protocol specification.
+ */
+ if (!strncasecmp(ss, "tcp:", 4)) {
+ pr = "TCP";
+ tx = 0;
+ }
+#if !defined(USE_LIB_PRINT_TCPTPI)
+ else if (!strncasecmp(ss, "UDP:", 4)) {
+ pr = "UDP";
+ tx = 1;
+ }
+#endif /* !defined(USE_LIB_PRINT_TCPTPI) */
+ else {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown -s protocol: \"%s\"\n",
+ Pn, ss);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ cp = ss + 4;
+ if (!*cp) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no %s state names in: %s\n",
+ Pn, pr, ss);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ (void) build_IPstates();
+ if (!(tx ? UdpSt : TcpSt)) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no %s state names available: %s\n",
+ Pn, pr, ss);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ * Allocate the inclusion and exclusion tables for the protocol.
+ */
+ if (tx) {
+ if (UdpNstates) {
+ if (!UdpStI) {
+ if (!(UdpStI = (unsigned char *)calloc((MALLOC_S)UdpNstates,
+ sizeof(unsigned char))))
+ {
+ ty = "UDP state inclusion";
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no %s table space\n",
+ Pn, ty);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!UdpStX) {
+ if (!(UdpStX = (unsigned char *)calloc((MALLOC_S)UdpNstates,
+ sizeof(unsigned char))))
+ {
+ ty = "UDP state exclusion";
+ goto no_IorX_space;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (TcpNstates) {
+ if (!TcpStI) {
+ if (!(TcpStI = (unsigned char *)calloc((MALLOC_S)TcpNstates,
+ sizeof(unsigned char))))
+ {
+ ty = "TCP state inclusion";
+ goto no_IorX_space;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!TcpStX) {
+ if (!(TcpStX = (unsigned char *)calloc((MALLOC_S)TcpNstates,
+ sizeof(unsigned char))))
+ {
+ ty = "TCP state exclusion";
+ goto no_IorX_space;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Convert the state names in the rest of the string to state indexes and
+ * record them in the appropriate inclusion or exclusion table.
+ */
+ if (ssc)
+ (void) free((MALLOC_P *)ssc);
+ if (!(ssc = mkstrcpy(cp, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: no temporary state argument space for: %s\n", Pn, ss);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ cp = ssc;
+ err = 0;
+ while (*cp) {
+ /*
+ * Determine inclusion or exclusion for this state name.
+ */
+ if (*cp == '^') {
+ x = 1;
+ cp++;
+ } else
+ x = 0;
+ /*
+ * Find the end of the state name. Make sure it is non-null in length
+ * and terminated with '\0'.
+ */
+ ns = cp;
+ while (*cp && (*cp != ',')) {
+ cp++;
+ }
+ ne = cp;
+ if (*cp) {
+ *cp = '\0';
+ cp++;
+ }
+ if (!(len = (size_t)(ne - ns))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: NULL %s state name in: %s\n",
+ Pn, pr, ss);
+ err = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Find the state name in the appropriate table.
+ */
+ f = 0;
+ if (tx) {
+ if (UdpSt) {
+ for (i = 0; i < UdpNstates; i++) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(ns, UdpSt[i])) {
+ f = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (TcpSt) {
+ for (i = 0; i < TcpNstates; i++) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(ns, TcpSt[i])) {
+ f = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!f) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown %s state name: %s\n",
+ Pn, pr, ns);
+ err = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set the inclusion or exclusion status in the appropriate table.
+ */
+ d = 0;
+ if (x) {
+ if (tx) {
+ if (!UdpStX[i]) {
+ UdpStX[i] = 1;
+ UdpStXn++;
+ } else
+ d = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (!TcpStX[i]) {
+ TcpStX[i] = 1;
+ TcpStXn++;
+ } else
+ d = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (tx) {
+ if (!UdpStI[i]) {
+ UdpStI[i] = 1;
+ UdpStIn++;
+ } else
+ d = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (!TcpStI[i]) {
+ TcpStI[i] = 1;
+ TcpStIn++;
+ } else
+ d = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (d) {
+ /*
+ * Report a duplicate.
+ */
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: duplicate %s %sclusion: %s\n",
+ Pn, pr,
+ x ? "ex" : "in",
+ ns);
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ * Release any temporary space and return.
+ */
+ if (ssc) {
+ (void) free((MALLOC_P *)ssc);
+ ssc = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ return(err);
+#endif /* defined(HASTCPUDPSTATE) */
+ * enter_str_lst() - enter a string on a list
+ */
+enter_str_lst(opt, s, lp, incl, excl)
+ char *opt; /* option name */
+ char *s; /* string to enter */
+ struct str_lst **lp; /* string's list */
+ int *incl; /* included count */
+ int *excl; /* excluded count */
+ char *cp;
+ short i, x;
+ MALLOC_S len;
+ struct str_lst *lpt;
+ if (!s || *s == '-' || *s == '+') {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing %s option value\n",
+ Pn, opt);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if (*s == '^') {
+ i = 0;
+ x = 1;
+ s++;
+ } else {
+ i = 1;
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ if (!(cp = mkstrcpy(s, &len))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no string copy space: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(s, stderr, 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if ((lpt = (struct str_lst *)malloc(sizeof(struct str_lst))) == NULL) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no list space: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(s, stderr, 1);
+ (void) free((FREE_P *)cp);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ lpt->f = 0;
+ lpt->str = cp;
+ lpt->len = (int)len;
+ lpt->x = x;
+ if (i)
+ *incl += 1;
+ if (x)
+ *excl += 1;
+ lpt->next = *lp;
+ *lp = lpt;
+ return(0);
+ * enter_uid() - enter User Identifier for searching
+ */
+ char *us; /* User IDentifier string pointer */
+ int err, i, j, lnml, nn;
+ unsigned char excl;
+ MALLOC_S len;
+ char lnm[LOGINML+1], *lp;
+ struct passwd *pw;
+ char *s, *st;
+ uid_t uid;
+ if (!us) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no UIDs specified\n", Pn);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ for (err = 0, s = us; *s;) {
+ /*
+ * Assemble next User IDentifier.
+ */
+ for (excl = i = j = lnml = nn = uid = 0, st = s;
+ *s && *s != ',';
+ i++, s++)
+ {
+ if (lnml >= LOGINML) {
+ while (*s && *s != ',') {
+ s++;
+ lnml++;
+ }
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: -u login name > %d characters: ", Pn,
+ (int)LOGINML);
+ safestrprtn(st, lnml, stderr, 1);
+ err = j = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == 0 && *s == '^') {
+ excl = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ lnm[lnml++] = *s;
+ if (nn)
+ continue;
+#if defined(__STDC__)
+ if (isdigit((unsigned char)*s))
+#else /* !defined(__STDC__) */
+ if (isascii(*s) && isdigit((unsigned char)*s))
+#endif /* defined(__STDC__) */
+ uid = (uid * 10) + *s - '0';
+ else
+ nn++;
+ }
+ if (*s)
+ s++;
+ if (j)
+ continue;
+ if (nn) {
+ lnm[lnml++] = '\0';
+ if ((pw = getpwnam(lnm)) == NULL) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't get UID for ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(lnm, stderr, 1);
+ err = 1;
+ continue;
+ } else
+ uid = pw->pw_uid;
+ }
+#if defined(HASSECURITY) && !defined(HASNOSOCKSECURITY)
+ /*
+ * If the security mode is enabled, only the root user may list files
+ * belonging to user IDs other than the real user ID of this lsof
+ * process. If HASNOSOCKSECURITY is also defined, then anyone may
+ * list anyone else's socket files.
+ */
+ if (Myuid && uid != Myuid) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: ID %d request rejected because of security mode.\n",
+ Pn, uid);
+ err = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+#endif /* defined(HASSECURITY) && !defined(HASNOSOCKSECURITY) */
+ /*
+ * Avoid entering duplicates.
+ */
+ for (i = j = 0; i < Nuid; i++) {
+ if (uid != Suid[i].uid)
+ continue;
+ if (Suid[i].excl == excl) {
+ j = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: UID %d has been included and excluded.\n",
+ Pn, (int)uid);
+ err = j = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Allocate space for User IDentifier.
+ */
+ if (Nuid >= Mxuid) {
+ Mxuid += UIDINCR;
+ len = (MALLOC_S)(Mxuid * sizeof(struct seluid));
+ if (!Suid)
+ Suid = (struct seluid *)malloc(len);
+ else
+ Suid = (struct seluid *)realloc((MALLOC_P *)Suid, len);
+ if (!Suid) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for UIDs", Pn);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (nn) {
+ if (!(lp = mkstrcpy(lnm, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for login: ", Pn);
+ safestrprt(lnm, stderr, 1);
+ Exit(1);
+ }
+ Suid[Nuid].lnm = lp;
+ } else
+ Suid[Nuid].lnm = (char *)NULL;
+ Suid[Nuid].uid = uid;
+ Suid[Nuid++].excl = excl;
+ if (excl)
+ Nuidexcl++;
+ else
+ Nuidincl++;
+ }
+ return(err);
+ * isIPv4addr() - is host name an IPv4 address
+ */
+static char *
+isIPv4addr(hn, a, al)
+ char *hn; /* host name */
+ unsigned char *a; /* address receptor */
+ int al; /* address receptor length */
+ int dc = 0; /* dot count */
+ int i; /* temorary index */
+ int ov[MIN_AF_ADDR]; /* octet values */
+ int ovx = 0; /* ov[] index */
+ * The host name must begin with a number and the return octet value
+ * arguments must be acceptable.
+ */
+ if ((*hn < '0') || (*hn > '9'))
+ return((char *)NULL);
+ if (!a || (al < MIN_AF_ADDR))
+ return((char *)NULL);
+ * Start the first octet assembly, then parse tge remainder of the host
+ * name for four octets, separated by dots.
+ */
+ ov[0] = (int)(*hn++ - '0');
+ while (*hn && (*hn != ':')) {
+ if (*hn == '.') {
+ /*
+ * Count a dot. Make sure a preceding octet value has been
+ * assembled. Don't assemble more than MIN_AF_ADDR octets.
+ */
+ dc++;
+ if ((ov[ovx] < 0) || (ov[ovx] > 255))
+ return((char *)NULL);
+ if (++ovx > (MIN_AF_ADDR - 1))
+ return((char *)NULL);
+ ov[ovx] = -1;
+ } else if ((*hn >= '0') && (*hn <= '9')) {
+ /*
+ * Assemble an octet.
+ */
+ if (ov[ovx] < 0)
+ ov[ovx] = (int)(*hn - '0');
+ else
+ ov[ovx] = (ov[ovx] * 10) + (int)(*hn - '0');
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * A non-address character has been detected.
+ */
+ return((char *)NULL);
+ }
+ hn++;
+ }
+ * Make sure there were three dots and four non-null octets.
+ */
+ if ((dc != 3)
+ || (ovx != (MIN_AF_ADDR - 1))
+ || (ov[ovx] < 0) || (ov[ovx] > 255))
+ return((char *)NULL);
+ * Copy the octets as unsigned characters and return the ending host name
+ * character position.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < MIN_AF_ADDR; i++) {
+ a[i] = (unsigned char)ov[i];
+ }
+ return(hn);
+ * lkup_hostnm() - look up host name
+ */
+static struct hostent *
+lkup_hostnm(hn, n)
+ char *hn; /* host name */
+ struct nwad *n; /* network address destination */
+ unsigned char *ap;
+ struct hostent *he;
+ int ln;
+ * Get hostname structure pointer. Return NULL if there is none.
+ */
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ he = gethostbyname2(hn, n->af);
+#else /* !defined(HASIPv6) */
+ he = gethostbyname(hn);
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ if (!he)
+ return(he);
+ * Copy first hostname structure address to destination structure.
+ */
+#if defined(HASIPv6)
+ if (n->af != he->h_addrtype)
+ return((struct hostent *)NULL);
+ if (n->af == AF_INET6) {
+ /*
+ * Copy an AF_INET6 address.
+ */
+ if (he->h_length > MAX_AF_ADDR)
+ return((struct hostent *)NULL);
+ (void) memcpy((void *)&n->a[0], (void *)he->h_addr, he->h_length);
+ if ((ln = MAX_AF_ADDR - he->h_length) > 0)
+ zeromem((char *)&n->a[he->h_length], ln);
+ return(he);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
+ * Copy an AF_INET address.
+ */
+ if (he->h_length != 4)
+ return((struct hostent *)NULL);
+ ap = (unsigned char *)he->h_addr;
+ n->a[0] = *ap++;
+ n->a[1] = *ap++;
+ n->a[2] = *ap++;
+ n->a[3] = *ap;
+ if ((ln = MAX_AF_ADDR - 4) > 0)
+ zeromem((char *)&n->a[4], ln);
+ return(he);