/* html_tbl.c * Tables in HTML * (c) 2002 Mikulas Patocka * This file is a part of the Links program, released under GPL. */ #include "links.h" #define format format_ #ifdef DEBUG #undef DEBUG #endif /*#define DEBUG*/ #define RECT_BOUND_BITS 10 /* --- bound at 1024 pixels */ #define AL_TR -1 #define VAL_TR -1 #define VAL_TOP 0 #define VAL_MIDDLE 1 #define VAL_BOTTOM 2 #define W_AUTO -1 #define W_REL -2 #define F_VOID 0 #define F_ABOVE 1 #define F_BELOW 2 #define F_HSIDES 3 #define F_LHS 4 #define F_RHS 8 #define F_VSIDES 12 #define F_BOX 15 #define R_NONE 0 #define R_ROWS 1 #define R_COLS 2 #define R_ALL 3 #define R_GROUPS 4 static void get_align(unsigned char *attr, int *a) { unsigned char *al; if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "align"))) { if (!(strcasecmp(al, "left"))) *a = AL_LEFT; if (!(strcasecmp(al, "right"))) *a = AL_RIGHT; if (!(strcasecmp(al, "center"))) *a = AL_CENTER; if (!(strcasecmp(al, "justify"))) *a = AL_BLOCK; if (!(strcasecmp(al, "char"))) *a = AL_RIGHT; /* NOT IMPLEMENTED */ mem_free(al); } } static void get_valign(unsigned char *attr, int *a) { unsigned char *al; if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "valign"))) { if (!(strcasecmp(al, "top"))) *a = VAL_TOP; if (!(strcasecmp(al, "middle"))) *a = VAL_MIDDLE; if (!(strcasecmp(al, "bottom"))) *a = VAL_BOTTOM; if (!(strcasecmp(al, "baseline"))) *a = VAL_TOP; /* NOT IMPLEMENTED */ mem_free(al); } } static void get_c_width(unsigned char *attr, int *w, int sh) { unsigned char *al; if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "width"))) { if (*al && al[strlen(al) - 1] == '*') { unsigned char *en; unsigned long n; al[strlen(al) - 1] = 0; n = strtoul(al, (char **)(void *)&en, 10); if (n < 10000 && !*en) *w = W_REL - n; } else { int p = get_width(attr, "width", sh); if (p >= 0) *w = p; } mem_free(al); } } #define INIT_X 8 #define INIT_Y 8 struct table_cell { int used; int spanned; int mx, my; unsigned char *start; unsigned char *end; int align; int valign; int b; struct rgb bgcolor; int group; int colspan; int rowspan; int min_width; int max_width; int x_width; int height; int xpos, ypos, xw, yw; int link_num; #ifdef G unsigned char bgcolor_str[8]; struct g_object_area *root; struct rect_set *brd; int g_width; struct rect rect; tcount dgen; #endif }; struct table_column { int group; int align; int valign; int width; }; struct table { struct part *p; #ifdef G struct g_part *gp; #endif int x, y; int rx, ry; int align; int border, cellpd, vcellpd, cellsp; int frame, rules, width, wf; unsigned char *bordercolor; int *min_c, *max_c; int *w_c; int rw; int min_t, max_t; struct table_cell *cells; int c, rc; struct table_column *cols; int xc; int *xcols; int *r_heights; int rh; int link_num; struct rgb bgcolor; #ifdef G struct background *bg; struct background *frame_bg; struct rect_set **r_bg; int nr_bg; struct rect_set **r_frame; int nr_frame; struct table_cell ***r_cells; int *w_cells; int nr_cells; #endif }; #ifdef DEBUG #define CELL(t, x, y) (((x) < 0 || (x) >= (t)->rx || (y) < 0 || (y) >= (t)->ry) ? (internal("accessing cell out of table (%d,%d) - limit (%d,%d)", (x), (y), (t)->rx, (t)->ry), (t)->cells) : &(t)->cells[(y) * (t)->rx + (x)]) #else #define CELL(t, x, y) (&(t)->cells[(y) * (t)->rx + (x)]) #endif static unsigned char frame_table[81] = { 0x00, 0xb3, 0xba, 0xc4, 0xc0, 0xd3, 0xcd, 0xd4, 0xc8, 0xc4, 0xd9, 0xbd, 0xc4, 0xc1, 0xd0, 0xcd, 0xd4, 0xc8, 0xcd, 0xbe, 0xbc, 0xcd, 0xbe, 0xbc, 0xcd, 0xcf, 0xca, 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xba, 0xda, 0xc3, 0xd3, 0xd5, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xbf, 0xb4, 0xbd, 0xc2, 0xc5, 0xd0, 0xd5, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xb8, 0xb5, 0xbc, 0xb8, 0xb5, 0xbc, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0xca, 0xba, 0xba, 0xba, 0xd6, 0xd6, 0xc7, 0xc9, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0xb7, 0xb7, 0xb6, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd7, 0xc9, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xb9, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xb9, 0xcb, 0xcb, 0xce, }; static unsigned char hline_table[3] = { 0x20, 0xc4, 0xcd }; static unsigned char vline_table[3] = { 0x20, 0xb3, 0xba }; static struct table *new_table(void) { struct table *t; t = mem_calloc(sizeof(struct table)); t->p = NULL; #ifdef G t->gp = NULL; t->r_frame = DUMMY; t->nr_frame = 0; t->r_bg = DUMMY; t->nr_bg = 0; t->r_cells = DUMMY; t->w_cells = DUMMY; t->nr_cells = 0; #endif t->x = t->y = 0; t->rx = INIT_X; t->ry = INIT_Y; t->cells = mem_calloc(INIT_X * INIT_Y * sizeof(struct table_cell)); t->c = 0; t->rc = INIT_X; t->cols = mem_calloc(INIT_X * sizeof(struct table_column)); t->xcols = DUMMY; t->xc = 0; t->r_heights = DUMMY; return t; } static void free_table(struct table *t) { #ifdef G if (F) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); if (c->root) c->root->destruct(c->root); if (c->brd) mem_free(c->brd); } for (i = 0; i < t->nr_frame; i++) mem_free(t->r_frame[i]); if (t->r_frame) mem_free(t->r_frame); for (i = 0; i < t->nr_bg; i++) mem_free(t->r_bg[i]); if (t->r_bg) mem_free(t->r_bg); for (i = 0; i < t->nr_cells; i++) mem_free(t->r_cells[i]); mem_free(t->r_cells), mem_free(t->w_cells); if (t->frame_bg) g_release_background(t->frame_bg); } #endif if (t->bordercolor) mem_free(t->bordercolor); if (t->min_c) mem_free(t->min_c); if (t->max_c) mem_free(t->max_c); if (t->w_c) mem_free(t->w_c); mem_free(t->r_heights); mem_free(t->cols); mem_free(t->xcols); mem_free(t->cells); mem_free(t); } static void expand_cells(struct table *t, int x, int y) { int i, j; if (x >= t->x) { if (t->x) { for (i = 0; i < t->y; i++) if (CELL(t, t->x - 1, i)->colspan == -1) { for (j = t->x; j <= x; j++) { CELL(t, j, i)->used = 1; CELL(t, j, i)->spanned = 1; CELL(t, j, i)->rowspan = CELL(t, t->x - 1, i)->rowspan; CELL(t, j, i)->colspan = -1; CELL(t, j, i)->mx = CELL(t, t->x - 1, i)->mx; CELL(t, j, i)->my = CELL(t, t->x - 1, i)->my; } } } t->x = x + 1; } if (y >= t->y) { if (t->y) { for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) if (CELL(t, i, t->y - 1)->rowspan == -1) { for (j = t->y; j <= y; j++) { CELL(t, i, j)->used = 1; CELL(t, i, j)->spanned = 1; CELL(t, i, j)->rowspan = -1; CELL(t, i, j)->colspan = CELL(t, i, t->y - 1)->colspan; CELL(t, i, j)->mx = CELL(t, i, t->y - 1)->mx; CELL(t, i, j)->my = CELL(t, i, t->y - 1)->my; } } } t->y = y + 1; } } static struct table_cell *new_cell(struct table *t, int x, int y) { struct table nt; int i, j; if (x < t->x && y < t->y) goto ret; rep: if (x < t->rx && y < t->ry) { expand_cells(t, x, y); goto ret; } nt.rx = t->rx; nt.ry = t->ry; while (x >= nt.rx) { if ((unsigned)nt.rx > MAXINT / 2) overalloc(); nt.rx *= 2; } while (y >= nt.ry) { if ((unsigned)nt.ry > MAXINT / 2) overalloc(); nt.ry *= 2; } if ((unsigned)nt.rx * (unsigned)nt.ry / (unsigned)nt.rx != (unsigned)nt.ry) overalloc(); if ((unsigned)nt.rx * (unsigned)nt.ry > MAXINT / sizeof(struct table_cell)) overalloc(); nt.cells = mem_calloc(nt.rx * nt.ry * sizeof(struct table_cell)); for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) memcpy(CELL(&nt, i, j), CELL(t, i, j), sizeof(struct table_cell)); mem_free(t->cells); t->cells = nt.cells; t->rx = nt.rx; t->ry = nt.ry; goto rep; ret: return CELL(t, x, y); } static void new_columns(struct table *t, int span, int width, int align, int valign, int group) { if ((unsigned)t->c + (unsigned)span > MAXINT) overalloc(); if (t->c + span > t->rc) { int n = t->rc; struct table_column *nc; while (t->c + span > n) { if ((unsigned)n > MAXINT / 2) overalloc(); n *= 2; } if ((unsigned)n > MAXINT / sizeof(struct table_column)) overalloc(); nc = mem_realloc(t->cols, n * sizeof(struct table_column)); t->rc = n; t->cols = nc; } while (span--) { t->cols[t->c].align = align; t->cols[t->c].valign = valign; t->cols[t->c].width = width; t->cols[t->c++].group = group; group = 0; } } static void set_td_width(struct table *t, int x, int width, int f) { if (x >= t->xc) { int n = t->xc ? t->xc : 1; int i; int *nc; while (x >= n) { if ((unsigned)n > MAXINT / 2) overalloc(); n *= 2; } if ((unsigned)n > MAXINT / sizeof(int)) overalloc(); nc = mem_realloc(t->xcols, n * sizeof(int)); for (i = t->xc; i < n; i++) nc[i] = W_AUTO; t->xc = n; t->xcols = nc; } if (t->xcols[x] == W_AUTO || f) { set: t->xcols[x] = width; return; } if (width == W_AUTO) return; if (width < 0 && t->xcols[x] >= 0) goto set; if (width >= 0 && t->xcols[x] < 0) return; t->xcols[x] = (t->xcols[x] + width) / 2; } unsigned char *skip_element(unsigned char *html, unsigned char *eof, unsigned char *what, int sub) { int l = strlen(what); int level = 1; unsigned char *name; int namelen; r: while (html < eof && (*html != '<')) rr:html++; if (html + 2 <= eof && (html[1] == '!' || html[1] == '?')) { html = skip_comment(html, eof); goto r; } if (html >= eof) return eof; if (parse_element(html, eof, &name, &namelen, NULL, &html)) goto rr; if (namelen == l && !casecmp(name, what, l) && sub) level++; if (namelen == l + 1 && name[0] == '/' && !casecmp(name + 1, what, l)) if (!--level) return html; goto r; } struct s_e { unsigned char *s, *e; }; static int default_line_align(void) { return par_format.align == AL_NO ? AL_NO : AL_LEFT; } static struct table *parse_table(unsigned char *html, unsigned char *eof, unsigned char **end, struct rgb *bgcolor, int sh, struct s_e **bad_html, int *bhp) { int qqq; struct table *t; struct table_cell *cell; unsigned char *t_name, *t_attr, *en; int t_namelen; int x = 0, y = -1; int p = 0; unsigned char *lbhp = NULL; int l_al = default_line_align(); int l_val = VAL_MIDDLE; int csp, rsp; int group = 0; int i, j, k; struct rgb l_col; int c_al = AL_TR, c_val = VAL_TR, c_width = W_AUTO, c_span = 0; memcpy(&l_col, bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb)); *end = html; if (bad_html) { *bad_html = DUMMY; *bhp = 0; } if (!(t = new_table())) return NULL; memcpy(&t->bgcolor, bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb)); se: en = html; see: html = en; if (bad_html && !p && !lbhp) { if (!(*bhp & (ALLOC_GR-1))) { if ((unsigned)*bhp > MAXINT / sizeof(struct s_e) - ALLOC_GR) overalloc(); *bad_html = mem_realloc(*bad_html, (*bhp + ALLOC_GR) * sizeof(struct s_e)); } lbhp = (*bad_html)[(*bhp)++].s = html; } while (html < eof && *html != '<') html++; if (html >= eof) { if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html; if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html; goto scan_done; } if (html + 2 <= eof && (html[1] == '!' || html[1] == '?')) { html = skip_comment(html, eof); goto se; } if (parse_element(html, eof, &t_name, &t_namelen, &t_attr, &en)) { html++; goto se; } if (t_namelen == 5 && !casecmp(t_name, "TABLE", 5)) { en = skip_element(en, eof, "TABLE", 1); goto see; } if (t_namelen == 6 && !casecmp(t_name, "SCRIPT", 5)) { en = skip_element(en, eof, "SCRIPT", 0); goto see; } if (t_namelen == 6 && !casecmp(t_name, "/TABLE", 6)) { if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1); if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html; if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html; goto scan_done; } if (t_namelen == 8 && !casecmp(t_name, "COLGROUP", 8)) { if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1); if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL; c_al = AL_TR; c_val = VAL_TR; c_width = W_AUTO; get_align(t_attr, &c_al); get_valign(t_attr, &c_val); get_c_width(t_attr, &c_width, sh); if ((c_span = get_num(t_attr, "span")) == -1) c_span = 1; goto see; } if (t_namelen == 9 && !casecmp(t_name, "/COLGROUP", 9)) { if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1); if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL; c_span = 0; c_al = AL_TR; c_val = VAL_TR; c_width = W_AUTO; goto see; } if (t_namelen == 3 && !casecmp(t_name, "COL", 3)) { int sp, wi, al, val; if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL; if ((sp = get_num(t_attr, "span")) == -1) sp = 1; wi = c_width; al = c_al; val = c_val; get_align(t_attr, &al); get_valign(t_attr, &val); get_c_width(t_attr, &wi, sh); new_columns(t, sp, wi, al, val, !!c_span); c_span = 0; goto see; } if (t_namelen == 3 && (!casecmp(t_name, "/TR", 3) || !casecmp(t_name, "/TD", 3) || !casecmp(t_name, "/TH", 3))) { if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1); if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html, p = 0; if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL; } if (t_namelen == 2 && !casecmp(t_name, "TR", 2)) { if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1); if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html, p = 0; if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL; if (group) group--; l_al = default_line_align(); l_val = VAL_MIDDLE; memcpy(&l_col, bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb)); get_align(t_attr, &l_al); get_valign(t_attr, &l_val); get_bgcolor(t_attr, &l_col); y++, x = 0; goto see; } if (t_namelen == 5 && ((!casecmp(t_name, "THEAD", 5)) || (!casecmp(t_name, "TBODY", 5)) || (!casecmp(t_name, "TFOOT", 5)))) { if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1); if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL; group = 2; } if (t_namelen != 2 || (casecmp(t_name, "TD", 2) && casecmp(t_name, "TH", 2))) goto see; if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1); if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL; if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html, p = 0; if (y == -1) y = 0, x = 0; nc: if (!(cell = new_cell(t, x, y))) goto see; if (cell->used) { if (cell->colspan == -1) goto see; x++; goto nc; } cell->mx = x; cell->my = y; cell->used = 1; cell->start = en; p = 1; cell->align = l_al; cell->valign = l_val; cell->b = 0; #if 0 if (upcase(t_name[1]) == 'H') { unsigned char *e = en; while (e < eof && WHITECHAR(*e)) e++; if (eof - e > 6 && !casecmp(e, "b = 1; cell->align = AL_CENTER; no_th:; } #endif if (group == 1) cell->group = 1; if (x < t->c) { if (t->cols[x].align != AL_TR) cell->align = t->cols[x].align; if (t->cols[x].valign != VAL_TR) cell->valign = t->cols[x].valign; } memcpy(&cell->bgcolor, &l_col, sizeof(struct rgb)); get_align(t_attr, &cell->align); get_valign(t_attr, &cell->valign); get_bgcolor(t_attr, &cell->bgcolor); #ifdef G sprintf(cell->bgcolor_str, "#%02x%02x%02x", cell->bgcolor.r & 0xff, cell->bgcolor.g & 0xff, cell->bgcolor.b & 0xff); #endif if ((csp = get_num(t_attr, "colspan")) == -1) csp = 1; if (!csp) csp = -1; if ((rsp = get_num(t_attr, "rowspan")) == -1) rsp = 1; if (!rsp) rsp = -1; if (csp >= 0 && rsp >= 0 && csp * rsp > 100000) { if (csp > 10) csp = -1; if (rsp > 10) rsp = -1; } cell->colspan = csp; cell->rowspan = rsp; if (csp == 1) { int w = W_AUTO; get_c_width(t_attr, &w, sh); if (w != W_AUTO) set_td_width(t, x, w, 0); } qqq = t->x; for (i = 1; csp != -1 ? i < csp : x + i < qqq; i++) { struct table_cell *sc; if (!(sc = new_cell(t, x + i, y)) || sc->used) { csp = i; for (k = 0; k < i; k++) CELL(t, x + k, y)->colspan = csp; break; } sc->used = sc->spanned = 1; sc->rowspan = rsp; sc->colspan = csp; sc->mx = x; sc->my = y; } qqq = t->y; for (j = 1; rsp != -1 ? j < rsp : y + j < qqq; j++) { for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { struct table_cell *sc; if (!(sc = new_cell(t, x + k, y + j)) || sc->used) { int l, m; if (sc->mx == x && sc->my == y) continue; /*internal("boo");*/ for (l = 0; l < k; l++) memset(CELL(t, x + l, y + j), 0, sizeof(struct table_cell)); rsp = j; for (l = 0; l < i; l++) for (m = 0; m < j; m++) CELL(t, x + l, y + m)->rowspan = j; goto brk; } sc->used = sc->spanned = 1; sc->rowspan = rsp; sc->colspan = csp; sc->mx = x; sc->my = y; } } brk: goto see; scan_done: *end = html; for (x = 0; x < t->x; x++) for (y = 0; y < t->y; y++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, x, y); if (!c->spanned) { if (c->colspan == -1) c->colspan = t->x - x; if (c->rowspan == -1) c->rowspan = t->y - y; } } if ((unsigned)t->y > MAXINT / sizeof(int)) overalloc(); t->r_heights = mem_calloc(t->y * sizeof(int)); for (x = 0; x < t->c; x++) if (t->cols[x].width != W_AUTO) set_td_width(t, x, t->cols[x].width, 1); set_td_width(t, t->x, W_AUTO, 0); return t; } static void get_cell_width(struct table *t, struct table_cell *c, int w, int a, int *min, int *max, int *n_links) { if (min) *min = -1; if (max) *max = -1; if (n_links) *n_links = c->link_num; if (!F) { struct part *p; if (!(p = format_html_part(c->start, c->end, c->align != AL_NO ? AL_LEFT : AL_NO, t->cellpd, w, NULL, !!a, !!a, NULL, c->link_num))) return; if (min) *min = p->x; if (max) *max = p->xmax; if (n_links) *n_links = p->link_num; mem_free(p); #ifdef G } else { struct g_part *gp; if (!(gp = g_format_html_part(c->start, c->end, c->align != AL_NO ? AL_LEFT : AL_NO, 0, w, NULL, c->link_num, NULL, c->bgcolor_str, NULL))) return; if (min) *min = gp->x; if (max) *max = gp->xmax; if (n_links) *n_links = gp->link_num; mem_free(gp); #endif } /*debug("get_cell_width: %d < %d", *min, *max);*/ /*if (min && max && *min > *max) internal("get_cell_width: %d > %d", *min, *max);*/ } static inline void check_cell_widths(struct table *t) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { int min, max; struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); if (!c->start) continue; get_cell_width(t, c, 0, 0, &min, &max, NULL); /*if (min != c->min_width || max < c->max_width) internal("check_cell_widths failed");*/ } } #define g_c_w(cc) \ do { \ struct table_cell *c = cc; \ if (!c->start) continue; \ c->link_num = nl; \ get_cell_width(t, c, 0, 0, &c->min_width, &c->max_width, &nl);\ } while (0) static void get_cell_widths(struct table *t) { int nl = gf_val(t->p->link_num, t->gp->link_num); int i, j; if (!d_opt->table_order) for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) g_c_w(CELL(t, i, j)); else for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) g_c_w(CELL(t, i, j)); t->link_num = nl; } static void dst_width(int *p, int n, int w, int *lim) { int i, s = 0, d, r; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) s += p[i]; if (s >= w) return; if (!n) return; again: d = (w - s) / n; r = (w - s) % n; w = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { p[i] += d + (i < r); if (lim && p[i] > lim[i]) w += p[i] - lim[i], p[i] = lim[i]; } if (w) { /*if (!lim) internal("bug in dst_width");*/ lim = NULL; s = 0; goto again; } } static int get_vline_width(struct table *t, int col) { /* return: -1 none, 0, space, 1 line, 2 double */ int w = 0; NO_GFX; if (!col) return -1; if (t->rules == R_COLS || t->rules == R_ALL) w = t->cellsp; else if (t->rules == R_GROUPS) w = col < t->c && t->cols[col].group; if (!w && t->cellpd) w = -1; return w; } static int get_hline_width(struct table *t, int row) { int w = 0; NO_GFX; if (!row) return -1; if (t->rules == R_ROWS || t->rules == R_ALL) { x: if (t->cellsp || t->vcellpd) return t->cellsp; return -1; } else if (t->rules == R_GROUPS) { int q; for (q = 0; q < t->x; q++) if (CELL(t, q, row)->group) goto x; return t->vcellpd ? 0 : -1; } if (!w && !t->vcellpd) w = -1; return w; } #ifdef G static int g_get_vline_pad(struct table *t, int col, int *plpos, int *plsize) { int pad, lpos, lsize; int border; NO_TXT; if (!col || col == t->x) { border = (!col && t->frame & F_LHS) || (col == t->x && t->frame & F_RHS) ? t->border : 0; pad = border + t->cellsp + t->cellpd; if (!col) lpos = 0, lsize = border + t->cellsp; else lpos = pad - border - t->cellsp, lsize = border + t->cellsp; } else { border = t->rules == R_COLS || t->rules == R_ALL || (t->rules == R_GROUPS && col < t->c && t->cols[col].group) ? t->border : 0; pad = 2 * t->cellpd + t->cellsp; lpos = t->cellpd; lsize = t->cellsp; } if (!border) { lsize = 0; if (!col) lpos = 0; else if (col == t->x) lpos = pad; else lpos = pad / 2; } if (plpos) *plpos = lpos; if (plsize) *plsize = lsize; return pad; } static int g_get_hline_pad(struct table *t, int row, int *plpos, int *plsize) { int pad, lpos, lsize; int border; NO_TXT; if (!row || row == t->y) { border = (!row && t->frame & F_ABOVE) || (row == t->y && t->frame & F_BELOW) ? t->border : 0; pad = border + t->cellsp + t->cellpd; if (!row) lpos = 0, lsize = border + t->cellsp; else lpos = pad - border - t->cellsp, lsize = border + t->cellsp; } else { border = t->rules == R_ROWS || t->rules == R_ALL ? t->border : 0; if (t->rules == R_GROUPS) { int q; for (q = 0; q < t->x; q++) if (CELL(t, q, row)->group) { border = t->border; break; } } pad = 2 * t->cellpd + t->cellsp; lpos = t->cellpd; lsize = t->cellsp; } if (!border) { lsize = 0; if (!row) lpos = 0; else if (row == t->y) lpos = pad; else lpos = pad / 2; } if (plpos) *plpos = lpos; if (plsize) *plsize = lsize; return pad; } #endif static int get_column_widths(struct table *t) { int i, j, s, ns; if ((unsigned)t->x > MAXINT / sizeof(int)) overalloc(); if (!t->min_c) t->min_c = mem_alloc(t->x * sizeof(int)); if (!t->max_c) t->max_c = mem_alloc(t->x * sizeof(int)); if (!t->w_c) t->w_c = mem_alloc(t->x * sizeof(int)); memset(t->min_c, 0, t->x * sizeof(int)); memset(t->max_c, 0, t->x * sizeof(int)); s = 1; do { ns = MAXINT; for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); if (c->spanned || !c->used) continue; if (c->colspan + i > t->x) { /*internal("colspan out of table"); return -1;*/ continue; } if (c->colspan == s) { int k, p = 0; /*int pp = t->max_c[i];*/ int m = 0; for (k = 1; k < s; k++) { if (!F) p += get_vline_width(t, i + k) >= 0; #ifdef G else p += g_get_vline_pad(t, i + k, NULL, NULL); #endif } dst_width(t->min_c + i, s, c->min_width - p, t->max_c + i); dst_width(t->max_c + i, s, c->max_width - p - m, NULL); for (k = 0; k < s; k++) if (t->min_c[i + k] > t->max_c[i + k]) t->max_c[i + k] = t->min_c[i + k]; } else if (c->colspan > s && c->colspan < ns) ns = c->colspan; } } while ((s = ns) != MAXINT); return 0; } static void get_table_width(struct table *t) { int i, vl; int min = 0, max = 0; for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { if (!F) vl = get_vline_width(t, i) >= 0; #ifdef G else if (i) { vl = g_get_vline_pad(t, i, NULL, NULL); } else vl = 0; #endif min += vl, max += vl; min += t->min_c[i]; if (t->xcols[i] > t->max_c[i]) max += t->xcols[i]; max += t->max_c[i]; } if (!F) { vl = (!!(t->frame & F_LHS) + !!(t->frame & F_RHS)) * !!t->border; min += vl, max += vl; #ifdef G } else { vl = g_get_vline_pad(t, 0, NULL, NULL); min += vl, max += vl; vl = g_get_vline_pad(t, t->x, NULL, NULL); min += vl, max += vl; #endif } t->min_t = min; t->max_t = max; /*if (min > max) internal("min(%d) > max(%d)", min, max);*/ } static void distribute_widths(struct table *t, int width) { int i; int d = width - t->min_t; int om = 0; unsigned char *u; int *w, *mx; int mmax_c = 0; t->rw = 0; if (!t->x) return; if (d < 0) { /*internal("too small width %d, required %d", width, t->min_t);*/ return; } for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) if (t->max_c[i] > mmax_c) mmax_c = t->max_c[i]; memcpy(t->w_c, t->min_c, t->x * sizeof(int)); t->rw = width; if ((unsigned)t->x > MAXINT / sizeof(int)) overalloc(); u = mem_alloc(t->x); w = mem_alloc(t->x * sizeof(int)); mx = mem_alloc(t->x * sizeof(int)); while (d) { int mss, mii; int p = 0; int wq; int dd; memset(w, 0, t->x * sizeof(int)); memset(mx, 0, t->x * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { switch (om) { case 0: if (t->w_c[i] < t->xcols[i]) { w[i] = 1, mx[i] = (t->xcols[i] > t->max_c[i] ? t->max_c[i] : t->xcols[i]) - t->w_c[i]; if (mx[i] <= 0) w[i] = 0; } break; case 1: if (t->xcols[i] < -1 && t->xcols[i] != -2) { w[i] = t->xcols[i] <= -2 ? -2 - t->xcols[i] : 1; mx[i] = t->max_c[i] - t->w_c[i]; if (mx[i] <= 0) w[i] = 0; } break; case 2: case 3: if (t->w_c[i] < t->max_c[i] && (om == 3 || t->xcols[i] == W_AUTO)) { mx[i] = t->max_c[i] - t->w_c[i]; if (mmax_c) w[i] = gf_val(5, 5 * HTML_CHAR_WIDTH) + t->max_c[i] * 10 / mmax_c; else w[i] = 1; } break; case 4: if (t->xcols[i] >= 0) { w[i] = 1, mx[i] = t->xcols[i] - t->w_c[i]; if (mx[i] <= 0) w[i] = 0; } break; case 5: if (t->xcols[i] < 0) w[i] = t->xcols[i] <= -2 ? -2 - t->xcols[i] : 1, mx[i] = MAXINT; break; case 6: w[i] = 1, mx[i] = MAXINT; break; default: /*internal("could not expand table");*/ goto end2; } p += w[i]; } if (!p) { om++; continue; } wq = 0; if (u) memset(u, 0, t->x); dd = d; a: mss = 0; mii = -1; for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) if (w[i]) { int ss; if (u && u[i]) continue; if (!(ss = dd * w[i] / p)) ss = 1; if (ss > mx[i]) ss = mx[i]; if (ss > mss) mss = ss, mii = i; } if (mii != -1) { int q = t->w_c[mii]; if (u) u[mii] = 1; t->w_c[mii] += mss; d -= t->w_c[mii] - q; while (d < 0) t->w_c[mii]--, d++; if (t->w_c[mii] < q) { /*internal("shrinking cell");*/ t->w_c[mii] = q; } wq = 1; if (d) goto a; } else if (!wq) om++; } end2: mem_free(mx); mem_free(w); if (u) mem_free(u); } #ifdef HTML_TABLE_2ND_PASS static void check_table_widths(struct table *t) { int *w; int i, j; int s, ns; int m, mi = 0; /* go away, warning! */ if ((unsigned)t->x > MAXINT / sizeof(int)) overalloc(); w = mem_calloc(t->x * sizeof(int)); for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); int k, p = 0; if (!c->start) continue; for (k = 1; k < c->colspan; k++) p += get_vline_width(t, i + k) >= 0; for (k = 0; k < c->colspan; k++) p += t->w_c[i + k]; get_cell_width(t, c, p, 1, &c->x_width, NULL, NULL); if (c->x_width > p) { /*int min, max; get_cell_width(t, c, 0, 0, &min, &max, NULL); internal("cell is now wider (%d > %d) min = %d, max = %d, now_min = %d, now_max = %d", c->x_width, p, t->min_c[i], t->max_c[i], min, max);*/ /* sbohem, internale. chytl jsi mi spoustu chyb v tabulkovaci, ale ted je proste cas jit ... ;-( */ c->x_width = p; } } s = 1; do { ns = MAXINT; for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); if (!c->start) continue; if (c->colspan + i > t->x) { /*internal("colspan out of table");*/ mem_free(w); return; } if (c->colspan == s) { int k, p = 0; for (k = 1; k < s; k++) p += get_vline_width(t, i + k) >= 0; dst_width(w + i, s, c->x_width - p, t->max_c + i); /*for (k = i; k < i + s; k++) if (w[k] > t->w_c[k]) { int l; int c; ag: c = 0; for (l = i; l < i + s; l++) if (w[l] < t->w_c[k]) w[l]++, w[k]--, c = 1; if (w[k] > t->w_c[k]) { if (!c) internal("can't shrink cell"); else goto ag; } }*/ } else if (c->colspan > s && c->colspan < ns) ns = c->colspan; } } while ((s = ns) != MAXINT); s = 0; ns = 0; for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { s += t->w_c[i], ns += w[i]; /*if (w[i] > t->w_c[i]) { int k; for (k = 0; k < t->x; k++) debug("%d, %d", t->w_c[k], w[k]); debug("column %d: new width(%d) is larger than previous(%d)", i, w[i], t->w_c[i]); }*/ } if (ns > s) { /*internal("new width(%d) is larger than previous(%d)", ns, s);*/ mem_free(w); return; } m = -1; for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { /*if (table_level == 1) debug("%d: %d %d %d %d", i, t->max_c[i], t->min_c[i], t->w_c[i], w[i]);*/ if (t->max_c[i] > m) m = t->max_c[i], mi = i; } /*if (table_level == 1) debug("%d %d", mi, s - ns);*/ if (m != -1) { w[mi] += s - ns; if (w[mi] <= t->max_c[mi]) { mem_free(t->w_c); t->w_c = w; return; } } mem_free(w); } #endif static void get_table_heights(struct table *t) { int s, ns; int i, j; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *cell = CELL(t, i, j); struct part *p; #ifdef G struct g_part *gp; #endif int xw = 0, sp; if (!cell->used || cell->spanned) continue; /* fprintf(stderr, "i==%d, w_c[i]==%d, min_c[i]==%d, max_c[i]==%d\n", i, t->w_c[i], t->min_c[i], t->max_c[i]); */ for (sp = 0; sp < cell->colspan; sp++) { xw += t->w_c[i + sp]; if (sp < cell->colspan - 1) { if (!F) xw += get_vline_width(t, i + sp + 1) >= 0; #ifdef G else xw += g_get_vline_pad(t, i + sp + 1, NULL, NULL); #endif } } if (!F) { if (!(p = format_html_part(cell->start, cell->end, cell->align, t->cellpd, xw, NULL, 2, 2, NULL, cell->link_num))) return; cell->height = p->y; mem_free(p); #ifdef G } else { if (!(gp = g_format_html_part(cell->start, cell->end, cell->align, 0, xw, NULL, cell->link_num, NULL /* FIX: background image */, cell->bgcolor_str, t->gp->data))) return; /*if (gp->root->xw > xw) internal("vono to neumi formatovat... buuuu (%d > %d)", gp->root->xw, xw);*/ cell->root = gp->root; gp->root = NULL; cell->height = gp->y; cell->g_width = xw; g_release_part(gp); mem_free(gp); #endif } /*debug("%d, %d.",xw, cell->height);*/ } } s = 1; do { ns = MAXINT; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *cell = CELL(t, i, j); if (!cell->used || cell->spanned) continue; if (cell->rowspan == s) { int k, p = 0; for (k = 1; k < s; k++) { if (!F) p += get_hline_width(t, j + k) >= 0; #ifdef G else p += g_get_hline_pad(t, j + k, NULL, NULL); #endif } dst_width(t->r_heights + j, s, cell->height - p, NULL); } else if (cell->rowspan > s && cell->rowspan < ns) ns = cell->rowspan; } } } while ((s = ns) != MAXINT); if (!F) { t->rh = (!!(t->frame & F_ABOVE) + !!(t->frame & F_BELOW)) * !!t->border; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { t->rh += t->r_heights[j]; if (j) t->rh += get_hline_width(t, j) >= 0; } #ifdef G } else { t->rh = 0; for (j = 0; j <= t->y; j++) { t->rh += g_get_hline_pad(t, j, NULL, NULL); if (j < t->y) t->rh += t->r_heights[j]; } #endif } } static void display_complicated_table(struct table *t, int x, int y, int *yy) { int i, j; struct f_data *f = t->p->data; int yp, xp = x + ((t->frame & F_LHS) && t->border); for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { yp = y + ((t->frame & F_ABOVE) && t->border); for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { struct table_cell *cell = CELL(t, i, j); if (cell->start) { int yt; struct part *p = NULL; int xw = 0, yw = 0, s; for (s = 0; s < cell->colspan; s++) { xw += t->w_c[i + s]; if (s < cell->colspan - 1) xw += get_vline_width(t, i + s + 1) >= 0; } for (s = 0; s < cell->rowspan; s++) { yw += t->r_heights[j + s]; if (s < cell->rowspan - 1) yw += get_hline_width(t, j + s + 1) >= 0; } html_stack_dup(); html_top.dontkill = 1; if (cell->b) format.attr |= AT_BOLD; memcpy(&format.bg, &cell->bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb)); memcpy(&par_format.bgcolor, &cell->bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb)); p = format_html_part(cell->start, cell->end, cell->align, t->cellpd, xw, f, t->p->xp + xp, t->p->yp + yp + (cell->valign != VAL_MIDDLE && cell->valign != VAL_BOTTOM ? 0 : (yw - cell->height) / (cell->valign == VAL_MIDDLE ? 2 : 1)), NULL, cell->link_num); cell->xpos = xp; cell->ypos = yp; cell->xw = xw; cell->yw = yw; for (yt = 0; yt < p->y; yt++) { xxpand_lines(t->p, yp + yt); xxpand_line(t->p, yp + yt, xp + t->w_c[i]); } kill_html_stack_item(&html_top); mem_free(p); } cell->xpos = xp; cell->ypos = yp; cell->xw = t->w_c[i]; yp += t->r_heights[j]; if (j < t->y - 1) yp += (get_hline_width(t, j + 1) >= 0); } if (i < t->x - 1) xp += t->w_c[i] + (get_vline_width(t, i + 1) >= 0); } yp = y; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { yp += t->r_heights[j]; if (j < t->y - 1) yp += (get_hline_width(t, j + 1) >= 0); } *yy = yp + (!!(t->frame & F_ABOVE) + !!(t->frame & F_BELOW)) * !!t->border; } static int AF; #define draw_frame_point(xx, yy, ii, jj) \ if (H_LINE_X((ii-1), (jj)) >= 0 || H_LINE_X((ii), (jj)) >= 0 || V_LINE_X((ii), (jj-1)) >= 0 || V_LINE_X((ii), (jj)) >= 0) xset_hchar(t->p, (xx), (yy), frame_table[V_LINE((ii),(jj)-1)+3*H_LINE((ii),(jj))+9*H_LINE((ii)-1,(jj))+27*V_LINE((ii),(jj))], AF) #define draw_frame_hline(xx, yy, ll, ii, jj) \ if (H_LINE_X((ii), (jj)) >= 0) xset_hchars(t->p, (xx), (yy), (ll), hline_table[H_LINE((ii), (jj))], AF) #define draw_frame_vline(xx, yy, ll, ii, jj) \ { \ int qq; \ if (V_LINE_X((ii), (jj)) >= 0) for (qq = 0; qq < (ll); qq++) xset_hchar(t->p, (xx), (yy) + qq, vline_table[V_LINE((ii), (jj))], AF); } #ifndef DEBUG #define H_LINE_X(xx, yy) fh[(xx) + 1 + (t->x + 2) * (yy)] #define V_LINE_X(xx, yy) fv[(yy) + 1 + (t->y + 2) * (xx)] #else #define H_LINE_X(xx, yy) (*(xx < -1 || xx > t->x + 1 || yy < 0 || yy > t->y ? (signed char *)NULL : &fh[(xx) + 1 + (t->x + 2) * (yy)])) #define V_LINE_X(xx, yy) (*(xx < 0 || xx > t->x || yy < -1 || yy > t->y + 1 ? (signed char *)NULL : &fv[(yy) + 1 + (t->y + 2) * (xx)])) #endif #define H_LINE(xx, yy) (H_LINE_X((xx), (yy)) < 0 ? 0 : H_LINE_X((xx), (yy))) #define V_LINE(xx, yy) (V_LINE_X((xx), (yy)) < 0 ? 0 : V_LINE_X((xx), (yy))) static void get_table_frame(struct table *t, signed char *fv, signed char *fh) { int i, j; memset(fh, -1, (t->x + 2) * (t->y + 1)); memset(fv, -1, (t->x + 1) * (t->y + 2)); for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { int x, y; int xsp, ysp; struct table_cell *cell = CELL(t, i, j); if (!cell->used || cell->spanned) continue; if ((xsp = cell->colspan) == 0) xsp = t->x - i; if ((ysp = cell->rowspan) == 0) ysp = t->y - j; if (t->rules != R_NONE && t->rules != R_COLS) for (x = 0; x < xsp; x++) {H_LINE_X(i + x, j) = t->cellsp; H_LINE_X(i + x, j + ysp) = t->cellsp;} if (t->rules != R_NONE && t->rules != R_ROWS) for (y = 0; y < ysp; y++) {V_LINE_X(i, j + y) = t->cellsp; V_LINE_X(i + xsp, j + y) = t->cellsp;} if (F) { for (x = 0; x < xsp; x++) for (y = 1; y < ysp; y++) H_LINE_X(i + x, j + y) = -2; for (x = 1; x < xsp; x++) for (y = 0; y < ysp; y++) V_LINE_X(i + x, j + y) = -2; } } if (t->rules == R_GROUPS) { for (i = 1; i < t->x; i++) { if (/*i < t->xc &&*/ t->xcols[i]) continue; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) V_LINE_X(i, j) = 0; } for (j = 1; j < t->y; j++) { for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) if (CELL(t, i, j)->group) goto c; for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) H_LINE_X(i, j) = 0; c:; } } for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { H_LINE_X(i, 0) = t->border * !!(t->frame & F_ABOVE); H_LINE_X(i, t->y) = t->border * !!(t->frame & F_BELOW); } for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { V_LINE_X(0, j) = t->border * !!(t->frame & F_LHS); V_LINE_X(t->x, j) = t->border * !!(t->frame & F_RHS); } } static void display_table_frames(struct table *t, int x, int y) { signed char *fh, *fv; int i, j; int cx, cy; if ((unsigned)t->x > MAXINT) overalloc(); if ((unsigned)t->y > MAXINT) overalloc(); if (((unsigned)t->x + 2) * ((unsigned)t->y + 2) / ((unsigned)t->x + 2) != ((unsigned)t->y + 2)) overalloc(); if (((unsigned)t->x + 2) * ((unsigned)t->y + 2) > MAXINT) overalloc(); fh = mem_alloc((t->x + 2) * (t->y + 1)); fv = mem_alloc((t->x + 1) * (t->y + 2)); get_table_frame(t, fv, fh); cy = y; for (j = 0; j <= t->y; j++) { cx = x; if ((j > 0 && j < t->y && get_hline_width(t, j) >= 0) || (j == 0 && t->border && (t->frame & F_ABOVE)) || (j == t->y && t->border && (t->frame & F_BELOW))) { for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { int w; if (i > 0) w = get_vline_width(t, i); else w = t->border && (t->frame & F_LHS) ? t->border : -1; if (w >= 0) { draw_frame_point(cx, cy, i, j); if (j < t->y) draw_frame_vline(cx, cy + 1, t->r_heights[j], i, j); cx++; } w = t->w_c[i]; draw_frame_hline(cx, cy, w, i, j); cx += w; } if (t->border && (t->frame & F_RHS)) { draw_frame_point(cx, cy, i, j); if (j < t->y) draw_frame_vline(cx, cy + 1, t->r_heights[j], i, j); cx++; } cy++; } else if (j < t->y) { for (i = 0; i <= t->x; i++) { if ((i > 0 && i < t->x && get_vline_width(t, i) >= 0) || (i == 0 && t->border && (t->frame & F_LHS)) || (i == t->x && t->border && (t->frame & F_RHS))) { draw_frame_vline(cx, cy, t->r_heights[j], i, j); cx++; } if (i < t->x) cx += t->w_c[i]; } } if (j < t->y) cy += t->r_heights[j]; /*for (cyy = cy1; cyy < cy; cyy++) xxpand_line(t->p, cyy, cx - 1);*/ } mem_free(fh); mem_free(fv); } #ifdef G static void process_g_table(struct g_part *gp, struct table *t); #endif void format_table(unsigned char *attr, unsigned char *html, unsigned char *eof, unsigned char **end, void *f) { struct part *p = !F ? f : NULL; #ifdef G struct g_part *gp = F ? f : NULL; #endif int border, cellsp, vcellpd, cellpd, align; int frame, rules, width, wf; struct rgb bgcolor; struct table *t; unsigned char *al; int cye; int x; int i; struct s_e *bad_html = NULL; int bad_html_n; struct node *n, *nn; int cpd_pass, cpd_width, cpd_last; int AF_SAVE = AF; table_level++; memcpy(&bgcolor, &par_format.bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb)); get_bgcolor(attr, &bgcolor); if (!F) { int bg = find_nearest_color(&bgcolor, 8); int fg = find_nearest_color(&d_opt->default_fg, 16); /*fg = fg_color(fg, bg);*/ AF = ATTR_FRAME | (fg & 7) | (bg << 3) | ((fg & 8) << 3); } if ((border = get_num(attr, "border")) == -1) border = has_attr(attr, "border") || has_attr(attr, "rules") || has_attr(attr, "frame"); /*if (!border) border = 1;*/ if ((cellsp = get_num(attr, "cellspacing")) == -1) cellsp = gf_val(1, 2); if ((cellpd = get_num(attr, "cellpadding")) == -1) { vcellpd = gf_val(0, 1); cellpd = gf_val(!!border, 1); } else { if (!F) { vcellpd = cellpd >= HTML_CHAR_HEIGHT / 2 + 1; cellpd = cellpd >= HTML_CHAR_WIDTH / 2 + 1; } else vcellpd = cellpd; } if (!F && !border) cellsp = 0; else if (!F && !cellsp) cellsp = 1; /* Sparc gcc- miscompiles this */ do_not_optimize_here(&cellsp); if (!F && border > 2) border = 2; if (!F && cellsp > 2) cellsp = 2; #ifdef G if (F && !cellsp && border) cellsp = 1; #endif align = par_format.align; if (align == AL_NO || align == AL_BLOCK) align = AL_LEFT; if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "align"))) { if (!strcasecmp(al, "left")) align = AL_LEFT; if (!strcasecmp(al, "center")) align = AL_CENTER; if (!strcasecmp(al, "right")) align = AL_RIGHT; mem_free(al); } frame = F_BOX; if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "frame"))) { if (!strcasecmp(al, "void")) frame = F_VOID; if (!strcasecmp(al, "above")) frame = F_ABOVE; if (!strcasecmp(al, "below")) frame = F_BELOW; if (!strcasecmp(al, "hsides")) frame = F_HSIDES; if (!strcasecmp(al, "vsides")) frame = F_VSIDES; if (!strcasecmp(al, "lhs")) frame = F_LHS; if (!strcasecmp(al, "rhs")) frame = F_RHS; if (!strcasecmp(al, "box")) frame = F_BOX; if (!strcasecmp(al, "border")) frame = F_BOX; mem_free(al); } rules = border ? R_ALL : R_NONE; if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "rules"))) { if (!strcasecmp(al, "none")) rules = R_NONE; if (!strcasecmp(al, "groups")) rules = R_GROUPS; if (!strcasecmp(al, "rows")) rules = R_ROWS; if (!strcasecmp(al, "cols")) rules = R_COLS; if (!strcasecmp(al, "all")) rules = R_ALL; mem_free(al); } if (!border) frame = F_VOID; wf = 0; if ((width = get_width(attr, "width", gf_val(p->data || p->xp, !!gp->data))) == -1) { width = par_format.width - (par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin) * gf_val(1, G_HTML_MARGIN); if (width < 0) width = 0; wf = 1; } if (!(t = parse_table(html, eof, end, &bgcolor, gf_val(p->data || p->xp, !!gp->data), &bad_html, &bad_html_n))) { if (bad_html) mem_free(bad_html); goto ret0; } for (i = 0; i < bad_html_n; i++) { while (bad_html[i].s < bad_html[i].e && WHITECHAR(*bad_html[i].s)) bad_html[i].s++; while (bad_html[i].s < bad_html[i].e && WHITECHAR(bad_html[i].e[-1])) bad_html[i].e--; if (bad_html[i].s < bad_html[i].e) parse_html(bad_html[i].s, bad_html[i].e, put_chars_f, line_break_f, special_f, gf_val((void *)p, (void *)gp), NULL); } mem_free(bad_html); html_stack_dup(); html_top.dontkill = 1; par_format.align = AL_LEFT; #ifdef G if (F) { t->gp = gp; } else #endif { t->p = p; } t->bordercolor = get_attr_val(attr, "bordercolor"); t->align = align; t->border = border; t->cellpd = cellpd; t->vcellpd = vcellpd; t->cellsp = cellsp; t->frame = frame; t->rules = rules; t->width = width; t->wf = wf; cpd_pass = 0; cpd_last = t->cellpd; cpd_width = 0; /* not needed, but let the warning go away */ again: get_cell_widths(t); if (get_column_widths(t)) goto ret2; get_table_width(t); if (gf_val(!p->data && !p->xp, !gp->data)) { if (!wf && t->max_t > width) t->max_t = width; if (t->max_t < t->min_t) t->max_t = t->min_t; if (t->max_t + (par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin) * gf_val(1, G_HTML_MARGIN) > gf_val(p->xmax, gp->xmax)) *gf_val(&p->xmax, &gp->xmax) = t->max_t + (par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin) * gf_val(1, G_HTML_MARGIN); if (t->min_t + (par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin) * gf_val(1, G_HTML_MARGIN) > gf_val(p->x, gp->x)) *gf_val(&p->x, &gp->x) = t->min_t + (par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin) * gf_val(1, G_HTML_MARGIN); goto ret2; } if (!F && !cpd_pass && t->min_t > width && t->cellpd) { t->cellpd = 0; cpd_pass = 1; cpd_width = t->min_t; goto again; } if (cpd_pass == 1 && t->min_t > cpd_width) { t->cellpd = cpd_last; cpd_pass = 2; goto again; } /*debug("%d %d %d", t->min_t, t->max_t, width);*/ if (t->min_t >= width) distribute_widths(t, t->min_t); else if (t->max_t < width && wf) distribute_widths(t, t->max_t); else distribute_widths(t, width); if (!F && !p->data && p->xp == 1) { int ww = t->rw + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin; if (ww > par_format.width) ww = par_format.width; if (ww < t->rw) ww = t->rw; if (ww > p->x) p->x = ww; p->cy += t->rh; goto ret2; } #ifdef HTML_TABLE_2ND_PASS if (!F) check_table_widths(t); #endif get_table_heights(t); #ifdef G if (F) { gp->link_num = t->link_num; process_g_table(gp, t); t = NULL; goto ret3; } #endif x = par_format.leftmargin; if (align == AL_CENTER) x = (par_format.width + par_format.leftmargin - par_format.rightmargin - t->rw) / 2; if (align == AL_RIGHT) x = par_format.width - par_format.rightmargin - t->rw; if (x + t->rw > par_format.width) x = par_format.width - t->rw; if (x < 0) x = 0; /*display_table(t, x, p->cy, &cye);*/ if (!p->data) { if (t->rw + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin > p->x) p->x = t->rw + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin; p->cy += t->rh; goto ret2; } n = p->data->nodes.next; n->yw = p->yp - n->y + p->cy; display_complicated_table(t, x, p->cy, &cye); display_table_frames(t, x, p->cy); nn = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct node)); nn->x = n->x; nn->y = p->yp + cye; nn->xw = n->xw; add_to_list(p->data->nodes, nn); /*if (p->cy + t->rh != cye) internal("size does not match; 1:%d, 2:%d", p->cy + t->rh, cye);*/ p->cy = cye; ret2: *gf_val(&p->link_num, &gp->link_num) = t->link_num; #ifdef G ret3: #endif if (!F) if (p->cy > p->y) p->y = p->cy; if (t) free_table(t); kill_html_stack_item(&html_top); ret0: table_level--; if (!table_level) { if (!F) free_table_cache(); #ifdef G else g_free_table_cache(); #endif } AF = AF_SAVE; } #ifdef G static void add_to_rect_sets(struct rect_set ***s, int *n, struct rect *r) { int i, j; for (i = r->y1 >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i <= (r->y2 - 1) >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i++) { if (i >= *n) { struct rect_set **ns; if ((unsigned)i > MAXINT / sizeof(struct rect_set *) - 1) overalloc(); ns = mem_realloc(*s, (i + 1) * sizeof(struct rect_set *)); for (j = *n; j < i + 1; j++) ns[j] = init_rect_set(); *s = ns; *n = i + 1; } add_to_rect_set(&(*s)[i], r); } } static void add_to_cell_sets(struct table_cell ****s, int **nn, int *n, struct rect *r, struct table_cell *c) { int i, j; for (i = r->y1 >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i <= (r->y2 - 1) >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i++) { if (i >= *n) { struct table_cell ***ns; int *nnn; if ((unsigned)i > MAXINT / sizeof(struct table_cell ***) - 1) overalloc(); if ((unsigned)i > MAXINT / sizeof(int *) - 1) overalloc(); ns = mem_realloc(*s, (i + 1) * sizeof(struct table_cell ***)); nnn = mem_realloc(*nn, (i + 1) * sizeof(int *)); for (j = *n; j < i + 1; j++) ns[j] = DUMMY, nnn[j] = 0; *s = ns; *nn = nnn; *n = i + 1; } { struct table_cell **nc; if ((unsigned)(*nn)[i] > MAXINT / sizeof(struct table_cell *) - 1) overalloc(); nc = mem_realloc((*s)[i], ((*nn)[i] + 1) * sizeof(struct table_cell *)); nc[(*nn)[i]] = c; (*s)[i] = nc; (*nn)[i]++; } } } static void table_mouse_event(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object_table *o, int x, int y, int b) { struct table *t = o->t; int i, j; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); if (c->root) if (!g_forward_mouse(fd, (struct g_object *)c->root, x, y, b)) return; } } static void draw_rect_set(struct graphics_device *dev, struct background *bg, struct rect_set *rs, int x, int y) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rs->m; i++) { struct rect *r = &rs->r[i]; if (is_rect_valid(r)) g_draw_background(dev, bg, x + r->x1, y + r->y1, r->x2 - r->x1, r->y2 - r->y1); } } static void draw_rect_sets(struct graphics_device *dev, struct background *bg, struct rect_set **rs, int nrs, int x, int y) { int i; for (i = (dev->clip.y1 - y) >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i <= (dev->clip.y2 - y - 1) >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i++) if (i >= 0 && i < nrs) { draw_rect_set(dev, bg, rs[i], x, y); } } static void table_draw(struct f_data_c *fd, struct g_object_table *o, int x, int y) { static tcount dgen = 0; tcount my_dgen = ++dgen; int i, j; struct table *t = o->t; struct graphics_device *dev = fd->ses->term->dev; /* for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j);*/ /* fprintf(stderr, "Y: %d %d\n", x, y); fprintf(stderr, "bounds: %d %d\n", dev->clip.y1 + y, dev->clip.y2 + y); */ for (i = (dev->clip.y1 - y) >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i <= (dev->clip.y2 - y - 1) >> RECT_BOUND_BITS; i++) if (i >= 0 && i < t->nr_cells) for (j = 0; j < t->w_cells[i]; j++) { struct table_cell *c = t->r_cells[i][j]; /*fprintf(stderr, "draw: %d %d\n", i, j);*/ if (c->root && c->dgen != my_dgen) { struct rect clip; c->dgen = my_dgen; memcpy(&clip, &c->rect, sizeof(struct rect)); clip.x1 += x; clip.x2 += x; clip.y1 += y; clip.y2 += y; if (!do_rects_intersect(&clip, &dev->clip)) continue; draw_rect_set(dev, c->root->bg, c->brd, x, y); restrict_clip_area(dev, &clip, x + c->root->x, y + c->root->y, x + c->root->x + c->root->xw/*c->g_width*/, y + c->root->y + c->root->yw); c->root->draw(fd, c->root, x + c->root->x, y + c->root->y); drv->set_clip_area(dev, &clip); } } draw_rect_sets(dev, t->bg, t->r_bg, t->nr_bg, x, y); draw_rect_sets(dev, t->frame_bg, t->r_frame, t->nr_frame, x, y); } static void table_destruct(struct g_object_table *o) { free_table(o->t); mem_free(o); } static void table_get_list(struct g_object_table *o, void (*fn)(struct g_object *parent, struct g_object *child)) { struct table *t = o->t; int i, j; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); if (c->root) fn((struct g_object *)o, (struct g_object *)c->root); } } void table_bg(struct text_attrib *ta, unsigned char bgstr[8]) { if (ta->bg.r + ta->bg.g * 3 + ta->bg.b * 5 > 9 * 128) strcpy(bgstr, "#000000"); else if (ta->fg.r > G_HTML_TABLE_FRAME_COLOR && ta->fg.g > G_HTML_TABLE_FRAME_COLOR && ta->fg.b > G_HTML_TABLE_FRAME_COLOR) { unsigned char max = ta->fg.r; if (ta->fg.g > max) max = ta->fg.g; if (ta->fg.b > max) max = ta->fg.b; max &= 0xff; sprintf(bgstr, "#%02x%02x%02x", max, max, max); } else sprintf(bgstr, "#%02x%02x%02x", G_HTML_TABLE_FRAME_COLOR, G_HTML_TABLE_FRAME_COLOR, G_HTML_TABLE_FRAME_COLOR); } static void process_g_table(struct g_part *gp, struct table *t) { int i, j; int x, y; struct g_object_table *o; signed char *fv, *fh; unsigned char bgstr[8]; struct text_attrib *ta; struct rgb dummy; y = 0; for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) { x = 0; y += g_get_hline_pad(t, j, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *c; x += g_get_vline_pad(t, i, NULL, NULL); c = CELL(t, i, j); if (c->root) { int s; int yw = 0; for (s = 0; s < c->rowspan; s++) { yw += t->r_heights[j + s]; if (s < c->rowspan - 1) yw += g_get_hline_pad(t, j + s + 1, NULL, NULL); } c->root->x = x, c->root->y = y; c->root->y += c->valign != VAL_MIDDLE && c->valign != VAL_BOTTOM ? 0 : (yw - c->root->yw) / (c->valign == VAL_MIDDLE ? 2 : 1); } x += t->w_c[i]; } y += t->r_heights[j]; } if (html_top.next != (struct html_element *)(void *)&html_stack) ta = &html_top.next->attr; else ta = &format; if (t->bordercolor && !decode_color(t->bordercolor, &dummy)) { if (!(t->frame_bg = get_background(NULL, t->bordercolor))) { free_table(t); return; } } else { table_bg(ta, bgstr); if (!(t->frame_bg = get_background(NULL, bgstr))) { free_table(t); return; } } if ((unsigned)t->x > MAXINT) overalloc(); if ((unsigned)t->y > MAXINT) overalloc(); if (((unsigned)t->x + 2) * ((unsigned)t->y + 2) / ((unsigned)t->x + 2) != ((unsigned)t->y + 2)) overalloc(); if (((unsigned)t->x + 2) * ((unsigned)t->y + 2) > MAXINT) overalloc(); fh = mem_alloc((t->x + 2) * (t->y + 1)); fv = mem_alloc((t->x + 1) * (t->y + 2)); get_table_frame(t, fv, fh); y = 0; for (j = 0; j <= t->y; j++) { int ypad, ypos, ysize; ypad = g_get_hline_pad(t, j, &ypos, &ysize); x = 0; for (i = 0; i <= t->x; i++) { struct rect r; int xpad, xpos, xsize; xpad = g_get_vline_pad(t, i, &xpos, &xsize); if (i < t->x && j < t->y) { CELL(t, i, j)->xpos = x + xpos + xsize; CELL(t, i, j)->ypos = y + ypos + ysize; } if (i > 0 && j > 0) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i - 1, j - 1); c->xw = x + xpos - c->xpos; c->yw = y + ypos - c->ypos; /*debug("C: %d %d %d %d", c->xpos, c->ypos, c->xw, c->yw);*/ /*debug("%d %d %d", y, ypos, c->ypos);*/ if (!c->used && !c->spanned) { r.x1 = c->xpos, r.x2 = c->xpos + c->xw; r.y1 = c->ypos, r.y2 = c->ypos + c->yw; add_to_rect_sets(&t->r_bg, &t->nr_bg, &r); } } r.x1 = x + xpos, r.x2 = x + xpos + xsize; r.y1 = y + ypos, r.y2 = y + ypos + ysize; if (H_LINE(i-1,j) || H_LINE(i,j) || V_LINE(i,j-1) || V_LINE(i,j)) add_to_rect_sets(&t->r_frame, &t->nr_frame, &r); else if (H_LINE_X(i-1,j) != -2 || H_LINE_X(i,j) != -2 || V_LINE_X(i,j-1) != -2 || V_LINE_X(i,j) != -2) add_to_rect_sets(&t->r_bg, &t->nr_bg, &r); if (i < t->x) { int l; int b; g_get_vline_pad(t, i + 1, &b, NULL); r.x1 = r.x2; r.x2 = x + xpad + t->w_c[i] + b; l = H_LINE_X(i,j); if (l == -2) ; else if (l > 0) add_to_rect_sets(&t->r_frame, &t->nr_frame, &r); else add_to_rect_sets(&t->r_bg, &t->nr_bg, &r); } r.x1 = x + xpos, r.x2 = x + xpos + xsize; if (j < t->y) { int l; int b; g_get_hline_pad(t, j + 1, &b, NULL); r.y1 = r.y2; r.y2 = y + ypad + t->r_heights[j] + b; l = V_LINE_X(i,j); if (l == -2) ; else if (l > 0) add_to_rect_sets(&t->r_frame, &t->nr_frame, &r); else add_to_rect_sets(&t->r_bg, &t->nr_bg, &r); } if (i < t->x) x += xpad + t->w_c[i]; } if (j < t->y) y += ypad + t->r_heights[j]; } for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) { struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, i, j); if (c->used && !c->spanned && c->root) { struct table_cell *d = CELL(t, i + c->colspan - 1, j + c->rowspan - 1); struct rect r; r.x1 = c->xpos; r.y1 = c->ypos; r.x2 = d->xpos + d->xw; r.y2 = d->ypos + d->yw; add_to_cell_sets(&t->r_cells, &t->w_cells, &t->nr_cells, &r, c); memcpy(&c->rect, &r, sizeof(struct rect)); c->brd = init_rect_set(); /*debug("%d,%d %d,%d", r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2);*/ add_to_rect_set(&c->brd, &r); r.x1 = c->root->x; r.y1 = c->root->y; r.x2 = c->root->x + c->root->xw; r.y2 = c->root->y + c->root->yw; exclude_rect_from_set(&c->brd, &r); /*debug("%d,%d %d,%d", r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2);*/ } } mem_free(fh); mem_free(fv); o = mem_calloc(sizeof(struct g_object_table)); o->mouse_event = table_mouse_event; o->draw = table_draw; o->destruct = table_destruct; o->get_list = table_get_list; o->xw = t->rw; o->yw = t->rh; o->t = t; t->bg = gp->root->bg; flush_pending_text_to_line(gp); flush_pending_line_to_obj(gp, 0); gp->cx = -1; gp->cx_w = 0; add_object_to_line(gp, &gp->line, (struct g_object *)o); flush_pending_text_to_line(gp); par_format.align = t->align; flush_pending_line_to_obj(gp, 0); gp->cx = -1; gp->cx_w = 0; } #endif