/* directfb.c * DirectFB graphics driver * (c) 2002 Sven Neumann * * This file is a part of the Links program, released under GPL. */ /* TODO: * - Store window size as driver params (?) * - Fix wrong colors on big-endian systems (fixed?) * - Make everything work correctly ;-) * * KNOWN PROBLEMS: * - If mouse drags don't work for you, update DirectFB * (the upcoming 0.9.14 release fixes this). */ #include "cfg.h" #ifdef GRDRV_DIRECTFB #include /* for htons */ #include #include "links.h" #include "directfb_cursors.h" #define FOCUSED_OPACITY 0xFF #define UNFOCUSED_OPACITY 0xC0 #define DIRECTFB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 23 static struct graphics_device **directfb_hash_table[DIRECTFB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; typedef struct _DFBDeviceData DFBDeviceData; struct _DFBDeviceData { DFBWindowID id; IDirectFBWindow *window; IDirectFBSurface *surface; DFBRegion flip_region; int flip_pending; }; extern struct graphics_driver directfb_driver; static IDirectFB *dfb = NULL; static IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer = NULL; static IDirectFBSurface *arrow = NULL; static IDirectFBEventBuffer *events = NULL; static DFBSurfacePixelFormat pixelformat = DSPF_UNKNOWN; static int event_timer = -1; static inline void directfb_set_color (IDirectFBSurface *surface, long color); static void directfb_register_flip (DFBDeviceData *data, int x, int y, int w, int h); static void directfb_flip_surface (void *pointer); static void directfb_check_events (void *pointer); static void directfb_translate_key (DFBWindowEvent *event, int *key, int *flag); static void directfb_add_to_table (struct graphics_device *gd); static void directfb_remove_from_table (struct graphics_device *gd); static struct graphics_device * directfb_lookup_in_table (DFBWindowID id); static unsigned char * directfb_fb_init_driver (unsigned char *param, unsigned char *display) { DFBDisplayLayerConfig config; DFBResult ret; unsigned char *error; unsigned char *result; DirectFBInit (&g_argc, (char ***)(void *)&g_argv); if ((ret = DirectFBCreate (&dfb)) != DFB_OK) { error = (unsigned char *)DirectFBErrorString(ret); goto ret; } if ((ret = dfb->GetDisplayLayer (dfb, DLID_PRIMARY, &layer)) != DFB_OK) { error = (unsigned char *)DirectFBErrorString(ret); goto ret_dfb; } if ((ret = layer->GetConfiguration (layer, &config)) != DFB_OK) { error = (unsigned char *)DirectFBErrorString(ret); goto ret_layer; } pixelformat = config.pixelformat; directfb_driver.depth = (((DFB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL (pixelformat) & 0x7)) | ((DFB_COLOR_BITS_PER_PIXEL (pixelformat) & 0x1F) << 3)); if (directfb_driver.depth == 4) directfb_driver.depth = 196; /* endian test */ if (htons (0x1234) == 0x1234) { if ((directfb_driver.depth & 0x7) == 2) directfb_driver.depth |= 0x100; if ((directfb_driver.depth & 0x7) == 4) directfb_driver.depth |= 0x200; } if (!get_color_fn(directfb_driver.depth)) { error = "Unsupported color depth"; goto ret_layer; } directfb_driver.x = config.width; directfb_driver.y = config.height; memset (directfb_hash_table, 0, sizeof (directfb_hash_table)); if ((ret = dfb->CreateEventBuffer (dfb, &events)) != DFB_OK) { error = (unsigned char *)DirectFBErrorString(ret); goto ret_layer; } event_timer = install_timer (20, directfb_check_events, events); if (dfb->CreateSurface (dfb, directfb_get_arrow_desc(), &arrow) != DFB_OK) arrow = NULL; return NULL; ret_layer: layer->Release(layer); ret_dfb: dfb->Release(dfb); ret: result = init_str(); add_to_strn(&result, error); add_to_strn(&result, "\n"); return result; } static struct graphics_device * directfb_init_device (void) { struct graphics_device *gd; DFBDeviceData *data; IDirectFBWindow *window; DFBWindowDescription desc; desc.flags = DWDESC_WIDTH | DWDESC_HEIGHT | DWDESC_POSX | DWDESC_POSY; desc.width = directfb_driver.x; desc.height = directfb_driver.y; desc.posx = 0; desc.posy = 0; retry: if (layer->CreateWindow (layer, &desc, &window) != DFB_OK) { if (out_of_memory(NULL, 0)) goto retry; return NULL; } gd = mem_alloc (sizeof (struct graphics_device)); gd->size.x1 = 0; gd->size.y1 = 0; window->GetSize (window, &gd->size.x2, &gd->size.y2); gd->clip = gd->size; data = mem_alloc (sizeof (DFBDeviceData)); data->window = window; data->flip_pending = 0; if (arrow) window->SetCursorShape (window, arrow, arrow_hot_x, arrow_hot_y); window->GetSurface (window, &data->surface); window->GetID (window, &data->id); gd->driver_data = data; gd->user_data = NULL; directfb_add_to_table (gd); window->AttachEventBuffer (window, events); window->SetOpacity (window, FOCUSED_OPACITY); return gd; } static void directfb_shutdown_device (struct graphics_device *gd) { DFBDeviceData *data; if (!gd) return; data = gd->driver_data; unregister_bottom_half (directfb_flip_surface, data); directfb_remove_from_table (gd); data->surface->Release (data->surface); data->window->Destroy (data->window); data->window->Release (data->window); mem_free (data); mem_free (gd); } static void directfb_shutdown_driver (void) { int i; kill_timer (event_timer); events->Release (events); events = NULL; if (arrow) arrow->Release (arrow); layer->Release (layer); dfb->Release (dfb); for (i = 0; i < DIRECTFB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) if (directfb_hash_table[i]) mem_free (directfb_hash_table[i]); dfb = NULL; } static unsigned char * directfb_get_driver_param (void) { return NULL; } static int directfb_get_empty_bitmap (struct bitmap *bmp) { IDirectFBSurface *surface; DFBSurfaceDescription desc; bmp->data = bmp->flags = NULL; desc.flags = DSDESC_WIDTH | DSDESC_HEIGHT; desc.width = bmp->x; desc.height = bmp->y; retry: if (dfb->CreateSurface (dfb, &desc, &surface) != DFB_OK) { if (out_of_memory(NULL, 0)) goto retry; return -1; } surface->Lock (surface, DSLF_READ | DSLF_WRITE, &bmp->data, &bmp->skip); bmp->flags = surface; return 0; } /* static int directfb_get_filled_bitmap (struct bitmap *bmp, long color) { IDirectFBSurface *surface; DFBSurfaceDescription desc; bmp->data = bmp->flags = NULL; desc.flags = DSDESC_WIDTH | DSDESC_HEIGHT; desc.width = bmp->x; desc.height = bmp->y; retry: if (dfb->CreateSurface (dfb, &desc, &surface) != DFB_OK) { if (out_of_memory(NULL, 0)) goto retry; return 0; } directfb_set_color (surface, color); surface->FillRectangle (surface, 0, 0, bmp->x, bmp->y); surface->Lock (surface, DSLF_READ | DSLF_WRITE, &bmp->data, &bmp->skip); bmp->flags = surface; return 0; } */ static void directfb_register_bitmap (struct bitmap *bmp) { IDirectFBSurface *surface = bmp->flags; if (!surface) return; surface->Unlock (surface); bmp->data = NULL; } static void * directfb_prepare_strip (struct bitmap *bmp, int top, int lines) { IDirectFBSurface *surface = bmp->flags; if (!surface) return NULL; surface->Lock (surface, DSLF_READ | DSLF_WRITE, &bmp->data, &bmp->skip); return ((unsigned char *) bmp->data + top * bmp->skip); } static void directfb_commit_strip (struct bitmap *bmp, int top, int lines) { IDirectFBSurface *surface = bmp->flags; if (!surface) return; surface->Unlock (surface); bmp->data = NULL; } static void directfb_unregister_bitmap (struct bitmap *bmp) { IDirectFBSurface *surface = bmp->flags; if (!surface) return; surface->Release (surface); } static void directfb_draw_bitmap (struct graphics_device *gd, struct bitmap *bmp, int x, int y) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; IDirectFBSurface *src = bmp->flags; if (!src) return; if (gd->clip.x1 >= gd->clip.x2 || gd->clip.y1 >= gd->clip.y2) return; data->surface->Blit (data->surface, src, NULL, x, y); directfb_register_flip (data, x, y, bmp->x, bmp->y); } #if 0 static void directfb_draw_bitmaps (struct graphics_device *gd, struct bitmap **bmps, int n, int x, int y) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; struct bitmap *bmp = *bmps; int x1 = x; int h = 0; if (n < 1) return; do { IDirectFBSurface *src = bmp->flags; if (src) data->surface->Blit (data->surface, src, NULL, x, y); if (h < bmp->y) h = bmp->y; x += bmp->x; bmp++; } while (--n); directfb_register_flip (data, x1, y, x - x1, h); } #endif static long directfb_get_color (int rgb) { return rgb; } static void directfb_fill_area (struct graphics_device *gd, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, long color) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; int w = x2 - x1; int h = y2 - y1; directfb_set_color (data->surface, color); data->surface->FillRectangle (data->surface, x1, y1, w, h); directfb_register_flip (data, x1, y1, w, h); } static void directfb_draw_hline (struct graphics_device *gd, int left, int y, int right, long color) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; if (right <= left) return; right--; directfb_set_color (data->surface, color); data->surface->DrawLine (data->surface, left, y, right, y); directfb_register_flip (data, left, y, right - left, 1); } static void directfb_draw_vline (struct graphics_device *gd, int x, int top, int bottom, long color) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; if (bottom <= top) return; bottom--; directfb_set_color (data->surface, color); data->surface->DrawLine (data->surface, x, top, x, bottom); directfb_register_flip (data, x, top, 1, bottom - top); } static void directfb_set_clip_area (struct graphics_device *gd, struct rect *r) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; DFBRegion region; region.x1 = r->x1; region.y1 = r->y1; region.x2 = r->x2 - 1; region.y2 = r->y2 - 1; gd->clip = *r; data->surface->SetClip (data->surface, ®ion); } static int directfb_hscroll (struct graphics_device *gd, struct rect_set **set, int sc) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; DFBRectangle rect; *set = NULL; if (!sc) return 0; rect.x = gd->clip.x1; rect.y = gd->clip.y1; rect.w = gd->clip.x2 - rect.x; rect.h = gd->clip.y2 - rect.y; data->surface->Blit (data->surface, data->surface, &rect, rect.x + sc, rect.y); directfb_register_flip (data, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); return 1; } static int directfb_vscroll (struct graphics_device *gd, struct rect_set **set, int sc) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; DFBRectangle rect; *set = NULL; if (!sc) return 0; rect.x = gd->clip.x1; rect.y = gd->clip.y1; rect.w = gd->clip.x2 - rect.x; rect.h = gd->clip.y2 - rect.y; data->surface->Blit (data->surface, data->surface, &rect, rect.x, rect.y + sc); directfb_register_flip (data, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); return 1; } struct graphics_driver directfb_driver = { "directfb", directfb_fb_init_driver, directfb_init_device, directfb_shutdown_device, directfb_shutdown_driver, directfb_get_driver_param, directfb_get_empty_bitmap, /*directfb_get_filled_bitmap,*/ directfb_register_bitmap, directfb_prepare_strip, directfb_commit_strip, directfb_unregister_bitmap, directfb_draw_bitmap, /*directfb_draw_bitmaps,*/ directfb_get_color, directfb_fill_area, directfb_draw_hline, directfb_draw_vline, directfb_hscroll, directfb_vscroll, directfb_set_clip_area, dummy_block, dummy_unblock, NULL, /* set_title */ NULL, /* exec */ NULL, /* set_clipboard_text */ NULL, /* get_clipboard_text */ 0, /* depth */ 0, 0, /* size */ GD_NO_OS_SHELL, /* flags */ 0, /* codepage */ NULL, /* shell */ }; static inline void directfb_set_color (IDirectFBSurface *surface, long color) { surface->SetColor (surface, (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (color & 0xFF00) >> 8, (color & 0xFF), 0xFF); } static void directfb_register_flip (DFBDeviceData *data, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || w < 1 || h < 1) return; w = x + w - 1; h = y + h - 1; if (data->flip_pending) { if (data->flip_region.x1 > x) data->flip_region.x1 = x; if (data->flip_region.y1 > y) data->flip_region.y1 = y; if (data->flip_region.x2 < w) data->flip_region.x2 = w; if (data->flip_region.y2 < h) data->flip_region.y2 = h; } else { data->flip_region.x1 = x; data->flip_region.y1 = y; data->flip_region.x2 = w; data->flip_region.y2 = h; data->flip_pending = 1; register_bottom_half (directfb_flip_surface, data); } } static void directfb_flip_surface (void *pointer) { DFBDeviceData *data = pointer; if (!data->flip_pending) return; data->surface->Flip (data->surface, &data->flip_region, 0); data->flip_pending = 0; } static void directfb_check_events (void *pointer) { struct graphics_device *gd = NULL; DFBDeviceData *data = NULL; DFBWindowEvent event; DFBWindowEvent next; while (events->GetEvent (events, DFB_EVENT (&event)) == DFB_OK) { switch (event.type) { case DWET_GOTFOCUS: case DWET_LOSTFOCUS: case DWET_POSITION_SIZE: case DWET_SIZE: case DWET_KEYDOWN: case DWET_BUTTONDOWN: case DWET_BUTTONUP: case DWET_WHEEL: case DWET_MOTION: break; default: continue; } if (!data || data->id != event.window_id) { gd = directfb_lookup_in_table (event.window_id); if (!gd) continue; } data = gd->driver_data; switch (event.type) { #if 0 case DWET_GOTFOCUS: data->window->SetOpacity (data->window, FOCUSED_OPACITY); break; case DWET_LOSTFOCUS: data->window->SetOpacity (data->window, UNFOCUSED_OPACITY); break; #endif case DWET_POSITION_SIZE: case DWET_SIZE: while ((events->PeekEvent (events, DFB_EVENT (&next)) == DFB_OK) && (next.type == DWET_SIZE || next.type == DWET_POSITION_SIZE) && (next.window_id == data->id)) events->GetEvent (events, DFB_EVENT (&event)); gd->size.x2 = event.w; gd->size.y2 = event.h; gd->resize_handler (gd); break; case DWET_KEYDOWN: { int key, flag; directfb_translate_key (&event, &key, &flag); if (key) gd->keyboard_handler (gd, key, flag); } break; case DWET_BUTTONDOWN: case DWET_BUTTONUP: { int flags; /* * For unknown reason, we get the event twice */ while ((events->PeekEvent (events, DFB_EVENT (&next)) == DFB_OK) && (next.type == event.type && next.button == event.button && next.x == event.x && next.y == event.y && next.window_id == data->id)) events->GetEvent (events, DFB_EVENT (&event)); if (event.type == DWET_BUTTONUP) { flags = B_UP; data->window->UngrabPointer (data->window); } else { flags = B_DOWN; data->window->GrabPointer (data->window); } switch (event.button) { case DIBI_LEFT: flags |= B_LEFT; break; case DIBI_RIGHT: flags |= B_RIGHT; break; case DIBI_MIDDLE: flags |= B_MIDDLE; break; default: continue; } gd->mouse_handler (gd, event.x, event.y, flags); } break; case DWET_WHEEL: gd->mouse_handler (gd, event.x, event.y, B_MOVE | (event.step > 0 ? B_WHEELUP : B_WHEELDOWN)); break; case DWET_MOTION: { int flags; while ((events->PeekEvent (events, DFB_EVENT (&next)) == DFB_OK) && (next.type == DWET_MOTION) && (next.window_id == data->id)) events->GetEvent (events, DFB_EVENT (&event)); switch (event.buttons) { case DIBM_LEFT: flags = B_DRAG | B_LEFT; break; case DIBM_RIGHT: flags = B_DRAG | B_RIGHT; break; case DIBM_MIDDLE: flags = B_DRAG | B_MIDDLE; break; default: flags = B_MOVE; break; } gd->mouse_handler (gd, event.x, event.y, flags); } break; case DWET_CLOSE: gd->keyboard_handler (gd, KBD_CLOSE, 0); break; default: break; } } event_timer = install_timer (20, directfb_check_events, events); } static void directfb_translate_key (DFBWindowEvent *event, int *key, int *flag) { *key = 0; *flag = 0; if (event->modifiers & DIMM_CONTROL && event->key_id == DIKI_C) { *key = KBD_CTRL_C; return; } /* setting Shift seems to break things * * if (event->modifiers & DIMM_SHIFT) * *flag |= KBD_SHIFT; */ if (event->modifiers & DIMM_CONTROL) *flag |= KBD_CTRL; if (event->modifiers & DIMM_ALT) *flag |= KBD_ALT; switch (event->key_symbol) { case DIKS_ENTER: *key = KBD_ENTER; break; case DIKS_BACKSPACE: *key = KBD_BS; break; case DIKS_TAB: *key = KBD_TAB; break; case DIKS_ESCAPE: *key = KBD_ESC; break; case DIKS_CURSOR_UP: *key = KBD_UP; break; case DIKS_CURSOR_DOWN: *key = KBD_DOWN; break; case DIKS_CURSOR_LEFT: *key = KBD_LEFT; break; case DIKS_CURSOR_RIGHT: *key = KBD_RIGHT; break; case DIKS_INSERT: *key = KBD_INS; break; case DIKS_DELETE: *key = KBD_DEL; break; case DIKS_HOME: *key = KBD_HOME; break; case DIKS_END: *key = KBD_END; break; case DIKS_PAGE_UP: *key = KBD_PAGE_UP; break; case DIKS_PAGE_DOWN: *key = KBD_PAGE_DOWN; break; case DIKS_F1: *key = KBD_F1; break; case DIKS_F2: *key = KBD_F2; break; case DIKS_F3: *key = KBD_F3; break; case DIKS_F4: *key = KBD_F4; break; case DIKS_F5: *key = KBD_F5; break; case DIKS_F6: *key = KBD_F6; break; case DIKS_F7: *key = KBD_F7; break; case DIKS_F8: *key = KBD_F8; break; case DIKS_F9: *key = KBD_F9; break; case DIKS_F10: *key = KBD_F10; break; case DIKS_F11: *key = KBD_F11; break; case DIKS_F12: *key = KBD_F12; break; default: if (DFB_KEY_TYPE (event->key_symbol) == DIKT_UNICODE) *key = event->key_symbol; break; } } static void directfb_add_to_table (struct graphics_device *gd) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; struct graphics_device **devices; int i; i = data->id % DIRECTFB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; devices = directfb_hash_table[i]; if (devices) { int c = 0; while (devices[c++]) if (c == MAXINT) overalloc(); if ((unsigned)c > MAXINT / sizeof(void *) - 1) overalloc(); devices = mem_realloc (devices, (c + 1) * sizeof (void *)); devices[c-1] = gd; devices[c] = NULL; } else { devices = mem_alloc (2 * sizeof (void *)); devices[0] = gd; devices[1] = NULL; } directfb_hash_table[i] = devices; } static void directfb_remove_from_table (struct graphics_device *gd) { DFBDeviceData *data = gd->driver_data; struct graphics_device **devices; int i, j, c; i = data->id % DIRECTFB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; devices = directfb_hash_table[i]; if (!devices) return; for (j = 0, c = -1; devices[j]; j++) if (devices[j] == gd) c = j; if (c < 0) return; memmove (devices + c, devices + c + 1, (j - c) * sizeof (void *)); devices = mem_realloc (devices, j * sizeof (void *)); directfb_hash_table[i] = devices; } static struct graphics_device * directfb_lookup_in_table (DFBWindowID id) { struct graphics_device **devices; int i; i = id % DIRECTFB_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; devices = directfb_hash_table[i]; if (!devices) return NULL; while (*devices) { DFBDeviceData *data = (*devices)->driver_data; if (data->id == id) return *devices; devices++; } return NULL; } #endif /* GRDRV_DIRECTFB */