BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
1.0_postimport source from 0.5.10Gui Chen12 years
2.0alphaimport source from 0.5.10Gui Chen12 years
accepted/tizen/ivi/geniviMerge "resetting manifest requested domain to floor" into tizenRyan Ware11 years
accepted/tizen/ivi/stableMerge "resetting manifest requested domain to floor" into tizenRyan Ware11 years
accepted/tizen_3.0.2014.q3_commonpackaging: update to 0.6.1Chanho Park10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0.m14.3_ivipackaging: update to 0.6.1Chanho Park10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0.m2_mobilework around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0.m2_tvwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0.m2_wearablework around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_commonwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_iviwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_mobilework around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_tvwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_3.0_wearablework around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_4.0_unifieddefine BOOST_CONSTEXPR in 'zypp.i' file as 'boost' package upgradeSoonKyu Park7 years
accepted/tizen_5.0_unifiedApply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
accepted/tizen_5.5_unifiedApply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
accepted/tizen_5.5_unified_mobile_hotfixApply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
accepted/tizen_5.5_unified_wearable_hotfixApply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
accepted/tizen_6.0_unifiedBump to libzypp-bindings 0.7.4biao716.wang5 years
accepted/tizen_6.0_unified_hotfixBump to libzypp-bindings 0.7.4biao716.wang5 years
accepted/tizen_6.5_unifiedBump to libzypp-bindings 0.7.4biao716.wang5 years
accepted/tizen_7.0_unifiedFix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
accepted/tizen_7.0_unified_hotfixFix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
accepted/tizen_8.0_unifiedFix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
accepted/tizen_9.0_unifiedFix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
accepted/tizen_commonwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_genericMerge "resetting manifest requested domain to floor" into tizenRyan Ware11 years
accepted/tizen_iviwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_mobilework around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_tvwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
accepted/tizen_unifiedFix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
accepted/tizen_wearablework around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
masterimport source from 0.5.10Gui Chen12 years
sandbox/dh0128.kwak/fix_for_libzypp-17.31.1fix: fix for libzypp-17.31.1DongHun Kwak2 years
sandbox/soong9/upgrade_0.7.3Apply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park5 years
sandbox/wangbiao/libzypper_bindings_upgradeBump to libzypp-bindings 0.7.4biao716.wang5 years
sandbox/wangbiao/py3_versionchange python version to 3.xwang biao18 months
tizenFix build error for swig 4.2.1JinWang An9 months
tizen_2.0Tizen 2.0 ReleaseHyungKyu Song12 years
tizen_2.1Tizen 2.1 baseJinkun Jang12 years
tizen_3.0work around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0.2014.q3_commonpackaging: update to 0.6.1Chanho Park10 years
tizen_3.0.2014.q4_commonwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0.2015.q1_commonwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0.2015.q2_commonwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0.m14.2_iviMerge "resetting manifest requested domain to floor" into tizenRyan Ware11 years
tizen_3.0.m14.3_ivipackaging: update to 0.6.1Chanho Park10 years
tizen_3.0.m1_mobilework around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0.m1_tvwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0.m2work around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0_iviwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_3.0_tvwork around syntax errors because of __attribute__Michael Schroeder10 years
tizen_4.0define BOOST_CONSTEXPR in 'zypp.i' file as 'boost' package upgradeSoonKyu Park7 years
tizen_4.0_tvdefine BOOST_CONSTEXPR in 'zypp.i' file as 'boost' package upgradeSoonKyu Park7 years
tizen_5.0Apply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
tizen_5.5Apply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
tizen_5.5_mobile_hotfixApply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
tizen_5.5_tvApply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
tizen_5.5_wearable_hotfixApply upstream commit to adopt boost-1.65.1 upgradeSoonKyu Park6 years
tizen_6.0Bump to libzypp-bindings 0.7.4biao716.wang5 years
tizen_6.0_hotfixBump to libzypp-bindings 0.7.4biao716.wang5 years
tizen_6.5Bump to libzypp-bindings 0.7.4biao716.wang5 years
tizen_7.0Fix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
tizen_7.0_hotfixFix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
tizen_8.0Fix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
tizen_9.0Fix swig source to resolve build errorJinWang An3 years
tizen_ivi_geniviMerge "resetting manifest requested domain to floor" into tizenRyan Ware11 years
upgrade_libzypppackaging: update to 0.6.1Chanho Park10 years
upstreamImported Upstream version 0.7.3DongHun Kwak8 years