Zint can be built with and without PNG support. To disable PNG support, add NO_PNG prepoocessor define into Visual Studio project files. To enable PNG support, zlib and libpng libraries are necessary. Download zlib source form http://zlib.net Download libpng source code from http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html Zint 2.4.1 is linked with zlib 1.2.5 and linpng 1.4.5 Unpack downloaded archives. Open .\win32\vcx\zlib.props and .\win32\vcx\libpng.props files. Set element content to unpacked libpng path (absolute or relative). Set element content to unpacked zlib path (absolute or relative). Open Visual Studio (Express) and build zint. Zint can be built from command line: Start Windows SDK Command Prompt or Visual Studio Command Prompt. cd to win32 directory build zlib, libpng, libzint and zint: msbuild zlib.vcxproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release msbuild libpng.vcxproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release msbuild libzint.vcxproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release msbuild zint.vcxproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release zlib125.dll, libpng14.dll, zint.dll and zint.exe are in the Relase directory. To distribute zint.exe, all 3 dlls need to be shipped with zint.exe.