/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Novell Inc. * * This program is licensed under the BSD license, read LICENSE.BSD * for further information */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pool.h" #include "repo.h" #include "hash.h" #include "repo_rpmdb.h" #include "pool_fileconflicts.h" struct cbdata { Pool *pool; int create; int aliases; Queue lookat; /* conflict candidates */ Queue lookat_dir; /* not yet conflicting directories */ Hashtable cflmap; Hashval cflmapn; unsigned int cflmapused; Hashtable dirmap; Hashval dirmapn; unsigned int dirmapused; int dirconflicts; Map idxmap; unsigned int lastdiridx; /* last diridx we have seen */ unsigned int lastdirhash; /* strhash of last dir we have seen */ Id idx; /* index of package we're looking at */ Id hx; /* used in findfileconflicts2_cb, limit to files matching hx */ Id dirid; /* used in findfileconflicts2_cb, limit to dirs matching dirid */ Id dirhash; /* used in findfileconflicts2_cb, limit to dirs matching dirhash */ Queue files; unsigned char *filesspace; unsigned int filesspacen; Hashtable normap; Hashval normapn; unsigned int normapused; Queue norq; Hashtable statmap; Hashval statmapn; unsigned int statmapused; int usestat; int statsmade; const char *rootdir; int rootdirl; char *canonspace; int canonspacen; }; #define FILESSPACE_BLOCK 255 static Hashtable growhash(Hashtable map, Hashval *mapnp) { Hashval mapn = *mapnp; Hashval newn = (mapn + 1) * 2 - 1; Hashval i, h, hh; Hashtable m; Id hx, qx; m = solv_calloc(newn + 1, 2 * sizeof(Id)); for (i = 0; i <= mapn; i++) { hx = map[2 * i]; if (!hx) continue; h = hx & newn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = m[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, newn); } m[2 * h] = hx; m[2 * h + 1] = map[2 * i + 1]; } solv_free(map); *mapnp = newn; return m; } static void finddirs_cb(void *cbdatav, const char *fn, struct filelistinfo *info) { struct cbdata *cbdata = cbdatav; Hashval h, hh; Id hx, qx; Id oidx, idx = cbdata->idx; hx = strhash(fn); if (!hx) hx = strlen(fn) + 1; h = hx & cbdata->dirmapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->dirmap[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; if (qx == hx) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->dirmapn); } if (!qx) { /* a miss */ if (!cbdata->create) return; cbdata->dirmap[2 * h] = hx; cbdata->dirmap[2 * h + 1] = idx; if (++cbdata->dirmapused * 2 > cbdata->dirmapn) cbdata->dirmap = growhash(cbdata->dirmap, &cbdata->dirmapn); return; } oidx = cbdata->dirmap[2 * h + 1]; if (oidx == idx) return; /* found a conflict, this dir may be used in multiple packages */ if (oidx != -1) { MAPSET(&cbdata->idxmap, oidx); cbdata->dirmap[2 * h + 1] = -1; cbdata->dirconflicts++; } MAPSET(&cbdata->idxmap, idx); } static inline int isindirmap(struct cbdata *cbdata, Id hx) { Hashval h, hh; Id qx; h = hx & cbdata->dirmapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->dirmap[2 * h]; if (!qx) return 0; if (qx == hx) return cbdata->dirmap[2 * h + 1] == -1 ? 1 : 0; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->dirmapn); } } static void findfileconflicts_cb(void *cbdatav, const char *fn, struct filelistinfo *info) { struct cbdata *cbdata = cbdatav; int isdir = S_ISDIR(info->mode); const char *dp; Id idx, oidx; Id hx, qx; Hashval h, hh, dhx; idx = cbdata->idx; if (!info->dirlen) return; dp = fn + info->dirlen; if (info->diridx != cbdata->lastdiridx) { cbdata->lastdiridx = info->diridx; cbdata->lastdirhash = strnhash(fn, dp - fn); } dhx = cbdata->lastdirhash; /* this mirrors the "if (!hx) hx = strlen(fn) + 1" in finddirs_cb */ if (!isindirmap(cbdata, dhx ? dhx : dp - fn + 1)) return; hx = strhash_cont(dp, dhx); if (!hx) hx = strlen(fn) + 1; h = hx & cbdata->cflmapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->cflmap[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; if (qx == hx) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->cflmapn); } if (!qx) { /* a miss */ if (!cbdata->create) return; cbdata->cflmap[2 * h] = hx; cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1] = (isdir ? ~idx : idx); if (++cbdata->cflmapused * 2 > cbdata->cflmapn) cbdata->cflmap = growhash(cbdata->cflmap, &cbdata->cflmapn); return; } oidx = cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1]; if (oidx < 0) { int i; if (isdir) { /* both are directories. delay the conflict, keep oidx in slot */ queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat_dir, hx, idx); return; } oidx = ~oidx; /* now have file, had directories before. */ cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1] = oidx; /* make it a file */ /* dump all delayed directory hits for hx */ for (i = 0; i < cbdata->lookat_dir.count; i += 2) if (cbdata->lookat_dir.elements[i] == hx) { queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, hx, cbdata->lookat_dir.elements[i + 1]); queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, 0, 0); } } else if (oidx == idx) return; /* no conflicts with ourself, please */ queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, hx, oidx); queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, 0, 0); queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, hx, idx); queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, 0, 0); } /* same as findfileconflicts_cb, but * - hashes with just the basename * - sets idx in a map instead of pushing to lookat * - sets the hash element to -1 if there may be a conflict */ static void findfileconflicts_basename_cb(void *cbdatav, const char *fn, struct filelistinfo *info) { struct cbdata *cbdata = cbdatav; int isdir = S_ISDIR(info->mode); const char *dp; Id idx, oidx; Id hx, qx; Hashval h, hh; idx = cbdata->idx; if (!info->dirlen) return; dp = fn + info->dirlen; hx = strhash(dp); if (!hx) hx = strlen(fn) + 1; h = hx & cbdata->cflmapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->cflmap[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; if (qx == hx) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->cflmapn); } if (!qx) { /* a miss */ if (!cbdata->create) return; cbdata->cflmap[2 * h] = hx; cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1] = (isdir ? -idx - 2 : idx); if (++cbdata->cflmapused * 2 > cbdata->cflmapn) cbdata->cflmap = growhash(cbdata->cflmap, &cbdata->cflmapn); return; } oidx = cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1]; if (oidx < -1) { int i; if (isdir) { /* both are directories. delay the conflict, keep oidx in slot */ queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat_dir, hx, idx); return; } oidx = -idx - 2; /* now have file, had directories before. */ cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1] = oidx; /* make it a file */ /* dump all delayed directory hits for hx */ for (i = 0; i < cbdata->lookat_dir.count; i += 2) if (cbdata->lookat_dir.elements[i] == hx) MAPSET(&cbdata->idxmap, cbdata->lookat_dir.elements[i + 1]); } else if (oidx == idx) return; /* no conflicts with ourself, please */ if (oidx >= 0) MAPSET(&cbdata->idxmap, oidx); MAPSET(&cbdata->idxmap, idx); if (oidx != -1) cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1] = -1; } static inline Id addfilesspace(struct cbdata *cbdata, int len) { unsigned int off = cbdata->filesspacen; cbdata->filesspace = solv_extend(cbdata->filesspace, cbdata->filesspacen, len, 1, FILESSPACE_BLOCK); cbdata->filesspacen += len; return off; } static Id unifywithstat(struct cbdata *cbdata, Id diroff, int dirl) { struct stat stb; int i; Hashval h, hh; Id hx, qx; Id nspaceoff; unsigned char statdata[16 + sizeof(stb.st_dev) + sizeof(stb.st_ino)]; if (dirl > 1 && cbdata->filesspace[diroff + dirl - 1] == '/') cbdata->filesspace[diroff + dirl - 1] = 0; cbdata->statsmade++; i = stat((char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff, &stb); if (dirl > 1 && cbdata->filesspace[diroff + dirl - 1] == 0) cbdata->filesspace[diroff + dirl - 1] = '/'; if (i) return diroff; memset(statdata, 0, 16); memcpy(statdata + 8, &stb.st_dev, sizeof(stb.st_dev)); memcpy(statdata, &stb.st_ino, sizeof(stb.st_ino)); hx = 0; for (i = 15; i >= 0; i--) hx = (unsigned int)hx * 13 + statdata[i]; h = hx & cbdata->statmapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->statmap[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; if (qx == hx) { Id off = cbdata->statmap[2 * h + 1]; char *dp = (char *)cbdata->filesspace + cbdata->norq.elements[off]; if (!memcmp(dp, statdata, 16)) return cbdata->norq.elements[off + 1]; } h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->statmapn); } /* new stat result. work. */ nspaceoff = addfilesspace(cbdata, 16); memcpy(cbdata->filesspace + nspaceoff, statdata, 16); queue_push2(&cbdata->norq, nspaceoff, nspaceoff); cbdata->statmap[2 * h] = hx; cbdata->statmap[2 * h + 1] = cbdata->norq.count - 2; if (++cbdata->statmapused * 2 > cbdata->statmapn) cbdata->statmap = growhash(cbdata->statmap, &cbdata->statmapn); return nspaceoff; } /* forward declaration */ static Id normalizedir(struct cbdata *cbdata, const char *dir, int dirl, Id hx, int create); static Id unifywithcanon(struct cbdata *cbdata, Id diroff, int dirl) { Id dirnameid; int i, l, ll, lo; struct stat stb; #if 0 printf("UNIFY %.*s\n", dirl, (char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff); #endif if (!dirl || cbdata->filesspace[diroff] != '/') return diroff; /* strip / at end*/ while (dirl && cbdata->filesspace[diroff + dirl - 1] == '/') dirl--; if (!dirl) return diroff; /* find dirname */ for (i = dirl - 1; i > 0; i--) if (cbdata->filesspace[diroff + i] == '/') break; i++; /* include trailing / */ /* normalize dirname */ dirnameid = normalizedir(cbdata, (char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff, i, strnhash((char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff, i), 1); if (dirnameid == -1) return diroff; /* hit "in progress" marker, some cyclic link */ /* sanity check result */ if (cbdata->filesspace[dirnameid] != '/') return diroff; /* hmm */ l = strlen((char *)cbdata->filesspace + dirnameid); if (l && cbdata->filesspace[dirnameid + l - 1] != '/') return diroff; /* hmm */ /* special handling for "." and ".." basename */ if (cbdata->filesspace[diroff + i] == '.') { if (dirl - i == 1) return dirnameid; if (dirl - i == 2 && cbdata->filesspace[diroff + i + 1] == '.') { if (l <= 2) return dirnameid; /* we hit our root */ for (i = l - 2; i > 0; i--) if (cbdata->filesspace[dirnameid + i] == '/') break; i++; /* include trailing / */ dirnameid = normalizedir(cbdata, (char *)cbdata->filesspace + dirnameid, i, strnhash((char *)cbdata->filesspace + dirnameid, i), 1); return dirnameid == -1 ? diroff : dirnameid; } } /* append basename to normalized dirname */ if (cbdata->rootdirl + l + dirl - i + 1 > cbdata->canonspacen) { cbdata->canonspacen = cbdata->rootdirl + l + dirl - i + 20; cbdata->canonspace = solv_realloc(cbdata->canonspace, cbdata->canonspacen); strcpy(cbdata->canonspace, cbdata->rootdir); } strcpy(cbdata->canonspace + cbdata->rootdirl, (char *)cbdata->filesspace + dirnameid); strncpy(cbdata->canonspace + cbdata->rootdirl + l, (char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff + i, dirl - i); cbdata->canonspace[cbdata->rootdirl + l + dirl - i] = 0; #if 0 printf("stat()ing %s\n", cbdata->canonspace); #endif cbdata->statsmade++; if (lstat(cbdata->canonspace, &stb) != 0 || !S_ISLNK(stb.st_mode)) { /* not a symlink or stat failed, have new canon entry */ diroff = addfilesspace(cbdata, l + dirl - i + 2); strcpy((char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff, cbdata->canonspace + cbdata->rootdirl); l += dirl - i; /* add trailing / */ if (cbdata->filesspace[diroff + l - 1] != '/') { cbdata->filesspace[diroff + l++] = '/'; cbdata->filesspace[diroff + l] = 0; } /* call normalizedir on new entry for unification purposes */ dirnameid = normalizedir(cbdata, (char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff, l, strnhash((char *)cbdata->filesspace + diroff, l), 1); return dirnameid == -1 ? diroff : dirnameid; } /* oh no, a symlink! follow */ lo = cbdata->rootdirl + l + dirl - i + 1; if (lo + stb.st_size + 2 > cbdata->canonspacen) { cbdata->canonspacen = lo + stb.st_size + 20; cbdata->canonspace = solv_realloc(cbdata->canonspace, cbdata->canonspacen); } ll = readlink(cbdata->canonspace, cbdata->canonspace + lo, stb.st_size); if (ll < 0 || ll > stb.st_size) return diroff; /* hmm */ if (ll == 0) return dirnameid; /* empty means current dir */ if (cbdata->canonspace[lo + ll - 1] != '/') cbdata->canonspace[lo + ll++] = '/'; /* add trailing / */ cbdata->canonspace[lo + ll] = 0; /* zero terminate */ if (cbdata->canonspace[lo] != '/') { /* relative link, concatenate to dirname */ memmove(cbdata->canonspace + cbdata->rootdirl + l, cbdata->canonspace + lo, ll + 1); lo = cbdata->rootdirl; ll += l; } dirnameid = normalizedir(cbdata, cbdata->canonspace + lo, ll, strnhash(cbdata->canonspace + lo, ll), 1); return dirnameid == -1 ? diroff : dirnameid; } /* * map a directory (containing a trailing /) into a number. * for unifywithstat this is the offset to the 16 byte stat result. * for unifywithcanon this is the offset to the normailzed dir. */ static Id normalizedir(struct cbdata *cbdata, const char *dir, int dirl, Id hx, int create) { Hashval h, hh; Id qx; Id nspaceoff; int mycnt; if (!hx) hx = dirl + 1; h = hx & cbdata->normapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->normap[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; if (qx == hx) { Id off = cbdata->normap[2 * h + 1]; char *dp = (char *)cbdata->filesspace + cbdata->norq.elements[off]; if (!strncmp(dp, dir, dirl) && dp[dirl] == 0) return cbdata->norq.elements[off + 1]; } h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->normapn); } if (!create) return 0; /* new dir. work. */ if (dir >= (const char *)cbdata->filesspace && dir < (const char *)cbdata->filesspace + cbdata->filesspacen) { /* can happen when called from unifywithcanon */ Id off = dir - (const char *)cbdata->filesspace; nspaceoff = addfilesspace(cbdata, dirl + 1); dir = (const char *)cbdata->filesspace + off; } else nspaceoff = addfilesspace(cbdata, dirl + 1); if (dirl) memcpy(cbdata->filesspace + nspaceoff, dir, dirl); cbdata->filesspace[nspaceoff + dirl] = 0; mycnt = cbdata->norq.count; queue_push2(&cbdata->norq, nspaceoff, -1); /* -1: in progress */ cbdata->normap[2 * h] = hx; cbdata->normap[2 * h + 1] = mycnt; if (++cbdata->normapused * 2 > cbdata->normapn) cbdata->normap = growhash(cbdata->normap, &cbdata->normapn); /* unify */ if (cbdata->usestat) nspaceoff = unifywithstat(cbdata, nspaceoff, dirl); else nspaceoff = unifywithcanon(cbdata, nspaceoff, dirl); cbdata->norq.elements[mycnt + 1] = nspaceoff; /* patch in result */ #if 0 if (!cbdata->usestat) printf("%s normalized to %d: %s\n", cbdata->filesspace + cbdata->norq.elements[mycnt], nspaceoff, cbdata->filesspace + nspaceoff); #endif return nspaceoff; } static void findfileconflicts_alias_cb(void *cbdatav, const char *fn, struct filelistinfo *info) { int isdir = S_ISDIR(info->mode); struct cbdata *cbdata = cbdatav; const char *dp; Id idx, dirid; Id hx, qx; Hashval h, hh; idx = cbdata->idx; if (!info->dirlen) return; dp = fn + info->dirlen; if (info->diridx != cbdata->lastdiridx) { cbdata->lastdiridx = info->diridx; cbdata->lastdirhash = 0; } dp = fn + info->dirlen; hx = strhash(dp); if (!hx) hx = strlen(fn) + 1; h = hx & cbdata->cflmapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->cflmap[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; if (qx == hx) break; h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->cflmapn); } if (!qx || cbdata->cflmap[2 * h + 1] != -1) return; if (!cbdata->lastdirhash) cbdata->lastdirhash = strnhash(fn, dp - fn); dirid = normalizedir(cbdata, fn, dp - fn, cbdata->lastdirhash, 1); queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, hx, idx); queue_push2(&cbdata->lookat, cbdata->lastdirhash, isdir ? -dirid : dirid); } static void findfileconflicts2_cb(void *cbdatav, const char *fn, struct filelistinfo *info) { struct cbdata *cbdata = cbdatav; Hashval hx; const char *dp; char md5padded[34]; Id off; if (!info->dirlen) return; dp = fn + info->dirlen; if (info->diridx != cbdata->lastdiridx) { cbdata->lastdiridx = info->diridx; cbdata->lastdirhash = strnhash(fn, dp - fn); } if (cbdata->aliases) { if (cbdata->lastdirhash != cbdata->dirhash) return; hx = strhash(dp); } else { hx = cbdata->lastdirhash; hx = strhash_cont(dp, hx); } if (!hx) hx = strlen(fn) + 1; if ((Id)hx != cbdata->hx) return; if (cbdata->dirid && cbdata->dirid != normalizedir(cbdata, fn, dp - fn, cbdata->dirhash, 0)) return; strncpy(md5padded, info->digest, 32); md5padded[32] = 0; md5padded[33] = info->color; /* printf("%d, hx %x -> %s %d %s %d\n", cbdata->idx, hx, fn, info->mode, info->digest, info->color); */ off = addfilesspace(cbdata, strlen(fn) + (34 + 1)); memcpy(cbdata->filesspace + off, (unsigned char *)md5padded, 34); strcpy((char *)cbdata->filesspace + off + 34, fn); queue_push(&cbdata->files, off); } static int lookat_idx_cmp(const void *ap, const void *bp, void *dp) { const Id *a = ap, *b = bp; unsigned int ahx, bhx; if (a[1] - b[1] != 0) /* idx */ return a[1] - b[1]; if (a[3] - b[3] != 0) /* dirid */ return a[3] - b[3]; ahx = (unsigned int)a[0]; /* can be < 0 */ bhx = (unsigned int)b[0]; if (ahx != bhx) return ahx < bhx ? -1 : 1; ahx = (unsigned int)a[2]; /* dhx */ bhx = (unsigned int)b[2]; if (ahx != bhx) return ahx < bhx ? -1 : 1; return 0; } static int lookat_hx_cmp(const void *ap, const void *bp, void *dp) { const Id *a = ap, *b = bp; unsigned int ahx, bhx; Id adirid, bdirid; ahx = (unsigned int)a[0]; /* can be < 0 */ bhx = (unsigned int)b[0]; if (ahx != bhx) return ahx < bhx ? -1 : 1; adirid = a[3] < 0 ? -a[3] : a[3]; bdirid = b[3] < 0 ? -b[3] : b[3]; if (adirid - bdirid != 0) /* dirid */ return adirid - bdirid; if (a[3] != b[3]) return a[3] > 0 ? -1 : 1; /* bring positive dirids to front */ if (a[1] - b[1] != 0) /* idx */ return a[1] - b[1]; ahx = (unsigned int)a[2]; /* dhx */ bhx = (unsigned int)b[2]; if (ahx != bhx) return ahx < bhx ? -1 : 1; return 0; } static int conflicts_cmp(const void *ap, const void *bp, void *dp) { Pool *pool = dp; const Id *a = ap; const Id *b = bp; if (a[0] != b[0]) /* filename1 */ return strcmp(pool_id2str(pool, a[0]), pool_id2str(pool, b[0])); if (a[3] != b[3]) /* filename2 */ return strcmp(pool_id2str(pool, a[3]), pool_id2str(pool, b[3])); if (a[1] != b[1]) /* pkgid1 */ return a[1] - b[1]; if (a[4] != b[4]) /* pkgid2 */ return a[4] - b[4]; return 0; } static void iterate_solvable_dirs(Pool *pool, Id p, void (*cb)(void *, const char *, struct filelistinfo *), void *cbdata) { Repodata *lastdata = 0; Id lastdirid = -1; Dataiterator di; dataiterator_init(&di, pool, 0, p, SOLVABLE_FILELIST, 0, SEARCH_COMPLETE_FILELIST); while (dataiterator_step(&di)) { if (di.data == lastdata && di.kv.id == lastdirid) continue; lastdata = di.data; lastdirid = di.kv.id; cb(cbdata, repodata_dir2str(di.data, di.kv.id, ""), 0); } dataiterator_free(&di); } /* before calling the expensive findfileconflicts_cb we check if any of * the files match. This only makes sense when cbdata->create is off. */ static int precheck_solvable_files(struct cbdata *cbdata, Pool *pool, Id p) { Dataiterator di; Id hx, qx; Hashval h, hh; int found = 0; int aliases = cbdata->aliases; unsigned int lastdirid = -1; Hashval lastdirhash = 0; int lastdirlen = 0; int checkthisdir = 0; Repodata *lastrepodata = 0; dataiterator_init(&di, pool, 0, p, SOLVABLE_FILELIST, 0, SEARCH_COMPLETE_FILELIST); while (dataiterator_step(&di)) { if (aliases) { /* hash just the basename */ hx = strhash(di.kv.str); if (!hx) hx = strlen(di.kv.str) + 1; } else { /* hash the full path */ if (di.data != lastrepodata || di.kv.id != lastdirid) { const char *dir; lastrepodata = di.data; lastdirid = di.kv.id; dir = repodata_dir2str(lastrepodata, lastdirid, ""); lastdirlen = strlen(dir); lastdirhash = strhash(dir); checkthisdir = isindirmap(cbdata, lastdirhash ? lastdirhash : lastdirlen + 1); } if (!checkthisdir) continue; hx = strhash_cont(di.kv.str, lastdirhash); if (!hx) hx = lastdirlen + strlen(di.kv.str) + 1; } h = hx & cbdata->cflmapn; hh = HASHCHAIN_START; for (;;) { qx = cbdata->cflmap[2 * h]; if (!qx) break; if (qx == hx) { found = 1; break; } h = HASHCHAIN_NEXT(h, hh, cbdata->cflmapn); } if (found) break; } dataiterator_free(&di); return found; } int pool_findfileconflicts(Pool *pool, Queue *pkgs, int cutoff, Queue *conflicts, int flags, void *(*handle_cb)(Pool *, Id, void *) , void *handle_cbdata) { int i, j, cflmapn, idxmapset; struct cbdata cbdata; unsigned int now, start; void *handle; Repo *installed = pool->installed; Id p; int usefilecolors; int hdrfetches; queue_empty(conflicts); if (!pkgs->count) return 0; now = start = solv_timems(0); /* Hmm, should we have a different flag for this? */ usefilecolors = pool_get_flag(pool, POOL_FLAG_IMPLICITOBSOLETEUSESCOLORS); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "searching for file conflicts\n"); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "packages: %d, cutoff %d, usefilecolors %d\n", pkgs->count, cutoff, usefilecolors); memset(&cbdata, 0, sizeof(cbdata)); cbdata.aliases = flags & FINDFILECONFLICTS_CHECK_DIRALIASING; cbdata.pool = pool; if (cbdata.aliases && (flags & FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_ROOTDIR) != 0) { cbdata.rootdir = pool_get_rootdir(pool); if (cbdata.rootdir && !strcmp(cbdata.rootdir, "/")) cbdata.rootdir = 0; if (cbdata.rootdir) cbdata.rootdirl = strlen(cbdata.rootdir); if (!cbdata.rootdir) cbdata.usestat = 1; } queue_init(&cbdata.lookat); queue_init(&cbdata.lookat_dir); map_init(&cbdata.idxmap, pkgs->count); if (cutoff <= 0) cutoff = pkgs->count; /* avarage file list size: 200 files per package */ /* avarage dir count: 20 dirs per package */ /* first pass: scan dirs */ if (!cbdata.aliases) { hdrfetches = 0; cflmapn = (cutoff + 3) * 64; while ((cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1)) != 0) cflmapn = cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1); cbdata.dirmap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id)); cbdata.dirmapn = cflmapn - 1; /* make it a mask */ cbdata.create = 1; idxmapset = 0; for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++) { if (i == cutoff) cbdata.create = 0; cbdata.idx = i; p = pkgs->elements[i]; if ((flags & FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST) != 0 && installed) { if (p >= installed->start && p < installed->end && pool->solvables[p].repo == installed) { iterate_solvable_dirs(pool, p, finddirs_cb, &cbdata); if (MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i)) idxmapset++; continue; } } handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata); if (!handle) continue; hdrfetches++; rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_ONLYDIRS, finddirs_cb, &cbdata); if (MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i)) idxmapset++; } POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dirmap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.dirmapn + 1, cbdata.dirmapused); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dirmap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.dirmapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dirmap creation took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now)); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dir conflicts found: %d, idxmap %d of %d\n", cbdata.dirconflicts, idxmapset, pkgs->count); } /* second pass: scan files */ now = solv_timems(0); cflmapn = (cutoff + 3) * 128; while ((cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1)) != 0) cflmapn = cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1); cbdata.cflmap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id)); cbdata.cflmapn = cflmapn - 1; /* make it a mask */ cbdata.create = 1; hdrfetches = 0; for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++) { if (i == cutoff) cbdata.create = 0; if (!cbdata.aliases && !MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i)) continue; cbdata.idx = i; p = pkgs->elements[i]; if (!cbdata.create && (flags & FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST) != 0 && installed) { if (p >= installed->start && p < installed->end && pool->solvables[p].repo == installed) if (!precheck_solvable_files(&cbdata, pool, p)) continue; } /* can't use FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST because we have to know if * the file is a directory or not */ handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata); if (!handle) continue; hdrfetches++; cbdata.lastdiridx = -1; rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_NOGHOSTS, cbdata.aliases ? findfileconflicts_basename_cb : findfileconflicts_cb, &cbdata); } POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filemap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.cflmapn + 1, cbdata.cflmapused); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filemap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.cflmapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filemap creation took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now)); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "lookat_dir size: %d\n", cbdata.lookat_dir.count); queue_free(&cbdata.lookat_dir); /* we need another pass for aliases */ if (cbdata.aliases) { now = solv_timems(0); /* make sure the first offset is not zero */ addfilesspace(&cbdata, 1); cflmapn = (cutoff + 3) * 16; while ((cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1)) != 0) cflmapn = cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1); cbdata.normap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id)); cbdata.normapn = cflmapn - 1; /* make it a mask */ if (cbdata.usestat) { cbdata.statmap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id)); cbdata.statmapn = cflmapn - 1; /* make it a mask */ } cbdata.create = 0; hdrfetches = 0; for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++) { if (!MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i)) continue; p = pkgs->elements[i]; cbdata.idx = i; /* can't use FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST because we have to know if * the file is a directory or not */ handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata); if (!handle) continue; hdrfetches++; cbdata.lastdiridx = -1; rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_NOGHOSTS, findfileconflicts_alias_cb, &cbdata); } POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "normap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.normapn + 1, cbdata.normapused); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "normap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.normapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "stats made: %d\n", cbdata.statsmade); if (cbdata.usestat) { POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "statmap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.statmapn + 1, cbdata.statmapused); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "statmap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.statmapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024); } cbdata.statmap = solv_free(cbdata.statmap); cbdata.statmapn = 0; cbdata.canonspace = solv_free(cbdata.canonspace); cbdata.canonspacen = 0; POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "alias processing took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now)); } cbdata.dirmap = solv_free(cbdata.dirmap); cbdata.dirmapn = 0; cbdata.dirmapused = 0; cbdata.cflmap = solv_free(cbdata.cflmap); cbdata.cflmapn = 0; cbdata.cflmapused = 0; map_free(&cbdata.idxmap); /* sort and unify/prune */ now = solv_timems(0); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "raw candidates: %d, pruning\n", cbdata.lookat.count / 4); solv_sort(cbdata.lookat.elements, cbdata.lookat.count / 4, sizeof(Id) * 4, &lookat_hx_cmp, pool); for (i = j = 0; i < cbdata.lookat.count; ) { int first = 1; Id hx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i]; Id idx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1]; Id dhx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2]; Id dirid = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3]; i += 4; for (; i < cbdata.lookat.count && hx == cbdata.lookat.elements[i] && (dirid == cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3] || dirid == -cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3]); i += 4) { if (idx == cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1] && dhx == cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2]) continue; /* ignore duplicates */ if (first) { if (dirid < 0) continue; /* all have a neg dirid */ cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = hx; cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = idx; cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dhx; cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dirid; first = 0; } idx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1]; dhx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2]; cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = hx; cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = idx; cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dhx; cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dirid; } } queue_truncate(&cbdata.lookat, j); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "candidates now: %d\n", cbdata.lookat.count / 4); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "pruning took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now)); /* third pass: collect file info for all files that match a hx */ now = solv_timems(0); solv_sort(cbdata.lookat.elements, cbdata.lookat.count / 4, sizeof(Id) * 4, &lookat_idx_cmp, pool); queue_init(&cbdata.files); hdrfetches = 0; for (i = 0; i < cbdata.lookat.count; i += 4) { Id idx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1]; int iterflags = RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_WITHMD5 | RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_NOGHOSTS; if (usefilecolors) iterflags |= RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_WITHCOL; p = pkgs->elements[idx]; handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata); if (handle) hdrfetches++; for (;; i += 4) { int fstart = cbdata.files.count; queue_push(&cbdata.files, idx); queue_push(&cbdata.files, 0); cbdata.idx = idx; cbdata.hx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i]; cbdata.dirhash = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2]; cbdata.dirid = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3]; cbdata.lastdiridx = -1; if (handle) rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, iterflags, findfileconflicts2_cb, &cbdata); cbdata.files.elements[fstart + 1] = cbdata.files.count; cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1] = fstart; if (i + 4 >= cbdata.lookat.count || cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 4 + 1] != idx) break; } } POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "file info fetching took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now)); cbdata.normap = solv_free(cbdata.normap); cbdata.normapn = 0; /* forth pass: for each hx we have, compare all matching files against all other matching files */ now = solv_timems(0); solv_sort(cbdata.lookat.elements, cbdata.lookat.count / 4, sizeof(Id) * 4, &lookat_hx_cmp, pool); for (i = 0; i < cbdata.lookat.count - 4; i += 4) { Id hx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i]; Id pstart = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1]; Id dirid = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3]; Id pidx = cbdata.files.elements[pstart]; Id pend = cbdata.files.elements[pstart + 1]; if (cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 4] != hx) continue; /* no package left with that hx */ for (j = i + 4; j < cbdata.lookat.count && cbdata.lookat.elements[j] == hx && cbdata.lookat.elements[j + 3] == dirid; j += 4) { Id qstart = cbdata.lookat.elements[j + 1]; Id qidx = cbdata.files.elements[qstart]; Id qend = cbdata.files.elements[qstart + 1]; int ii, jj; if (pidx >= cutoff && qidx >= cutoff) continue; /* no conflicts between packages with idx >= cutoff */ for (ii = pstart + 2; ii < pend; ii++) for (jj = qstart + 2; jj < qend; jj++) { char *fsi = (char *)cbdata.filesspace + cbdata.files.elements[ii]; char *fsj = (char *)cbdata.filesspace + cbdata.files.elements[jj]; if (cbdata.aliases) { /* compare just the basenames, the dirs match because of the dirid */ char *bsi = strrchr(fsi + 34, '/'); char *bsj = strrchr(fsj + 34, '/'); if (!bsi || !bsj) continue; if (strcmp(bsi, bsj)) continue; /* different base names */ } else { if (strcmp(fsi + 34, fsj + 34)) continue; /* different file names */ } if (!strcmp(fsi, fsj)) continue; /* file digests match, no conflict */ if (usefilecolors && fsi[33] && fsj[33] && (fsi[33] & fsj[33]) == 0) continue; /* colors do not conflict */ queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsi + 34, 1)); queue_push(conflicts, pkgs->elements[pidx]); queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsi, 1)); queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsj + 34, 1)); queue_push(conflicts, pkgs->elements[qidx]); queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsj, 1)); } } } POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filespace size: %d K\n", cbdata.filesspacen / 1024); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "candidate check took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now)); cbdata.filesspace = solv_free(cbdata.filesspace); cbdata.filesspacen = 0; queue_free(&cbdata.lookat); queue_free(&cbdata.files); if (conflicts->count > 6) solv_sort(conflicts->elements, conflicts->count / 6, 6 * sizeof(Id), conflicts_cmp, pool); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "found %d file conflicts\n", conflicts->count / 6); POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "file conflict detection took %d ms\n", solv_timems(start)); return conflicts->count / 6; }