/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Novell Inc. * * This program is licensed under the BSD license, read LICENSE.BSD * for further information */ /* solv, a little software installer demoing the sat solver library */ /* things it does: * - understands globs for package names / dependencies * - understands .arch suffix * - installation of commandline packages * - repository data caching * - on demand loading of secondary repository data * - gpg and checksum verification * - file conflicts * - deltarpm support * - fastestmirror implementation * * things available in the library but missing from solv: * - vendor policy loading * - soft locks file handling * - multi version handling */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pool.h" #include "poolarch.h" #include "repo.h" #include "evr.h" #include "policy.h" #include "util.h" #include "solver.h" #include "solverdebug.h" #include "chksum.h" #include "repo_solv.h" #include "selection.h" #include "repo_write.h" #ifdef ENABLE_RPMDB #include "repo_rpmdb.h" #include "pool_fileconflicts.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DEBIAN #include "repo_deb.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RPMMD #include "repo_rpmmd.h" #include "repo_repomdxml.h" #include "repo_updateinfoxml.h" #include "repo_deltainfoxml.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SUSEREPO #include "repo_products.h" #include "repo_susetags.h" #include "repo_content.h" #endif #include "solv_xfopen.h" #ifdef FEDORA # define REPOINFO_PATH "/etc/yum.repos.d" #endif #ifdef SUSE # define REPOINFO_PATH "/etc/zypp/repos.d" # define PRODUCTS_PATH "/etc/products.d" # define SOFTLOCKS_PATH "/var/lib/zypp/SoftLocks" #endif #define SOLVCACHE_PATH "/var/cache/solv" #define METADATA_EXPIRE (60 * 15) struct repoinfo { Repo *repo; char *alias; char *name; int enabled; int autorefresh; char *baseurl; char *metalink; char *mirrorlist; char *path; int type; int pkgs_gpgcheck; int repo_gpgcheck; int priority; int keeppackages; int metadata_expire; char **components; int ncomponents; unsigned char cookie[32]; unsigned char extcookie[32]; int incomplete; }; #ifdef FEDORA char * yum_substitute(Pool *pool, char *line) { char *p, *p2; static char *releaseevr; static char *basearch; if (!line) { solv_free(releaseevr); releaseevr = 0; solv_free(basearch); basearch = 0; return 0; } p = line; while ((p2 = strchr(p, '$')) != 0) { if (!strncmp(p2, "$releasever", 11)) { if (!releaseevr) { Queue q; const char *rootdir = pool_get_rootdir(pool); queue_init(&q); rpm_installedrpmdbids(rootdir, "Providename", "redhat-release", &q); if (q.count) { void *handle, *state = 0; char *p; handle = rpm_byrpmdbid(q.elements[0], rootdir, &state); releaseevr = rpm_query(handle, SOLVABLE_EVR); rpm_byrpmdbid(0, 0, &state); if ((p = strchr(releaseevr, '-')) != 0) *p = 0; } queue_free(&q); if (!releaseevr) { fprintf(stderr, "no installed package provides 'redhat-release', cannot determine $releasever\n"); exit(1); } } *p2 = 0; p = pool_tmpjoin(pool, line, releaseevr, p2 + 11); p2 = p + (p2 - line); line = p; p = p2 + strlen(releaseevr); continue; } if (!strncmp(p2, "$basearch", 9)) { if (!basearch) { struct utsname un; if (uname(&un)) { perror("uname"); exit(1); } basearch = strdup(un.machine); if (basearch[0] == 'i' && basearch[1] && !strcmp(basearch + 2, "86")) basearch[1] = '3'; } *p2 = 0; p = pool_tmpjoin(pool, line, basearch, p2 + 9); p2 = p + (p2 - line); line = p; p = p2 + strlen(basearch); continue; } p = p2 + 1; } return line; } #endif #define TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define TYPE_SUSETAGS 1 #define TYPE_RPMMD 2 #define TYPE_PLAINDIR 3 #define TYPE_DEBIAN 4 #ifndef NOSYSTEM static int read_repoinfos_sort(const void *ap, const void *bp) { const struct repoinfo *a = ap; const struct repoinfo *b = bp; return strcmp(a->alias, b->alias); } #endif #if defined(SUSE) || defined(FEDORA) struct repoinfo * read_repoinfos(Pool *pool, int *nrepoinfosp) { const char *reposdir = REPOINFO_PATH; char buf[4096]; char buf2[4096], *kp, *vp, *kpe; DIR *dir; FILE *fp; struct dirent *ent; int l, rdlen; struct repoinfo *repoinfos = 0, *cinfo; int nrepoinfos = 0; rdlen = strlen(reposdir); dir = opendir(reposdir); if (!dir) { *nrepoinfosp = 0; return 0; } while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != 0) { if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; l = strlen(ent->d_name); if (l < 6 || rdlen + 2 + l >= sizeof(buf) || strcmp(ent->d_name + l - 5, ".repo") != 0) continue; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", reposdir, ent->d_name); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == 0) { perror(buf); continue; } cinfo = 0; while(fgets(buf2, sizeof(buf2), fp)) { l = strlen(buf2); if (l == 0) continue; while (l && (buf2[l - 1] == '\n' || buf2[l - 1] == ' ' || buf2[l - 1] == '\t')) buf2[--l] = 0; kp = buf2; while (*kp == ' ' || *kp == '\t') kp++; if (!*kp || *kp == '#') continue; #ifdef FEDORA if (strchr(kp, '$')) kp = yum_substitute(pool, kp); #endif if (*kp == '[') { vp = strrchr(kp, ']'); if (!vp) continue; *vp = 0; repoinfos = solv_extend(repoinfos, nrepoinfos, 1, sizeof(*repoinfos), 15); cinfo = repoinfos + nrepoinfos++; memset(cinfo, 0, sizeof(*cinfo)); cinfo->alias = strdup(kp + 1); cinfo->type = TYPE_RPMMD; cinfo->autorefresh = 1; cinfo->priority = 99; #ifndef FEDORA cinfo->repo_gpgcheck = 1; #endif cinfo->metadata_expire = METADATA_EXPIRE; continue; } if (!cinfo) continue; vp = strchr(kp, '='); if (!vp) continue; for (kpe = vp - 1; kpe >= kp; kpe--) if (*kpe != ' ' && *kpe != '\t') break; if (kpe == kp) continue; vp++; while (*vp == ' ' || *vp == '\t') vp++; kpe[1] = 0; if (!strcmp(kp, "name")) cinfo->name = strdup(vp); else if (!strcmp(kp, "enabled")) cinfo->enabled = *vp == '0' ? 0 : 1; else if (!strcmp(kp, "autorefresh")) cinfo->autorefresh = *vp == '0' ? 0 : 1; else if (!strcmp(kp, "gpgcheck")) cinfo->pkgs_gpgcheck = *vp == '0' ? 0 : 1; else if (!strcmp(kp, "repo_gpgcheck")) cinfo->repo_gpgcheck = *vp == '0' ? 0 : 1; else if (!strcmp(kp, "baseurl")) cinfo->baseurl = strdup(vp); else if (!strcmp(kp, "mirrorlist")) { if (strstr(vp, "metalink")) cinfo->metalink = strdup(vp); else cinfo->mirrorlist = strdup(vp); } else if (!strcmp(kp, "path")) { if (vp && strcmp(vp, "/") != 0) cinfo->path = strdup(vp); } else if (!strcmp(kp, "type")) { if (!strcmp(vp, "yast2")) cinfo->type = TYPE_SUSETAGS; else if (!strcmp(vp, "rpm-md")) cinfo->type = TYPE_RPMMD; else if (!strcmp(vp, "plaindir")) cinfo->type = TYPE_PLAINDIR; else cinfo->type = TYPE_UNKNOWN; } else if (!strcmp(kp, "priority")) cinfo->priority = atoi(vp); else if (!strcmp(kp, "keeppackages")) cinfo->keeppackages = *vp == '0' ? 0 : 1; } fclose(fp); cinfo = 0; } closedir(dir); qsort(repoinfos, nrepoinfos, sizeof(*repoinfos), read_repoinfos_sort); *nrepoinfosp = nrepoinfos; return repoinfos; } #endif #ifdef DEBIAN struct repoinfo * read_repoinfos(Pool *pool, int *nrepoinfosp) { FILE *fp; char buf[4096]; char buf2[4096]; int l; char *kp, *url, *distro; struct repoinfo *repoinfos = 0, *cinfo; int nrepoinfos = 0; DIR *dir = 0; struct dirent *ent; fp = fopen("/etc/apt/sources.list", "r"); while (1) { if (!fp) { if (!dir) { dir = opendir("/etc/apt/sources.list.d"); if (!dir) break; } if ((ent = readdir(dir)) == 0) { closedir(dir); break; } if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; l = strlen(ent->d_name); if (l < 5 || strcmp(ent->d_name + l - 5, ".list") != 0) continue; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", "/etc/apt/sources.list.d", ent->d_name); if (!(fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) continue; } while(fgets(buf2, sizeof(buf2), fp)) { l = strlen(buf2); if (l == 0) continue; while (l && (buf2[l - 1] == '\n' || buf2[l - 1] == ' ' || buf2[l - 1] == '\t')) buf2[--l] = 0; kp = buf2; while (*kp == ' ' || *kp == '\t') kp++; if (!*kp || *kp == '#') continue; if (strncmp(kp, "deb", 3) != 0) continue; kp += 3; if (*kp != ' ' && *kp != '\t') continue; while (*kp == ' ' || *kp == '\t') kp++; if (!*kp) continue; url = kp; while (*kp && *kp != ' ' && *kp != '\t') kp++; if (*kp) *kp++ = 0; while (*kp == ' ' || *kp == '\t') kp++; if (!*kp) continue; distro = kp; while (*kp && *kp != ' ' && *kp != '\t') kp++; if (*kp) *kp++ = 0; while (*kp == ' ' || *kp == '\t') kp++; if (!*kp) continue; repoinfos = solv_extend(repoinfos, nrepoinfos, 1, sizeof(*repoinfos), 15); cinfo = repoinfos + nrepoinfos++; memset(cinfo, 0, sizeof(*cinfo)); cinfo->baseurl = strdup(url); cinfo->alias = solv_dupjoin(url, "/", distro); cinfo->name = strdup(distro); cinfo->type = TYPE_DEBIAN; cinfo->enabled = 1; cinfo->autorefresh = 1; cinfo->repo_gpgcheck = 1; cinfo->metadata_expire = METADATA_EXPIRE; while (*kp) { char *compo; while (*kp == ' ' || *kp == '\t') kp++; if (!*kp) break; compo = kp; while (*kp && *kp != ' ' && *kp != '\t') kp++; if (*kp) *kp++ = 0; cinfo->components = solv_extend(cinfo->components, cinfo->ncomponents, 1, sizeof(*cinfo->components), 15); cinfo->components[cinfo->ncomponents++] = strdup(compo); } } fclose(fp); fp = 0; } qsort(repoinfos, nrepoinfos, sizeof(*repoinfos), read_repoinfos_sort); *nrepoinfosp = nrepoinfos; return repoinfos; } #endif #ifdef NOSYSTEM struct repoinfo * read_repoinfos(Pool *pool, int *nrepoinfosp) { *nrepoinfosp = 0; return 0; } #endif void free_repoinfos(struct repoinfo *repoinfos, int nrepoinfos) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < nrepoinfos; i++) { struct repoinfo *cinfo = repoinfos + i; solv_free(cinfo->name); solv_free(cinfo->alias); solv_free(cinfo->path); solv_free(cinfo->metalink); solv_free(cinfo->mirrorlist); solv_free(cinfo->baseurl); for (j = 0; j < cinfo->ncomponents; j++) solv_free(cinfo->components[j]); solv_free(cinfo->components); } solv_free(repoinfos); } static inline int opentmpfile() { char tmpl[100]; int fd; strcpy(tmpl, "/var/tmp/solvXXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp(tmpl); if (fd < 0) { perror("mkstemp"); exit(1); } unlink(tmpl); return fd; } static int verify_checksum(int fd, const char *file, const unsigned char *chksum, Id chksumtype) { char buf[1024]; const unsigned char *sum; void *h; int l; h = solv_chksum_create(chksumtype); if (!h) { printf("%s: unknown checksum type\n", file); return 0; } while ((l = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) solv_chksum_add(h, buf, l); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); l = 0; sum = solv_chksum_get(h, &l); if (memcmp(sum, chksum, l)) { printf("%s: checksum mismatch\n", file); solv_chksum_free(h, 0); return 0; } solv_chksum_free(h, 0); return 1; } void findfastest(char **urls, int nurls) { int i, j, port; int *socks, qc; struct pollfd *fds; char *p, *p2, *q; char portstr[16]; struct addrinfo hints, *result;; fds = solv_calloc(nurls, sizeof(*fds)); socks = solv_calloc(nurls, sizeof(*socks)); for (i = 0; i < nurls; i++) { socks[i] = -1; p = strchr(urls[i], '/'); if (!p) continue; if (p[1] != '/') continue; p += 2; q = strchr(p, '/'); qc = 0; if (q) { qc = *q; *q = 0; } if ((p2 = strchr(p, '@')) != 0) p = p2 + 1; port = 80; if (!strncmp("https:", urls[i], 6)) port = 443; else if (!strncmp("ftp:", urls[i], 4)) port = 21; if ((p2 = strrchr(p, ':')) != 0) { port = atoi(p2 + 1); if (q) *q = qc; q = p2; qc = *q; *q = 0; } sprintf(portstr, "%d", port); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICSERV; result = 0; if (!getaddrinfo(p, portstr, &hints, &result)) { socks[i] = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol); if (socks[i] >= 0) { fcntl(socks[i], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (connect(socks[i], result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) == -1) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { close(socks[i]); socks[i] = -1; } } } freeaddrinfo(result); } if (q) *q = qc; } for (;;) { for (i = j = 0; i < nurls; i++) { if (socks[i] < 0) continue; fds[j].fd = socks[i]; fds[j].events = POLLOUT; j++; } if (j < 2) { i = j - 1; break; } if (poll(fds, j, 10000) <= 0) { i = -1; /* something is wrong */ break; } for (i = 0; i < j; i++) if ((fds[i].revents & POLLOUT) != 0) { int soe = 0; socklen_t soel = sizeof(int); if (getsockopt(fds[i].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &soe, &soel) == -1 || soe != 0) { /* connect failed, kill socket */ for (j = 0; j < nurls; j++) if (socks[j] == fds[i].fd) { close(socks[j]); socks[j] = -1; } i = j + 1; break; } break; /* horray! */ } if (i == j + 1) continue; if (i == j) i = -1; /* something is wrong, no bit was set */ break; } /* now i contains the fastest fd index */ if (i >= 0) { for (j = 0; j < nurls; j++) if (socks[j] == fds[i].fd) break; if (j != 0) { char *url0 = urls[0]; urls[0] = urls[j]; urls[j] = url0; } } for (i = j = 0; i < nurls; i++) if (socks[i] >= 0) close(socks[i]); free(socks); free(fds); } char * findmetalinkurl(FILE *fp, unsigned char *chksump, Id *chksumtypep) { char buf[4096], *bp, *ep; char **urls = 0; int nurls = 0; int i; if (chksumtypep) *chksumtypep = 0; while((bp = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) != 0) { while (*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t') bp++; if (chksumtypep && !*chksumtypep && !strncmp(bp, "", 20)) { bp += 20; if (solv_hex2bin((const char **)&bp, chksump, 32) == 32) *chksumtypep = REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA256; continue; } if (strncmp(bp, "'); if (!bp) continue; bp++; ep = strstr(bp, "repodata/repomd.xml"); if (!ep) continue; *ep = 0; if (strncmp(bp, "http", 4)) continue; urls = solv_extend(urls, nurls, 1, sizeof(*urls), 15); urls[nurls++] = strdup(bp); } if (nurls) { if (nurls > 1) findfastest(urls, nurls > 5 ? 5 : nurls); bp = urls[0]; urls[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < nurls; i++) solv_free(urls[i]); solv_free(urls); ep = strchr(bp, '/'); if ((ep = strchr(ep + 2, '/')) != 0) { *ep = 0; printf("[using mirror %s]\n", bp); *ep = '/'; } return bp; } return 0; } char * findmirrorlisturl(FILE *fp) { char buf[4096], *bp, *ep; int i, l; char **urls = 0; int nurls = 0; while((bp = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) != 0) { while (*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t') bp++; if (!*bp || *bp == '#') continue; l = strlen(bp); while (l > 0 && (bp[l - 1] == ' ' || bp[l - 1] == '\t' || bp[l - 1] == '\n')) bp[--l] = 0; urls = solv_extend(urls, nurls, 1, sizeof(*urls), 15); urls[nurls++] = strdup(bp); } if (nurls) { if (nurls > 1) findfastest(urls, nurls > 5 ? 5 : nurls); bp = urls[0]; urls[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < nurls; i++) solv_free(urls[i]); solv_free(urls); ep = strchr(bp, '/'); if ((ep = strchr(ep + 2, '/')) != 0) { *ep = 0; printf("[using mirror %s]\n", bp); *ep = '/'; } return bp; } return 0; } static inline int iscompressed(const char *name) { return solv_xfopen_iscompressed(name) != 0; } FILE * curlfopen(struct repoinfo *cinfo, const char *file, int uncompress, const unsigned char *chksum, Id chksumtype, int markincomplete) { FILE *fp; pid_t pid; int fd, l; int status; char url[4096]; const char *baseurl = cinfo->baseurl; if (!baseurl) { if (!cinfo->metalink && !cinfo->mirrorlist) return 0; if (file != cinfo->metalink && file != cinfo->mirrorlist) { unsigned char mlchksum[32]; fp = curlfopen(cinfo, cinfo->metalink ? cinfo->metalink : cinfo->mirrorlist, 0, 0, 0, 0); Id mlchksumtype = 0; if (!fp) return 0; if (cinfo->metalink) cinfo->baseurl = findmetalinkurl(fp, mlchksum, &mlchksumtype); else cinfo->baseurl = findmirrorlisturl(fp); fclose(fp); if (!cinfo->baseurl) return 0; #ifdef FEDORA if (strchr(cinfo->baseurl, '$')) { char *b = yum_substitute(cinfo->repo->pool, cinfo->baseurl); free(cinfo->baseurl); cinfo->baseurl = strdup(b); } #endif if (!chksumtype && mlchksumtype && !strcmp(file, "repodata/repomd.xml")) { chksumtype = mlchksumtype; chksum = mlchksum; } return curlfopen(cinfo, file, uncompress, chksum, chksumtype, markincomplete); } snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s", file); } else { l = strlen(baseurl); if (l && baseurl[l - 1] == '/') snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s%s", baseurl, file); else snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/%s", baseurl, file); } fd = opentmpfile(); // printf("url: %s\n", url); if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)-1) { perror("fork"); exit(1); } if (pid == 0) { if (fd != 1) { dup2(fd, 1); close(fd); } execlp("curl", "curl", "-f", "-s", "-L", url, (char *)0); perror("curl"); _exit(0); } status = 0; while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid) ; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) == 0 && (!status || !chksumtype)) { /* empty file */ close(fd); return 0; } lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (status) { printf("%s: download error %d\n", file, status >> 8 ? status >> 8 : status); if (markincomplete) cinfo->incomplete = 1; close(fd); return 0; } if (chksumtype && !verify_checksum(fd, file, chksum, chksumtype)) { if (markincomplete) cinfo->incomplete = 1; close(fd); return 0; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); if (uncompress) { if (solv_xfopen_iscompressed(file) < 0) { printf("%s: unsupported compression\n", file); if (markincomplete) cinfo->incomplete = 1; close(fd); return 0; } fp = solv_xfopen_fd(file, fd, "r"); } else fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); if (!fp) close(fd); return fp; } #ifndef DEBIAN static void cleanupgpg(char *gpgdir) { char cmd[256]; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/pubring.gpg", gpgdir); unlink(cmd); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/pubring.gpg~", gpgdir); unlink(cmd); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/secring.gpg", gpgdir); unlink(cmd); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/trustdb.gpg", gpgdir); unlink(cmd); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s/keys", gpgdir); unlink(cmd); rmdir(gpgdir); } int checksig(Pool *sigpool, FILE *fp, FILE *sigfp) { char *gpgdir; char *keysfile; const char *pubkey; char cmd[256]; FILE *kfp; Solvable *s; Id p; off_t posfp, possigfp; int r, nkeys; gpgdir = mkdtemp(pool_tmpjoin(sigpool, "/var/tmp/solvgpg.XXXXXX", 0, 0)); if (!gpgdir) return 0; keysfile = pool_tmpjoin(sigpool, gpgdir, "/keys", 0); if (!(kfp = fopen(keysfile, "w")) ) { cleanupgpg(gpgdir); return 0; } nkeys = 0; for (p = 1, s = sigpool->solvables + p; p < sigpool->nsolvables; p++, s++) { if (!s->repo) continue; pubkey = solvable_lookup_str(s, SOLVABLE_DESCRIPTION); if (!pubkey || !*pubkey) continue; if (fwrite(pubkey, strlen(pubkey), 1, kfp) != 1) break; if (fputc('\n', kfp) == EOF) /* Just in case... */ break; nkeys++; } if (fclose(kfp) || !nkeys) { cleanupgpg(gpgdir); return 0; } snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "gpg2 -q --homedir %s --import %s", gpgdir, keysfile); if (system(cmd)) { fprintf(stderr, "key import error\n"); cleanupgpg(gpgdir); return 0; } unlink(keysfile); posfp = lseek(fileno(fp), 0, SEEK_CUR); lseek(fileno(fp), 0, SEEK_SET); possigfp = lseek(fileno(sigfp), 0, SEEK_CUR); lseek(fileno(sigfp), 0, SEEK_SET); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "gpg -q --homedir %s --verify /dev/fd/%d /dev/fd/%d >/dev/null 2>&1", gpgdir, fileno(sigfp), fileno(fp)); fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETFD, 0); /* clear CLOEXEC */ fcntl(fileno(sigfp), F_SETFD, 0); /* clear CLOEXEC */ r = system(cmd); lseek(fileno(sigfp), possigfp, SEEK_SET); lseek(fileno(fp), posfp, SEEK_SET); fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl(fileno(sigfp), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); cleanupgpg(gpgdir); return r == 0 ? 1 : 0; } #else static int checksig(Pool *sigpool, FILE *fp, FILE *sigfp) { char cmd[256]; int r; snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "gpgv -q --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /dev/fd/%d /dev/fd/%d >/dev/null 2>&1", fileno(sigfp), fileno(fp)); fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETFD, 0); /* clear CLOEXEC */ fcntl(fileno(sigfp), F_SETFD, 0); /* clear CLOEXEC */ r = system(cmd); fcntl(fileno(fp), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl(fileno(sigfp), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); return r == 0 ? 1 : 0; } #endif static Pool * read_sigs() { Pool *sigpool = pool_create(); #if defined(ENABLE_RPMDB_PUBKEY) Repo *repo = repo_create(sigpool, "rpmdbkeys"); repo_add_rpmdb_pubkeys(repo, 0); #endif return sigpool; } static int downloadchecksig(struct repoinfo *cinfo, FILE *fp, const char *sigurl, Pool **sigpool) { FILE *sigfp; sigfp = curlfopen(cinfo, sigurl, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (!sigfp) { printf(" unsigned, skipped\n"); return 0; } if (!*sigpool) *sigpool = read_sigs(); if (!checksig(*sigpool, fp, sigfp)) { printf(" checksig failed, skipped\n"); fclose(sigfp); return 0; } fclose(sigfp); return 1; } #define CHKSUM_IDENT "1.1" void calc_checksum_fp(FILE *fp, Id chktype, unsigned char *out) { char buf[4096]; void *h = solv_chksum_create(chktype); int l; solv_chksum_add(h, CHKSUM_IDENT, strlen(CHKSUM_IDENT)); while ((l = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp)) > 0) solv_chksum_add(h, buf, l); rewind(fp); solv_chksum_free(h, out); } void calc_checksum_stat(struct stat *stb, Id chktype, unsigned char *cookie, unsigned char *out) { void *h = solv_chksum_create(chktype); solv_chksum_add(h, CHKSUM_IDENT, strlen(CHKSUM_IDENT)); if (cookie) solv_chksum_add(h, cookie, 32); solv_chksum_add(h, &stb->st_dev, sizeof(stb->st_dev)); solv_chksum_add(h, &stb->st_ino, sizeof(stb->st_ino)); solv_chksum_add(h, &stb->st_size, sizeof(stb->st_size)); solv_chksum_add(h, &stb->st_mtime, sizeof(stb->st_mtime)); solv_chksum_free(h, out); } void setarch(Pool *pool) { struct utsname un; if (uname(&un)) { perror("uname"); exit(1); } pool_setarch(pool, un.machine); } char *calccachepath(Repo *repo, const char *repoext) { char *q, *p = pool_tmpjoin(repo->pool, SOLVCACHE_PATH, "/", repo->name); if (repoext) { p = pool_tmpappend(repo->pool, p, "_", repoext); p = pool_tmpappend(repo->pool, p, ".solvx", 0); } else p = pool_tmpappend(repo->pool, p, ".solv", 0); q = p + strlen(SOLVCACHE_PATH) + 1; if (*q == '.') *q = '_'; for (; *q; q++) if (*q == '/') *q = '_'; return p; } int usecachedrepo(Repo *repo, const char *repoext, unsigned char *cookie, int mark) { FILE *fp; unsigned char mycookie[32]; unsigned char myextcookie[32]; struct repoinfo *cinfo; int flags; cinfo = repo->appdata; if (!(fp = fopen(calccachepath(repo, repoext), "r"))) return 0; if (fseek(fp, -sizeof(mycookie), SEEK_END) || fread(mycookie, sizeof(mycookie), 1, fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); return 0; } if (cookie && memcmp(cookie, mycookie, sizeof(mycookie))) { fclose(fp); return 0; } if (cinfo && !repoext) { if (fseek(fp, -sizeof(mycookie) * 2, SEEK_END) || fread(myextcookie, sizeof(myextcookie), 1, fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); return 0; } } rewind(fp); flags = 0; if (repoext) { flags = REPO_USE_LOADING|REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES; if (strcmp(repoext, "DL") != 0) flags |= REPO_LOCALPOOL; /* no local pool for DL so that we can compare IDs */ } if (repo_add_solv(repo, fp, flags)) { fclose(fp); return 0; } if (cinfo && !repoext) { memcpy(cinfo->cookie, mycookie, sizeof(mycookie)); memcpy(cinfo->extcookie, myextcookie, sizeof(myextcookie)); } if (mark) futimes(fileno(fp), 0); /* try to set modification time */ fclose(fp); return 1; } void writecachedrepo(Repo *repo, Repodata *info, const char *repoext, unsigned char *cookie) { FILE *fp; int i, fd; char *tmpl; struct repoinfo *cinfo; int onepiece; cinfo = repo->appdata; if (cinfo && cinfo->incomplete) return; mkdir(SOLVCACHE_PATH, 0755); /* use dupjoin instead of tmpjoin because tmpl must survive repo_write */ tmpl = solv_dupjoin(SOLVCACHE_PATH, "/", ".newsolv-XXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp(tmpl); if (fd < 0) { free(tmpl); return; } fchmod(fd, 0444); if (!(fp = fdopen(fd, "w"))) { close(fd); unlink(tmpl); free(tmpl); return; } onepiece = 1; for (i = repo->start; i < repo->end; i++) if (repo->pool->solvables[i].repo != repo) break; if (i < repo->end) onepiece = 0; if (!info) repo_write(repo, fp); else if (repoext) repodata_write(info, fp); else { int oldnrepodata = repo->nrepodata; repo->nrepodata = oldnrepodata > 2 ? 2 : oldnrepodata; /* XXX: do this right */ repo_write(repo, fp); repo->nrepodata = oldnrepodata; onepiece = 0; } if (!repoext && cinfo) { if (!cinfo->extcookie[0]) { /* create the ext cookie and append it */ /* we just need some unique ID */ struct stat stb; if (!fstat(fileno(fp), &stb)) memset(&stb, 0, sizeof(stb)); calc_checksum_stat(&stb, REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA256, cookie, cinfo->extcookie); if (cinfo->extcookie[0] == 0) cinfo->extcookie[0] = 1; } if (fwrite(cinfo->extcookie, 32, 1, fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); unlink(tmpl); free(tmpl); return; } } /* append our cookie describing the metadata state */ if (fwrite(cookie, 32, 1, fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); unlink(tmpl); free(tmpl); return; } if (fclose(fp)) { unlink(tmpl); free(tmpl); return; } if (onepiece) { /* switch to just saved repo to activate paging and save memory */ FILE *fp = fopen(tmpl, "r"); if (fp) { if (!repoext) { /* main repo */ repo_empty(repo, 1); if (repo_add_solv(repo, fp, SOLV_ADD_NO_STUBS)) { /* oops, no way to recover from here */ fprintf(stderr, "internal error\n"); exit(1); } } else { int flags = REPO_USE_LOADING|REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES; /* make sure repodata contains complete repo */ /* (this is how repodata_write saves it) */ repodata_extend_block(info, repo->start, repo->end - repo->start); info->state = REPODATA_LOADING; if (strcmp(repoext, "DL") != 0) flags |= REPO_LOCALPOOL; repo_add_solv(repo, fp, flags); info->state = REPODATA_AVAILABLE; /* in case the load failed */ } fclose(fp); } } if (!rename(tmpl, calccachepath(repo, repoext))) unlink(tmpl); free(tmpl); } #ifdef ENABLE_RPMMD /* repomd helpers */ static inline const char * repomd_find(Repo *repo, const char *what, const unsigned char **chksump, Id *chksumtypep) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Dataiterator di; const char *filename; filename = 0; *chksump = 0; *chksumtypep = 0; dataiterator_init(&di, pool, repo, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE, what, SEARCH_STRING); dataiterator_prepend_keyname(&di, REPOSITORY_REPOMD); if (dataiterator_step(&di)) { dataiterator_setpos_parent(&di); filename = pool_lookup_str(pool, SOLVID_POS, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION); *chksump = pool_lookup_bin_checksum(pool, SOLVID_POS, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_CHECKSUM, chksumtypep); } dataiterator_free(&di); if (filename && !*chksumtypep) { printf("no %s file checksum!\n", what); filename = 0; } return filename; } int repomd_add_ext(Repo *repo, Repodata *data, const char *what) { Id chksumtype, handle; const unsigned char *chksum; const char *filename; filename = repomd_find(repo, what, &chksum, &chksumtype); if (!filename) return 0; if (!strcmp(what, "prestodelta")) what = "deltainfo"; handle = repodata_new_handle(data); repodata_set_poolstr(data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE, what); repodata_set_str(data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION, filename); repodata_set_bin_checksum(data, handle, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_CHECKSUM, chksumtype, chksum); if (!strcmp(what, "deltainfo")) { repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOSITORY_DELTAINFO); repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOKEY_TYPE_FLEXARRAY); } if (!strcmp(what, "filelists")) { repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, SOLVABLE_FILELIST); repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOKEY_TYPE_DIRSTRARRAY); } repodata_add_flexarray(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_EXTERNAL, handle); return 1; } int repomd_load_ext(Repo *repo, Repodata *data) { const char *filename, *repomdtype; char ext[3]; FILE *fp; struct repoinfo *cinfo; const unsigned char *filechksum; Id filechksumtype; int r = 0; cinfo = repo->appdata; repomdtype = repodata_lookup_str(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_TYPE); if (!repomdtype) return 0; if (!strcmp(repomdtype, "filelists")) strcpy(ext, "FL"); else if (!strcmp(repomdtype, "deltainfo")) strcpy(ext, "DL"); else return 0; #if 1 printf("[%s:%s", repo->name, ext); #endif if (usecachedrepo(repo, ext, cinfo->extcookie, 0)) { printf(" cached]\n");fflush(stdout); return 1; } printf(" fetching]\n"); fflush(stdout); filename = repodata_lookup_str(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_LOCATION); filechksumtype = 0; filechksum = repodata_lookup_bin_checksum(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOMD_CHECKSUM, &filechksumtype); if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, filename, iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 0)) == 0) return 0; if (!strcmp(ext, "FL")) r = repo_add_rpmmd(repo, fp, ext, REPO_USE_LOADING|REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES|REPO_LOCALPOOL); else if (!strcmp(ext, "DL")) r = repo_add_deltainfoxml(repo, fp, REPO_USE_LOADING); fclose(fp); if (r) { printf("%s\n", pool_errstr(repo->pool)); return 0; } writecachedrepo(repo, data, ext, cinfo->extcookie); return 1; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SUSEREPO /* susetags helpers */ static inline const char * susetags_find(Repo *repo, const char *what, const unsigned char **chksump, Id *chksumtypep) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Dataiterator di; const char *filename; filename = 0; *chksump = 0; *chksumtypep = 0; dataiterator_init(&di, pool, repo, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_FILE_NAME, what, SEARCH_STRING); dataiterator_prepend_keyname(&di, SUSETAGS_FILE); if (dataiterator_step(&di)) { dataiterator_setpos_parent(&di); *chksump = pool_lookup_bin_checksum(pool, SOLVID_POS, SUSETAGS_FILE_CHECKSUM, chksumtypep); filename = what; } dataiterator_free(&di); if (filename && !*chksumtypep) { printf("no %s file checksum!\n", what); filename = 0; } return filename; } static Id susetags_langtags[] = { SOLVABLE_SUMMARY, REPOKEY_TYPE_STR, SOLVABLE_DESCRIPTION, REPOKEY_TYPE_STR, SOLVABLE_EULA, REPOKEY_TYPE_STR, SOLVABLE_MESSAGEINS, REPOKEY_TYPE_STR, SOLVABLE_MESSAGEDEL, REPOKEY_TYPE_STR, SOLVABLE_CATEGORY, REPOKEY_TYPE_ID, 0, 0 }; void susetags_add_ext(Repo *repo, Repodata *data) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Dataiterator di; char ext[3]; Id handle, filechksumtype; const unsigned char *filechksum; int i; dataiterator_init(&di, pool, repo, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_FILE_NAME, 0, 0); dataiterator_prepend_keyname(&di, SUSETAGS_FILE); while (dataiterator_step(&di)) { if (strncmp(di.kv.str, "packages.", 9) != 0) continue; if (!strcmp(di.kv.str + 9, "gz")) continue; if (!di.kv.str[9] || !di.kv.str[10] || (di.kv.str[11] && di.kv.str[11] != '.')) continue; ext[0] = di.kv.str[9]; ext[1] = di.kv.str[10]; ext[2] = 0; if (!strcmp(ext, "en")) continue; if (!susetags_find(repo, di.kv.str, &filechksum, &filechksumtype)) continue; handle = repodata_new_handle(data); repodata_set_str(data, handle, SUSETAGS_FILE_NAME, di.kv.str); if (filechksumtype) repodata_set_bin_checksum(data, handle, SUSETAGS_FILE_CHECKSUM, filechksumtype, filechksum); if (!strcmp(ext, "DU")) { repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, SOLVABLE_DISKUSAGE); repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOKEY_TYPE_DIRNUMNUMARRAY); } else if (!strcmp(ext, "FL")) { repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, SOLVABLE_FILELIST); repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, REPOKEY_TYPE_DIRSTRARRAY); } else { for (i = 0; susetags_langtags[i]; i += 2) { repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, pool_id2langid(pool, susetags_langtags[i], ext, 1)); repodata_add_idarray(data, handle, REPOSITORY_KEYS, susetags_langtags[i + 1]); } } repodata_add_flexarray(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_EXTERNAL, handle); } dataiterator_free(&di); } int susetags_load_ext(Repo *repo, Repodata *data) { const char *filename, *descrdir; Id defvendor; char ext[3]; FILE *fp; struct repoinfo *cinfo; const unsigned char *filechksum; Id filechksumtype; int flags; cinfo = repo->appdata; filename = repodata_lookup_str(data, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_FILE_NAME); if (!filename) return 0; /* susetags load */ ext[0] = filename[9]; ext[1] = filename[10]; ext[2] = 0; #if 1 printf("[%s:%s", repo->name, ext); #endif if (usecachedrepo(repo, ext, cinfo->extcookie, 0)) { printf(" cached]\n"); fflush(stdout); return 1; } #if 1 printf(" fetching]\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif defvendor = repo_lookup_id(repo, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_DEFAULTVENDOR); descrdir = repo_lookup_str(repo, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_DESCRDIR); if (!descrdir) descrdir = "suse/setup/descr"; filechksumtype = 0; filechksum = repodata_lookup_bin_checksum(data, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_FILE_CHECKSUM, &filechksumtype); if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, pool_tmpjoin(repo->pool, descrdir, "/", filename), iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 0)) == 0) return 0; flags = REPO_USE_LOADING|REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES; if (strcmp(ext, "DL") != 0) flags |= REPO_LOCALPOOL; if (repo_add_susetags(repo, fp, defvendor, ext, flags)) { fclose(fp); printf("%s\n", pool_errstr(repo->pool)); return 0; } fclose(fp); writecachedrepo(repo, data, ext, cinfo->extcookie); return 1; } #endif /* load callback */ int load_stub(Pool *pool, Repodata *data, void *dp) { struct repoinfo *cinfo = data->repo->appdata; switch (cinfo->type) { #ifdef ENABLE_SUSEREPO case TYPE_SUSETAGS: return susetags_load_ext(data->repo, data); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_RPMMD case TYPE_RPMMD: return repomd_load_ext(data->repo, data); #endif default: return 0; } } static unsigned char installedcookie[32]; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBIAN const char * debian_find_component(struct repoinfo *cinfo, FILE *fp, char *comp, const unsigned char **chksump, Id *chksumtypep) { char buf[4096]; Id chksumtype; unsigned char *chksum; Id curchksumtype; int l, compl; char *ch, *fn, *bp; char *filename; static char *basearch; char *binarydir; int lbinarydir; if (!basearch) { struct utsname un; if (uname(&un)) { perror("uname"); exit(1); } basearch = strdup(un.machine); if (basearch[0] == 'i' && basearch[1] && !strcmp(basearch + 2, "86")) basearch[1] = '3'; } binarydir = solv_dupjoin("binary-", basearch, "/"); lbinarydir = strlen(binarydir); compl = strlen(comp); rewind(fp); curchksumtype = 0; filename = 0; chksum = solv_malloc(32); chksumtype = 0; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { l = strlen(buf); if (l == 0) continue; while (l && (buf[l - 1] == '\n' || buf[l - 1] == ' ' || buf[l - 1] == '\t')) buf[--l] = 0; if (!strncasecmp(buf, "MD5Sum:", 7)) { curchksumtype = REPOKEY_TYPE_MD5; continue; } if (!strncasecmp(buf, "SHA1:", 5)) { curchksumtype = REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA1; continue; } if (!strncasecmp(buf, "SHA256:", 7)) { curchksumtype = REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA256; continue; } if (!curchksumtype) continue; bp = buf; if (*bp++ != ' ') { curchksumtype = 0; continue; } ch = bp; while (*bp && *bp != ' ' && *bp != '\t') bp++; if (!*bp) continue; *bp++ = 0; while (*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t') bp++; while (*bp && *bp != ' ' && *bp != '\t') bp++; if (!*bp) continue; while (*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t') bp++; fn = bp; if (strncmp(fn, comp, compl) != 0 || fn[compl] != '/') continue; bp += compl + 1; if (strncmp(bp, binarydir, lbinarydir)) continue; bp += lbinarydir; if (!strcmp(bp, "Packages") || !strcmp(bp, "Packages.gz")) { unsigned char curchksum[32]; int curl; if (filename && !strcmp(bp, "Packages")) continue; curl = solv_chksum_len(curchksumtype); if (!curl || (chksumtype && solv_chksum_len(chksumtype) > curl)) continue; if (solv_hex2bin((const char **)&ch, curchksum, sizeof(curchksum)) != curl) continue; solv_free(filename); filename = strdup(fn); chksumtype = curchksumtype; memcpy(chksum, curchksum, curl); } } free(binarydir); if (filename) { fn = solv_dupjoin("/", filename, 0); solv_free(filename); filename = solv_dupjoin("dists/", cinfo->name, fn); solv_free(fn); } if (!chksumtype) chksum = solv_free(chksum); *chksump = chksum; *chksumtypep = chksumtype; return filename; } #endif void read_repos(Pool *pool, struct repoinfo *repoinfos, int nrepoinfos) { Repo *repo; struct repoinfo *cinfo; int i; FILE *fp; const char *filename; const unsigned char *filechksum; Id filechksumtype; #ifdef ENABLE_SUSEREPO const char *descrdir; int defvendor; #endif struct stat stb; Pool *sigpool = 0; #if defined(ENABLE_SUSEREPO) || defined(ENABLE_RPMMD) Repodata *data; #endif int dorefresh; #if defined(ENABLE_DEBIAN) FILE *fpr; int j; #endif repo = repo_create(pool, "@System"); #if defined(ENABLE_RPMDB) && (defined(SUSE) || defined(FEDORA)) printf("rpm database:"); if (stat(pool_prepend_rootdir_tmp(pool, "/var/lib/rpm/Packages"), &stb)) memset(&stb, 0, sizeof(&stb)); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DEBIAN) && defined(DEBIAN) printf("dpgk database:"); if (stat(pool_prepend_rootdir_tmp(pool, "/var/lib/dpkg/status"), &stb)) memset(&stb, 0, sizeof(&stb)); #endif #ifdef NOSYSTEM printf("no installed database:"); memset(&stb, 0, sizeof(&stb)); #endif calc_checksum_stat(&stb, REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA256, 0, installedcookie); if (usecachedrepo(repo, 0, installedcookie, 0)) printf(" cached\n"); else { #if defined(ENABLE_RPMDB) && (defined(SUSE) || defined(FEDORA)) FILE *ofp; Repo *ref = 0; #endif printf(" reading\n"); #if defined(ENABLE_RPMDB) && (defined(SUSE) || defined(FEDORA)) # if defined(ENABLE_SUSEREPO) && defined(PRODUCTS_PATH) if (repo_add_products(repo, PRODUCTS_PATH, REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE | REPO_USE_ROOTDIR)) { fprintf(stderr, "product reading failed: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); exit(1); } # endif if ((ofp = fopen(calccachepath(repo, 0), "r")) != 0) { ref = repo_create(pool, "@System.old"); if (repo_add_solv(ref, ofp, 0)) { repo_free(ref, 1); ref = 0; } fclose(ofp); } if (repo_add_rpmdb(repo, ref, REPO_REUSE_REPODATA | REPO_USE_ROOTDIR)) { fprintf(stderr, "installed db: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); exit(1); } if (ref) repo_free(ref, 1); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DEBIAN) && defined(DEBIAN) if (repo_add_debdb(repo, REPO_REUSE_REPODATA | REPO_USE_ROOTDIR)) { fprintf(stderr, "installed db: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); exit(1); } #endif writecachedrepo(repo, 0, 0, installedcookie); } pool_set_installed(pool, repo); for (i = 0; i < nrepoinfos; i++) { cinfo = repoinfos + i; if (!cinfo->enabled) continue; repo = repo_create(pool, cinfo->alias); cinfo->repo = repo; repo->appdata = cinfo; repo->priority = 99 - cinfo->priority; dorefresh = cinfo->autorefresh; if (dorefresh && cinfo->metadata_expire && stat(calccachepath(repo, 0), &stb) == 0) { if (cinfo->metadata_expire == -1 || time(0) - stb.st_mtime < cinfo->metadata_expire) dorefresh = 0; } if (!dorefresh && usecachedrepo(repo, 0, 0, 0)) { printf("repo '%s':", cinfo->alias); printf(" cached\n"); continue; } switch (cinfo->type) { #ifdef ENABLE_RPMMD case TYPE_RPMMD: printf("rpmmd repo '%s':", cinfo->alias); fflush(stdout); if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, "repodata/repomd.xml", 0, 0, 0, 0)) == 0) { printf(" no repomd.xml file, skipped\n"); repo_free(repo, 1); cinfo->repo = 0; break; } calc_checksum_fp(fp, REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA256, cinfo->cookie); if (usecachedrepo(repo, 0, cinfo->cookie, 1)) { printf(" cached\n"); fclose(fp); break; } if (cinfo->repo_gpgcheck && !downloadchecksig(cinfo, fp, "repodata/repomd.xml.asc", &sigpool)) { fclose(fp); break; } if (repo_add_repomdxml(repo, fp, 0)) { printf("repomd.xml: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); fclose(fp); break; /* hopeless */ } fclose(fp); printf(" fetching\n"); filename = repomd_find(repo, "primary", &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (filename && (fp = curlfopen(cinfo, filename, iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 1)) != 0) { if (repo_add_rpmmd(repo, fp, 0, 0)) { printf("primary: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); cinfo->incomplete = 1; } fclose(fp); } if (cinfo->incomplete) break; /* hopeless */ filename = repomd_find(repo, "updateinfo", &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (filename && (fp = curlfopen(cinfo, filename, iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 1)) != 0) { if (repo_add_updateinfoxml(repo, fp, 0)) { printf("updateinfo: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); cinfo->incomplete = 1; } fclose(fp); } data = repo_add_repodata(repo, 0); if (!repomd_add_ext(repo, data, "deltainfo")) repomd_add_ext(repo, data, "prestodelta"); repomd_add_ext(repo, data, "filelists"); repodata_internalize(data); if (!cinfo->incomplete) writecachedrepo(repo, 0, 0, cinfo->cookie); repodata_create_stubs(repo_last_repodata(repo)); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SUSEREPO case TYPE_SUSETAGS: printf("susetags repo '%s':", cinfo->alias); fflush(stdout); descrdir = 0; defvendor = 0; if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, "content", 0, 0, 0, 0)) == 0) { printf(" no content file, skipped\n"); repo_free(repo, 1); cinfo->repo = 0; break; } calc_checksum_fp(fp, REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA256, cinfo->cookie); if (usecachedrepo(repo, 0, cinfo->cookie, 1)) { printf(" cached\n"); fclose(fp); break; } if (cinfo->repo_gpgcheck && !downloadchecksig(cinfo, fp, "content.asc", &sigpool)) { fclose(fp); break; } if (repo_add_content(repo, fp, 0)) { printf("content: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); fclose(fp); break; /* hopeless */ } fclose(fp); defvendor = repo_lookup_id(repo, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_DEFAULTVENDOR); descrdir = repo_lookup_str(repo, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_DESCRDIR); if (!descrdir) descrdir = "suse/setup/descr"; filename = susetags_find(repo, "packages.gz", &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (!filename) filename = susetags_find(repo, "packages", &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (!filename) { printf(" no packages file entry, skipped\n"); break; } printf(" fetching\n"); if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, pool_tmpjoin(pool, descrdir, "/", filename), iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 1)) == 0) break; /* hopeless */ if (repo_add_susetags(repo, fp, defvendor, 0, REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE|SUSETAGS_RECORD_SHARES)) { printf("packages: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); fclose(fp); cinfo->incomplete = 1; break; /* hopeless */ } fclose(fp); /* add default language */ filename = susetags_find(repo, "packages.en.gz", &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (!filename) filename = susetags_find(repo, "packages.en", &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (filename) { if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, pool_tmpjoin(pool, descrdir, "/", filename), iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 1)) != 0) { if (repo_add_susetags(repo, fp, defvendor, 0, REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE|REPO_REUSE_REPODATA|REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES)) { printf("packages.en: %s\n", pool_errstr(pool)); cinfo->incomplete = 1; } fclose(fp); } } filename = susetags_find(repo, "patterns", &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (filename) { if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, pool_tmpjoin(pool, descrdir, "/", filename), iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 1)) != 0) { char pbuf[256]; while (fgets(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), fp)) { int l = strlen(pbuf); FILE *fp2; if (l && pbuf[l - 1] == '\n') pbuf[--l] = 0; if (!*pbuf || *pbuf == '.' || strchr(pbuf, '/') != 0) continue; filename = susetags_find(repo, pbuf, &filechksum, &filechksumtype); if (filename && (fp2 = curlfopen(cinfo, pool_tmpjoin(pool, descrdir, "/", filename), iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 1)) != 0) { if (repo_add_susetags(repo, fp2, defvendor, 0, REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE)) { printf("%s: %s\n", pbuf, pool_errstr(pool)); cinfo->incomplete = 1; } fclose(fp2); } } fclose(fp); } } repo_internalize(repo); data = repo_add_repodata(repo, 0); susetags_add_ext(repo, data); repodata_internalize(data); if (!cinfo->incomplete) writecachedrepo(repo, 0, 0, cinfo->cookie); repodata_create_stubs(repo_last_repodata(repo)); break; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DEBIAN) case TYPE_DEBIAN: printf("debian repo '%s':", cinfo->alias); fflush(stdout); filename = solv_dupjoin("dists/", cinfo->name, "/Release"); if ((fpr = curlfopen(cinfo, filename, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == 0) { printf(" no Release file, skipped\n"); repo_free(repo, 1); cinfo->repo = 0; free((char *)filename); break; } solv_free((char *)filename); if (cinfo->repo_gpgcheck) { filename = solv_dupjoin("dists/", cinfo->name, "/Release.gpg"); if (!downloadchecksig(cinfo, fpr, filename, &sigpool)) { fclose(fpr); solv_free((char *)filename); break; } solv_free((char *)filename); } calc_checksum_fp(fpr, REPOKEY_TYPE_SHA256, cinfo->cookie); if (usecachedrepo(repo, 0, cinfo->cookie, 1)) { printf(" cached\n"); fclose(fpr); break; } printf(" fetching\n"); for (j = 0; j < cinfo->ncomponents; j++) { if (!(filename = debian_find_component(cinfo, fpr, cinfo->components[j], &filechksum, &filechksumtype))) { printf("[component %s not found]\n", cinfo->components[j]); continue; } if ((fp = curlfopen(cinfo, filename, iscompressed(filename), filechksum, filechksumtype, 1)) != 0) { if (repo_add_debpackages(repo, fp, 0)) { printf("component %s: %s\n", cinfo->components[j], pool_errstr(pool)); cinfo->incomplete = 1; } fclose(fp); } solv_free((char *)filechksum); solv_free((char *)filename); } fclose(fpr); if (!cinfo->incomplete) writecachedrepo(repo, 0, 0, cinfo->cookie); break; #endif default: printf("unsupported repo '%s': skipped\n", cinfo->alias); repo_free(repo, 1); cinfo->repo = 0; break; } } if (sigpool) pool_free(sigpool); } int yesno(const char *str) { char inbuf[128], *ip; for (;;) { printf("%s", str); fflush(stdout); *inbuf = 0; if (!(ip = fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), stdin))) { printf("Abort.\n"); exit(1); } while (*ip == ' ' || *ip == '\t') ip++; if (*ip == 'q') { printf("Abort.\n"); exit(1); } if (*ip == 'y' || *ip == 'n') return *ip == 'y' ? 1 : 0; } } #if defined(ENABLE_RPMDB) && (defined(SUSE) || defined(FEDORA)) struct fcstate { FILE **newpkgsfps; Queue *checkq; int newpkgscnt; void *rpmdbstate; }; static void * fileconflict_cb(Pool *pool, Id p, void *cbdata) { struct fcstate *fcstate = cbdata; Solvable *s; Id rpmdbid; int i; FILE *fp; if (!p) { rpm_byrpmdbid(0, 0, &fcstate->rpmdbstate); return 0; } s = pool_id2solvable(pool, p); if (pool->installed && s->repo == pool->installed) { if (!s->repo->rpmdbid) return 0; rpmdbid = s->repo->rpmdbid[p - s->repo->start]; if (!rpmdbid) return 0; return rpm_byrpmdbid(rpmdbid, 0, &fcstate->rpmdbstate); } for (i = 0; i < fcstate->newpkgscnt; i++) if (fcstate->checkq->elements[i] == p) break; if (i == fcstate->newpkgscnt) return 0; fp = fcstate->newpkgsfps[i]; if (!fp) return 0; rewind(fp); return rpm_byfp(fp, pool_solvable2str(pool, s), &fcstate->rpmdbstate); } void runrpm(const char *arg, const char *name, int dupfd3, const char *rootdir) { pid_t pid; int status; if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)-1) { perror("fork"); exit(1); } if (pid == 0) { if (!rootdir) rootdir = "/"; if (dupfd3 != -1 && dupfd3 != 3) { dup2(dupfd3, 3); close(dupfd3); } if (dupfd3 != -1) fcntl(3, F_SETFD, 0); /* clear CLOEXEC */ if (strcmp(arg, "-e") == 0) execlp("rpm", "rpm", arg, "--nodeps", "--nodigest", "--nosignature", "--root", rootdir, name, (char *)0); else execlp("rpm", "rpm", arg, "--force", "--nodeps", "--nodigest", "--nosignature", "--root", rootdir, name, (char *)0); perror("rpm"); _exit(0); } while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid) ; if (status) { printf("rpm failed\n"); exit(1); } } #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DEBIAN) && defined(DEBIAN) void rundpkg(const char *arg, const char *name, int dupfd3, const char *rootdir) { pid_t pid; int status; if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)-1) { perror("fork"); exit(1); } if (pid == 0) { if (!rootdir) rootdir = "/"; if (dupfd3 != -1 && dupfd3 != 3) { dup2(dupfd3, 3); close(dupfd3); } if (dupfd3 != -1) fcntl(3, F_SETFD, 0); /* clear CLOEXEC */ if (strcmp(arg, "--install") == 0) execlp("dpkg", "dpkg", "--install", "--root", rootdir, "--force", "all", name, (char *)0); else execlp("dpkg", "dpkg", "--remove", "--root", rootdir, "--force", "all", name, (char *)0); perror("dpkg"); _exit(0); } while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid) ; if (status) { printf("dpkg failed\n"); exit(1); } } #endif static Id nscallback(Pool *pool, void *data, Id name, Id evr) { if (name == NAMESPACE_PRODUCTBUDDY) { /* SUSE specific hack: each product has an associated rpm */ Solvable *s = pool->solvables + evr; Id p, pp, cap; Id bestp = 0; cap = pool_str2id(pool, pool_tmpjoin(pool, "product(", pool_id2str(pool, s->name) + 8, ")"), 0); if (!cap) return 0; cap = pool_rel2id(pool, cap, s->evr, REL_EQ, 0); if (!cap) return 0; FOR_PROVIDES(p, pp, cap) { Solvable *ps = pool->solvables + p; if (ps->repo == s->repo && ps->arch == s->arch) if (!bestp || pool_evrcmp(pool, pool->solvables[bestp].evr, ps->evr, EVRCMP_COMPARE) < 0) bestp = p; } return bestp; } #if 0 if (name == NAMESPACE_LANGUAGE) { if (!strcmp(pool_id2str(pool, evr), "ja")) return 1; if (!strcmp(pool_id2str(pool, evr), "de")) return 1; if (!strcmp(pool_id2str(pool, evr), "en")) return 1; if (!strcmp(pool_id2str(pool, evr), "en_US")) return 1; } #endif return 0; } #ifdef SOFTLOCKS_PATH void addsoftlocks(Pool *pool, Queue *job) { FILE *fp; Id type, id, p, pp; char *bp, *ep, buf[4096]; if ((fp = fopen(SOFTLOCKS_PATH, "r")) == 0) return; while((bp = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) != 0) { while (*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t') bp++; if (!*bp || *bp == '#') continue; for (ep = bp; *ep; ep++) if (*ep == ' ' || *ep == '\t' || *ep == '\n') break; *ep = 0; type = SOLVER_SOLVABLE_NAME; if (!strncmp(bp, "provides:", 9) && bp[9]) { type = SOLVER_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES; bp += 9; } id = pool_str2id(pool, bp, 1); if (pool->installed) { FOR_JOB_SELECT(p, pp, type, id) if (pool->solvables[p].repo == pool->installed) break; if (p) continue; /* ignore, as it is already installed */ } queue_push2(job, SOLVER_LOCK|SOLVER_WEAK|type, id); } fclose(fp); } #endif void rewrite_repos(Pool *pool, Queue *addedfileprovides, Queue *addedfileprovides_inst) { Repo *repo; Repodata *data; Map providedids; Queue fileprovidesq; int i, j, n; struct repoinfo *cinfo; map_init(&providedids, pool->ss.nstrings); queue_init(&fileprovidesq); for (i = 0; i < addedfileprovides->count; i++) MAPSET(&providedids, addedfileprovides->elements[i]); FOR_REPOS(i, repo) { /* make sure all repodatas but the first are extensions */ if (repo->nrepodata < 2) continue; cinfo = repo->appdata; if (cinfo && cinfo->incomplete) continue; data = repo_id2repodata(repo, 1); if (data->loadcallback) continue; for (j = 2; j < repo->nrepodata; j++) { Repodata *edata = repo_id2repodata(repo, j); if (!edata->loadcallback) break; } if (j < repo->nrepodata) continue; /* found a non-externsion repodata, can't rewrite */ if (repodata_lookup_idarray(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_ADDEDFILEPROVIDES, &fileprovidesq)) { if (repo == pool->installed && addedfileprovides_inst) { for (j = 0; j < addedfileprovides->count; j++) MAPCLR(&providedids, addedfileprovides->elements[j]); for (j = 0; j < addedfileprovides_inst->count; j++) MAPSET(&providedids, addedfileprovides_inst->elements[j]); } n = 0; for (j = 0; j < fileprovidesq.count; j++) if (MAPTST(&providedids, fileprovidesq.elements[j])) n++; if (repo == pool->installed && addedfileprovides_inst) { for (j = 0; j < addedfileprovides_inst->count; j++) MAPCLR(&providedids, addedfileprovides_inst->elements[j]); for (j = 0; j < addedfileprovides->count; j++) MAPSET(&providedids, addedfileprovides->elements[j]); if (n == addedfileprovides_inst->count) continue; /* nothing new added */ } else if (n == addedfileprovides->count) continue; /* nothing new added */ } repodata_set_idarray(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_ADDEDFILEPROVIDES, repo == pool->installed && addedfileprovides_inst ? addedfileprovides_inst : addedfileprovides); repodata_internalize(data); writecachedrepo(repo, data, 0, cinfo ? cinfo->cookie : installedcookie); } queue_free(&fileprovidesq); map_free(&providedids); } static void select_patches(Pool *pool, Queue *job) { Id p, pp; int pruneyou = 0; Map installedmap, noobsmap; Solvable *s; map_init(&noobsmap, 0); map_init(&installedmap, pool->nsolvables); solver_calculate_noobsmap(pool, job, &noobsmap); if (pool->installed) FOR_REPO_SOLVABLES(pool->installed, p, s) MAPSET(&installedmap, p); /* install all patches */ for (p = 1; p < pool->nsolvables; p++) { const char *type; int r; Id p2; s = pool->solvables + p; if (strncmp(pool_id2str(pool, s->name), "patch:", 6) != 0) continue; FOR_PROVIDES(p2, pp, s->name) { Solvable *s2 = pool->solvables + p2; if (s2->name != s->name) continue; r = pool_evrcmp(pool, s->evr, s2->evr, EVRCMP_COMPARE); if (r < 0 || (r == 0 && p > p2)) break; } if (p2) continue; type = solvable_lookup_str(s, SOLVABLE_PATCHCATEGORY); if (type && !strcmp(type, "optional")) continue; r = solvable_trivial_installable_map(s, &installedmap, 0, &noobsmap); if (r == -1) continue; if (solvable_lookup_bool(s, UPDATE_RESTART) && r == 0) { if (!pruneyou++) queue_empty(job); } else if (pruneyou) continue; queue_push2(job, SOLVER_SOLVABLE, p); } map_free(&installedmap); map_free(&noobsmap); } #define MODE_LIST 0 #define MODE_INSTALL 1 #define MODE_ERASE 2 #define MODE_UPDATE 3 #define MODE_DISTUPGRADE 4 #define MODE_VERIFY 5 #define MODE_PATCH 6 #define MODE_INFO 7 #define MODE_REPOLIST 8 #define MODE_SEARCH 9 void usage(int r) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: solv COMMAND