#################################################################### # LAPACK make include file. # # LAPACK, Version 3.7.0 # # December 2016 # #################################################################### SHELL = /bin/sh # CC is the C compiler, normally invoked with options CFLAGS. # CC = cc CFLAGS = -O4 # Modify the FORTRAN and OPTS definitions to refer to the compiler # and desired compiler options for your machine. NOOPT refers to # the compiler options desired when NO OPTIMIZATION is selected. # FORTRAN = f77 OPTS = -O4 -fpe1 DRVOPTS = $(OPTS) NOOPT = # Define LOADER and LOADOPTS to refer to the loader and desired # load options for your machine. # LOADER = f77 LOADOPTS = # The archiver and the flag(s) to use when building an archive # (library). If your system has no ranlib, set RANLIB = echo. # ARCH = ar ARCHFLAGS = cr RANLIB = ranlib # Timer for the SECOND and DSECND routines # # Default: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the # EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME TIMER = EXT_ETIME # For RS6K: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the # EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_ #TIMER = EXT_ETIME_ # For gfortran compiler: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the # INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME #TIMER = INT_ETIME # If your Fortran compiler does not provide etime (like Nag Fortran # Compiler, etc...) SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the # INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU_TIME #TIMER = INT_CPU_TIME # If none of these work, you can use the NONE value. # In that case, SECOND and DSECND will always return 0. #TIMER = NONE # Uncomment the following line to include deprecated routines in # the LAPACK library. # #BUILD_DEPRECATED = Yes # LAPACKE has the interface to some routines from tmglib. # If LAPACKE_WITH_TMG is defined, add those routines to LAPACKE. # #LAPACKE_WITH_TMG = Yes # Location of the extended-precision BLAS (XBLAS) Fortran library # used for building and testing extended-precision routines. The # relevant routines will be compiled and XBLAS will be linked only # if USEXBLAS is defined. # #USEXBLAS = Yes #XBLASLIB = -lxblas # The location of the libraries to which you will link. (The # machine-specific, optimized BLAS library should be used whenever # possible.) # #BLASLIB = ../../librefblas.a BLASLIB = -ldxml CBLASLIB = ../../libcblas.a LAPACKLIB = liblapack.a TMGLIB = libtmglib.a LAPACKELIB = liblapacke.a