path: root/src/parsers/latexparser.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/parsers/latexparser.cxx')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/parsers/latexparser.cxx b/src/parsers/latexparser.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ffe3fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parsers/latexparser.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "../hunspell/csutil.hxx"
+#include "latexparser.hxx"
+#ifndef W32
+using namespace std;
+static struct {
+ const char * pat[2];
+ int arg;
+} PATTERN[] = {
+ { { "\\(", "\\)" } , 0 },
+ { { "$$", "$$" } , 0 },
+ { { "$", "$" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\begin{math}", "\\end{math}" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\[", "\\]" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\begin{displaymath}", "\\end{displaymath}" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\begin{equation}", "\\end{equation}" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\begin{equation*}", "\\end{equation*}" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\cite", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\nocite", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\index", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\label", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\ref", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\pageref", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\parbox", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\begin{verbatim}", "\\end{verbatim}" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\verb+", "+" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\verb|", "|" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\verb#", "#" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\verb*", "*" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\documentstyle", "\\begin{document}" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\documentclass", "\\begin{document}" } , 0 },
+// { { "\\documentclass", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\usepackage", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\includeonly", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\include", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\input", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\vspace", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\setlength", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\addtolength", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\settowidth", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\rule", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\hspace", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\vspace", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\\\[", "]" } , 0 },
+ { { "\\pagebreak[", "]" } , 0 } ,
+ { { "\\nopagebreak[", "]" } , 0 } ,
+ { { "\\enlargethispage", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\begin{tabular}", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\addcontentsline", NULL } , 2 } ,
+ { { "\\begin{thebibliography}", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\bibliography", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\bibliographystyle", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\bibitem", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\begin", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\end", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\pagestyle", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\pagenumbering", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\thispagestyle", NULL } , 1 } ,
+ { { "\\newtheorem", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\newcommand", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\renewcommand", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\setcounter", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\addtocounter", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\stepcounter", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\selectlanguage", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\inputencoding", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\hyphenation", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\definecolor", NULL } , 3 },
+ { { "\\color", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\textcolor", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\pagecolor", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\colorbox", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\fcolorbox", NULL } , 2 },
+ { { "\\declaregraphicsextensions", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\psfig", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\url", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\eqref", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\vskip", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\\vglue", NULL } , 1 },
+ { { "\'\'", NULL } , 1 }
+#define PATTERN_LEN (sizeof(PATTERN) / sizeof(PATTERN[0]))
+LaTeXParser::LaTeXParser(const char * wordchars)
+ init(wordchars);
+LaTeXParser::LaTeXParser(unsigned short * wordchars, int len)
+ init(wordchars, len);
+int LaTeXParser::look_pattern(int col)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PATTERN_LEN; i++) {
+ char * j = line[actual] + head;
+ const char * k = PATTERN[i].pat[col];
+ if (! k) continue;
+ while ((*k != '\0') && (tolower(*j) == *k)) {
+ j++;
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (*k == '\0') return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * LaTeXParser
+ *
+ * state 0: not wordchar
+ * state 1: wordchar
+ * state 2: comments
+ * state 3: commands
+ * state 4: commands with arguments
+ * state 5: % comment
+ *
+ */
+char * LaTeXParser::next_token()
+ int i;
+ int slash = 0;
+ int apostrophe;
+ for (;;) {
+ // fprintf(stderr,"depth: %d, state: %d, , arg: %d, token: %s\n",depth,state,arg,line[actual]+head);
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case 0: // non word chars
+ if ((pattern_num = look_pattern(0)) != -1) {
+ if (PATTERN[pattern_num].pat[1]) {
+ state = 2;
+ } else {
+ state = 4;
+ depth = 0;
+ arg = 0;
+ opt = 1;
+ }
+ head += strlen(PATTERN[pattern_num].pat[0]) - 1;
+ } else if ((line[actual][head] == '%')) {
+ state = 5;
+ } else if (is_wordchar(line[actual] + head)) {
+ state = 1;
+ token = head;
+ } else if (line[actual][head] == '\\') {
+ if (line[actual][head + 1] == '\\' || // \\ (linebreak)
+ (line[actual][head + 1] == '$') || // \$ (dollar sign)
+ (line[actual][head + 1] == '%')) { // \% (percent)
+ head++;
+ break;
+ }
+ state = 3;
+ } else if (line[actual][head] == '%') {
+ if ((head==0) || (line[actual][head - 1] != '\\')) state = 5;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: // wordchar
+ apostrophe = 0;
+ if (! is_wordchar(line[actual] + head) ||
+ (line[actual][head] == '\'' && line[actual][head+1] == '\'' && ++apostrophe)) {
+ state = 0;
+ char * t = alloc_token(token, &head);
+ if (apostrophe) head += 2;
+ if (t) return t;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: // comment, labels, etc
+ if (((i = look_pattern(1)) != -1) &&
+ (strcmp(PATTERN[i].pat[1],PATTERN[pattern_num].pat[1]) == 0)) {
+ state = 0;
+ head += strlen(PATTERN[pattern_num].pat[1]) - 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3: // command
+ if ((tolower(line[actual][head]) < 'a') || (tolower(line[actual][head]) > 'z')) {
+ state = 0;
+ head--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4: // command with arguments
+ if (slash && (line[actual][head] != '\0')) {
+ slash = 0;
+ head++;
+ break;
+ } else if (line[actual][head]=='\\') {
+ slash = 1;
+ } else if ((line[actual][head] == '{') ||
+ ((opt) && (line[actual][head] == '['))) {
+ depth++;
+ opt = 0;
+ } else if (line[actual][head] == '}') {
+ depth--;
+ if (depth == 0) {
+ opt = 1;
+ arg++;
+ }
+ if (((depth == 0) && (arg == PATTERN[pattern_num].arg)) ||
+ (depth < 0) ) {
+ state = 0; // XXX not handles the last optional arg.
+ }
+ } else if (line[actual][head] == ']') depth--;
+ } // case
+ if (next_char(line[actual], &head)) {
+ if (state == 5) state = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }