# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) Copyright 2001-2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Authors: Don Welch # # Local from base.g import * from base import device, utils from prnt import cups from base.codes import * from ui_utils import * # Qt from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * # Ui from printdialog_base import Ui_Dialog from filetable import FileTable, FILETABLE_TYPE_PRINT from printernamecombobox import PRINTERNAMECOMBOBOX_TYPE_PRINTER_ONLY PAGE_FILE = 0 PAGE_OPTIONS = 1 PAGE_MAX = 1 class PrintDialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, printer_name, args=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.printer_name = printer_name # User settings self.user_settings = UserSettings() self.user_settings.load() self.user_settings.debug() self.initUi() self.file_list = [] if args is not None: for a in args: self.Files.addFileFromUI(os.path.abspath(a)) self.devices = {} QTimer.singleShot(0, self.updateFilePage) def initUi(self): self.OptionsToolBox.include_job_options = True # connect signals/slots self.connect(self.CancelButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.CancelButton_clicked) self.connect(self.BackButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.BackButton_clicked) self.connect(self.NextButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.NextButton_clicked) self.initFilePage() self.initOptionsPage() # Application icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(load_pixmap('hp_logo', '128x128'))) if self.printer_name: self.PrinterName.setInitialPrinter(self.printer_name) self.StackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) # # File Page # def initFilePage(self): self.Files.setType(FILETABLE_TYPE_PRINT) #self.Files.setWorkingDir(user_conf.workingDirectory()) self.Files.setWorkingDir(self.user_settings.working_dir) self.connect(self.Files, SIGNAL("isEmpty"), self.Files_isEmpty) self.connect(self.Files, SIGNAL("isNotEmpty"), self.Files_isNotEmpty) def updateFilePage(self): self.NextButton.setText(self.__tr("Next >")) self.NextButton.setEnabled(self.Files.isNotEmpty()) self.BackButton.setEnabled(False) self.updateStepText(PAGE_FILE) self.Files.updateUi() def Files_isEmpty(self): self.NextButton.setEnabled(False) def Files_isNotEmpty(self): self.NextButton.setEnabled(True) # # Options Page # def initOptionsPage(self): self.BackButton.setEnabled(True) self.PrinterName.setType(PRINTERNAMECOMBOBOX_TYPE_PRINTER_ONLY) self.connect(self.PrinterName, SIGNAL("PrinterNameComboBox_currentChanged"), self.PrinterNameComboBox_currentChanged) self.connect(self.PrinterName, SIGNAL("PrinterNameComboBox_noPrinters"), self.PrinterNameComboBox_noPrinters) def updateOptionsPage(self): QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) try: self.PrinterName.updateUi() self.BackButton.setEnabled(True) num_files = len(self.Files.file_list) if num_files > 1: self.NextButton.setText(self.__tr("Print %1 Files").arg(num_files)) else: self.NextButton.setText(self.__tr("Print File")) self.updateStepText(PAGE_OPTIONS) # TODO: Enable print button only if printer is accepting and all options are OK (esp. page range) finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def PrinterNameComboBox_currentChanged(self, device_uri, printer_name): try: self.devices[device_uri] except KeyError: self.devices[device_uri] = device.Device(device_uri) self.OptionsToolBox.updateUi(self.devices[device_uri], printer_name) def PrinterNameComboBox_noPrinters(self): FailureUI(self, self.__tr("No printers found.

Please setup a printer and try again.")) self.close() # # Print # def executePrint(self): for cmd in self.OptionsToolBox.getPrintCommands(self.Files.file_list): log.debug(cmd) status, output = utils.run(cmd, log_output=True, password_func=None, timeout=1) if status != 0: FailureUI(self, self.__tr("Print command failed with status code %1.


").arg(status).arg(cmd)) self.close() #print file('/home/dwelch/.cups/lpoptions', 'r').read() # # Misc # def CancelButton_clicked(self): self.close() def BackButton_clicked(self): p = self.StackedWidget.currentIndex() if p == PAGE_OPTIONS: self.StackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(PAGE_FILE) self.updateFilePage() else: log.error("Invalid page!") # shouldn't happen! def NextButton_clicked(self): p = self.StackedWidget.currentIndex() if p == PAGE_FILE: self.StackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(PAGE_OPTIONS) self.updateOptionsPage() elif p == PAGE_OPTIONS: self.executePrint() def updateStepText(self, p): self.StepText.setText(self.__tr("Step %1 of %2").arg(p+1).arg(PAGE_MAX+1)) def __tr(self,s,c = None): return qApp.translate("PrintDialog",s,c) """ def printButton_clicked(self): if self.invalid_page_range: self.form.FailureUI(self.__tr("Cannot print: Invalid page range: %1

A valid page range is a list of pages or ranges of pages separated by commas (e.g., 1-2,4,6-7)").arg(self.pageRangeEdit.text())) return try: try: self.cur_device.open() except Error: self.form.FailureUI(self.__tr("Cannot print: Device is busy or not available.

Please check device and try again.")) return if 1: # Go ahead and allow - print will be queued in CUPS if not rejecting printers = cups.getPrinters() for p in printers: if p.name == self.cur_printer: break if p.state == cups.IPP_PRINTER_STATE_STOPPED: self.form.FailureUI(self.__tr("Cannot print: Printer is stopped.

Please START the printer to continue this print. Job will begin printing once printer is started.")) if not p.accepting: self.form.FailureUI(self.__tr("Cannot print: Printer is not accepting jobs.

Please set the printer to ACCEPTING JOBS to continue printing.")) return copies = int(self.copiesSpinBox.value()) all_pages = self.pages_button_group == 0 page_range = unicode(self.pageRangeEdit.text()) page_set = int(self.pageSetComboBox.currentItem()) cups.resetOptions() cups.openPPD(self.cur_printer) current_options = dict(cups.getOptions()) cups.closePPD() nup = int(current_options.get("number-up", 1)) for p, t, d in self.file_list: alt_nup = (nup > 1 and t == 'application/postscript' and utils.which('psnup')) if utils.which('lpr'): if alt_nup: cmd = ' '.join(['psnup', '-%d' % nup, ''.join(['"', p, '"']), '| lpr -P', self.cur_printer]) else: cmd = ' '.join(['lpr -P', self.cur_printer]) if copies > 1: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-#%d' % copies]) else: if alt_nup: cmd = ' '.join(['psnup', '-%d' % nup, ''.join(['"', p, '"']), '| lp -c -d', self.cur_printer]) else: cmd = ' '.join(['lp -c -d', self.cur_printer]) if copies > 1: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-n%d' % copies]) if not all_pages and len(page_range) > 0: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o page-ranges=%s' % page_range]) if page_set > 0: if page_set == 1: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o page-set=even']) else: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o page-set=odd']) # Job Storage # self.job_storage_mode = (0=Off, 1=P&H, 2=PJ, 3=QC, 4=SJ) # self.job_storage_pin = u"" (dddd) # self.job_storage_use_pin = True|False # self.job_storage_username = u"" # self.job_storage_auto_username = True|False # self.job_storage_jobname = u"" # self.job_storage_auto_jobname = True|False # self.job_storage_job_exist = (0=replace, 1=job name+(1-99)) if self.job_storage_avail: if self.job_storage_mode: # On if self.job_storage_mode == 1: # Proof and Hold cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLD=PROOF']) elif self.job_storage_mode == 2: # Private Job if self.job_storage_use_pin: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLD=ON']) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLDTYPE=PRIVATE']) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLDKEY=%s' % self.job_storage_pin.encode('ascii')]) else: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLD=PROOF']) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLDTYPE=PRIVATE']) elif self.job_storage_mode == 3: # Quick Copy cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLD=ON']) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLDTYPE=PUBLIC']) elif self.job_storage_mode == 4: # Store Job if self.job_storage_use_pin: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLD=STORE']) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLDTYPE=PRIVATE']) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLDKEY=%s' % self.job_storage_pin.encode('ascii')]) else: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLD=STORE']) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o USERNAME=%s' % self.job_storage_username.encode('ascii')\ .replace(" ", "_")]) cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o JOBNAME=%s' % self.job_storage_jobname.encode('ascii')\ .replace(" ", "_")]) if self.job_storage_job_exist == 1: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o DUPLICATEJOB=APPEND']) else: cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o DUPLICATEJOB=REPLACE']) else: # Off cmd = ' '.join([cmd, '-o HOLD=OFF']) if not alt_nup: cmd = ''.join([cmd, ' "', p, '"']) log.debug("Printing: %s" % cmd) code = os.system(cmd) if code != 0: log.error("Print command failed.") self.form.FailureUI(self.__tr("Print command failed with error code %1").arg(code)) self.form.close() finally: self.cur_device.close() """