path: root/src/H5ACdbg.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/H5ACdbg.c')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/H5ACdbg.c b/src/H5ACdbg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d71a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/H5ACdbg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Copyright by The HDF Group. *
+ * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
+ * All rights reserved. *
+ * *
+ * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
+ * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
+ * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
+ * distribution tree, or in *
+ * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
+ * *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+ *
+ * Created: H5ACdbg.c
+ *
+ * Purpose: Functions for debugging the metadata cache
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+/* Module Setup */
+#include "H5ACmodule.h" /* This source code file is part of the H5AC module */
+#define H5F_FRIEND /* Suppress error about including H5Fpkg */
+/* Headers */
+#include "H5private.h" /* Generic Functions */
+#include "H5ACpkg.h" /* Metadata cache */
+#include "H5Eprivate.h" /* Error handling */
+#include "H5Fpkg.h" /* Files */
+/* Local Macros */
+/* Local Typedefs */
+/* Package Typedefs */
+/* Local Prototypes */
+/* Package Variables */
+/* Library Private Variables */
+/* Local Variables */
+ * Function: H5AC_stats
+ *
+ * Purpose: Prints statistics about the cache.
+ *
+ * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
+ *
+ * Programmer: Robb Matzke
+ * Thursday, October 30, 1997
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+H5AC_stats(const H5F_t *f)
+ /* Sanity checks */
+ HDassert(f);
+ HDassert(f->shared);
+ HDassert(f->shared->cache);
+ /* at present, this can't fail */
+ (void)H5C_stats(f->shared->cache, H5F_OPEN_NAME(f), FALSE);
+} /* H5AC_stats() */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ * Function: H5AC_dump_cache
+ *
+ * Purpose: Dumps a summary of the contents of the metadata cache
+ * to stdout.
+ *
+ * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer
+ * Sunday, October 10, 2010
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+H5AC_dump_cache(const H5F_t *f)
+ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
+ /* Sanity checks */
+ HDassert(f);
+ HDassert(f->shared);
+ HDassert(f->shared->cache);
+ if(H5C_dump_cache(f->shared->cache, H5F_OPEN_NAME(f)) < 0)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_dump_cache() failed.")
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC_dump_cache() */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ * Function: H5AC__close_trace_file()
+ *
+ * Purpose: If a trace file is open, stop logging calls to the cache,
+ * and close the file.
+ *
+ * Note that the function does nothing if there is no trace
+ * file.
+ *
+ * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer
+ * 6/2/06
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+H5AC__close_trace_file(H5AC_t *cache_ptr)
+ FILE * trace_file_ptr;
+ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
+ if(cache_ptr == NULL)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "NULL cache_ptr on entry.")
+ if(NULL == (trace_file_ptr = H5C_get_trace_file_ptr(cache_ptr)))
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_get_trace_file_ptr() failed.")
+ if(trace_file_ptr != NULL) {
+ if(H5C_set_trace_file_ptr(cache_ptr, NULL) < 0)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_set_trace_file_ptr() failed.")
+ if(HDfclose(trace_file_ptr) != 0)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTCLOSEFILE, FAIL, "can't close metadata cache trace file")
+ } /* end if */
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC__close_trace_file() */
+ * Function: H5AC__open_trace_file()
+ *
+ * Purpose: Open a trace file, and start logging calls to the cache.
+ *
+ * This logging is done at the H5C level, and will only take
+ * place if H5C_TRACE_FILE_ENABLED (defined in H5Cprivate.h)
+ * is TRUE.
+ *
+ * Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer
+ * 6/1/06
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+H5AC__open_trace_file(H5AC_t *cache_ptr, const char *trace_file_name)
+ char file_name[H5AC__MAX_TRACE_FILE_NAME_LEN + H5C__PREFIX_LEN + 2];
+ FILE * file_ptr;
+ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
+ HDassert(cache_ptr);
+ /* Check args */
+ if(cache_ptr == NULL)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "cache_ptr NULL on entry.")
+ if(trace_file_name == NULL)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "NULL trace_file_name on entry.")
+ if(HDstrlen(trace_file_name) > H5AC__MAX_TRACE_FILE_NAME_LEN)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "trace file name too long.")
+ if(NULL != (file_ptr = H5C_get_trace_file_ptr(cache_ptr)))
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_FILEOPEN, FAIL, "trace file already open.")
+ H5AC_aux_t * aux_ptr;
+ aux_ptr = (H5AC_aux_t *)H5C_get_aux_ptr(cache_ptr);
+ if(aux_ptr == NULL)
+ sprintf(file_name, "%s", trace_file_name);
+ else {
+ if(aux_ptr->magic != H5AC__H5AC_AUX_T_MAGIC)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "Bad aux_ptr->magic.")
+ sprintf(file_name, "%s.%d", trace_file_name, aux_ptr->mpi_rank);
+ } /* end else */
+ if(HDstrlen(file_name) > H5AC__MAX_TRACE_FILE_NAME_LEN + H5C__PREFIX_LEN + 1)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "cooked trace file name too long.")
+#else /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
+ HDsnprintf(file_name, (size_t)(H5AC__MAX_TRACE_FILE_NAME_LEN + H5C__PREFIX_LEN + 1),
+ "%s", trace_file_name);
+#endif /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
+ if((file_ptr = HDfopen(file_name, "w")) == NULL)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "trace file open failed.")
+ HDfprintf(file_ptr, "### HDF5 metadata cache trace file version 1 ###\n");
+ if(H5C_set_trace_file_ptr(cache_ptr, file_ptr) < 0)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_set_trace_file_ptr() failed.")
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC__open_trace_file() */
+ *
+ * Function: H5AC_get_entry_ptr_from_addr()
+ *
+ * Purpose: Debugging function that attempts to look up an entry in the
+ * cache by its file address, and if found, returns a pointer
+ * to the entry in *entry_ptr_ptr. If the entry is not in the
+ * cache, *entry_ptr_ptr is set to NULL.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This call should be used only in debugging
+ * routines, and it should be avoided when
+ * possible.
+ *
+ * Further, if we ever multi-thread the cache,
+ * this routine will have to be either discarded
+ * or heavily re-worked.
+ *
+ * Finally, keep in mind that the entry whose
+ * pointer is obtained in this fashion may not
+ * be in a stable state.
+ *
+ * Note that this function is only defined if NDEBUG
+ * is not defined.
+ *
+ * As heavy use of this function is almost certainly a
+ * bad idea, the metadata cache tracks the number of
+ * successful calls to this function, and (if
+ * H5C_DO_SANITY_CHECKS is defined) displays any
+ * non-zero count on cache shutdown.
+ *
+ * This function is just a wrapper that calls the H5C
+ * version of the function.
+ *
+ * Return: FAIL if error is detected, SUCCEED otherwise.
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer, 5/30/14
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+H5AC_get_entry_ptr_from_addr(const H5F_t *f, haddr_t addr, void **entry_ptr_ptr)
+ H5C_t *cache_ptr; /* Ptr to cache */
+ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
+ /* Sanity checks */
+ HDassert(f);
+ HDassert(f->shared);
+ cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
+ if(H5C_get_entry_ptr_from_addr(cache_ptr, addr, entry_ptr_ptr) < 0)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_get_entry_ptr_from_addr() failed")
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC_get_entry_ptr_from_addr() */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ * Function: H5AC_flush_dependency_exists()
+ *
+ * Purpose: Test to see if a flush dependency relationship exists
+ * between the supplied parent and child. Both parties
+ * are indicated by addresses so as to avoid the necessity
+ * of protect / unprotect calls prior to this call.
+ *
+ * If either the parent or the child is not in the metadata
+ * cache, the function sets *fd_exists_ptr to FALSE.
+ *
+ * If both are in the cache, the childs list of parents is
+ * searched for the proposed parent. If the proposed parent
+ * is found in the childs parent list, the function sets
+ * *fd_exists_ptr to TRUE. In all other non-error cases,
+ * the function sets *fd_exists_ptr FALSE.
+ *
+ * Return: SUCCEED on success/FAIL on failure. Note that
+ * *fd_exists_ptr is undefined on failure.
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer
+ * 9/28/16
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+H5AC_flush_dependency_exists(H5F_t *f, haddr_t parent_addr, haddr_t child_addr,
+ hbool_t *fd_exists_ptr)
+ H5C_t *cache_ptr; /* Ptr to cache */
+ herr_t ret_value = FAIL; /* Return value */
+ /* Sanity checks */
+ HDassert(f);
+ HDassert(f->shared);
+ cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
+ ret_value = H5C_flush_dependency_exists(cache_ptr, parent_addr, child_addr, fd_exists_ptr);
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC_flush_dependency_exists() */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ *
+ * Function: H5AC_verify_entry_type()
+ *
+ * Purpose: Debugging function that attempts to look up an entry in the
+ * cache by its file address, and if found, test to see if its
+ * type field contains the expected value.
+ *
+ * If the specified entry is in cache, *in_cache_ptr is set
+ * to TRUE, and *type_ok_ptr is set to TRUE or FALSE depending
+ * on whether the entries type field matches the
+ * expected_type parameter
+ *
+ * If the target entry is not in cache, *in_cache_ptr is
+ * set to FALSE, and *type_ok_ptr is undefined.
+ *
+ * Note that this function is only defined if NDEBUG
+ * is not defined.
+ *
+ * This function is just a wrapper that calls the H5C
+ * version of the function.
+ *
+ * Return: FAIL if error is detected, SUCCEED otherwise.
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer, 5/30/14
+ *
+ * Changes: None.
+ *
+ * JRM -- 9/17/16
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+H5AC_verify_entry_type(const H5F_t *f, haddr_t addr,
+ const H5AC_class_t *expected_type, hbool_t *in_cache_ptr,
+ hbool_t *type_ok_ptr)
+ H5C_t * cache_ptr;
+ herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
+ /* Sanity checks */
+ HDassert(f);
+ HDassert(f->shared);
+ cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
+ if(H5C_verify_entry_type(cache_ptr, addr, expected_type, in_cache_ptr, type_ok_ptr) < 0)
+ HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_SYSTEM, FAIL, "H5C_verify_entry_type() failed")
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC_verify_entry_type() */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ * Function: H5AC_get_serialization_in_progress
+ *
+ * Purpose: Return the current value of
+ * cache_ptr->serialization_in_progress.
+ *
+ * Return: Current value of cache_ptr->serialization_in_progress.
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer
+ * 8/24/15
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+H5AC_get_serialization_in_progress(H5F_t *f)
+ H5C_t * cache_ptr;
+ hbool_t ret_value = FALSE; /* Return value */
+ /* Sanity check */
+ HDassert(f);
+ HDassert(f->shared);
+ cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
+ /* Set return value */
+ ret_value = H5C_get_serialization_in_progress(cache_ptr);
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC_get_serialization_in_progress() */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+ *
+ * Function: H5AC_cache_is_clean()
+ *
+ * Purpose: Debugging function that verifies that all rings in the
+ * metadata cache are clean from the outermost ring, inwards
+ * to the inner ring specified.
+ *
+ * Returns TRUE if all specified rings are clean, and FALSE
+ * if not. Throws an assertion failure on error.
+ *
+ * Return: TRUE if the indicated ring(s) are clean, and FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * Programmer: John Mainzer, 6/18/16
+ *
+ * Changes: None.
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+H5AC_cache_is_clean(const H5F_t *f, H5AC_ring_t inner_ring)
+ H5C_t *cache_ptr;
+ hbool_t ret_value = FALSE; /* Return value */
+ /* Sanity checks */
+ HDassert(f);
+ HDassert(f->shared);
+ cache_ptr = f->shared->cache;
+ ret_value = H5C_cache_is_clean(cache_ptr, inner_ring);
+ FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(ret_value)
+} /* H5AC_cache_is_clean() */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */